Matawan Board tb Appeal Budget Girt SEE STORY PAGE 51 The Weather Showers ending, becoming THEBMLY FINAL partly'cloudy and mild today. Knl Bank;, Prreholi! 7^ Fair tonight. Mostly sunny and mild tomorrow. T EDITION '<>„; 36 PAGES Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 174 RED BANK, \.J. THURSDAY, MARCH 8,1973 TEN CENTS iiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiuiiMinH Tliree Senate Di Eyed for Monmouth By BEN VAN VLIET clared unconstitutional be- have been adopted by the Both co-chairmen of the Under that plan,. Monmouth The coastal district would Shrewsbury Township, Colts cause it didn't conform to one- commission late last month, commission — Richard Cof- County would be divided into be the home district of Sen. Neck, Eatontown, Holmdel, TRENTON — A legislative man, one-vote concept, the but was held up when the U.S. fee, a Mercer County Demo- three senate districts — the Richard R. Stout. It would be West Long Branch, Sea redistricting plan, reportedly three senators ran at large Supreme Court ruled in a case crat, and Sen. Raymond H. Coastal District, the Central comprised of Point Pleasant, Bright, Oceanport, Red Bank, favored by the bipartisan ap- within the county. involving Virginia that larger Bateman, R-Somerset, were District and the Bayshore Dis- Point Pleasant Beach, Bay Little Silver, Engiishtown, portionment commission, In addition, there are two population deviations in dis- away and not available for trict, each with roughly Head, Bridle, Manasquan, Freehold, Freehold Township, would carve up Monmouth assembly districts each repre- tricts were allowable. comment. 180,000 population! Sea Girt, Spring Lake, Spring Manalapan Township, Marl- County into three state Senate sented by two assemblyman. The commission said it However, the apportion- The coastal, district would Lake Heights, Wall Township, boro, and Howell Township. districts. There also is a fifth assem- wanted to study the Virginia ment commission is scheduled also include the Ocean County South Belmar, Belmar, Avon. The smallest district, in Each of the districts would blyman who ran at large. decision before deciding on a to meet this morning at the municipalities of Point Pleas- Neptune, Neptune City, area, would be the Bayshore be represented by a senator The new plan eliminates the redistricting plan. The exist- Ramada Inn in New Brunsw- ant, Point Pleasant Beach, Bradley Beach, Asbury Park, district, now represented by and two assemblymen. at-large seat and requires two ing New Jersey apportion- ick, and a decision on the and Bay Head. Allenhurst, lnterlaken, Deal, Sen. Joseph Azzolina. The plan would "protect" assemblymen to be elected ment plan has a maximum de- reapportionment plan is ex- The Bayshore District Ocean Township, Long It is comprised of Middle- each of the county's three from each senate district. viation of 31 per cent. pected either Thursday or would add Jamesburg, Mon- Branch, Monmouth Beach, town, Keyport, Keansburg, state senators — Alfred N. Adoption Delayed A spokesman for-the com- Friday. roe Township, and Madison and Loch Arbour. Union Beach, Matawan, Beadleston of Rumsoh, Rich- The apportionment commis- mission said yesterday he 3 Senate Districts Township from Middlesex! Bayshore Smallest Matawan Township, Madison ard R. Stout of Ocepn Town- sion reportedly had agreed doesn't think the Virginia de- Monmouth County Demo- County. The central district would Township, Monroe Township, ship, and Joseph Azzolina of upon a plan which would have cision will have any effect on crats believe the Commission In addition,' Allcntown, be represented by Sen. Alfred Jamesburg, and Hazlet Town- Middletown -- by placing allowed a maximum deviation New Jersey's redistricting, will adopt the plan which re- Roosevelt, Upper Freehold N. Beadleston. ship. each of them in a separate of two per cent from the ideal and that the commission will portedly already has the sup- Township, and Millstone It would be comprised of At- Monmouth County Demo- district. senate district of 179,270 popu- adopt the plan which it had port of the majority of mem- Township would be joined lantic Highlands, Highlands, crats are so convinced that Under the existing appor- lation. prepared probably by the end bers of the commission mem- with a new district in Mercer Rumson, Fair Haven, Shrews- this plan will be the one tionment, which has been de- This plan was supposed to of the week. bers. County. bury, New Shrewsbury, See Three, Page 2 David Resnlkoff Sandman Denies Favoring Superport for Raritan Bay TRENTON (AP) - Rep. Jersey coast on environmen- Cahill issued a statement The Raritan Bay lies off the ready located in northern Charles W. Sandman denies tal grounds. Sandman said opposing the