200 brave rain for CROP walk in Freehold, B1 GREATER RED BANK EATONTOWN Down under Dream lives on LONG BRANCH New Zealander wins County leaders applaud New York Marathon. King national holiday. Today'* Forecast: Cool, chance of showers Page B3 Page B1 Complete weather on A2 The Daily Register VOL. 106 NO. 96 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER'. SINCE 1878 MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1983 « 25 CENTS U.S. death toll climbs to 161 Marine replacements heading to Beirut BY G.G. LaBELLE Headquarters Bombed — BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - More than 300 fresh U.S. Marines headed to Beirut today, their emotions at a "fever-pitch high" following twin suicide terrorist bombings that Checkpoint/;/ killed 161 of their comrades and left x, ! i Route Of 62 French peacekeepers dead or missing The Pentagon gave the American death toll as 161. but U.S. Marine officials in Beirut said as many as 50 Marines might still be buried in the wreckage with no hope they survived. French officials said 17 French troops were killed. 15 wounded and idmlnistratioi 41 missing, while Beirut radio said uiMing 34 Frenchmen were killed Marine spokesman M;IJ Robert on* Jordan said up to 300 Marines and uiMing Navy men may have been in the Parking Lot four-story command center at Beirut airport when it was blown up early yesterday by a ton of TNT in a red pickup truck driven by a Beirut suicide terrorist He said "about 80" International American troops were wounded. • Airport About a mile away and only seconds later, another vehicle pack- Terminal ed with explosives blew up a nine- [ Sow*: DtJtMinwit of Ottyw story building housing French troops. After a night of frantic clawing through the rubble, rescue workers rescued one Frenchman alive today, officials said Carnage in A hitherto unknown group called the Islamic Revolutionary Move- Lebanon ment took responsibility for the blasts a few hours after the bomb- re>exantinet ings, telling the French news agen- VI ar Powers Act. A.'J cy, Agence France-Presse. it would Marines' grim search not rest until Beirut was controlled for bodies continues. \.t by "revolutionary Moslems and the combative democratic youth ' U.S. Dover family learns officials in Washington suggested son is alive, \ I , the attackers might be linked with AMOcllttd Prtii photo Weinberger blames Iran Iran for bombing, A I MARINE'S LEG DEEPLY TORN - A U.S. Marine, his leg deeply center, is carried by comrades for emergency medical treatment. The Late last night. Marine replace- torn from Hit explosion that destroyed a Marine base command blast that devastated the building killed at least 161 Marines. ments took off from Cherry Point Reagan ruts short Marine Air Station. 60 miles north- golf weekend. A2 east 'of Camp Lejeune, N.C. They were to bring the 24th Marine amphibious unit in Beirut back up to mandant. Gen Paul X Kelly, to Reagan vows Marines will stay strength, Maj Gen, Al Gray, com- Beirut to determine how American mander of the 2nd Marine Division, forces could be better protected. BY MIKE FEINSILBER leathernecks at the Beirut Inter- the sending of death notices to the we do the civilized world will suffer, told reporters at Camp Lejeune Meanwhile. President Francois Mit- national Airport, Reagan decided he homes of 161 Marines and sailors — and our values will become fair He said the morale of the Marine terrand of France arrived in the. WASHINGTON (AP) - The could not now abandon the Marines' Reagan dispatched spokesman Lar- game for those who seek to destroy replacements was at a fever-pitch Lebanese capital today to review Marines will stay in Lebanon, year-old mission. ry Speakes to give the adminis- all we stand for." high." the situation President Reagan has told a nation Lights burned late on a rainy tration's response: Citizens and congressmen alike President Reagan told reporters Th,e Marines who were killed or mourning the deaths of young Sunday in a sober capital as Wash- "Those who sponsor these asked how it could have happened, in Washington his commitment to wounded had been in Lebanon since servicemen to an unseen enemy and ington officialdom conferred and the outrages believe they can intimidate and the president sent the Marine keeping the Marines in Lebanon was June and were due to be sent back a Congress souring on the peace- president met with his senior people the government of Lebanon, its Corps commandant, Gen. Paul X unshaken, and that he was "more to the United States before keeping mission that sent them to chart a response and, if the people and their friends in the Kelley. to Beirut to review "ways to determined than ever" that the Thanksgiving The unit that had there. I provacateur can