THE De Gaulle vs. French labor MILITANT -see page 12 Published in the interests of the Working People Vol. 32- No. 49 Friday, December 6, 1968 Price 15c Black students in San Francisco lead united campus strike action -story page 5- Survivor of W.Va. mine blast which was ignited by pure greed. See story page 9. STUDENT PROTESTERS JAILED. A hundred black students a nd several white supporters were VICTIM OF RACISM. As we went to press, Eldridge Cleaver, jailed at University of Wisconsin in Oshkosh following sit-in provoked by administration's refusal Black Panther minister of information, was slated to be re­ to carry out agreed on black studies program. See story page 5. turned to jail in new travesty of justice. See story page 12. Page 2 THE MILITANT Friday, December 6, 1968 THE MILITANT Panther-Peace &Freedom alliance Editor: HARRY RING Business Manager: BEVERLY SCOTT Publlahed weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 873 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10003. Pbone 533-6414. Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: domestic, $4 a year; foreign, $5.50. By first class mail: domestic and Canada 510.50; all other countries, $15.00. Air printed matter: domestic Criticism of a criticism The author replies and Canada, $15.00; Latin America, $24.00; Europe, $28.00; Africa, Australia, Asia (including USSR), $33.00. Write for sealed air postage rates. Signed articles by contributors do not necessarily represent The Militant's views. These are Los Angeles, Calif. New York, N.Y. expressed in editorials. Derrick Morrison's call ("The The point of my article on the Panther-Peace & Freedom al­ Panther-Peace and Freedom al­ liance," The Militant, Sept. 20) liance was not to negate or deny Vol. 32-No. 49 Friday, December 6, 1968 for the Panthers to function solely the necessity for alliances, but to •· as a mobilizing force for the black elaborate and amplify on the type liberation movement may appeal of alliances necessary to push the to black racists. It may serve black liberation struggle forward. This column is an open forum equally well the goals of white The point of your letter seems for all viewpoints on subjects of Merit Publishers is proud to announce: racists. In his concern for black to be that I am downing all al­ general interest to our readers. liberation, he ignores the fact that liances in general between black Please keep your letters brief. Where there are many people who are and white radicals, and the Black necessary they will be abridged. neither black nor white who are Panther - Peace and Freedom Writers' initials will be used, names also fighting for liberation. 50 YEARS alliance in particular. being withheld unless authorization We have been geared for too I find this conclusion very hard is given for use. many years to responding in to reach even if the article was terms of a black-white syndrome only read in a cursory fashion. OF WORLD which has been equated in Amer­ The article dealt with two types perspective is to provide the work­ ican history to a slave-master of alliances, strategic and tactical. ing masses with a revolutionary syndrome. If Morrison's sug­ Whereas a tactical or united-front party that will put an end to gestion to the Panthers were fol­ alliance with the Peace and Free­ capitalist exploitation. The work­ REVOLUTION lowed to its logical conclusion, dom Party over the defense of ing masses are made up of black, we might see a reversal of the Huey Newton was correct, it was Puerto Rican, Mexican-American, black and white rol~s in Amer­ not in the interests of the Panthers Amerindian, Oriental, and white An International Symposium ican history, but we would not to establish a strategic or long­ workers. Therefore, such a party find any of us freed from the range alliance with Peace and would be multinational in compo­ Edited, with master-slave syndrome. Freedom. This strategic alliance sition. Alongside this organiza­ Derrick Morrison is the Socialist was expressed in the electoral are­ tion would arise revolutionary an Introduction and Article, by Workers candidate in New York's na. parties speaking to the question 20th congressional district. If the To quote from the article: "Many of national liberation of the op­ Ernest Mandel Black Panther Party had chosen times, white radicals and black pressed nations in this country. to ally itself with the Socialist militants confuse this single- issue The Black Panther Party is one Contents Workers Party rather than with or united-front type of alliance such organization. Predictions of the Founders of Marxism on the Peace and Freedom Party, with a political orlong-rangetype To put the capitalist exploiters the Development of World Revolution would Morrison still hold to the of alliance. out of business, both types