Japanese Volkssport Association (JVA),IVV-Japan

Japanese Volkssport Association (JVA),IVV-Japan

Japanese Volkssport Association (JVA) ,IVV -Japan Kanda St. Bldg , 1-2-4, 3F, Yushima , Bunkyo , Tokyo , 113 -8530 , JAPAN Tel. +81 -3-5256 -7850 Fax. +81 -3-5256 -7856 E-Mail: [email protected] Honorary President Mitsumasa Miyashita President Motohiro Kawau chi Vice President Hitoshi Tamari (President o f Japan Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation ) Taiko Fukashiro Director Masakatu Horino ( President of J apan Walking Assocation) Kazushige Masuda ( Senior Director of Japan Health Promotion and Fitness Foundation) Kenji Kimura ( Senior Director of All -Japan Nordic Walk League) Satok o Takeuji ( Senior Director of Japan Masters Swimming Association ) Yoshiko Umezawa (Profesor, TAMA University) Inspector Shigeki Shimazaki International Volksmarch of JVA 2016 . Please contact with Japanese Volkssport Assoc iation . The date & distance of all events are tentative. Please check to each contact address. Japanese Volkssport Association (JVA) Kanda St. Bldg, 1-2-4, Yushima , Bunkyo , Tokyo , 113 -8530 , JAPAN Tel. +81 -3-5256 -7850 Fax. +81 -3-5256 -7856 Date *Name of Volksmarch IML International Marching League JML Japan Marching League (18 Big walks in Japan) AJWC All Japan Waking Cup 1. Jan. 9-10 The 18th Shimoda Suisen Two -Days March, Shizuoka AJWC c/o Shimoda City, Tourism Promotion Division Walking/NordicWalking 1-5-18 Higashihongo, Simoda-shi, Shizuoka 415-8501 Tel: (0558)22-3913 Fax: (0558)22-3910 2. Jan 23 -24 The 9th Kumejima Island Walk, Okinawa AJWC c/o Kumejima Tourism Association Walking 966-33 Nakadomari, Kumejima-cho, Shimajiri-gun, Okinawa 901-3124 Tel: (098)896-7010 Fax: (098)896-7075 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.kanko-kumejima.com 3. Jan. 23 -24 The 24 st Ibusuki Rape Blossom March, Kagoshima JML AJWC c/o Ibusuki Tourist Association Walking/NordicWalking 2-5-33 Minato, Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima 891-0405 Tel: (0993)22-5519 Fax: (0993)22-3884 E-mail: [email protected] http://ibusuki.or.jp 4. Jan.30 Hirugano Snow Walk, Gifu Snow Shoe ing c/o Takasu Tourism Association 3328-1 Ayutate, Takasu-cho, Gujo-shi, Gifu 501-5304 Tel: (0575)72-5000 Fax: (0575)72-5001 Email: [email protected] 5.Feb . 6-7 The 15 th Urasoe Tedako Walk 2016 , Okinawa AJWC c/o Urasoe City, Board of Education Walking 1-1-1 Ahacha, Urasoe-shi, Okinawa 901-2501 Tel: (098)876-1234 Fax: (098)879-7280 6.Feb. 13 -14 The 11 th Ashizuri Hotspring Two -Days March, Kochi AJWC c/o Tosashimizu City, Sightseeing Business and Industry Division Walking 11-2 Tenjin-cho, Tosashimizu-shi, Kochi 787-0392 Tel: (0880)82-1212 Fax: (0880)82-1126 E-mail: [email protected] 7.Feb. 27 -28 The 18th Miyazaki Two -Days March, Miyazaki AJWC c/o Kobayashi City, Commerce and Tourism Division Walking/NordicWalking 300 Hosono, Kobayasi-shi, Miyazaki 886-8501 Tel: (0984)23-1174 Fax: (0984)23-1197 E-mail: [email protected] 8.Mar. 5-6 The 26th Minamiboso Flower March, Chiba JML AJWC c/o Minamiboso City, Tourism Promotion Division Walking 28 Aoki, Tomiura-machi, Minamiboso-shi, Chiba 299-2492 Tel: (0470)33-1091 Fax: (0470)20-4230 9. Mar. 5-6 The 7th Walking Town Kyot