THE NEWSPAPER OF IMPERIAL COLLEGE No.l03 FRIDAY 15 m MARCH 1957 A NEW HOSTEL NEXT YEAR LC MOVING INTO PRINCES GARDENS: 24 MEN IN No.12 AS WAS ANNOUNCED AT THE UNION MEETING, NO. 12 PRINCES GARDENS WILL BE OPENED AS A GARDEN HOSTEL AT THE BEGINNING OF NEXT SESSION. EHIS LONG AWAITED NEWS WILL BE WELCOMED BY ALL STUDENTS, AND IT IS TO BE HOPED THAT further accommodation will be available in the near future. No. 12 will be run as an annex to the Beit Hall of I.C. SE Residence, and will accomodate 2h men mostly in double rooms. Application for Hostel accomm_dation should be made in the usual way*, and IN RELAY applicants should state a preference. for the Garden "ostel, if they have one. Forms for the hostels are now EVANS MAKES FASTEST TIME available from Miss Sherwood. Charges for the next session will be £17, £17 The ninth invitation Road Relay and £16 for the next three terms. race organised by the Cross-Country Club took place last Saturday. PROGRESS 1 I.C. took second place by 39 sees, Further progress is announced in froa Southampton University. The the form of the lawn to occupy the Relay took place in brilliant sun- quadrangle. It will be finished before shine, and was watched by many. the Queen Mother's visit and will Congratulations must go to the consist mainly of turf and paved paths officials of the C.C.C., led by Students are appealed to.not to walk Mike Barber, for the efficiency of on the grass, although there will be the organisation and the success of no, ''KEEP OFF' notices: they team. Progress on the Union Building has (For full report, see back page) speeded up. For this reason there will be no Union Comment this issue, and It is hoped that there will be no The photograph opposite shows Les Locke further need for one. finishing for I.C. UNION MEETING An I.o. Union General Meeting took place in the Concert nail last — ' Bo! was inviolate. Kitchsaid he would bring it up at the next Presidents' Council. The much publicised question of the bar beer A letter had bean received from Hiss Wendy was at long last settled. The motion that "the Pipe, commenting on the fact that while I.C.V.A. bitter be changed to "Flowers'1' was carried by a always dressed "properly" whilst around the comfortable majority, but the vote was preceded Union, other Females (assumed to be associated by surprisingly little discussion for such an with I.C. men were"improperly" dressed (i.e. in important matter. slacks etc.). A notion was proposed from the . floor to! the effect that I.C.W.A. should be all- owed to wear slacks if they so wishedj this was Feelings ran high, however , on the question carried by an overwhelming majority. of a small lounge. It was announced that the Senior Common Room Committee bad decided not to move to the third' floor, so that their present • ADDRESS .SOME OF THE" STOt>EMTS Announcements were made about the Jubilee abode would not be available for student use, in particular to users of the Dining Hall (cries of Celebrations, of which details appeared in the. IN THCiR NCW Corv/ce«T HALL- "shame"). It was pointed out Ijhat this room was lrt1 tt last "Jwlijrt The Union body commented adversely » " " of eonetltuent College Union Meetings in a key position of the Union, and that many on the fact that out of 230 places in the Concert students have to walk through it daily. It was Guilds:- Considerable feeling was arfcouaed by Hall on May 2Bth, enly 58 of these were to be flsr asked how many lounges the staff had. The Pres- the efforts of the administration to take over students. They were appeased to some extent, how- ident replied that ha believed that they had one the settjjamant of the damage at Kings Technical ever, whan they were told from the Chair that, in Ayrton Ball, and one In 179, Queens Sate, School after the Lord Mayor's show. John Hart although there were bound to be petty grievances, besides the one- under discussion. From the floor expressed the hope that members of the union would tiia arrangements vara designed to give everyone it was remarked that the proportion of staff to look at the lotice Boards every month or so. a fair chance. There ia to be closed-circuit \ student lounge accommodation raa greatly in R.C.S.:- I.C.V.A. were conspicuous by their television— a few days ago the Beetor took part excess of the proportion of staff to students. afresnca at the Valentine'a day Union Meeting, at in an experimental run. Miss Cowgill proposed that a petition should be which VIem-President Palmer lost his pants and-' organised. Amid great acclaim, tarn President