of by luis Vitale (Chile) opinion that the Panthers would "A case in point is the defense organizations will be needed. do better by working towards the of Huey P. Newton. From a spe­ For further elaboration on the The Theory of Permanent Revolution creation of an independent black cific alliance to defend Newton, subject, I suggest that you get a by livio Maitan (Italy) political party? Where does the the Panther Party's working rela­ bulletin entitled, "On the Revolu­ Socialist Workers Party stand in tionship with Peace and Freedom tionary Struggle of Black Amer­ Three Phases of the Russian Revolution relation to Morrison's projected evolved into a political alliance ica for Self-Determination." It can by Sirlo Di Giuliomaria (Italy) independent black political party? that is supposed to aid in the be obtained from the Los Angeles Morrison speaks out of one side liberation of the black nation. YSA, which is located a 1702 The Rise and Fall of the Third International of his mouth about an indepen­ "A specific alliance with the Peace E. 4th St., or from the m tiona! by Ross Dowson (Canada) dent black political party and out and Freedom Party to defend YSA office, P. 0. Box471, Cooper of the other side of his mouth Newton is justifiable. In fact, each Station, N.Y., N.Y. 10003. The Tragedy of the German Proletariat about using the masses of Afro­ and every organization that is Derrick Morrison by Georg Jungclas (Germany) America as a tool to further the willing to defend Newton's consti­ objectives of the Socialist Work­ tutional rights, even if they do not The Chinese and Indochinese Revolutions ers Party. agree with Newton's political Mich. highschooler by Nahuel Moreno (Argentina) Derrick Morrison's article is views, should be incorporated in another example of poor political a legal-defense organization. " 'very interested' The Cuban Revolution and Its Lessons tactics. Rather than bringing out "In my opinion, the transforma­ by Hugo Gonzalez Moscoso (Bolivia) the objectives of the Socialist tion of this specific alliance into Southfield, Mich. Workers Party, he has attempted a political or electoral alliance Enclosed is a check for $1 for a The National Question and the to "put down" his opponent in was a mistake." subscription to The Militant. I Blade Liberation Struggle in the United States much the same way that the Now, concerning my SWP can­ read a copy of this while I was in by George Breitman (U.S.A.) Humphrey forces attempt to dis­ didacy. I am not in an alliance Detroit. This paper is both in­ credit the Nixon forces. Instead, with the SWP but a member of formative and truthful. I am very Is There a Third Way for the Third World? he should have sought out the it. interested in the Young Socialist _ by Sitaram B. Kolpe (India) positive values of the Panther­ The SWP is an organization program and would like to re­ Peace and Freedom alliance. uniting people around the pro­ ceive more information on it. H.S. The Uneven Development of the World Revolutionary Process C.P.S. gram of socialist revolution. Its by George Novack (U.S.A.) The Roots of Bureaucracy and Ways to Fight It by Fernand Charlier (Belgium) Economics of the Transition Period by Ernest Mandel (Belgium) Is Marxism-Leninism Obsolete? by Joseph Hansen (U.S. A.) (If you are interested in the ideos of I~DIANA: Bloomington: YSA, Russel Block, 194 Jay Street, Albany 11210. socialism, you can meet socialists in your 207 East 2nd St., Bloomington 4740i. 339 New Yark City: Militant Labor Forum, Necessity and Objective Roots of Proletarian Internationalism city at the fallowing addresses.) 4640. 873 Broadway (near 18th St.), N.Y. 10003. by Pierre Frank (France) Evansville: YSA, Ronald Hicks, 1619 (212) 982-6051. Franklin St., Evansville. OHIO: Cleveland: Eugene V. Debs Hall, The Vanguard Party and the World Revolution CALIFORNIA: Atascodera: YSA, Bill Blau, Indianapolis: Holstead-Boutelle Cam­ 2nd floorwest,9801 Euclid Ave., Cleveland by James P. Cannon (U.S.A.) P. 0. Box 1061, Atascadero. paign, P. 0. Box 654, Indianapolis, Indiana, 44106. (216) 791-1669. Berkeley-Oakland: Socialist Workers 46206. Kent: YSA, P. 0. Box 116, Kent. Party (SWP) and Young Socialist Alliance MARYlAND: Baltimore: YSA, Toby Rice, Yellow Springs: Antioch YSA, Michael The articles in this volume come from the pens of (YSA), 2519A Telegraph Ave., Berkeley c/o tlram, 1518 Park Ave., Baltimore. Schreiber, Antioch Union, Yellow Springs fifteen authors in ten countries. All of them are leading 94704. (415) 849-1032. MASSACHUSETTS: Baston: Militant Labor 45387. 767-5511. Forum, 295 Huntinaton Ave., Rm. 307. OREGON: Portland: c/o Tonie Porter, 5203 figures and theoreticians of the revolutionary Marxist Los Angeles: SWP and YSA, 1702 East Fourth St., L.A.
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