proposal shortly shores of Middlesex and Mon- New Jersey "I say let's keep that he proposed construction that to the residents of north- after it was made and State mouth Counties and Staten Is- them there so that South Jer- of a deepwater oil port in the ern New Jersey "clean air Commissioner of Environ- land, N.Y. The Middlesex sey can be spared the fate Raritan Bay despite the dis- and water are just a memory. mental Protection Richard J. County Raritan Bay area is that has already befallen that tribution of a statement at- To the people of South Jersey, Sullivan said that a state gov- among the most highly con- section of the Northern area tributed to him before a con- they are reality. Don't take ernor's opposition to a Corps gested industrial regions in of the state." gressional committee clearly this reality from them." . of Engineers proposal always the state, including major oil Sandman proposed that a calling for such a project. Sandman declared his can- has been enough to halt a pro- facilities. deepwater port be financed The statement was sub- didacy for the GOP nomi- gram. and huilt by the Port Author- mitted Feb. 26 to the U.S. Sen- nation for governor two weeks In his statement to the Sen- Sandman said since oil stor- ity of New York and New Jer- ate subcommittee on air and ago. Cahill has not announced ate committee, Sandman said, age and refining areas are al- sey. water pollution. It was dis- his future political plans but if "I am not here to oppose the tributed yesterday by Sand- he seeks another term, a hard deepwater port. I am here on man's longtime Republican fought primary battle is ex- behalf of my constituents to Party foe, Gov. William T. pected. Sandman finished sec- unequivocally oppose the loca- AP Wlrapmt* Bonn May Act Cahill. ond to Cahill in the 1969 GOP tion of such a port anywhere TROOPS GUARD IRISH POLL CENTER - British troops and coils of primary. barbed wire surround Floral Hall in Belfast, Northern Ireland, yesterday. Sandman said, "In his be- off the Jersey coast." The hoil l.s where votes in today's election will be counted. The resi- lated attempt to raise the pop- Statehouse observers specu- He argued that construction dent of Northern Ireland will vote on whether to stay part of the United ular .tide of opposition to an lated yesterday that Cahill's of a port would mean the loca- offshore oil port which I have reply to Sandman on the port tion of oil refineries and "his- Unilaterally In Kingdom, or to join the Irish Republic. (See Story page 3.) always opposed, the governor issue was a broad hint that' tory shows us that refineries has gone on record against the governor will seek a sec- mean sewer water and air deep water ports." ond term. pollution." Cahill said he was gravely The Army Corps of Engi- Sandman proposed that "in- Money Crisis 56 POWs Arriving concerned by Sandman's Feb. neers in January proposed stead of allowing an oil in- 26 proposal to build an oil port, construction of a deepwater vasion of the Delaware Bay BRUSSELS (AP) - West no alternative to floating the By The Associated Press the final leg of their flight to Air Base in the Philippines to in the Raritan Bay off Middle- oil port at one of four loca- area, I favor dredging the Germany threatened to go it mark against all currencies. Fifty-six more American freedom. family reunions in the United sex County. tions, in the Raritan Bay, off channel into New York Har- alone with a currency float as Because the mark has dis- men headed home today on The 5fi enroute from Clark States are the latest prisoners Opposed Port the New Jersey Coast at Long bor to a depth of 100 feet, al- the finance ministers of the placed the dollar as the of war to be freed. Cahill has previously voiced Branch, in the Delaware Bay low.ing the world's finest nine Common Market coun- world's strongest currency, They left Clark on three gi- opposition to construction of a off Cape May or off the Dela- deepwater port to be estab- tries gathered in Brussels the Frankfurt exchange has . ant C141 hospital planes bound port anywhere off the New ware coast. lished in the Raritan Bay." today for another try at a been the target for most of Two POWs Due for four locations — Andrews joint approach to the world the speculators and money Air Force Base in Maryland, monetary crisis. managers who have been sell- Kelly Air Force Base in The Germans wanted the ing dollars in record quan- Texas, Scott Air Force Base other eight nations to join tities in recent months. To At Fort Hospital in Illinois and Travis Air StrandFilmR eopening them in a joint float, setting maintain the official parity FT. MONMOUTH - Two Army staff sergeants who have Force Base in California.
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