o Two -Days Walk 2016 , Kyoto AJWC c/o Kyoto Walking Association Walking 249 Ameya-cho, Simogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 600-8148 Tel: (075)353-6464 Fax: (075)352-4600 10 . Mar. 6 The 3rd Goto Island Camellia Road Nordic Walk, Nagasaki NordicWalking c/o Kamigoto town, Sightseeing Business and Industry Division 720-1 Arikawago, Shinkamigoto-cho, Minamimatsuura-gun, Nagasaki 857-4211 Tel: (0959)42-3851 Fax: (0959)42-3852 Email: [email protected] 11 . Mar. 12 -13 The 7th Ikikoku Walk in Iki, Nagasaki AJWC c/o Federation of Sightseeing in IKI Walking 683-2 Honmurahure, Gonoura-cho, Iki-shi, Nagasaki 811-5133 Tel: (0920)47-3700 Fax: (0920)47-5302 Email: [email protected] http://www.ikikokuwalk.com 12 .Mar.12 -13 The29th Setouchi Kurashiki Two -Days March, Okayama JML AJWC c/o Kurashiki City, Sports Promotion Division Walking/NordicWa lking 640 Nishinakashinden, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama 710-8565 Tel: (086)426-3855 Fax: (086)421-0107 Email: [email protected] http://www.facebook.com/s.k.2day 13 .Mar.12 -13 The 3rd Hiroshima Walk in Hiroshima Bay Festa,Hiroshima Walking/NordicWalking c/o Hiroshima Walking Association 911 Esole Hiroshima, 11-6 Fujimi-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 730-0043 Tel: (082)218-0511 Fax: (082)218-0511 Email: [email protected] 14 . Mar.19 -20 The 20 th Ryoma Honeymoon Walk in Kirishima, Kagoshima AJWC c/o Kirishima Tourism Association Walking/NordicWalking 3878-114 Takachiho,Makizono-cho, Kirishima-shi, Kagoshima 899-6603 Tel: (0995)78-2115 Fax: (0995)78-3487 Email: [email protected] http://ryoma-honeymoonwalk.com/ 15. Mar.19 -20 The 19th Usuzumi Cherry Tree Roman Walk, Gifu AJWC c/o Motosu City, Board of Education Walking 1000 Shimomakuwa, Motosu-shi, Gifu501-0494 Tel: (058)323-7764 Fax: (058)323-2964 http://www.city.motosu.lg.jp 16. Ma r.19 -20 The 6th Karatsu Two Days March , Saga AJWC c/o Karatsu Tourism Association Walking 2935-1 Shinko-cho, Karatsu-shi, Saga 847-0816 Tel: (0955)74-3355 Fax: (0955)74-3365 Email: [email protected] http://www.karatsu-kankou.jp/ 17 . Mar. 19 -20 Shinshu Suzaka Two -Days Walk, Nagano Walking/NordicWalking c/o Shoe Mart Co,Ltd. 458 Nakahigano, Inasato-machi, Nagano-shi, Nagano 381-2215 Tel: (026)462-0088 Fax: (026)462-0089 Email: [email protected] 18. Mar. 26 -27 The 17th Koga Flower -Peach March, Ibaraki AJWC c/o Koga City, Sports Promotion Division Walking 2528 Shimoono, Koga-shi, Ibaraki 306-0204 Tel: (0280)92-0555 Fax: (0280)92-8383 Email: [email protected] http://www.koga-taikyo.or.jp 19 . Mar.26 -27 The 4th Saita -March ~Minuma Two days, Saitama AJWC c/o Saitama Convention and Visitors Bureau Walking Jack Omiya 3 rd FL,682-2 Nishiki-cho, Omiya-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 330-0853 Tel: (048)647-8338 Fax: (048)647-0116 http://saitamasc.jp/saitamarch/ 20 . Mar.27 Yurihama Cherry Bloosm Walk, Tottori Walking/NordicWalking c/o NPO MIRAI 2571 Higashinakamachi, Kurayoshi-shi, Tottori 682-0723 Tel: (0858)24-5725 Fax: (0858)27-0101 21 . Mar. (date undecided) The7th Mt.Kohiras an Walk , Oita NordicWalking c/o NPO Kamae Blue Tourism Workshop Oita Marine Culture Center 1834-2 Kamaetakenouragochi, Saiki-shi, Oita 876-2301 Tel: (080)2728-1527 Fax: (0972)42-1531 22 . Apr. 2 -3 The 37th Jyosyu O ta Green March, Gunm a AJWC c/o Ota Walking Association Walking 551-5 Oshikiri-cho, Ota-shi, Gunma 370-0405 Tel: (0276)52-5551 Fax: (0276)52-4150 http://otawalking.serverims.com/ 23 . Apr. 2-3 The 13th Nagoya Two -Days Walk, Aic hi AJWC c/o Aichi Walking Associasion Walking 79-1 Hatanaka, Oku-machi, Ichinomiya-shi, Aichi 491-0201 Tel: (070)5405-9173 Fax: (0586)61-6471 24 . Apr. 2-3 The 14th Sanuki Udon Tsuru Tsuru Two -Days Walk, Kagawa AJWC c/o Sakaide Commerce and Industry Hall Walking 3-3-8 Kyo-machi, Sakaide-shi, Kagawa 762-0001 Tel: (0877)45-4401 Fax: (0877)45-4420 25 . Apr. 9-10 The 10th Shimousa -Edogawa Two -Days March, Chiba AJWC c/o Chiba Walking Associaton Walking 6-5-2 Tenmondai, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 263-0016 Tel: (043)255-0141 Fax: (043)255-0204 26 . Apr. 9-10 The 18 th Fukushima Mt. Azuma Two -Days March, Fukushima AJWC c/o Kinki Tourist Co,Ltd. Walking Fukushima center Bldg, 7-3 Omachi, Fukushima-shi, Fukushima 960-8041 Tel: (024)521-1411 Fax: (024)524-1525 27 . Apr. 16 -17 The 19th Kurume Azalea March, Fukuoka JML AJWC c/o Kurume Bureau of Tourism and International Exchange Walking/NordicWalking Kurumeria 6 th FL, 3-11 Mutsumon-machi, Kurume-shi, Fukuoka 830-0031 Tel: (0942)31-1777 Fax: (0942)31-3210 Email: [email protected] 28 . Apr.16 -17 The 15 th Awa Eraiyaccha Two -Days Walk, Tokushima AJWC c/o Tokushima Walking Association Walking Yahata Bldg.3F, 10 Higashidekijima-cho, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima 770-0822 Tel: (088)656-3636 Fax: (088)656-3636 Email: [email protected] 29 . Apr. 16 -17 Minami Osaka Walk, Osaka NordicWalking c/o Nordic Walk League South Osaka 2-10-7 Okubokita, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka 590-0402 Tel: (090)6378-9622 Email: [email protected] 30 . Apr. 23-24 The 30th Iida Yamabiko March, Nagano JML AJWC c/o Iida City, Board of Education Walking/NordicWalking 2534 Okubo-machi, Iida-shi, Nagano 395-8501 Tel: (0265)21-3001 Fax: (0265)53-4546 Email: [email protected] 31 . Apr.24 The 2nd Osaka Nordic Walk Festa, Osaka Walking/NordicWalking c/o Japan Nordic Walk League Kawanoeki Hachikenya, 1-2 Kitahamahigashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 530-0031 Tel: (06)6232-8648 Fax: (06)6232-8349 Email: [email protected] 32 . Apr. 30 -May 1 The 21 th Walking Festival , Tokyo JML AJWC c/o Japan Walking Association Walking/NordicWalking Kanda St Bldg 3rd FL,1-2-4 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8530 Tel: (03)5256-7855 Fax: (03)5256-7856 Email: [email protected] http://www.walking.or.jp 33 .May.1 The 4th World ’s Best Row of Cherry Trees NordicWalk, Aomori NordicWalking c/o Aomori Nordic Walk League 124 Susono,Hyakuzawa, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori 036-1343 Tel: (0172)83-3000 Fax: (0172)83-3001 Email: [email protected] http://nordic-walk.aomori.jp 34 . May .3-4 The 15 th Izumonokuni Two -Days Walk , Shimane AJWC c/o NPO Hikawa Sports Association Walking/NordicWalking 2876-3 Sobara, Hikawa-cho, Izumo-shi, Simane 699-0502 Tel: (0853)72-8809 Fax: (0853)72-8809 Email: [email protected] 35 .

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