YOL. 12 -No. 5 Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii February I, 1963 Number One Siren Test Schools Will Air and Civil Defense SgtMaj. Due sirens wall today at 11 Graduate #1 a.m. The Civil Defense test will go for one minute fol- Henry E. A. Enos, Brigade G-I Ad- On Tuesday COMMENDATION-SSgt. lowed by a minute of si- Quota Today (r), receives ministration Chief congratulations from Col. R. L. The Marine Corps' top en- lence-then one minute K-Bay's First Marine Brigade Brigade Commander, upon receiving a Letter of Com- listed man will Monday Stallings, arrive of the "take cover" signal. chalks up another "first" in mendation from Army Headquarters, Pacific. The letter, pre- for a three-day visit with Staff Five minutes later the the record books today. sented to Sgt. Enos last week, commended him for outstanding NCOs at Navy and Marine tidal wave warning Brigade Schools will award performance of duty while attached to Joint Task Force 116 in Corps installations here on sounds. It will consist of a diplomas to 131 knowledge - Thailand. Oahu. steady one minute blast. seekers, the largest single Marine Corps Sergeant Ma- graduating class ever to come jor Thomas J. McHugh will be `in Outstanding Noncom' out of the School. accomranying MajGen. Leon- Ceremonies, to be attended ard F. Chapman Jr., Assistant Fund Drives by military dignitaries, the Chief of Staff, G-4, HQMC, who Brigade band, and a guest Army Officer Cites Brigade is scheduled to meet with speaker, will mark the occa- FMFPac officials on fiscal mat- Sailing Into sion at 2 p.m. between build- ters. ings 256 and 257. Purpose of the Sergeant Marine for Thailand Duties Col. L. K. London, Asst. G-3 Major's visit is to meet in- for FMFPac, will be guest SSgt. Henry E. A. Enos, Bri- tablished you as a valued mem- formally with Staff NCOs Third Week The Station-Brigade joint speaker with Chaplain J. H. gade G-1 Administration Chief, ber of the command group, and their wives and discuss Lampe delivering benediction. has received a special Letter any problems or suggestions fund drive for National Health especially during the difficult, Agencies and Federal Service Unit representatives will also of Commendation citing him early period of deployment and they have which might bene- be on hand to view the "finis." for his performance of duty in fit the Marine Corps. Joint Crusade continues establishment of the headquar- through its third week with According to Major Archie Thailand. ters." A Staff NCO parade honor- Van Winkle, Schools Direc- The Letter, from Army ing the Sergeant Major will be both commands registering In conclusion, Col. McBane favorable tor, it took 20 personnel Col. R. B. Mc Bane, Deputy held at Pearl Harbor Marine reports. one from the school 526 man- Adjutant General, CSAR- said, "I consider you to be Barracks Monday at 2:30 p.m. "We've received contribu- non- hours to graduate the 131 PAC, was presented to Sgt. of the most outstanding This will be followed by a re- tion envelopes from about 75 I have of Marines. Enos by Col. R. L. Stallings, commissioned officers ception at the Staff Club there. percent the Station per- served with in many years of sonnel, including Civil Serv- Numbers graduating from Brigade commander, last Tuesday he will meet with each class: Nuclear Biological Thursday. joint headquarters experience, Marines at Barber's Point, the ice, since the drive began." hap- Maj. G. H. Benskin, Chemical, 24; NBC Monitoring Col. Mc Bane commended and would be particularly Naval Ammunition Depot, Lila- Station you with me Class, 37; Field Wire Class, 23; Sgt. Enos on his "outstanding py to have serve lualei, and the Communications drive coordinator, comment- ed. Motor Vehicle Operators Class, performance of duty" while again." Center, Wahiawa. "This last payday should 19; and Personnel-Administra- Administrative NCO, Office of Col. Stallings' endorsement That same afternoon he tion Class, 28. the Chief of Staff. Hq. Joint of the letter stated, "I wish to will be a guest of Brigade wind it up. We still have a to com- Marines and dependents are cask Force 116 in Thailand, commend you for your profes- and Station Staff NCOs and chance contact people ing off leave before the Feb. invited to attend the ceremon- from May 15 to Sept. 21, 1962. sional actions while attached their wives here at K-Bay. pre- 15 deadline," he added. ies. If inclement weather In part, the letter read: to Joint Task Force 116, which This will start with happy vails the ceremonies will be Your fine qualities of leader- reflects most highly upon your- hour at the Club beginning at Maj. B. B. Ferrell, Brigade fund drive director, said