THE VOICE P.O. Box 1059, Miomi 38, Fla. Return Requested VOICE! Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. VI, NO. 17 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy JULY 10, 1964 EXPRESSES HOPE IT WILL BRING AMERICA NEW ERA OF PEACE —Reverently Obey Civil Rights Law, Bishop Urges Calling for reverence and obedience from all citizens, Bishop is a matter of great significance to all and one which will deeply Bishop Carroll has played a leading role in the promotion Coleman F. Carroll this week expressed his great hope that the involve everyone in its attempt to end racial discrimination in of better racial relations in South Florida. A year ago, when Civil Rights Act, now the law of the land, will lead to a new the schools, employment, voting, the use of privately - owned the Board of Dade County Commissioners created the Metro era of peace among Americans. public accommodations and in the outlay of federal funds. Community Relations Board to deal with racial problems, he "Realism demands," he added, "that we recognize the was named as its first chairman. Last week he was named to In a letter addressed to all the priests of the Diocese, the possibility of non-acceptance of this law in practice in some areas serve as chairman for the second term. Bishop of Miami told them to bring home the pertinent facts of our country. However, even this undesirable reaction should not of the historic decision to all their parishioners. He said: In a feature article which appeared in last Sunday's Miami cause our people to lose patience or to become sympathetic to Herald, Haines Colbert, writing about "Bishop Carroll: A Man of "It would be well in view of the complex factors involved any programs advocating violence or terror tactics. Action in South Florida," said that "to non-Catholics, at least, in this delicate matter to emphasize the traditional teaching of "We need very much to pray fervently that all men may he probably is better known for his efforts to promote racial the Church on the equality of all men, the need to practice come to recognize the image of God in each other and no harmony", and quoted the Bishop as saying: "Chiefly, it was love of neighbor at all times." longer allow the color of a person's skin to be accepted as a a moral problem. We have a responsibility to do what we can Bishop Carroll declared that passage of the Civil Rights Bill reason for denying his God-given rights as a human being." for the Negro. He is a creature of God and be has rights." Early in 1963, the Bishop had CHURCH LEADERS STRESS OUR DUTY created the Miami Diocesan Council on Human Relations. Quickly it called upon public 'Up To America To Make officials and other leaders to work toward total elimination of # discrimination and segregation Civil Rights Law Work in all communites of South Florida. NCWC News Service "The people of Los Angeles have supplied a living exam- In a statement issued by the Religious leaders, hailing Council, Catholics were remind- signing of the civil rights bill ple of those moral principles which are now enshrined in the ed that "they cannot in good into law, stressed that it is conscience sign petitions, en- up to all Americans to make law of our land," Cardinal Mc- Intyre said. dorse legislation or support or- it work. ganizations that deny to others James Francis Cardinal Mc- Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle full and equal opportunities to Intyre of Los Angeles said he of Washington said the Civil enjoy their God-given rights and was "happy that the elected rep- Rights Act of 1964 "presents endowments." resentatives of the people have to the people of the United kept faith With the Constitution States an achievement and. a ACTIVE SUPPORT URGED of the United States and the challenge unsurpassed in our Active support was urged for benign spirit of Abraham Lin- history." adequate civil rights legislation coln." on national and community lev- "Will those who opposed the els and for programs promoting "We are confident that the bill, however sincerely, accept freedom of housing, employ- provisions of this new law will it now with the same sincerity ment, education, job training be accepted and obeyed with as the law of the land?" Arch- and public and welfare accom- docility, understanding and bishop O'Boyle asked. "Will po- modations. Christian love," Cardinal Mc- litical leaders rise to new Intyre said. heights of statesmanship — as On April 15, 1963, Bishop He called the rights act "A many of them already have — Carroll invited 17 Catholic, Pro- concrete expression of the con- putting the rights of all the testant and Jewish leaders to science of all men of good will" people above traditional section- a historic meeting in the Chan- and added: "The formation of al differences? cery