•^ , •P'". *!*.,-,5T^sfH^i V,*iSJ'j;- MONDAY'S EARTH TREMOR FELT IN HANNA AND SIBBALD; CLOCK STOPPED IN RAILWAY STATION THE HANNA HE Sibbald District Residents Report Shocks From Earthquake; Heavy "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS -r—• Dept. WO*"*"*^Jem VOLUME XXXXVI—No. 42 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1959 $3.00 pel cgpy Fall of Rains Fills Sloughs, Dugouts HANNA'S OWN "CENTRAL PARK" The earth tremor which shook the 11.4) and 30 second mark. the states of Montana and Idaho so Buildings creaked nnd draft reg­ severely on Monday night and ear­ ulators in stove pipe? moved back ly Tuesday morning, were scar­ and forth.. People there report cely felt in Hams, a'lhough at Sih- having had a feeling that bald, some seventv miles east of! they were being affected by a here, the shock was of qreater pro-j short spasm of dizziness, until ra portions. In Hanna only one report dio reports confirmed the actu.il came in to the Herald, where a | tremor. local housewife stated she felt the The same evening the Sibbald tremor while sitting in her home. ; district experienced one of the hea She described the sensation as j viest downpours of rain in many startling, and for the moment felt i years. Ditches, sloughs and dugouts as though she were going through , dry since early summer were fil!e : a spasm of dizziness. with water in a matlcr of minute.-. Deep gouges were wa hed in fields Thc Herald's correspondent at; RIKE TEENERS as rampaging torrents of water Sibbald states the shock was felt tell to the earth. Reports of hail there at about 11.40 p.m. Monday. also came in from the district, with The quake caused the clock in the j 25 to 50 per cent being reported INQUEST ORDERED INTO DEATH CNR station to stop movement on ! at time of writing. OF FIFTEEN YEAR OLD; NINE Youngstown Civil Defence YOUNGSTERS INVOLVED IN MISHAP Resident of 1912 Proposes First Accident Friday Night Sends Two More Teen Agers Tp Calgary Dies In Hanna Hospital; Were Returning From Picnic Aid Instruction Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Hanna, are withold- Frank Schofield Dies Classes Open Latter ing detailed information, pending an inquest, into the cir­ Following Brief Illness; Part of September; cumstances surrounding a tragic accident which occured north Services In Calgary Thirty Per Class of Hanna last Friday evening. The mishap in which nine teen A well known resident of Youngs­ First aid classes sponsored b" agers were involved, resulted in the death of one and severe town since coming there in 1912, the local Civil Defence organizati­ injuries to two others as well as minor injuries to several Frank Schofield passed away in on will commence in Hanna tow­ more. In the accident two vehitles were involved, one driven the Hanna hospital last Wednesday ard the latter part of September. by Robert Whyte, age 18 and the other by Larry Rawlusyk, August 12-following a brief illness. W. T. Watson, co-ordinator here The late Mr. Schofield was 76 told the Herald Tuesday that the age 18 also of Hanna. John Hanson. 18, son of Mr. and years of age and for many years course is of seven week's duration EARL ANSHELM The group were coming from a Mrs. Carl Hanson, Hanna, lacerat­ had been secretary-t-easurer of entailing instruction one night per star netminder of the Hanna Hor­ United Church Young People's pic­ ed mouth. The three were released the Village of Youngstown. week of approximately two hours nets will spend part of his vaca­ nic, held in what is known as from the Hanna hospital, following He was born in Yorkshire, Eng­ duration. tion from post office duties, work­ "Stirling's Grove" some two and overnight treatment. a half miles north of Hanna. In land and came to Canada in 1904 ing out with the Calgary Stampe- Other members of the group in­ and in 1912 with his family to The classes are open to both negotiating a sharp left turn on men and women, and will be un­ der hockey club. Earl is well known cluded Don Kickett, 15 of Van­ Youngstown, where he has since in local hockey jacies as being their return near the grove des­ der the supervision and instructi­ cribed as "Honey's Park" the truck couver who was also visiting with resided. one of the best nelminders ever relatives Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mohl. He is survived by three daugh­ on of S. Currie, Hanna, w^o holds driven by Whyte overturned. Fol­ a first aid instructor's coufs* from to appear in Hanna colors. The lowing behind was the car driven Both drivers escaped without ser­ ters, .Mrs. R. M. Deyell. Mrs. G. Stampeders