The Weather ~ Twins in 2nd ,.rtly cloudy ftcIlY • ..- IonItht with wWtly o·w ·on ICltftred sMwers or tlMlndtl'llwml likely IX­ See Story, Page 4 tr.me south .M west, HI,_ will be In the .... Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Establiabed in 1888 10 Cents Per Copy AaIociated Preas Leased Wires and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Wedn~ay, July 3, 1963 Negro March on Washington Is Definite, Spokesman Says Kennedy's Tour. Ends NEW YORK"" - Negro leaders NAACP for 24 years. said he Negro leaders gathered here reo said Tuesday a civil rights march thought the NAACP was "not very fused to discuss what action they * * * on Washington will "definitely" enthusiastic" about the proposed would take - or what Negro re­ Strengthens take place Aug. 28. They said it march, although its relations with action might be - if a slrong civil Talks with wHl be "the strongest action, o the r sponsoring organizations rights program is not adopted by numerically speaking." were "friEindly." this session of Congress. NATO Tie T1Ie decision was reached at a Meanwhile in Chi c ago the The reSOlution, adopted unani· Pope, Paul secret conclave of executives of NAACP requested Tuesday federal mously hy some 2,000 cheel'ing, the nation's six largest Negro or· legislation to virtually eliminate c I a p pin g delegates, called the ganizations. None would venture all barriers to integration. It also President's civil rights proposals In Vatican In Atlantic an estimate as to the number of announced plans for a series of na· "inadequate to meet the minimum VATICAN CITY "" - Pope Paul NAPLES, Italy II! - President participants in the march, which tionwide demonstrations to rally needs of the existing situation. II support for its proposals. VI welcomed President Kennedy Kennedy rod e smlling Tuesday Is scheduled to coincide with con· While commending the Presi· night through slreets lined by a gressional debate on President at the Vatican Tuesday and praised The demonstrations will culmi· dent's program as "a step toward efforts to end racial discrimination half million cheering Neapolitans Kennedy's civil rights bill. nate with a giant national civil discharging the moral obligation in the United Stales and to pro­ and headed back to Washington The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther rights legislative convention in of our federal government to its mote world peace. from a lO-day European tour de· King, president of the Southern Washington, D.C., Aug. 6-8 • Negro citizens" the resolution The Pope blessed all Americans. signed to strengtheo the Atlantic Cbristian Leadership Conference, NAACP delegates and their lead· urged Lhe establishment of a Fair He said he felt sure efforts by the community. said "we'll have machinery that ers refused, even privately, to con· Employment Practices Commis­ United States could help bring Kennedy's blue and silver jet will control the demonstration. No cede that their proposals - which sion with the right to subpoena wit· "universal peace in charity and took oIf from Naples' Capodichino acts that could be considered civil go far beyond those recently sent nesses and ev ~dence , and the legal justice." Airport at 12;33 p.m. It was the disobedience wiD occur." to Congress by President Kennedy teeth to enforce its decrees. There bas been speculation that windup of one of the busiest days Meanwhile, Arthur Spingarn, 85- - had lillie chance of passage, Also extension of the attorney Pope Paul eventually may travel on the tour that had taken him to year-old white president of the "They must be adopted," said general's authority to initiate court and Vatican sources said Kennedy Bonn and the Berlin wall, to his National Association [or the Ad· Robert L. Carter, NAACP general suits to include any area of civil remarked at one point ; "I hope to anceslral home in Ireland, to talks vancement of Colored People, ar· counsel. "Those are our minimal rights. President Kennedy has pro· see you in the United States. II with British Prime Minister Mac· posed that the attorney general be rived from a seven·week stay in demands. II Carter introduced the The informants said the Pope millan and then to ItalY. doubts as to the "wisdom" of the resolution embodying the legisla· given the power to initiate court did not reply, instead gesturing The first Roman Catholic Pres­ proposed march. tive program to the 54th annual action only in school desegregation with his hands as if to Say "it de· ident of the United States was reo Springarn, who has headed the NAACP convention. cases. pends on providence. II ceived at the Vatican Tuesday To provide for legal sanctions The historic private audience of morning by Pope Paul VI, lhe