bis dignity for not wearing his bonnet. Jese- suggested that Miss Cowgill should organise one. bml is to have a new garage, and the R.C.S. The Union strongly deprecated the action of After the meeting a large body of students walked Constitution mas bean changed by abolishing the I.e. students who removed the front wheel in protest through the lounge; they found mo mem- various committees and creating others, to froa BoI They should be told.it was said, that bers of the staff in occupation. bring it more in line with modern scientific thought. ~ FELIX IEWPOINT: Just to set you thinking on the un- reliable nature of the spoken word ( let Quite recently, after a Guild's alone tho written ), ponder for a moment Union meeting, the Guildsmen present the 'saying of the week' by Kitch at the went out In search of "Sport? As Is I Union Meeting - "I don't know much usual In the majority of these instances! about beer" '. the "Sport" consisted of removing a prominent object from one place an" I The column rests assured in the feel depositing it in another. This tim ing that this snippet of unlikely inform- the object concerned was the flag dis- ation oan be vouched for by several played outside the American kinder- hundred students so that no further libel garten opposite Guilds. The flag wrs aotions are expected this week. The then displayed, upside-down, from tha I last issue's remarks about Mr. Derek Guilds' flagpole. ' Butters inspired that worthy gentleman Later on the same afternoon the Th* garage for "Jezebel" in process of coastraetion to threaten everything from a deformation Guilds' president '--<d to return the of character action to a breach of promise flag with abject p ies. A few days later, the ssed these This brings up the ever present present at the - «• ' ssked tbcje FIRST RATE PHOTOGRAPHY controversy of the freedom of the Press who had actually > flag to this particular Press, the very pressed go with him and ic& tae • u the prlr.- Felix. Those who criticise the system clpal and the eh ; The Annual Exhibition of the I.C. of reproduction (?) must realise that It "•• . i ..a klnder- Photographic Society was held from garten. The Dc<sr i 'la chat It was> is to this very economical process that March U~8th. in the Concert Hall. Our Cat owes his finanoial independence quite likely that • Americans would This new hall immediately showed its and thus his ability to'print and be not be satisfied nat the affair suitability for Exhibitions such as damned'. Provided the news is thought could reach ambas • -'••<! level, this by its spaciousness and good in all sincerity to be correct, it is the The Dean of Gi da end the Americans lighting. The entries were judged by Felix mission to air it - Our Cat may are still conv'r.'t . that the whole affair was or*« ii Mr.R.H.Mason M.A..F.R.P.S., Art ' be considered a sort of typographical v --a by political elu- ments within Editor of the Amateur Photographer, wooden spoon. And to nip out of that lege. The prln- clpal cause f who spoke of the high standard of the simile before we get Into real trouble - :-. lies in the offie- lal mishandl: colour transparencies, and said that with the Boss, "there's very little smoke : ' whole alfalr. 'rrtny If the flag r: of them were worthy of entry in without fire". Pelix oan point an returned wrapped round a box - larger competitions. The two main acousing paw which goes deep into Union . )"ts as had -seen sug- 1 gested and a awards, the 'Glaister Trophy for the and Administration alike. gits presented Inl'^r.i ally, the wh best print of the Exhibition and the affair would have been dismissed a: 'Huthen Cup' for the best portraiture Before the column really turns the •it another student "rag? (3rd. were won by G.A.Matthews year milk sour, three hearty miaows for Don The stude • fusible for remov- Zoology) for a charming study entitled Cook for his speaking in the debate "This ing the flag • .uJky not to b<> sent •'Pensive'. In ths absence of Mr.Jfeson Bouse la disappointed in the new Union down, since 1 , t Senate House Issued who had to fly to the Leipzig Trade building design" - a little more like a proclamatlor. ih contained the Fair at very short notice, Dr.E.Glaisterj this would soon fill debates to capacity. declaration thai 3tudent who Is : (C.&.G.) gave an extremely informative And hurrah for tie man who STARTE" THE found to have ta rt In ar.y form critique on the exhibits, during the CLOCKS - even if they are thre^ .nutes of procession or titration.
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