RABBIS OF MOROCCO ~15th Century to 20th Century Source: Ben Naim, Yosef. Malkhei Rabanan. Jerusalem, 5691 (1931) Sh.-Col. Surname Given Name Notes ~ Abbu see also: Ben Abbu ~ ~ .17 - 2 Abecassis Abraham b. Messod Marrakech, Lived in the 6th. 81 - 2 Abecassis Maimon Rabat, 5490: sign. 82 - 3 Abecassis Makhluf Lived in the 5th cent. 85 - 3 Abecassis Messod Lived in the 5th cent., Malkhluf's father. 85 - 2 Abecassis Messod b. Makhluf Azaouia, 5527: sign. , Lived in the 5-6th cent., Abraham's father. 126 - 3 Abecassis Shimon Mogador, Lived in the 7th cent. 53 - 2 Abecassis Yehuda Mogador, 5609: sign. 63 - 1 Abecassis Yihye 5471: sign. 61 - 4 Abecassis Yosef Rabat, 5490: sign. 54 - 1 Aben Abbas Yehuda b. Shmuel Fes, born 4840, had a son Shmuel, moved to Aleppo,Syria.D1678 .16 - 4 Aben Danan Abraham Fes, 5508: sign. .17 - 1 Aben Danan Abraham b. Menashe Fes, born :13 Kislev 5556, d. 12 Adar 5593 .16 - 4 Aben Danan Abraham b. Shaul Fes, d.: 5317 39 - 3 Aben Danan Haim (the old) Fes, lived in the end of the 6th cent. & beg. 7th. 3 sons: Moshe. Eliahu, Shmuel. 82 - 1 Aben Danan Maimon b. Saadia Fes, Brother of the Shmuel the old, 5384: sign. 82 - 1 Aben Danan Maimon b. Shmuel Castilla, expulsed, moved to Fes, 5286: killed. 84 - 2 Aben Danan Menashe I b. Abraham Fes, d.: 5527 (very old) 84 - 3 Aben Danan Menashe II b. Shmuel Fes, lived in the 6th cent. 85 - 4 Aben Danan Messod b. Yaakov Fes, lived in the end of 5th cent. & beg. of the 6th. 96 - 2 Aben Danan Moshe b. Haim Fes, d.: 5616. 96 - 2 Aben Danan Moshe b. Shmuel b. Menashe Fes, d.:5617 (30 y. old), Shlomo's father. 108 - 2 Aben Danan Rafael Aharon b. Haim (the old) Fes, Born: 5603, d.: Av 5650. Rafael Aharon Monsonego's grandson 101 - 2 Aben Danan Saadia b. Abraham b. Shmuel Fes, D1173 Lived in the 4th cent., d.:5396 (the day an earthquake). 101 - 2 Aben Danan Saadia b. Yaakov Fes, 5440: married his brother's ( Yona) widow, and d. without sons. 101 - 2 Aben Danan Saadia b. Yehuda b. Saadia Fes, Lived in the 5th cent., Yona's brother, Alive in 5440. 100 - 3 Aben Danan Saadia I b. Maimon b. Moshe b. Maimon Fes, moved to Granada, Alive in 5245. 101 - 1 Aben Danan Saadia II b. Shmuel Fes, in function between the years 5310 and 5338. 101 - 1 Aben Danan Saadia III b. Shmuel Fes, d.: 5409. 111 - 4 Aben Danan Shaul Fes, Lived in the 6-7th cent., d. : Fes, 5631: sign. 111 - 2 Aben Danan Shaul b. Saadia Fes, d. Elul 5449. 111 - 3 Aben Danan Shaul b. Saadia III b. Yaakov Fes, killed: Kislev 5579 in Ait Atab. 111 - 3 Aben Danan Shaul b. Yaakov b. Shaul Fes, 5557: sign. 114 - 4 Aben Danan Shlomo I b. Saadia Fes, Lived in the 4th cent., Physician, d.: 5386. 114 - 4 Aben Danan Shlomo b. Moshe Fes, Born: 9 Tevet 5608, Had 2 sons: Moshe & Shaul, d.:28 Heshvan 5689. 124 - 2 Aben Danan Shmuel Fes, d.: Tishrei 5558. 123 - 3 Aben Danan Shmuel b. Maimon b. Saadia Fes, 5311: sign., d. before 5326. 