o BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS 5, ..1 --- DEPARTMENT OF INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION PUBLIC SAFETY B.rou nouau DATE : Junes 16, 1963 February 4, 1964 TO: Chief L. Deutschman C.C. FROM: Patrolman Girod Ray SUBJECT: Distribution of Propaganda Literature Mr . J . Lee Rankin, General Counsel While working a special assignment at Domain St . "!hart I was President's Commission On The Assassination approached by a U .S .S . Navy Officer from the U.S .S . '.'lasp, who stated Of President Kennedy that he saw a white male adult subject handing out the enclosed 200 Maryland Avenue, ME . pamphlets to persons visiting the 'f-sp, berthed at Dumairc St . ":hart, Washington, D. C. 20002 I immediately looked for this subject and found him distrubuting Dear Mr . Rankin : these pamphlets and asked him if he had received permission from the D .clc Doard to issue these papers . Ile stated that he thou ht a~ a:: I am .closing a report asked for in your letter Ameyican citizen he did not need anyones permission . I ordered this of January 13, 1964, to Governor Jimmie H. Davis. man off 0f our property and told him to would have to refrain troat issuing anything on Dock Board Property without their express consent . If there is any additional information that we can furnish you, please do not hesitate to call upon us . Yours very truly, Thomas D. Burbank Director TDDIbrd Enclosure COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 1413 7 COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 1412-Continued PRESIDENT'S COMMISSION ON THE AIEAEEINATION OP PRESIDENT KENNEDY 100 Maryland Ave. NE . I . wE swuien+ . WASHINGTON, D.C. 20002 ooxx~sx~vMnHooorea ~oeMe+ xu.nor JAN 1 3 1964 Honorable J1mnle H. Davie Governor of Louisiana Hats. Rouge, Louisiana Dear Governor Davist As you may know, President Johnson on November 29, 1963 established this Commission to study and report upon all the facts and circumstances relating to the assassination of the late President, John F. Kennedy, and the subsequent killing of the man charged with the assassination. would COMPILED INFORMATION It would be helpful to the work of the Commission If you obtain from the St . Tasmary Parish School Heard and the City of Now Orleans for the Commission' . review, copies of any documents they of Save in their files relating to Leo Harvey Ccwald. We are particu- Iarly interested in obtaining Oswaldls educational files. In this connection, we are informed that Cow:ld attended the follosdng Louisiana schools: The Old Covington Gronxmar School, Covington, D LEE HARVEY OSWAL Louisiana fro Septcber 19, 1946 until January 20 1947 ; Hcauregard Junior High School, New Orleans, Louisiana, in 195.x+ ; and Warren Eastern High School, New Orleans, Louisiana, from September 6,1955 until October 5, 1955 . In addition, the Commission would like to review ary related psychiatric reports, any records maintained by the New Orleans Police Department and any other information in any State or local agency's possession which would assist the Commission in learning as much as possible about the background of Lee Harvey Oswald . The Commission of tour.. realizes the confidential character of much, if not all, of this information and hastens to assure you that it and the members of its staff will be acct:^'..~_^~< governed is its use. MAJOR JOHN R THOMAS SGT ROBERT W KNIGHT Thank you for your cooperation in this matter . LOUISIANA STATE POLICE BATON ROUGE LOUISIANA COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 1413-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 141 3-Continued ~,' / ~~~ .~^^ .' ~,4~~L =~~"==H~==-'- .. ^~ BEAUREGARD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ~" . ~-_-4_i~ =~-_^__~-~_---- ~ ~~7 . .. .~' ~-~~~ ~~~ ~^ .^~ . ,57 "EA""=RD '""=" HIGH SCHOOL &EA==RD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL -,-- -7-a- 5-- -V---V- ~~~~~-. CoMmmsuxvDXv'm,m". 1413-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 1413-Continued .=REGARD""IOR HIGH SCHOOL -= BEAUREGARD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL .-~ "~*REG°R Hl~~H ""=` .-- . .+. "z- . ~ o COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 1413-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 1413-Continued -$4-s BFAURLGARD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BEAUREGARD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL I D I gnn BEAUREGARD" JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Lc COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 1413-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 1413-Continued /C What subject or subJects do you Like brn? How Orlccra Public Iii-,h Schcala What subject or subjects do you Like IeastT-r - -- PC[1SONAL NI ;TORY What is your present vocational choice? 1)~ ~n 2) School What do youplan to do aftercompleting high school? Plato of birth,( ~s.y___Dato of College ( ) Name -Coursc-- Commercial School ( ) Addres Telephono--n ~ - r!clghtf` WeightJ_3 - Work ( ) s %ithtsry Service (s/) Branch of Military Service What elementary schools did you attendT_ . ; undecided ( y1 Other Plans What was the last school you attended?