Box #1 Correspondences, 1977-1986

Box #1 Correspondences, 1977-1986

Box #1 Correspondences, 1977-1986 Folder Contents Folder #1 Saeedpour to various people, 1977. Folder #2 Saeedpour to various people, 1978. Folder #3 Saeedpour to Fred Ehrman, October 23, 1979. Folder #4 Saeedpour to Jack Rosenthal, November 29, 1979. Folder #5 Saeedpour to New York Daily News, December 19, 1979. Folder #6 Saeedpour to Reverend Coffin, May 12, 1980. Folder #7 Saeedpour to Mr. Moyers, May 12, 1980. Folder #8 Saeedpour to TV Stations, 1980. Folder #9 Saeedpour to New York Times and Wall Street Journal, 1980. Folder #10 Saeedpour to Wall Street Journal, 1981. Folder #11 Saeedpour to New York Times, 1981. Folder #12 Saeedpour to Editor of the Times, January 23, 1981. Folder #13 Saeedpour to Columbia Spectator, March 21, 1981. Folder #14 Saeedpour to editors of “The New Republic”, May 30, 1981. Folder #15 Saeedpour to [Unknown], June 15, 1981. Folder #16 Saeedpour to The Village Voice, July 6, 1981. Folder #17 Yosef Gotlieb to Arpena Mesrobian, August 27, 1981. Folder #18 Saeedpour to various people, 1982. Folder #19 Saeedpour to Christian Science Monitor, May 2, 1982. Folder #20 Saeedpour to the editor, 1982. Folder #21 Saeedpour to New York Times, 1982 Folder #22 Saeedpour to Newsweek, February 15, 1983. Folder #23 Saeedpour to New York Times, March 2, 1983. Folder #24 Saeedpour to the Christian Science Monitor, March 9, 1983. Folder #25 Saeedpour to Secretary of State Schultz, March 15, 1983. Folder #26 Saeedpour to Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, March 21, 1983. Folder #27 Saeedpour to the Boston Sunday Globe, June 13, 1983. Folder #28 Saeedpour to The Economist, July 6, 1983. Folder #29 Saeedpour to the Village Voice, July 11, 1983. Folder #30 Saeedpour to Michael Sovern, July 11, 1983. Folder #31 Saeedpour to Seymour Siegel, August 16, 1983. Folder #32 Saeedpour to U.S. News and World Report, January 11, 1984. Folder #33 Saeedpour to New York Magazine, February 3, 1984. Folder #34 Saeedpour to the editor, March 5, 1984. Folder #35 Saeedpour to Wall Street Journal, April 2, 1984. Folder #36 Saeedpour to Sen. Joseph Biden, August 7, 1984. Folder #37 Saeedpour to Time Magazine, August 24, 1984. Folder #38 Saeedpour to Perez de Cuellar, October 22, 1984. Folder #39 Saeedpour to New York Times, 1984. Folder #40 Saeedpour to Institute for Policy Studies, 1985. Folder #41 Saeedpour to the editor, January 17, 1985. Folder #42 Saeedpour to New York Times Magazine, February 3, 1985. Folder #43 Saeedpour to Ronald Reagan, March 27, 1985. Folder #44 Saeedpour to Newsweek, June 18, 1985. Folder #45 Saeedpour to the Economist, June 28, 1985. Folder #46 Saeedpour to Middle East Times, July 22, 1985. Folder #47 Saeedpour to Village Voice, August 2, 1985. Folder #48 Saeedpour to New York Times Book Review, October 8, 1985. Folder #49 Saeedpour to Christian Science Monitor, November 14, 1985. Folder #50 Saeedpour to Donald Chipp, November 27, 1985. Folder #51 Saeedpour to New York Times, 1985. Folder #52 Saeedpour to Washington Post, 1986. Folder #53 Saeedpour to Mark Siljander and Larry Pressler, April 25, 1986. Folder #54 Saeedpour to the editor, July 12, 1986. Folder #55 Saeedpour to Wall Street Journal, September 2, 1986. Folder #56 Saeedpour to Engineering News Record, September 18, 1986. Folder #57 Saeedpour to Washington Times, October 29, 