open their fall train­ ious injury. Heinricks both of Winnipeg, and the St. John's Ambulance Associa­ by Rawlusyk, which crashed into tion. ing camp at the corral in Calgary the truck. The accident happened Cyril Wayne (Gillis) Mealy ar­ Mrs. Victor Ulmer of Meaford, of on September 18. Ontario; a son John of Edmonton In order to* lake the course regi­ at about 11 p.m. rived a short time ago. to spend and 10 grandchildren. stration must be made with W. T. Dead is Wayne Mealy, 15, of Nel­ a vacation as guest of his aunt and Watson not later than September Elects Officers son, B.C. The young lad is a ne­ uncle Mr. and Mrs. Mohl and his Funeral ssrvices were held on cousin Sandra, and had been invi­ Saturday, August 15 at Mclnnis 15. There will be a maximum of CESSFORD, August 10 Thc phew of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mohl thirty members in each class. and had been visiting at the Mohl ted to join in the young people's and Holloway's Park Memorial Cha­ annual meeting of the Bsrry Creek picnic and outing, sponsored by pel, Calgary at 11 a.m. Interment Those completing the course suc­ Community Club was held Tues­ farm south of Hanna. Severely in­ cessfully will receive certificates jured are Robert Pennock, 15, son the United Church, Young People's followed ih the Union Cemetery. day evening. The new officers are Group. He is survived by his fa­ in first aid from the St. John Am­ president. A. Stoen, vice president of Mr. and Mrs. E. Pennock, Han­ bulance Association. na and Jimmy Kerner 15, also of ther Mr. Cyril Gillis of Rossland Newly threshed winter wheat H. Rusby. secretary G. Kitchen. B.C. and his mother Mrs. Daniel Plans were made for the donkey Hanna. The Pennock boy and Ker­ was delivered to the Alberta Whea' ner were rushed by ambulance to Mealy at Nelson, also three sisters Poo) elevator at Magrath on July per bushel and ielded 49 bushels ] ball game and dance which was and two brothers. Funeral services I held en Monday, August 17. Calgary immediately following the 30. The grain weighed 64 pounds per acre. accident. The former is suffering were held in Nelson on Tuesday from.severe head injuries, bicera- of. this week. tions and shock, while Kernef*1»! ** The Whyte truck was damaged :rTOFW5UMM"ETTS "FTNhb'l " "*"" also in serious condition with bro almost beyond repair, while the ken ribs, broken pelvis and other car driven by Rawlusyk also rec­ injuries. Both boys were reported eived extensive damages to the Wednesday to be progressing as front section. well as coud be expected. Police officials told the Herald Injured were Gladys Doble 15 Wendesday that an inquest has 4 of Hanna, with back injuries, San­ beeh\ ordered into the circumstan­ dra Mohl, 15, daughter of Mr. and ces, the date for which has not Mrs. Vic Mohl, lacerated wrist and been set as yet. , Above are two photos tpken by the Herald of the park located in Hanna on center street between first and second avenues. Despite somewhat of an adverse year the pork has made a lovely showing with flowers, shrubs and trees this summer, ond has been -the subject of HORNETS AND MINERS WILL PLY much favorable comment. The succes of the park, maintained by the town hos been largely due to the dilligent work of the caretaker Richard "Dick" Crowle. Hardly a day goes hy but he is not in the park trimming the lawn, tending the flowers and in general keeping thi HOCKEY WARES THIS YEAR IN ship shape. BIG SIX PROVINCIAL LEAGUE Roping Club Meeting In Golgary Last Friday WYALTA RANCH AT HIGH RIVER Gives Approval to Local Club's Plans For Big Application; Saturday Night Games HOSTS HUGE THRONG AT ANNUAL Hanna Hornets last season's Intermediate "B" Provin Wind Up Day cial champion hockey club will be performing in the populot GYMKANA; LOCAL RIDERS ENTER Big Six hocke^ league this winter. The announcement made Important Meeting Appaloosa Ranch ot Youngstown last Friday following a meeting with officials in Calgary was Called For August Represented in Many Events; welcomed by Hanna and district fans, as a decided advantage 29 At Pavilion towards improving hockey both player and attendance-wise An important meeting of the Staged In Western Foothills Country "sj here this winter. Big Country Riding and Roping Once again the Wyalta Ranch near High River was the Ed. Peddie, manager of the Hor­ Clnb has been called for Saturday nets attended the meeting at the August 29 in the Hanna Round Up scene Sunday, August 9 of a very successful "Wyalta Day Bowness Golf Club, along with Golf Tournament pavilion.
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