_ 6~:-' f. !1 __~ Is your general health good?/~If not, stalewhynot Laving What poor health conditions have you that can bo or as tooth decay, bad tomile, etc.? .n1c2 ! father --a~a. _1, ddre~s. - _ Deceased =_ corrected, such Occupation_ Nnme of firtrt_- have you that will What health conditions O re O likely remain,such as hay fever, ate.? ~^Q a(gann"-- Living ty ?ta.Cen m Home or of mother addrcDece-d--_ Circle below any special skills you may have : Ora"pntion~ mq ^= ^"C Nom. of firm Typewriting Blueprint Beading Dancing if mother is not ernplayed, cau~nouoewlfe'" . Iluokkeeping Mechanical Drawing Music tine ~/ /~/ /~Hame of gurldisa -~M . ~~ ddrev ^~ ~ Shorthand Drawing wsnvsnrr Nameoccupation " of firm Business Machines Photography ~ Other: Row many sistersdo you have?__--~How many brothers? --~ Radio 1 r- _nines %%hat religion are you? What church do you attend?- It you speak a foreign language fluently, state which one: State below the jobs you have lad, including any present work : What are your recreational or pastime activitlesT Q y nti~,~d~~ n is :~~of acr4 EC^!a7cr Deoll^n of J :S Are you intere::ed in sports' ;0 1 - -Which -T_ It W. name Do you have any close friends In this schaolT~r~ two: I)-- 2) Dates chxked : COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 1413-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 1413-Continued SCHOOL LL- Ve ry Superior Good -1` "" cra , e-moo r Remedial R c :ading Mathematics English Special 1ntcrc3t3 ind Aptitudes (if an/j" Vocal Music Instrumental Music Art Other Special Problems )if any}; Mar:c ,~d ''ruanry Extreme "Withdrawal Need of financial help Badly Ivisirndjusteds . Socially Emotionally .t 4 4G"~.~ s1 .L+ COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO. 1413-Continued UIRM 1 JeaC4 ai Father's Name-SrDD~~ ' lwf f)f1Mi - KNa w a.LO. ^M". Na HIr\«L Hu\t -YI4AA _~ r"f6Y W"N t 'Address} t r'-w_G Idother Name-._ . 9t.N". u P Y U. )>u"~ Ks. s ff - raM ~ YJW .--DA~lH&rvYP "ua rut OffW - Name of Pervon Children Live With (if cot with parents)_ --Relationship- _ 'Fill only one line if addresses are the same . CompleteAddre . _ _ ydo~Htionat &hoof Cnda Comp . (Chertl CollKe %~ Read I~ wit, I fkf".Apatioa RPn LiYiee .J " P-"'0"". -ft -- -9-1 D -1 t'~ - bite !f: :v "trD -- Y i,_Jo } .aen BLtos- '0, 1 t 3_ 16A_7_ 87 HIT (a) Srrr.R_.- (b) Hus ogue.___ Both"t 1 ~I_. eat DATt Or HILTS VLACt OF HMTal--_ ~~. HCROOL ATTLNDANfa _ aLlAaW O" TAAN~rt :: A..or C"1LDtg1 x- K isWi AXL 7tTHLAnR a .~ ~~ I 0 M" UbNL L-v F al j, s : 3 U 4 a s s a s fo 12 : >ta u-` z0 big x u H 0 .P _ I O Sr \ Wf =atw INf-I f- u fr.~ ua wt.e \one\tW A- "Uu \~n,wu fu Pu,> f"xJwt~, kC P.piun fw L e.a . C"axY N, C.l : r t' Les""l rA, : C"W" w,+w "r, e.~ : S"Lwl narL aL :auYe d H'I> " . Aa. " 4M Clue lw-"uV",yacer. " Y~u1+gw ~L IL Ill.-Jf 4 4~ai,Y"`""""L Ctw4wLq" "iwL""r, " Uw """WWY Yw "rP fNw IIYIwW. HIeW Ht"u rM W "mod 1"4 CERTIFICATE OF ENUMERATOti I hereby certify that the above Information was obtained from_,,-L L- r" -- and is rorrecl to the beat of my know'edye and belief . Sisnature of Enumerator_ IrL " t i0-4-4f- GUIDANCE RECO14D Now Orleans Public High Schools V. Cob- C C.I .- I I., I,- tAm*sl,, q,odw Column E lot ovarolnosen grade . V"itcle any Honor Poll Average . Sq r ., A .6- . C I P.1 C I A, C I j E Speech Journalism C; Y!cs Geography . -4- (Am Holwy Economics Sociology A J M MU W Ava Gen . Mathematics Secondary Arithmetic Geometry Trigonometry Gen . Science PBiology Chem.,lry Physics Nor,. Fwch Homemaking F4 .7, *Shop_ I Mech . Drawing- fommewill law Distritvfme NINE Coo perwlWE Office T Art *Music NNN Qs . Education NBC TOW on C. ..l.U- and A," . Number days Tardy Numb., day. Ab. .l =off U Z.V-11kaler Atfi .10", lNeved X-b.,. P.. .ld. .t jeee,my a .",loomNo_", Lb , AihJ .tk. ler Teame, H-1 llunetlvett T., reelleall -1sulleate .'slur -vi- L- 11-Per hi ble-4.11o. C !a, Cl.etir, IWI tetr U .WN T 1 . Tip-otut Amm -~Umm Commission Exhibit 1413 - - COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 1413-Continued - -- --~-~~~ - ---- - COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 1413-Continued rc 1 S F r Chart Profile ,wY . r . ,CI'L , i :hFi T 51 SCOi~B Ird vul,al Yr,t=le Ctarc G~OF .. .1 .,':7: ,wr luli r .f : T .Sl SCOlLLS Individual Oat. /- f' //' L, Luro L S,:,l." r1 Scorns National Scal?d Scorns :SathemWlcs 'JCC^but En ," lish fia : ::in~r :atbenatles Vocabular Lnv'ish_ Reedie b.achemr,ics .'oca; Er.viish R. Sng D:otL : matlcs Vocabular cnelsh Reading 60 62 99 60 6J 68 00 57 62 63 63 99 60 68 57 a3 63 6L 56 54 17 60 57 97 56 56 6L 6 54 7 60 57 97 56 56 95 5L 62 51, 51 54 S6 53 95 54 5L 62 ;1, 51 5L 56 53 5L 52 55 52 93 52 1,2 52 52 55 52 93 52 52 52, L7 50 51, 51 90 50 50 60 50 L7 rU 51, 51 9c 50 50 60 5c ,L9 53 50 88 58 53 50 ea j.
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