1986. Folder #58 Saeedpour to Baltimore Sun, November 4, 1986. Folder #59 Saeedpour to Christian Science Monitor, November 5, 1986. Folder #60 Saeedpour to The Economist, November 7, 1986. Folder #61 Saeedpour to International Herald Tribune, November 15, 1986. Folder #62 Saeedpour to Globe and Mail, December 12, 1986. Folder #63 Saeedpour to Koen, 1986. Folder #64 Saeedpour to Richard, 1986. Folder #65 Saeedpour to New York Times, 1986. Box #2 Correspondences, 1977-1998 Folder #1 Various people to Saeedpour, 1977-1982. Folder #2 Harold Skroblies to Saeedpour, April 28, 1991. Folder #3 Sarah Mix to Saeedpour, September 2, 1991. Folder #4 Sarah Mix to Saeedpour, November, 1991. Folder #5 Harold Skroblies to Saeedpour, February 4, 1992. Folder #6 Asad Gozeh to Saeedpour, September 19, 1992. Folder #7 Sabah A. Salih to Saeedpour, January 17, 1994. Folder #8 Amabeth Stober to Saeedpour, December 2, 1996. Folder #9 Dr. Mordechai Nisan to Kurdish Life, November 16, 1998. Folder #10 Aziz Selim to Saeedpour, November 26, 1998. Folder #11 Aziz Selim to Saeedpour, December 1, 1998. Folder #12 Dr. Wahbia Shaukat to Saeedpour, [Unknown Date]. Folder #13 Kazuko Uchida to Saeedpour, [Unknown Date]. Box #3 Correspondences, 1987-2001 Folder #1 Saeedpour to U.S. News and World Report, 1987. Folder #2 Saeedpour to the editor, 1987. Folder #3 Saeedpour to Richard Schifter, February 20, 1987. Folder #4 Saeedpour to Newsweek, April 2, 1987. Folder #5 Saeedpour to Dante Fascell, August 10, 1987. Folder #6 Saeedpour to The Atlantic, November 18, 1987. Folder #7 Saeedpour to The Economist, 1987. Folder #8 Saeedpour to Washington Post, 1987. Folder #9 Saeedpour to New York Times, 1987. Folder #10 Saeedpour to the editor, 1988. Folder #11 Saeedpour to Wall Street Journal, 1988. Folder #12 Saeedpour to New York Times, 1988. Folder #13 Saeedpour to Washington Post, 1988. Folder #14 Saeedpour to U.S. News and World Report, September 15, 1988. Folder #15 Saeedpour to the editor, January 31, 1989. Folder #16 Saeedpour to New York Times, April 3, 1989. Folder #17 Saeedpour to police officers, July 31, 1989. Folder #18 Saeedpour to Stephen Strickland, August 25, 1989. Folder #19 Saeedpour to Kenneth Stein, November 1, 1989. Folder #20 Saeedpour to President Jimmy Carter, November 1, 1989. Folder #21 Saeedpour to Joe Coleman, December, 1989. Folder #22 Saeedpour to New York Times, 1990. Folder #23 Saeedpour to Washington Post, 1990. Folder #24 Saeedpour to Michigan Daily, April 3, 1990. Folder #25 Saeedpour to Maclean’s, May 2, 1990. Folder #26 Saeedpour to James Dorsey, May 2, 1990. Folder #27 Saeedpour to the Financial Times of London, May 3, 1990. Folder #28 Saeedpour to Helen Fine, May 3, 1990. Folder #29 Saeedpour to the Montreal Gazette, September 17, 1990. Folder #30 Saeedpour to National Review, September 22, 1990. Folder #31 Saeedpour to the Washington Post, October 4, 1990. Folder #32 Saeedpour to Wall Street Journal, January 12, 1991. Folder #33 Saeedpour to Michael Lehmann, January 27, 1991. Folder #34 Saeedpour letters regarding human rights, November, 1991. Folder #35 Saeedpour to Jim Lehrer, November 23, 1991. Folder #36 Saeedpour to Julian Walker, January 4, 1992. Folder #37 Saeedpour to Marjorie Pritchard, July 26, 1992. Folder #38 Saeedpour to Washington Post, April 2, 1992. Folder #39 Saeedpour to the Brooklyn Paper, August 6, 1992. Folder #40 