against labor unions that practice the 262nd Roman Catholic pontiC{ new supreme ruler of the Roman discrimination. and the lirst Roman Catholic Presi· Catholic Church. The Pope praised July 4 Fireworks Display The resolution outlined a pro­ dent of the United States took Kennedy's efforts to end racial gram of massive pubUc demon· Swimming Anyone? place in the papal library. It last­ discrimination in the United Stalel rights rallies in the latter part of and to promote world peace. With th, 4th Df July Iiss than 24 hours .way, the municipal pool In City P.rk I, .Iways • populer ed 40 minutes. strations beginning with local civil Kennedy and Pope Paul VI shook Scheduled for City Park thDughts of many holiday. inclinld Iowa Citians choici for old and yaung allk •. Tomorrow the pool Kennedy and President Antonio July "for the purpose of mobiliz· hands in greeting and in parting. Segni issued in Rome a jaigt com· Fireworks worth $1,000 will be of 75 cents per hour is cbarged. ing local grass·roots support." turn to the n.arest piaci tD take a swim. Thl will be aptn from 10 a.m. until. p.m. The U.S. chief executive did Dot munlque in which Italy expressed Col· displayed over City Park, Thurs· For students wishing to keep cool The August Washington conven· -Photo by Jot Lippincott kneel and kiss the Pope's ring, as a favorable attitude toward partic· day, to climax Fourth of July cele· and study in the University Lib· tion was planned despite warnings ---------------------------------- Catholics usually do. ipating in studies on the possible brations in Iowa City. The display rary, the hours will be as usual, by some congressional leaders that The Pope and the President sat development of a NATO multilat· will begin around 8 p.m., accord· 7;30 a.m. to midnight. There will public demonstrations in the na­ side by side in armchairs at tbe eral nuclear fleet, a U.S.·proposed ing to Dennis Roberson, chairman be no desk service. >lion's capital could jeopardize same leVel. project that has had fair sailing edoption of any civil rights legis· FBI Arrests Beck,with Indicted of the Iowa City JayCees planning Quadrangle's c a f e t e ria and so far only in the United States and committee. Burge's Carnival Room will be lation. West Germany. Iowa City Little League AlI·Stars open on July 4, and will observe The convention would gather as many as possible of the NAACP's At the southern headquarters of will play in a special baseball game their Sunday hours. The Union Civil Rights NATO in Naples, Kennedy called scheduled for 9;30 a.m. at City cafeteria will be closed, but the members and supporters in Wash· Four More In Evers' Slaying ington for the purpose of making Cor continued cooperation between Park. Gold Feather Room will be open the United States and Western Eu· At 3 p.m. the JayCees will spon· from 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. personal visits on congressmen and senators to secure "their commit· Possible Spys JACKSON, Miss. "" - Byron Vias arrested June 22 by FBI Bill Receives rope as a step toward world unity. sor a water show on the Iowa de La Beckwith, a 42-year-old ex· agents, who had traced him River ncar City Park dock. Events ment to support this minimum Naples - a city of a million pop. civil rights legislative program." WASHINGTON (All - The FBI Marine, was indicted Tuesday for through 15,000 Japanese telescopic ulation which over the years has will include cross·river swimming arrested two persons in New York the sniper slaying of Negro inte· rifle sights, one of which was at· races, clown and trick diving, 8 Steel Firms sent a million immigrants to the canoe racing and jousting, and and two in Washington Tuesday gration leader Medgar Evers. tached to a 30-06 rifle Jackson RFK Question United States - gave Kennedy an Funeral Services and charged them with conspiring A Hinds County grand jury of police found near EverS' home old time Fourth of July welcome water skiing. WASHINGTON"" - AtLy. Gen. Ten boys and 10 girls will com· to obtain military information for 17 while men and one Negro reo about 11 hours after the fatal shot two days ahead of time. the Soviet Union. turned the indictment, which was was fired. Robert F. Kennedy said Tuesday Almost everyone in the crowd pete for three trophies to be Are Indicted; For Dr. Zimmerer "there is a serious question" awarded by the JayCees. Agents said the New York cou. read to Beckwith in his jail ceU. Evers, Negro fi~ld secretary for lining the streets claimed a rela· whether Negroes or other Ameri· UVet in the United States. Following the evening fi.rcworks Friday- Morning pie "put up a terrific struggle." B~ckwith, wounded .
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