---------- a -It"\-I;±~~~ _-i·!~f Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan HB ~~ I 12 6:P 1937 No. 6 (±1!!'f1t~mi, ii:{; ~ 44 '& 1It 520-522~!X mAilI]) [Reprinted from Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, Vol. 44. No 520-522.J Palaeontological Society of Japan § :k CONTENTS ~ "* Transactions 26. Tsuneteru Ol No~nKADo, Molluscan Fossils f rom the Pleisto­ cene Deposit of Sisinai in Tobetu-mura I sikari-gun, Hokkaido (Published Janunr y 20) . .. .... .... .. .. " .. .. ... 1 ~t nfj,~;Q~~'W\~'~iJJIJtNI\]'::;- I*J EE7J I,fkl!!:J{1t;Q (jl~@~ ) (1 )~ 20 IOJ ~~ ) ......... ............ " .. .. ........ .. .. ..... .. .. " *j,'l(1a~ f" ff,Hj~ 6 27. Kotora HATAl, A ShOlt Note on the Punctation of t he Bra­ chiopod Shell (Published February 20) . .. 7 nlliJ'l!:.iI!Jl\\X<7.) Punctation KJit@: L (j i~~) (2 fJ 20 f:J l&~ ) ~II 11: 11, [,-£ 10 28. Tokio SHlKAMA, Pathologic Examples of Fossil Deer Bone and Antler from the Fissure Deposits of KUZllU (Publislwd February 20) . ... ... .... ..... .. .. ..... ... ... ]2 ;1,t~.fo~;lJ¥J I WffllEE1t;QJllUo·~1'J.k.V : frJ <7.Jf* ;lj i i19U (J I~~ ) (2 )'j 20 f:J!fHO . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ...... .. .. ill'. un II-li' 5k 14 29. K otora lVL HATAl, Brachiopod Morphology : Studies on the Anterior and Lateral Commissures of Certain Forms and the Curvature of the Beak, t heir Relationship and Morphological Importance (Published March 20) . .. .. ... ... ... .. .... .. 17 IDiIJi!:.!i!JiJfMJIlJJ£: J1X; 0 J[§<7.:>Tjutl'jl:;1ft.:z fl!lj ffil'j~1l-.2!<. V: 1!JIj <7.:> 1lll11l1, Jl;~ ~ <7.:> *I1 JIfMil ff-.2!<. V l[§ 1J1l Jf1 (J~ 1It ~'I! t KH,.tv' L <7.:>lit F yt (Ji'iii ~ ) (3 )'j 20 f: J l&~ ) ' ·:J;jll 11' Ij , JJf. 26 30. Yaichil'o OkADA , A Fossil Frog from J apan (Published March 20)· . .. 27 F-J ;>j;:EE!Illi <7.:> 1t;Q (fiii~ ) (3 n 20 r:Jl&;t< ) .. ..... ..... .. Wol Efl iff4l - ])11 29 31. 311 7"G') FJJm!" .. " . .. it\]; ,1, * ~ I\ 30 Jiro MAKIYAMA Discussion of Type (Resume) (Published ·March 20) 32 32. Hisakatsu Y ABE and Toshio SUGIYA~U, Sundry Notes on Living a nd Fossil l"ub ipoj'u (Published March 20)· . ...... ' . 33 mt~.2!<.v:1t;Q Tubipora KJ~tv " L (fi'iii~) (3 ).j 20 I H1~)""" """" ... ... .... " " " " " " .. .. " " " .. " x 7(i\ ~ 5/;, tJ- IJ, !iji jll\ 38 *c ~ Proceedings . .... .. .. ' . " 15 (Transactions of the Palaeontological Society of Japan) 26. Molluscan Fossils from the Pleistocene Deposit of Sisinai in Tobetu-mura Isikari-gun, Hokkaido. By Tsuneteru OINOMIKADO. (Received Oct. 30th.; read Nov. 21st, 1936) In the summer of 1936, I have made a large co llection of fossil shells from the P leistocene deposit of Sisinai (about 20 km NNE of Sapporo). Cross-bedded brown sand containing numerous fo ssil is exposed on a cliff near Sisinai, and the Sisinai fauna jornprises Mollusca, F oraminifera, Ciripedia, Brachiopoda and Bry­ ozoa, and among them Mollusca and Foraminifera are dominant. 