THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN VNION COUNTY STY-FOURTH YEAR—No. 44 "WESTFIELD, NEW JE! THURSDAY, JUL"i^l5,~I954 _30 Pages—S Cent. Public Meeting On ullerAppointedHeadOfjPet Show Third Water Wednesday Use of Offices M. M. Taps Run Dry As Water Tke water situation in the In Residential Week Feature area, which continues in a se- fnited Campaign Drive rious condition, will be dis- At Playgrounds cussed at a public meeting: Zone Restricted General Chairman sponsored by the Westfield Famine Again Hits Area [ad Served As Chamber of Commerce next Gilchrist Wins Wednesday at S p.m. in the Council Approves In Town Foul- Municipal Building. Robert Amendment In Struck Plant Drops isistantChairman Kean Jr., vice president of Town Gives $2,952 Company Rushes Shooting Tourney the Plainneld • Union Water Executive Session NLRB Complaint Co., and George Haskew, gen- Will List Names The town foul-shooting tourna- eral superintendent and chief Despite the objections of a local To Support Clinic A scheduled National Labor Re- Pipe Connection Of Aides Soon ment was held at Lincoln Play- engineer of the company, will resident, • Town Council Monday lations Board hearing on unfair ground last Thursday. Wilson's be present. night approved an amendment to labor practices by District 4, Unit- contestant, Glenn Gilchrist, won obert C. Fuller of 704 Lenapc an ordinance requiring profes- Mental Health ed Electrical, Radio and Machine Conservation Urged first place and second place went sional persons to live in a building Workers of America, was canceled has been appointed general to Bob Gardner from Columbus. Drive At End To Alleviate Shortage li man of the United Campaign in which they maintain an office Monday in New York when the Other contestants were Dave Mor- Great Books Group when it is in a residential zone. Westfield's six youth serving Dr. Phyllis D. Schaefer, medical board was notified the charges had Water pressure dropped to two phis of Roosevelt, William Lane, The amendment was designed to been withdrawn. welfare agencies, according to McKinley, and Fran Cagnassola, director of tho Mental Hygiene pounds here Tuesday evening and, rleton H. Bunker, president of clarify an interpretation of a 1932 hit another low again last night. .Lincoln. Plans Program ordinance establishing building linic of Union County, recently The complaint had been filed by board of trustees of the Unit- received a check for $2,952.38 Isaac S. Blonder, president of B-T The shortage hit Tuesday despite iCampaign, who made the an- Special features this week were districts and restrictions, it was the fact that Westfielders were the costume parade yesterday «nd explained. The revision was made from William H. Baumer, 601 St. Laboratories, 526 East North ave- il icement. Will Meet In New Marks avenue, general chairman nue, where representatives of Dis- not using hoses to water their fills campaign, held annually in the town tether-ball tournament to prevent any interpretation that awns because it was not their being held at Columbus play- Memorial Library a professional man did not have to of the jofct Westfield Mental trict 4 nave been conducting a er, will provide the District Health Association-Union County strike since Jan. 22. Mr. Blonder night according to the schedule of sing Association, YWCA, YM ground. All playground champions occupy a residential building in hose use set up by the Plainfield- will compete for the town title. The Westfield - Fanwood Great which he had an office. Mental Hygiene Clinic fund cam- had charged that union agents as- Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and paign. This check represents West- saulted employes and inflicted Union Water Co. The dry faucets |s:neld Community Center with Awards for the prettiest, funniest, Books Discussion Group which met The ordinance would prohibit showed up in several sections of .f 1 most original and special type cos- last year in the Fanwood Memor- field's contribution to the clinic damage to automobiles and other support required in 19B5 over the converting of older dwellings which again makes possible psy- property. town shortly after supper time • tumes were given yesterday morn- ial Library will continue with the into professional offices with the above their earned income, ROBERT C. FULLER ing at all playgrounds. second year program in the new chiatric services to residents of Tuesday and remained that way - graduate of Purdue Univer possibility of also renting an apart the Westfield community. until about midnight, several resi- with a degree of BSME, Mr. Features for the week of July Westfield Memorial Library, ac- ment in the building. The ordi- dents reported. Pressure went up ; is vice president and direc- 19 will be the playground Olympics cording to Mrs. Olive Harris of