December 16, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1873 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO YOUNG STAFF MEM- I am grateful that such thoughtful committed derman for two terms in Madison, Mississippi, BERS AND INTERNS FOR THEIR young men and women can be found working where he created local community improve- CONTRIBUTIONS ON BEHALF OF in my office, those of my colleagues, and in ment and infrastructure projects. When a hor- THE PEOPLE OF THE 18TH CON- every community in America. Their good rific flood hit the town, he hopped right in his GRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF works will keep America great and good. truck with his chain saw to help homeowners TEXAS f clear away rubble and start rebuilding. That’s the active, selfless and relentless leadership HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE ANNOUNCING RECIPIENTS OF THE for which he will be remembered. 2013 CONGRESSIONAL VETERAN Colonel Dan Prather, let me both thank and OF TEXAS COMMENDATION FOR THE THIRD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES congratulate you on your exceptional service DISTRICT OF TEXAS to our country and our community both past Monday, December 16, 2013 and present. It is my pleasure to award you Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, one of HON. SAM JOHNSON the 2013 Congressional Veteran Commenda- the major reasons why I believe the future of OF TEXAS tion for the Third District of Texas. our country is bright and its best days lie IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f ahead is the extraordinary quality, talent, com- Monday, December 16, 2013 mitment, and energy of the young people who CELEBRATING THE 60TH ANNIVER- will in time assume the responsibility of leader- Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, SARY OF BOBBY AND LETA ship. it is my privilege to honor fourteen distin- AYERS Members of Congress know well, perhaps guished military veterans, community servants, better than most, how blessed our nation is to and American patriots who call the Third Dis- HON. RALPH M. HALL have in reserve such exceptional young men trict of Texas home. All faithfully answered the OF TEXAS and women who will go on to become leaders call of duty and to place service above self for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in their local communities, states, and the na- the sake of our great nation. Each one leaves tion in the areas of business, education, gov- a legacy to be remembered, for future genera- Monday, December 16, 2013 ernment, philanthropy, the arts and culture, tions to follow, a legacy of bravery, loyalty, Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- and the military. dedication, and sacrifice. For their selfless gratulate Bobby and Leta Ayers who cele- We know this because we see them and service, bold leadership, and undying commit- brated their 60th anniversary this year. Their benefit from their contributions every day. ment for their neighbor and nation, the fol- commitment to each other and their family is Many of them work for us in our offices as jun- lowing individual has been selected as a re- an inspiration and a wonderful reminder of the ior staff members, congressional fellows, or in- cipient of the third annual Congressional Vet- importance of family, particularly during the terns and they do amazing work for and on eran Commendation: holiday season. behalf of the constituents we are privileged to Colonel Dan Prather served in the United Bobby and Leta were wed on July 3, 1953, represent. States Army from 1963 to 1993. After partici- at First Christian Church, Caddo Mills, by Dr. I rise today to pay tribute to the wonderful pating in ROTC at West Texas State Univer- James S. Riley. Over the past six decades, young men and women who have done this sity, Mr. Prather was commissioned in the Mr. and Mrs. Ayers have been blessed with work in my office for my constituents. U.S. Army, beginning his military career at one son, Dean, and his wife Gerry Ayers and Mr. Speaker, I believe there is no higher Fort Hood. As a company commander and one daughter, Diane, and her husband David calling than the call to serve a cause larger aide de camp to Major General George Lindsey, as well as four grandchildren and than ourselves. That is why I ran for public of- Ruhlen, he earned his Ranger tab to improve four great-grandchildren. fice. I was inspired to serve by President Ken- on his infantry skills. During his two tours of The Ayers have lived their lives in Caddo nedy who said, ‘‘Ask not what your country Vietnam, he earned the Silver Star, Legion of Mills, Texas. Bobby worked for TXU Energy can do for you, ask what you can do for your Merit, Bronze Star with Combat Valor, and for 40 years and is now retired. Leta gave pri- country,’’ and by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster, along with numer- vate piano lessons and was a church sec- King, Jr., who said: ous other medals. retary for 10 years at their church, First Bap- Everybody can be great because anybody As seen from his decorations, Mr. Prather tist, Caddo Mills. can serve.... You only need a heart full of demonstrated countless moments of valor, loy- Bobby and Leta Ayers are blessed to have grace. A soul generated by love. alty, and leadership. One exemplary moment had so many happy years together, and I wish By this measure, there are several other was his decision to change daytime patrols of them many more. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- great young men and women who served as the Viet Cong to nighttime patrols. The ‘‘Rat leagues to join me in celebration of the Ayer’s volunteers this year in my offices. They may Patrol,’’ as he called it, was instantly success- 60th wedding anniversary. toil in obscurity but their contributions to the ful, capturing weapons, mines, and grenades f constituents we serve are deeply appreciated while neutralizing 34 enemy soldiers, all within and I wish to acknowledge them. They are: the first month of operation. In fact, Mr. HONORING LUISA DELAURO AS Carlos Fierros, Toulia Nwabunnia, Ziad Saqr, Prather’s tactical strategy proved so effective SHE CELEBRATES HER 100TH Michal Shinnar, Chike Achebe, Morgan that other U.S. Infantries adopted his nighttime BIRTHDAY Cassell, Deontae Wherry, Kern Kumar, Myron model to high levels of success. Perhaps even Latney, Mohammad Cifci, Hiromi Oka, Marcus more impressive than his tactical instincts is HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO Smith, Zahit Akinci, Alezeh Rauf, Elif Duran, under his command, he lost not one soldier’s OF CONNECTICUT Omorose Eguakun, Amy Akabue, Ariadna life through both of his tours in Vietnam. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mujica, Olivia Igbokwe, and Ayanna Costley. That’s remarkable leadership. Mr. Speaker, the energy, intelligence, and To quote a man who served in Prather’s Monday, December 16, 2013 idealism young people bring to their intern- battalion at Fort Polk, who later became a Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it is always an ships in my office and those of my colleagues General, ‘‘What a great soldier, leader, and honor for me to have the opportunity to rise helps keep our democracy vibrant. The in- commander Dan Prather was. In my view, he and recognize the accomplishments of those I sights, skills, and knowledge of the govern- was the best of all . whenever I faced so proudly represent. Today, however, is par- mental process they gain from their experi- tough situations as a commander, I often ticularly special as I stand to pay tribute to my ences will last a lifetime and prove invaluable thought of how he would have handled it.’’ mother, Luisa DeLauro, who will celebrate her to them as they go about making their mark in After his military career, his dedication to 100th birthday this December 24. She is—by this world. service never waned. He served as a City Al- any definition—an extraordinary woman, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:29 Dec 23, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\DEC2013\E16DE3.REC E16DE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 16, 2013 whose passion for family and civic service ANNOUNCING RECIPIENTS OF THE entific integrity, public accountability, and so- made all the difference in our lives and in our 2013 CONGRESSIONAL VETERAN cial responsibility. The NIH also enriches community. COMMENDATION FOR THE THIRD many colleges and universities across the DISTRICT OF TEXAS country, because, though many Americans are Born December 24, 1913, at 111 Wooster not aware, a large portion of the budget is Street, my mother was one of six children. sent out to all fifty states in the form of extra- She grew up in the heart of New Haven’s HON. SAM JOHNSON OF TEXAS mural research grants. Through these grants, Italian American community and spent most of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES better education yields higher return on public her childhood in my grandmother’s pastry investment in medical research. shop, Canestri’s. It was in the Wooster Square Monday, December 16, 2013 Thanks in part to research performed by the neighborhood that my mother learned the im- Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, NIH, the life expectancy of a baby born in the portance of family, respect, and community.
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