his held in Theatre 1. ship and your willingness to ac- self, the Brigade and the 4 p.m. followed by a steak- keymen met with Col. R. L. Lent responsibility quickly es- United States Marine Corps." dinner at 6:30. Stallings, Brigade Command- Official Opening The Quicker er, Monday and planned to the Better step up the Brigade drive 17: Col. W. R. Campbell,k. following this week's payday. - Station CO, will cut a "I believe Brigade Marines Maile lei today at 4 p.m. ±_ Avoid April Anxiety: Fill, File Forms Fast will be glad to give to these to officially open the new worthy causes more readily if K-Bay Marine Exchange One of the shortest periods the return for "just another income, and claim no special they have a little money in Launderette. it in the year is that time be- week or two" usually results deductions or exemptions, their pockets," Maj. Ferrell Exchange officers from is a simple task to fill out the tween the day one receives in a mad rush to get it fin- said. all military installations 1040A short form and mail it his W-2 Form and the dead- ished and into the mail be- FirstCompRadCo. and PMR on the island, and their line for filing his income tax fore April 15. to the closest Internal Rev- Facility representatives have along with the ladies have been invited to return. For those who earn less enue Service acknowledged good returns the formal cere- original copy of the W-2. attend Putting off preparation of than $5000, have no outside from their units, with PMR re- monies. This form does everything porting 60 percent donations. but file itself. List your total taxable income, your own ex- emption and those of your dependents, if any, and the amount of taxes withheld dur- ing the year. Then turn to a table accompanying the form to determine your tax. The table includes a lib- eral allowance for such. tax exempted expenses as gas- oline taxes, charities, medi- cal expenses, interest paid on loans and mortgages, and others. Taxable military pay in- cludes base pay, proficiency, hazardous duty and overseas pay, and certain travel allow- V. Sullivan CHANGE OF COMMAND - When I stLt. James and per diem pay. The ances AND THE CYMBALS SING Cpl. John R. Robbins, row a took over the reins as Recon's CO from Capt. C. A. Boyd (I) two taxable only if - latter are sergeant with FMFPac's Drum and Bugle Team, performs a cym- 'ast week, he was presented the Company's traditional "walking the amount received exceeds bal solo to viewers at a recent performance in Japan. This kind stick." The stick, originated Li Capt. H. C. Davis during a 135 - the person's actual expenses of entertainment, at 138- steps -per- minute, will be K-Bayites' mile hike on the big island in July 1959 has been handed down in ex- and then only that part puts to succeeding commanders with their names engraved on it. pleasure today at 3 p.m. on Dewey Square when the team on a all. Capt. Boyd assumed duties as assistant regimental 5-3 officer. (See Best Tax on l'age 8) 20-minute spectacular for 2 Windward Marine February 1, 1963 Overseas Gift Duty May Be Altered Soon The U.S. government has an- Confusion Takes a Holiday - Brigade units are sending an nounced plans to block customs officer and a Staff NCO each to a special Federal Income Tax cheaters who send gift pack- lecture at the Submarine Base Theater, Pearl Harbor, Tuesday in an effort to provide a few authorities on base to help with ages into the United States tax problems. without paying duty. Representatives of the Internal Revenue Service will present Commissioner of Customs the lecture, expected to last throughout the day. Philip Nichols Jr. proposed Station and 1st CompRadCo. representatives have also been invited cutting the exempted value to attend the tax session. of gift parcels from overseas * * * from the present $10 to $1. Always On Top - GySgt. N. J. Broussard did credit for the Corps when he earned the coveted Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor The U.S. Treasury has lost Award as top student in the Army Language School, Monterey, considerable revenue because Calif. of widespread abuse of the ex- The Gunny led more than 300 students in academic stand- emption, Nichols said in a ings to take the honor. He reports to Camp Lejeune for duty speech to the Federal Business * * Association of Maryland. By The Numbers . Change Hats! Officers and enlisted ceremony was the men serving with security forces throughout the Pacific are 60,000TH LANDING -A cake-cutting order He contended the reduc- of the day for MATCU-62 personnel marEing their 60,000th required to conform to FMFPac uniform regulations.
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