AUGUST 2013 TTHHEE VVOOIICCEE of Upper Lachlan Shire, the Shire of Villages L to R: Greg Parsons, Jenelle Parsons and Clr. Jo Marshall on Tuena’s new footbridge details page 12 Taralga Art Exhibition, details page 11 Page 2 TTHHEE VVOOIICCEE of Upper Lachlan Shire, the Shire of Villages LIBRARY BIZ from home or the library. subjects such as health, science, law, histo- examiners and academics. It gives access Students can sign in and ask a question ry and literature. A database is a great to links to an extensive range of websites by Kerri-ann Pratley anytime Monday to Friday between 4 pm- place to find up-to-date medical and scien- which have been identified as containing 8pm during school term. tific information not yet published in valuable and relevant information and The online tutors can provide feedback on books. resources that focus on the more challeng- writing techniques, including essays, Other resources well worth investigating ing aspects of the HSC courses. reports, creative writing, speeches, and include: These are just a few of the many fantastic more. The tutors can also help with how to The NSW Board of Studies site provides start your assignment and give feedback access to HSC exam papers, assessments, online resources well worth investigating on your final draft before you hand it in. syllabuses, manuals & guides, a parent’s which can make your life as either a parent Tutors are certified teachers, professional page, special education needs, vocational or student stress free. tutors, post graduates or advanced under- training, official notices, dates & events & Don’t forget that membership to Your graduates from Australian universities. much more. Up-to-date course informa- Library gives you access to thousands of They can review specific homework and tion plus subject by subject information. books, magazines, music CDs, DVDs and assignment questions with students online, Bored of Studies HSC Support is created talking book, plus use of the Internet; and Don’t Stress using features like controlled chat, an by students, for students, to provide cur- membership is free to all local residents. interactive white board and shared web rent year 12 and year 11 students with all about Homework in 2013 browsing. Tutors are waiting online each the resources and support they need to suc- afternoon to guide students and assist them ceed during the 2 years that form the most to get through their study with more confi- important part of their education and sub- dence. sequently, their futures. Britannica Junior has introductory level content for young students aged 6-10 years Britannica Student while Britannica Student is designed for Britannica Student has intermediate researchers from Ages 10 – 14. content for students studying for the HSC or the facility to search on the full With the school year now in full swing HSC Resources to the Rescue! Encyclopaedia Britannica database. Your Library is here to help take the stress The Library also offers all HSC students a Search results also show journals and out of homework and the HSC. magazines plus links to sites that have Crookwell Library is open Monday, The Southern Tablelands Library Co-oper- been reviewed by Britannica. ative subscribes to a number of databases Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10:30 am – 5pm, Wednesday 1.30 pm – 5 pm and which assist with homework, research or Inside Break study. Inside Break is a HSC resources website Saturday mornings from 10:00 am – 12:00 Some of these databases can only be full of information and links to lectures, noon. accessed from a branch of the library while library resources, past exams and more. others can be accessed from home and Established in 2007 as a collaborative simply require the use of your library bar- project by Warringah, Manly and Pittwater code number and PIN. range of resources and tools to assist with Council Libraries, the site has expanded to All the fantastic Homework Help sites we their studies. include public libraries across New South offer can be found at the Library’s website: A collection of HSC resources are avail- Wales. www.stlc.nsw.gov.au under the Online able for loan from the library. These NSW HSC Online aims to provide support Resources + Homework Help link. include study notes and guides on a wide for all students studying for the NSW Yourtutor is Australia’s largest online variety of subjects including maths, HSC, particularly students in rural and iso- homework and study centre which science, religion, English, biology, legal connects students to an Australian tutor to lated areas. This project, developed by the studies, chemistry and physics and an discuss maths, English, science, research, NSW Department of Education and extensive collection of non-fiction materi- study skills, or library skills questions. Communities and Charles Sturt University, als suitable for study and research. Perfect for families with a busy schedule, provides access to a rich range of current, The Library also has subscriptions to data- Gunning Library is open Tuesday and yourtutor is on-demand, online; no quality assured resources