1 Recently Prof. N AGA0 ) reported the Pleistocene fossiliferous deposits in Hokkaido and mentioned 39 species of Molluscan fossil of Sisinai. The aistinguishable species in my collection is attained to 71 in total, of whicl:i.' 36 belong to Pelecypoda, 34 to Gastropoda and 1 to Brachiopoda. Among the 70 species of Mollusca, 54 have been specifically identified, while 16 remain undetermined. The latter include mostly very small forms and ~10 s t of them are probably new to science. The fo ssil shells of Sisinai are as follows : Pelecypoda 1. Nt~ ct ~ l (~ (Acil(~ ) insignis GOULD Common 2. Al'ca bottCanli JOUSSEAME Common 3. Glycymel'is y essoensis (SOWERBY) Abulldant 4. Cl'enella yo/coya?ncti NOlliURA. Abundant 1) NAGAO: Post·Setana F ossili ferous Beds 10 Hokkaid6, Jour. Geol. Soc. Tokyo, Vol. 41, No. 487, pp. 205-207, 1934. -( 1 )- 66 '1'. O[NO~IlK AD O 5. Myt-ill1~s gmyanus D UNKER Abundant 6. ClIlamys (Chlamys) swiftii (BERNARDI) Rare 7. Chlarnys (C hlarnys) /a?TM'i a7cazC!?"a KURODA R are S. Pecten (Pat-inopec ten) yessoens-is JAY Abundant 9. Lirn ah~ la subatwi ct~l a ta (MON'fAGU ) Common 10. C(l?'~lita (Mio:lontisc1Ls) lJ?'%ngata (CARPENTER) Rare (= Vene?··ica?·cl-ia nakarntu'a-i YOKOYAMA) 11. Ven e1 '-ica ?' cl-i c~ (CyclocM'd-ia) f e?Tuginea (A . ADA~IS) CLESSI N Common 12. C01·b ·ict~ l a sp . (Immature of C. n-ilJponensis ?) Rare 13. Diplo donta (Felaniella) 'usta (GOULD) Common 14. Codak-ia (P-ill~~ c in a) lJisidiU1n (DUNKER) Ra.p. 15. M ysella oblongata (YOKOYAMA) Common 16. lJiysella ja ponica (YOKOYAMA) Common 17. Carcliu,rn (Cerastodenna) calijo,,;niense D ESHAYES Rare I S. Callis/a brev·isiphonata (CARPENTER) Ra:'e 19. Sax·idomus pw'ptt!"att~s (SOWE,RBY ) Rare 20. P?'otothaca starninea (CONRAD ) Rare 21. Venen~lJis (Arnygdala) va?'iegata (SOWERBY) Common 22 . lIiact?'a sp . (Immature of lIi. ca?'n e01Jicta?) Rare 23. Mact?'a (lliact?'orne?'is) polynyrna voyi (GABB) Common 24. Scmgu-i?iola?··ia (Nt~ttallia) ol-ivacec~ (J AY) Rare 25. Ga?··i (Psarnrnocola) cali!o?·n·ica (CONRAD) R are 26. lIiacornc~ -incongn~a (v. MARTENS) Rar e 27. Macorna n-ilJponica (TOKUNAGA) R are 2S. l 'ellina (Fabulina?) nitidu la D UNKER Rare 29 . 1'ellina (P e?'oniclia) sc~lmonea (CARPENTER) COl1}mOn 30. A lo-iclis v em~s ta (GOULD) Ral'e 31. H iMel/a O?'-i entalis (YOKOYA~IA) Rare 32. lIiya tnmcata LINNE R are 33. lIiyc~ a?' ena?'-ia japonica J AY Rare 34. C?'yptorny c~ sp. R are 35. Lyons-is (Entodesrnct) tnmcatiss-irna (PILSBRY) R are 36. lIiyaclO?"a fl1~c tu os a GOULD Comrr: on Gastropoda 37. Pwzct twellc~ (Pt!n c tw'ellc~) nobilis (A. ADAMS ) RaTe 3S. Patelloida sch?' enckii (LrScHKE) Common 39. P atelloicla lJygrnaea (DUNKER) Common 40. P CL telloicla sp. R are 41. P atello-icl a (1'ect u ?"C~) pallida (GOULD) R are 42. lIia?'ga?'