Building. Present were that conscience has been the "Will those who have suffered seven Catholics, two Jews, five concern and the work of the Baptists, two Episcopalians Church for many long years. from the injustices of the past, To this end, she has labored by (Continued on Page 9) (Continued on Page 9) precept and example to instill in men's hearts those lessons of human dignity and human equal- AN AFRICAN PRIEST is greeted by Pope attend the opening of a new wing of the col- ity which flow from Christ's Cardinal Mindszenty Rumor Paul VI at the College of Saint Peter-Apostle lege which is a residence for priests from teachings." in Rome. The Pontit'f was at the college to mission lands who are studying in Rome. The Cardinal said it was an "additional reason to rejoice" Regarding Successor Denied DATE FOR THIRD ECUMENICAL SESSION at the bill's enactment that "its provisions reflect the healthy ROME (NO — Father Vince lived fight for freedom. Con- climate of racial justice which Tomek, S.P. superior general demned to a life prison term prevails here in our state and of the Piarist Fathers, labeled by the Reds in 1949, the Car- in our archdiocese. "completely without foundation" dinal had been released from Pope Calls Council Sept. 14 rumors that he is to be ap- jail by freedom fighters only VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope The announcement was dated to give the council Fathers pointed successor to Joseph Car- four days earlier. Paul VI has established Sept. 14 July 3 and published July 4. time to attend the International dinal Mindszenty as Archbish- Rumors reaching here from as the opening date for the Eucharistic Congress in Bom- op of Esztergom and Primate Germany and central Europe At the next to last meeting Pope Paul Reveals of Hungary. have held that plans for a mo- third session of the ecumenical bay, India, beginning on that of the council's second session, date. The council press secre- He Prays For Peace Father Tomek told the NCWC dus vivendi between the Hun- council. on Nov. 29, 1963, the council's tary, Msgr. Fausto Vallainc, News Service that he has been garian communist government secretary general announced VATICAN CITY (NO — The announcement by Papal said in March that the session Pope Paul VI, appearing at hearing the rumors for about and the Holy See envision the Secretary of State Amleto Car- that the council would probably would close on Nov. 20. two years. He said they stem Cardinal's resignation from his begin its third session on his window on Sunday noon dinal Cicognani said: "The Su- to bless the crowd waiting in solely from the fact that no oth- See and his departure for preme Pontiff Paul VI, in an Sept. 14, 1964. But the secretary, The first session of the coun- er Hungarian priest in Rome Rome. Archbishop Pericle Felici, told cil opened on Oct. 11, 1962, and St. Peter's square, spoke of audience granted to the under- the "painful parts of the holds such a high post. Father Tomak, the cardinal's signed today, deigned to estab- the council Fathers that the closed on Dec. 8 that year. The supposed successor, has been Pope would give them a def- world scene where peace Cardinal Mindszenty, now 72, lish that the third session of opening of the second session has been living in sanctuary head of the Piarist order since inite opening date in good time. was originally scheduled for could be endangered" and the Second Vatican Ecumenical said he was praying for in the U.S. legation in Buda- shortly after World War II. Sept. 8, 1963, but was delayed Council will begin next Septem- Although no closing date has peace. pest since November, 1956, when The Piarists, now totaling over ber Fourteenth, the feast of the yet been announced, the session three weeks because of the he fled before the Soviet forces 2,500 members, concentrate OG Exaltation of the Holy Cross." will probably end before Nov. 25 (Continued on Page 2) sent in to suppress the short- the education of the young. BY POPE IN TALK TO THEATER MANAGERS Moral Law In Films Stressed VATICAN CITY (NO —Pope and absolute the moral postu- goodness and his natural and Paul VI has reasserted the right lates which sustain and defend supernatural destiny," the Pope of the moral law to a role in the man's true life, his dignity, his concluded. production of movies. Speaking to participants in a convention of the Italian Cathol- Pope Pleased With General ic association of motion picture theater managers, the Pope said: Audiences; Will Keep Them "The moral order — we know pressure being brought to bear how unpopular it is to recall this VATICAN CITY (NO — on the Pope to cut down his word, this idea, this higher im- Pope Paul VI has styled his heavy schedule of work and au- perative.
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