Saeedpour to Dr. Fuad Masoom, October 3, 1992. Folder #41 Saeedpour to The Economist, October 16, 1992. Folder #42 Saeedpour to Richard Cohen, November 17, 1992. Folder #43 Saeedpour to David Reuther, November 24, 1992. Folder #44 Saeedpour to the New York Times, 1992. Folder #45 Saeedpour to the Wall Street Journal, 1992. Folder #46 Saeedpour to members of the Ad Hoc Turkey Group, February 2, 1993. Folder #47 Saeedpour to Bruce Seymore II, September 20, 1993. Folder #48 Saeedpour to the New York Times, November 2, 1993. Folder #49 Saeedpour to Catherine A. Begley, January 24, 1994. Folder #50 Saeedpour to the New York Times, December 1, 1994. Folder #51 Saeedpour to the New York Times, 1995. Folder #52 Saeedpour to the Wall Street Journal, 1995. Folder #53 Saeedpour to Neil Ross, January 21, 1996. Folder #54 Saeedpour to Christopher Hedges, April 8, 1996. Folder #55 Saeedpour to Annabelle Staber, April 10, 1996. Folder #56 Saeedpour to Major Owen, April 17, 1996. Folder #57 Saeedpour to the New York Times, May 1996. Folder #58 Kamran Mahjoob to Dr. Izadi, October 25, 1996. Folder #59 Saeedpour to U.S. Attorney, December 18, 1996. Folder #60 Saeedpour to Aziz Selim, December 7, 1998. Folder #61 Saeedpour to “whom it may concern”, September 26, 2001. Box #4 Correspondences, 1981-1986 Folder #1 Correspondences, January 27-August 28, 1981. Folder #2 Correspondences, August 28-December 15, 1981 & Unknown Dates. Folder #3 Correspondences, January 7-December 27, 1982 & Unknown Dates. Folder #4 Correspondences, January 3-December 29, 1983 & Unknown Dates. Folder #5 Correspondences, January 3-December 31, 1984 & Unknown Dates. Folder #6 Correspondences, January 1-December 31, 1985 & Unknown Dates. Folder #7 Correspondences, January 1-August 12, 1986. Folder #8 Correspondences, August 12-December 27, 1986 & Unknown Dates. Box #5 Correspondences, 1987-1990 Folder #1 Correspondences, January-July 29, 1987. Folder #2 Correspondences, July 29-December 31, 1987 & Unknown Dates. Folder #3 Correspondences, January 1-September 20, 1988. Folder #4 Correspondences, September 22-December 31, 1988 & Unknown Dates. Folder #5 Correspondences, January 2-August 5, 1989 & Unknown Dates. Folder #6 Correspondences, August 6-December 28, 1989 & Unknown Dates. Folder #7 Correspondences, January 1-August 27, 1990. Box #6 Correspondences, 1990-1992 Folder #1 Correspondences, August 28-December 31, 1990 & Unknown Dates. Folder #2 Correspondences, January 6-December 28, 1991 & Unknown Dates. Folder #3 Correspondences, January 3-June 23, 1991. Folder #4 Correspondences, June 24-November 28, 1991 & Unknown Dates. Folder #5 Correspondences, January 2-March 31, 1992 & Unknown Dates. Folder #6 Correspondences, April 1-June 25, 1992 & Unknown Dates. Folder #7 Correspondences, July-September 30, 1992 & Unknown Dates. Folder #8 Correspondences, October 4-December 31, 1992 & Unknown Dates. Box #7 Correspondences, 1993-1994 Folder #1 Correspondences, January 3-March 31, 1993 & Unknown Dates. Folder #2 Correspondences, April 2-June 29, 1993 & Unknown Dates. Folder #3 Correspondences, July 12-September 30, 1993 & Unknown Dates. Folder #4 Correspondences, October 1-Decemeber 28, 1993 & Unknown Dates. Folder #5 Correspondences, January 3-March 30, 1994 & Unknown Dates. Folder #6 Correspondences, April 1-June 30, 1994 & Unknown Dates.

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