ever be identified, international community. They are provide better protection of the forces battling Lebanon's govern- been scheduled to relieve them was Even before he knew how high the retaliation. Wrong. Marine contingent." ment "cannot take over that vital diverted to the Caribbean last week death tolls would climb from a While the Pentagon prepared to "We will not yield to international The Pentagon, officials said, is and strategic part of the Earth..." following the coup in Grenada truck-bomber attack on sleeping perform a grim wartime ritual — terrorism, because we know that if See Reagan, page A7 He dispatched the Marine com- See U.8., page A3 Gregory: Voting Suspended Little Silver cop arrested for drunken driving is black power BY RAY GERMANN police commissioner, said last night hospital." He would not comment further on the matter. LITTLE SILVER - A borough that Parkers arrest "certainly man, he probably wouldn't be can't help ' his effort to be re- He said he went to the hospital POINT PLEASANT BEACH - policeman who was suspended from soon after the accident was re- Dick Gregory, famous comedian allowed to run." he said, "This is the force, then relegated to desk instated as a borough patrolman. one of the things we are all "Beyond that, I really can't say at ported. "I didn't witness any physi- and civil rights activist, urged duty after breaking into a Colts cal resistance by the officer, but blacks to "realize their power" brought up with, and it has got to Neck home and pulling an unloaded this time." Rabon said. "There will stop." • certainly be an invesigation into the that is still under investigation. We yesterday at a Inter-Community gun on his estranged wife and will question everyone who dealt Coordinating Council Inc. lunch- He also criticized those who another man, was arrested early incident, and the council will make look up to entertainers and its decision when all the facts are with him after the accident ' eon honoring ICCC Board of yesterday morning for driving while in." He said Parker refused to submit Directors Chairman Joseph JETay- athletes as representatives of the intoxicated and for careless driving. black culture in American so- According to police reports, to blood tests at the hospital or a lor. Police Chief James Fagan said Parker was transported from the breathalyzer test at police head- Gregory said the 8 million ciety. "The next time you want to Patrolman R.' Barry Parker, a show your support of blacks in accident scene to the hospital by the quarters after the arrest Police blacks in the United States who police officer in the borough for 15 Little Silver First Aid Squad, with said he was released on his own are not registered to vote are one this society, call brother Taylor, years, was suspended from his not the Jackson Five," he said. assistance from the Fire Depart- recognizance. reason why blacks have been duties as dispatcher hours after the ment. Fagan said police are "in- On Aug. 29, the council ordered unable to initiate major social "It just makes me sick when I car he was driving smashed into a see people being more responsive vestigating what went on in the Parker to undergo four months of change. tree on Seven Bridges Road near ambulance on the way to the "Ronald Reagan carried the to the problems of (United States Silverside Avenue at approximately See Patrolman, page A7 state of South Carolina by 11.000 Football League New Jersey 12:33 a.m. Parker was treated for Generals running back) Herschel DICK GREGORY votes in the last election," he Vte ;our vote head injuries and released from said. "There are over 322,000 Walker than they are to some of Riveryiew Hopsital. Red Bank. the pillars of our society." Monday unregistered blacks in the state "It is only in my power to suspend Index Who do we blame?" Because there are only 3,000 machine like that to waste. Don't him for 10 days," Fagan said. "I A8 you believe that God didn't have Movies Gregory, who peppered his professional athletes in the Unit- suspended him only on the basis ol Advice B6 People A? philosophical lecture with jokes ed States, he said, "the chances his hand in that." what happened last night Whether Obituaries A7 Despite his critisism of whites, Arts A8 about the "white establishment," on becoming one are (nil) ... I it will be a paid suspension, and how Classified B8 Opinion A6 said he didn't vote for either don't think that black mothers he divided the blame for social long the suspension will be is Comics B7 Sports B2 Reagan or Jimmy Carter in the should raise their children solely injustices — such as poverty, and entirely up to the (Little Silver Lifestyle 86 Television A8 I960 election.
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