Yale University EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale Yale University Catalogue Yale University Publications 1868 Yale University Catalogue, 1868 Yale University Follow this and additional works at: http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Yale University, "Yale University Catalogue, 1868" (1868). Yale University Catalogue. 45. http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue/45 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Yale University Publications at EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yale University Catalogue by an authorized administrator of EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS IN YALE COLLEGE, WITH A STATEMENT OF THE COURSE OF L.~STRGCTIO~~ UT THE VARIOUS DEP.A..RT.MENTS. 1868-69. ~. E \V HAY E • : TUTTLE, fOREHOUSE A-·o TAYLOR. 1868. ~orporation. THE GOVERNOR, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, ..Ui"D SIX SENIOR SENATORS OF THE STATE OF CO~"NECTIOUT ARE, ex officio, MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION. PRESIDENT. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. FELLOWS. HIS Exc. JAMES E. ENGLISH, NEW HAVEN. HIS HONOR EPHRAIM H. HYDE, STAFFORD. REv. JOSEPH ELDRIDGE, D.D., NORFOLK. REV. GEORGE J. TILLOTSON, M.A., PUTNAM. REV. EDWIN R. GILBERT, B.!.., WALLINGFORD. REv. DAVIS S. BRAINERD, M.A., LYME. REv. ELISHA C. JONES, M.A., SouTHINGTON. REv. LEONARD BACON, D.D., NEW HAVEN. REV. HIRAM P. ARMS, D.D., NoRWICH ToWN. REV. MYRON N. MORRIS, M.A., WEST HARTFORD. REV, SAMUEL. G. WILLARD, M.A., COLCHESTER. REV. GEORGE RICHARDS, M.A., BRIDGEPORT. HON. EDWIN H. BUGBEE, KlLLINGLY. HoN. ISAAC T. ROGERS, MILFORD. HoN. ALBERT AUSTIN, SUFFIELD. HoN. JAMES GALLAGHER, NEW HAVEN. HoN. WILLIAM C. STREET, NORWALK. HoN. CORNELIUS BRAINARD, HADDAM. SECRETARY. WYLLYS WARNER, M.A. 59 Dwight place. TREASURER. HENRY C. KINGSLEY, M.A. (5 m.) 23 Hillhouse a¥. TREASURER'S ASSIST..U."T. LUCIUS W. FITCH, M.A. (5 rn.) 113 College st. I ..facultu anb lnstrudors. REv. THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. PRESIIJENT. (7 TR.) 250 Church st. REV. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D.D. Li11ingst<m Professor of Divinity, Emeritus. 35 Colleg-e st. RoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL.D. Kent Professor of Law. ( 4 L.) 106 Crown st. REv. LEONARD BACON, D.D. Acting .Profe8801' of Revealed Theology. 247 Church t. REv. OLIVER E. DAGGETT, D.D. Pi·ofe..~sor_qf IJivinity and College Pastor. (6 TR.) ELIAS LOOMIS, LL.D. Munson Profes;;,or of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. (101 N.} 141 Church 't, REv. NOAH PORTER, D.D. OZark Professor qf Moral Philwophy and Metaphysics, and Instructor in Natural Theology. (117 N.) 31 Hillhouse av. WILLIAM A. NORTON, .M.A. Professor of GivilFJngineering. (s. n.) 72 Prospect t. JAMES D. DANA, LL.D. Silliman Professor of Geology and jJfine1·alogy. 24 HillhotLe nv. REV. GEORGE E. DAY, D.D. Profe&SOr of t"M HebreUJ Language and Literature and Biblical Theology. (137 D.) 125 Collcze st. THOMAs A. THACHER, M.A. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. (1 2 uc.) 155 Crown t. BRIG. GEN. BENJAMIN S. ROBERTS, U.S.A. Profe&SOrof lJ!ilita''Y Science, under appointment of U.S. Gooernment. Wnll t. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, M.D. Pro[e&BOT of General and Applied Chemistry. (LBT.) 3-! IDllhou e av. REv. CHESTER S. LYMAN, M.A. Profeuor of InduBtrial .JiechaniCJJ and Plty · ( . IL) 400 Ch 1 el t. Rxv. JAMES M. HOPPIN, M.A. ProfU&Or of Homileti~ and the RzsWral Charge. (133 D.) "' chcm st., cor. Man 'd. J.A.MES HADLEY, LL.D. Profuwr of t"M Greek Language and Literature. (12l!i.) 100 Elm t. 4 OFFICERS. 1 STEPHEN G. HUBBARD, M.D. Professo·r of Obstetrics and the Disease& of Women and Okililren. 23 College st. WILLIAM D. WHITNEY, PH. D., LL.D. Professor of Sanskrit, and Instructor in Modern La11guages. (153 D.) 216 Church st. MOSES C. WHITE, M.D. P1·ofessor of FlStology, Pathology, and Microscopy. 113 George st. REv. GEORGE P. FISHER, D.D. Professor of Ecclesiastical Hi.~tory. (150 D.) Zl Hillhouse av. REV. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M.A. Profes, or of Sac·red Literature. (149 D.) 126 College st. CHARLES A. LINDSLEY, M.D. Profes. ·or of ..clfate?-i.a Medica and Tlurrapeutics. 178 St. John st. HGBERT A. NEWTON, LL.D. Profes.~m· of Mathematics. (183 LYC.) 135 Elm t. GEORGE J. BRUSH, M.A. Professo'r of Mineralogy and 11fetallw'!J!J, and Ourator of the .Jlineralogical Cabinet. (s. H.) 14 Trumbull st. DANIEL C. GILMAN, M.A. I Profe.~so;· of Phy ical and .Fblitical Geography. (s. H.) 37 Hillhouse av. S.AM'C'EL W. JOHNSON, M.A. I Professor of Ag1-icultuml and Analytical Chemistry. (s. H.) 40 Wall st. WILLIAM H. BREWER, M.A. Xo;·ton P~·ofes.~ of AgriC'Illtm·e. (s. H.) 131 Temple st. CHARLES L. IVES, M.D. Pl'Ofeswr of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. 111 Elm ~t. FR.A....~CIS BACON, M.D. Pt·ofessor of the Principlc.s and P,·actice of Surge;y. 32 High st. LEO~.A.RD J. SANFORD, M.D. Profe.s.~o;· of Anatomy and Physiology. 126Crown st. P,·ofessol' of Jfiuiug. ALFRED B. MILLER, M.A. Tutot' in Matltematics. 53 8. H. LEWIS R. P .A.CKARD, PH.D. Hillhouse P,·ofeSJ or of tlte Greek Language aud Lite1·aturc. (118 N.) 124 High st. CYR'C'- NORTHROP, LL.B. P,·ofe ..,.or of Rlletorit.: and English Literatw·e. (1'i0 ~TH.) 607 Chnpelst. DATIEL C. EATON, M.A. p,·oj'es.wr of :&tany. Sachem st., cor. Pro~ pect t. 1 ARTHuR Y. WHEELER, B.A.. Proj'es¥Jr of Bi.!tory. ::.05 •• ADDISO~- VAN NA)fE, M.A. Librarian. (LIBRARY.) 175 Chnpel t. OFFICERS. 5 i I GEORGE F. BARKER, M.D. Projesso1· of Physwl<Jgical Chemistry and ToxicolO!JY· 30 ColleO'e st. OTHNIEL C. MARSH, M.A. Professor of Patmontology, and Curator of the Geological Cabinet. (4 TR.) 9 College st. EUGENE L. RICHARDS, B.A. Tutar in Mathematics. (86 N. M.) 16 Mansfield st. FRANKLIN B. DEXTER, M.A. Assistant in the Library. {LrnRARY and 5 TR.) 138 College st. CHARLES P. OTIS, M.A. Tutor in Latin. 