124 - 2 Aben Danan Shmuel b. Menashe Fes, d.: 5632 (72 y. old). 124 - 2 Aben Danan Shmuel b. Shaul Fes, Born: 1 Av 5428, d.: ca5490. 123 - 4 Aben Danan Shmuel I b. Saadia Fes, d.: Adar 5382, 5351: sign. 123 - 4 Aben Danan Shmuel II b. Saadia Fes, Born: 5452, d. 22 Kislev 5529. 70 - 3 Aben Danan Yaakov b. Shaul b. Saadia Fes 70 - 3 Aben Danan Yaakov b. Yosef Fes, Lived in the 4th cent., 5379: sign. 46 - 1 Aben Danan Yehuda b. Saadia Fes, was in Tetouan for a while, lived in the 5th cent. 76 - 2 Aben Danan Yitshak b. Shmuel b. Menashe Fes, born in Fes: 15 Av 5596, d.:24 Iyar 5660. 3 sons: Maimon, Shmuel, Yaakov. 55 - 4 Aben Danan Yona b. Yehuda b. Saadia Fes, born in Tetouan; d. Sivan 5355 61 - 2 Aben Danan Yosef Fes, lived in the 4th cent., Father of Yaakov. .17 - 4 Abensur Abraham Father of Yehuda. .12 - 2 Abensur Abraham b. Moshe Sale, Lived in the 4th cent. .28 - 2 Abensur David b. Asher Agadir, 5495: sign. .21 - 2 Abensur Eliahu b. Yaakov Fes, died young before his father. 92 - 2 Abensur Moshe Sale, uncle of Yaakov (Yave"ts), d. : 7 Shvat 5466. 92 - 2 Abensur Moshe Tetouan, Lived in the 6th cent., 5558: sign. 91 - 3 Abensur Moshe b. Yitshak b.Moshe b. Shmuel b. Moshe Sale, was also in Fes & Meknes, d.: 5380. 91 - 2 Abensur Moshe called Abraham ha-Ivri Fes, befoe coming to Fes was converso, Had a son Yitshak. 105 - 3 Abensur Rafael Meknes, Lived in the end of the 6th cent & in the 7th cent. 105 - 3 Abensur Rafael (the last) b. Shlomo Fes, Born: Av 5570, d.: 15 Kislev 5677. 105 - 2 Abensur Rafael b. Shlomo Shmuel Fes, Lived in the 6th cent. 105 - 1 Abensur Rafael Oved b. Yaakov (Yave"ts) Fes, Born: 5466, d.: 5529. 104 - 2 Abensur Reuben b. Moshe Fes, Father of Yave"ts, d. before 5473. 104 - 3 Abensur Reuben b. Yaakov (Yave"ts) d.: 5502 in Sale before his father. 112 - 2 Abensur Shalem b. Moshe Sale, Lived in the 5th cent., d. before 5427. His son Yehuda- killed in Meknes. 119 - 4 Abensur Shem Tov Fes, Yaakov (Yave"ts)'s uncle. 117 - 1 Abensur Shlomo b. Rafael Fes, Born: 5565, d. :1 Tishrei 5603 116 - 2 Abensur Shlomo Eliahu b. Yaakov Fes, Born: 14 Tamuz 5582, d.:5630, Great-grandson of Yaakov (Yave"ts). 122 - 2 Abensur Shmuel b. Moshe Lived in the 4th cent. 122 - 2 Abensur Shmuel b. Rafael Oved Fes, Lived in the 6th cent., d.: 25 Av 5552. 64 - 2 Abensur Yaakov ~ RABBIS OF MOROCCO ~15th Century to 20th Century Source: Ben Naim, Yosef. Malkhei Rabanan. Jerusalem, 5691 (1931) Sh.-Col. Surname Given Name Notes 64 - 2 Abensur Yaakov (Yabe"ts) b. Reuben b. Moshe Fes, born: 5433, d. :5513. 65 - 2 Abensur Yaakov b. Moshe Brother of Reuben. 65 - 2 Abensur Yaakov b. Shlomo Shmuel Fes, d. 21 Av 5610 (70 y. old) 50 - 2 Abensur Yehuda Meknes, suddenly d.: 9 Tamuz 5585 50 - 2 Abensur Yehuda Tetouan, 5616: sign. 50 - 3 Abensur Yehuda b. Abraham Meknes, 5489: sign. 50 - 2 Abensur Yehuda b. Moshe Sale, uncle of Yaakov (Yave"ts), burnt in Meknes 50 - 3 Abensur Yehuda b. Reuben b. Moshe Brother of Yaakov (Yave"ts) 75 - 1 Abensur Yitshak Meknes, 5599: sign. 75 - 1 Abensur Yitshak b. Moshe b. Shmuel b. Moshe Fes, 5351 & 5344: sign, killed: 5363. 