prepared and bases which provide access to newspaper Wednesday 2 pm – 5 pm, Thursday 1 pm – appointments needed and can be accessed and magazine articles and information on developed by experienced HSC teachers, 5 pm and Friday 10 am – 5 pm. * Seniors Day Program, *Respite Care, Taralga office MEDICAL SERVICES IN THE * Equipment Loan, *Pathology Clinic, IMPORTANT COUNCIL Ph: (02) 4840 2099, Fax: (02) 4840 2296. UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE * Early Childhood Clinic, *Women’s Health SERVICES DETAILS Council’s Email Clinic, [email protected] * Physiotherapy, * Podiatry, Web Site: www.upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au CROOKWELL * Short-term ‘after hospital’ assistance, Crookwell / Bigga / Binda / Tuena / Grabben Gullen / Laggan /Taralga and * Social Support, * Frozen Meal Service, and Justice of the Peace Crookwell Hospital: 13 - 15 Kialla Rd Occupational Therapy Big Hill areas: Roads, bridges and tips Crookwell, Ph: 02 4832 1300 0429 786 659, water and sewer 0407 496 Justices of the Peace in N.S.W. serve the community primarily by administering TARALGA 358. Crookwell Health Care Centre: 17 Kialla Rd. Gunning / Dalton / Breadalbane / oaths or affidavits and taking statutory Crookwell, Ph: 02 4843 2500. Medical, Taralga Community Medical Centre Collector / Jerrawa areas: Roads, bridges declarations and affirmations; witnessing Pathology, Orthopaedic Surgeon, * Bunnaby Street, Taralga and tips, water and sewer 0427 454 206. signatures; and attesting and certifying Physiotherapist, * Clinic Hours – Thursday 9.30 am – 11.00 Postal address for all offices is PO BOX 42 documents. Audiologist, and massage therapist also am Gunning NSW 2581 The Upper Lachlan Shire Council have available. * Phone (Goulburn) 4823 0200 (Taralga) people serving the community in this Open Monday to Friday 9am till 5pm. 4840-2011 Crookwell office capacity at our Council offices in Ph: (02) 4830 1000, Fax: (02) 4832 2066, DR. R THANGAVELU M.B.B.S, M.S. Gunning and Crookwell. GOULBURN OUTREACH SERVICES Gunning office If you are in need of such services please TO TARALGA Ph: (02) 4845 4100, Fax: (02) 4845 1426, 110 Goulburn St. Crookwell, Phone - 4832 29 contact the Council office nearest to you 1006 * Taralga Community Centre, Bannaby Street to arrange an appointment. Open Monday - Friday 9am till 6pm * Services available by appointment Phone: Saturday 9am till 12pm 4827 391 * Practice Nurse - General Nursing Police and Fire all areas anytime dial 000 * Audiologist - Child & Family Clinic *Mental Health Nurse - Women’s Health/Breast Care Nurse - Diabetes Education The publisher accepts no responsibility for GUNNING - Podiatry The Voice any of the advertisement notices. All such advertisements are published at the Gunning District and Community Health risk of the contributor who by forwarding Services: 101 Yass Street, Gunning, Ph: 02 advertisements agrees to indemnify the pub- 4845 1166. Email:[email protected] lisher and warrant that the information is Gunning Health Services are open Monday Phone: 024830 1000 accurate and is neither deceptive nor mis- to Friday 9am till 4pm. Published by the Upper Lachlan Shire leading, in breach of copyright, in breach of Services provided include: Council any laws and regulations. *Community Nursing Service, *GP Clinic, Editor: Hank Spirek, Media Officer TTHHEE VVOOIICCEE of Upper Lachlan Shire, the Shire of Villages Page 3 REGARDING CDOS. Council was pleased to welcome a large MAYOR CL. JOHN SHAW contingent of the Student Representative Council’s Investments Council from Crookwell High School at The final investment security held by the June 20 Ordinary meeting of Council to express their support for an indoor Council matured on Friday 21 June with sporting complex in Crookwell. The stu- all principal being repaid in full. Council dents were well spoken and should be is now free of its CDO and FRN invest- congratulated for their efforts. ments and with prudent and sound finan- cial management has not incurred any Local Government Review investment losses. Residents have more than likely heard that Upper Lachlan Shire Council, like many the NSW Government is currently review- NSW Councils, invested in structured ing models, structures and boundary securities known as Collateralized Debt changes for local governments across the Obligations (CDOs) and Floating Rate state through an Independent Local Notes (FRNs).With the onset of the Government Review Panel. Global Financial Crisis, these investments The process started in 2011 and in April turned out to be of questionable value. 2013 the Panel released its third consulta- Numerous Councils lost a considerable tion paper Future Directions for NSW Local Government – Twenty Essential amount of their ratepayers’ money when Steps. CDOs and FRNs defaulted and the princi- At present the panel’s consultation paper’s pal was lost or only partially repaid or by current proposal has the Upper Lachlan taking heavy losses when they divested Shire becoming part of the Capital County themselves of these types of securities.
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