31 s. ll. EDWARD B. COE, B.A. Street Professor of .Modf!ffn Langua')es. 102 X. ADDISON E. VERRILL, M.A. Professor of Zoowgy, and Curator of the Zoological Cabinet. (4 TR.) 121 High~ t. REv. WILLIAM G. SUMNER, B.A. Tutor in Greek. 21 s. CHARLES H. SMITH, A.A. I Tutor in Natttral Philosophy. 5 s. I . ROBERT P. KEEP, M.A. Tutor in Latin. 'iO x. M. l£ARK BAILEY, M.A. Instructor in Elocution. (171 A.TH.) 148 College st. GUSTAVE J. STOECKEL, Mus. D. Instruct<Jr in Vocal Jlusic. 137 York st. LOUIS BAIL, lnst1·uctar in Drawing. 43 Park pluce. WILLIAM L. BRADLEY, M.D. Demonstrator in Anatomy, and Curator of the Jluseum. 22 College st. IDNEY I. SMITH, Pn.B. 1 Assistant to the Professor of Zoology. (4 'l'R.) 14 S. n. I HENRY S. WILLIA"AIS, PH.B. Assistant to the Profr:ssor of Palmontology. (4 TR.) l'iO Georze t. FOLLANSBEE G. WELCH, Instructo-r in Gymnastiu. GymnasiUm. ~ ~ t 0 10 gi Ca 1 JlJ t tJ at t Ul tnt. FACULTY. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D., Pru:smE:t;'l'. REv. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D., Emeritus. REv. LEONARD DACON, D. D. REv. NOAH PORTER, D. D. REv. GEORGE E. DAY, D. D. REv. JAMES M. ITOPPIN, M.A. R:s:v. GEORGE P. FISHER, D. D. REv. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M. A. • STUDENTS. RESIDENT LICENTIATES. Simeon Olm ted Allen, B.D. Enfield, 145 D. Charle" Hyde Gaylord, B.D. Ashford, 144 D. Albert Josiah Lyman, Lenox, Mass. 158 D. Winthrop Dudley Sheldon, B.D. New Haven, 126 High st. SEYIOK CLAS • Edward \Vool ey Bacon, New Haven, 138 D. John Wickliffe BeRch I.A. ~lillington, 142 D. ChaJ"le Frederick Bradley, B.A. Roxbury, 154 D. Henry Burnham Mead, B.A. Hingham, Ma' . 134 D. John Thoma Owen~, Owmaman, Wales, 15'7 D. Enoch Ed ward Roger , Orange, 155 D. Juba Howe Vorce B.A. } Crown Point, N. Y. 154 D. Middlebury College, T"t. f William Benjamin William~, JJwygyfylchi, Wales, 141 D. lliiDDLE CL f An. elm Byron Brown, B.A. ..1.Yew Haven, 152 D• Daniel !"'ugu.tu Evan .• .1.Yantyglo, Wale., 140 D • Albert Franci Hale, D.A. Spril gfield, Ill. 146 D. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS. 7 Joseph William Hartshorn, B.A. New Haven, 159 D. Robert George Stephen McNeille, M.A. Philadelphia, Pa. 136 D. SUNIOK CLASS. John Kinne Hyde DeForest, B.A. Lyme, 143 D. Charles Winthrop Fifield, u. .A.. East Concord, N. H. 160 D. Lauren Matthew Foster, Meriden, 151 D. Edward Pierpont Herrick, New Haven, 151 D. Alfred Van Cleve Johnson, B.A. } 11r y. k O't LYe111 or· zy, 139 D. University of City of N.Y. David Evan Jones, Olyphant, Pa. 140 D. Anson Phelps Tinker, B.A. Old .Lyme, 156 D. James Brainerd Tyler, M.A. .NeUJ Haven, 135 D. TH:B:OLOGIC.U STUDENTS, 25. l taro mtp artmtnt_. FACULTY. REv. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D., PRESIDENT. HoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL.D. CHARLES H. FOWLER, LL.B., &cretary. SiUDENTS. Cephas 'Villard Ainsworth, LL.D. Ogclensburgh, .LV. Y. L. · Alfred Douglass Bru ~h, Norwalk, 3 L. Charles Kimberly Bush, West Haven, 340 Chapel t. William Cheek, .Burkesville, Ky. 3 L.
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