74 - 3 Abensur Yitshak b. Yaakov (Yave'ts) Fes, d. before his father. 60 - 3 Abensur Yosef b. Reuben Meknes, 5458: had an accident. 104 - 3 Abergel Reuben (b.Kiki) Fes, Lived in the 4th cent. 99 - 3 Abergel Simhon Meknes, Lived in the 6th cent. 73 - 4 Abergel Yitshak Fes, 5344 & 5351: sign. .17 - 4 Abihsera Abraham Tafilalet. .20 - 2 Abihsera Aharon b. Yaakov, Father of Israel Tafilalet, d. in Telouet 102 - 1 Abihsera Ayush Tafilalet. .27 - 1 Abihsera David b. Messod b. Yaakov Tafilalet, born 5626, d. 14 Kislweev 5680 86 - 1 Abihsera Messod b. Yaakov Tafilalet, lived in the 7th cent. 94 - 2 Abihsera Moshe Tafilalet. 66 - 2 Abihsera Yaakov Tafilalet,moved to E.Y. but d. in Damnhur,Egypt :20 Tevet 5640(72y.) had 4 sons. 62 - 4 Abihsera Yihye From Morocco moved to Safed. 96 - 4 Abikhezer Moshe Bagris (Tafilalet). 94 - 3 Abishid Moshe Fes, Born in Rabat,Lived in the 5th-6th cent.,Moved to E.Y. when old & died there. 66 - 2 Abisror Yaakov Yitshak's brother, Lived in the 5th cent. 76 - 3 Abisror Yitshak ~ .18 - 3 Abitan Abraham Fes, Eliahu's father. .16 - 1 Abitan Abraham Rafael Eliahu's father. 39 - 1 Abitan Haim b. Yaakov b. Mordekhay Marrakech, .22 - 1 Abitan Eliahu Fes, lived in the 2nd half of the 6th cent & beg. Of the 7th cent. 88 - 2 Abitan Mordekhay Marrakech, Father of Yaakov. 96 - 1 Abitan Moshe Gibraltar, 5499: sign. 107 - 2 Abitan Rafael Eliahu b. Abraham Fes, Alive in 5599. 124 - 3 Abitan Shumel Yaakov Marrakech, 5619: sign. 70 - 3 Abitan Yaakov b. Mordekhay Marrakech, d. 1 Iyar 5637. 76 - 2 Abitan Yitshak Draa Valley, and burried there. 78 - 2 Abitan Yitshak Mogador, moved to Tiberias and died there. .12 - 2 Abitbol Abraham Rabat, 5595: sign. .12 - 2 Abitbol Abraham Tagra, was a while in Ksar-el-Kebir, 5339: sign. .17 - 4 Abitbol Abraham b. Shaul Yeshua Sefrou 102 - 4 Abitbol Amor b. Shlomo Sefrou, Born: 5542, d.1 Tevet 5612. Had 2 sons: Haim Eliahu & Rafael. 39 - 3 Abitbol Haim Eliahu b. Amor Sefrou, d. Sivan 5490. Brother of Rafael 79 - 3 Abitbol Israel b. Yehuda Taza, 5532: sign. 80 - 3 Abitbol Levi Demnate, moved to E.Y. and back to Morocco as emissary from Hebron.D237 81 - 1 Abitbol Mussa b. Yeshua Sefrou 106 - 4 Abitbol Rafael b. Shaul Yeshua Sefrou, Lived in the 5th cent., d.: 5563. 111 - 2 Abitbol Shaul Yeshua (Shi"sha) b. Yitshak Sefrou, d.: 25 Elul 5569. 115 - 3 Abitbol Shlomo Sefrou, Lived in the 6th cent., Father of Amor. 114 - 2 Abitbol Shlomo b. David Marrakech, 5627: sign. 122 - 1 Abitbol Shmuel b. Mordekhay Fes, Lived in the 2-3th cent. 115 - 3 Abitbol Sholomo Sefrou, Amor's father, Lived in the 6th cent., 5557: sign. 70 - 1 Abitbol Yaakov Sefrou 55 - 3 Abitbol Yehoshua Sefrou, Father of Mussa.
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