nance, however, does permit an The drive for funds which be- Boro Objects To to 30 pounds at 1 p.m. yesterday, I of production and research of Greatest Miracle and the horseshoe and quoit tour- the Fanwood Library and Mi3S office in a dwelling, providing it is gan Sunday, May 16, was a joint still below the normal pressure. Ipeborough Manufacturing Co., nament. Shirley Wright of the Westfield an accessory to the house in which effort to gain financial support for Library. At the present time it is not only the Mental Hygiene Clinic Residents in Prospect street, \ olidatcd. He is vice president At Wilson Playground, batball the owner resides. Use of New Well Ross place, Bradford avenue and YMCA and a deacon in the Sermon Topic has become very popular. The girls planned that Wednesday night, of Union County but also the Un- Sept. 15, will be the first meeting: Dr. George S. Laird Jr. of 804 ion County Association for Men- Cedar terrace were without any. , byterian Church. He has been defeated the boys 15 to 10. Molly Mountain avenue, a dentist, ar- water at 6 p.m. Other sections of in United Campaign and Fay, Karen Pool, Carol Frew, Baj- of this group, which will continue tal Health and the New Jersey and Cites Lack of Facilities Union Services At alternate weeks, except for holi- gued the ordinance was "not doing the National Association for Men- the town reported "no water" let-: Cross drives, serving last year bara Niemi and Gretchen Grasser much for the town of Westfield. As Shortage Cause er in the evening. issistant general chairman of played well as individuals and good days, until the 18th and final meet- tal Health. All of these carry on First Methodist ing in May. Terming the legislation an unjust an educational program to better George M. Haskew, superintend- -United Campaign, team members and caused a sur- restriction, he said the ordinance MOUNTAINSIDE—Lack of wa- ent and chief engineei' of the wa- "field is very fortunate prising upset. The losing team was Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pernal of understand mental health and men- ter was discussed by the Mayor The Rev. Dr. J. L. McCorison was unfair to many professional tal health facilities. ter company, attributed the lack a man of Mr. Fuller's ability Jr., minister of the First Congre- composed of Robert Mears, Mike Cranford will be the leaders of persons who have occupied older- and Council at Tuesday night's of water to the extensive use of ; be secured to head an un- gational Church, will preach on Love, Tim Pool, Nicky Morris, Pete the second year group. Mr. Pernal, type homes in outlying areas for Since Jan. 1, citizens of West- meeting. The Council had been water during the present heat aking so important to our the topic "The Greatest Miracle" Fay, Tom Grasser, Bob Hall, Rich- who is a mechanical engineer, re- offices and renovated and beauti- field have received 4.4 per cent of notified of a hearing held Tues- wave, the lack of rain, and thrf fl We are confident that un- at the third union church service ard McDermott, Steve Whiteford, ceived his engineering degree from fied them. Many desire separate clinic service at the Mental Hy- day by the State Department of failure to conserve water by using1 : lis leadership this year's cam- to be held at the First Methodist Tom McGeary, Bill Carlyle and New York University, and was a buildings for homes, he said. giene Clinic even though, until this Conservation for the Plainfield- it for lawn sprinkling, air condi- . *; will be successful," Mr. Church Sunday at 9:50 a.m. This Tom Pool. Navy engineering officer during Council adopted the ordinance time, new applications for service Union Water Co. for permission to tioning, etc. The water company ••.'•,'> ; stated. is the 28th consecutive year the Tossball is very much liked by World War II. Mrs. Pernal, who after conferring in executive ses- have not been taken. Dr. Schaefer open an additional well in the Bor- yesterday urged its consumers to • First Baptist, First Methodist and the midgets. In a fast and exciting is a member of the local College sion. points out that in contributing to ough, and had authorized Borough cease all non-essential water uses ...'" Women's Club, is a graduate of Fuller will announce the First Congregational Churches contest, Maureen Horton outscored Plans for the building to be the clinic, the community helps to Attorney Charles Jerome to set until the present hot spell ends. ,i crs of his campaign organ have united in the summer series Terry Pillett, Rita Stalabum, John Rosary College and Is a research establish a resource for persons forth the Council's objections. The work of laying the new 24- ••.-.'';; librarian. Both Mr. and Mrs. Per- erected by the Volunter Rescue as they are appointed.
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