-ites (Lirula?'ia) pygmaea (YoKOYA~rA) Rare 43. Ma?'ga?'it es sp. Common -( 2 )- Mo lluscan Fossils from the P leistocene Deposit of Sisinai in Tobetu-mura 67 44. Sola9'iella sp . Common 45. Calliostoma 9nttlti li9'atum (SOWERBY) Common 46. Ganesa (LelJtogY9'a) sp. Rare 47. H omalo poma amttssitata (GOULD) Abundant 48. Lacttnaino9'natct (YOKOYA~fA) Common 49. Cingula sp. No. 1. Common 50. Cingttla sp. No_ 2. Rare 51. Alvania concinnct A. ADAMS (=Rissoct sarlo ensis YOKOYAiVfA) Common 52. Alvania m aya (YOKOYAiVIA) Co I11mon 53. Caecum, sp_ Common M. Cedth·iopsis sp. RaTe 55. S eila crassicincta (YOKOY A~fA) Common 56. 'l'9'iphMa sp . Rare 57. L CHcotinct dianae (A. ADAMS) Rare 58. M en estho (lJi enestho) exal'atisshna (DALL et BARTSCH) R ar e 59. Menestho (Ocl etta) sp. Rare 60. Polinices (Lttnatina) pallida BRODERIP et SOWERBY Rare 61. N aticct ('l'ectonat ica) clattsa BRODERIP et SOWERBY Rare 62. 'l" rolJhon (BM'eotl'olJhon) sp. Rare 63. Ocenebl'a (Ocineb9'ellus) aclu.ncct (S OWERBY) Rare 64. Mih'ella bw·chcw cl·i (DUN KER) Abundant 65 . Sea1'lesia f uscolabiatct ( S~n'.rH) Rare 66 . Nassari'll,s ('l'9'itonella) clo'lninulus l T APPARONE -CANEFRI) R a.re 67. IT aecl9'o pleul"a f ttlC'u chiana (Y OMOYAiV[A) Rare 68. Cythet1'CIJ (Mangelia) deshayesii (D UNKER) RUl'e 69. Ringicuta sp. Rare 70. R etusa sp. R ar e Brachiopoda 71. 'l' cl' ebmtalia cO l'eanica (ADAMS et REEVE) Rare Among the 38 species of Mollusca reported by Prof. NAGAO, the 17 species are not represented in my collection and they are as follows : Pswdog?'Ctmatodon obliquetta (YOKOYAMA), Anadam inflata (REEVE), 111ytil~t s ed~dis (LINNE), Ost?' ea gigas THUNBERG, Osl?'ea ?'osacCCt DESHA YES, Joanisiella c1tmingi (HANLEY), L~tcina acutili­ nectlet (CONRAD), Ccwdium m~ttic~(,m REEVE, Callista pacifica (DILLWY N), Cyclina sinensis (GlIIELIN), Schizothae?'1('s ?wttalli (CONRAD), JJt[acomet tolcyoensis MAKIYA MA, Panope japonica A. ADAMS, Cctlliostoma shinagawensis T OKUNAGA, Natica janthostoma DESBAYES, Nept1('?WCL CL? ·th?·itica (BERlIIARDI) , lVassa?·ius japoniws (A. ADAMS). The two species, Ca lliostoma shinagawensis T OKU- - ( 3 ) - 68 T. OmOMlKADO " NAGA and Nassa?'i'us japonicus (A. ADAMS), should be ident ified as Gallio.sto?1w ?1ndlilimtttrn (SOWERBY) and Nasscwitts dorninul'tts (TAPPARONE.CANEFRI), both arc represented in my collection. H ence all of the known species of the Sisinai' fossil Mollusca up to the present time indicates 69 in lllunber, viz. 54 of my identi­ fied forms together with 15 of NAG AO ', ' collection. Messrs. KINOSITA and I SAHAYAl) have relorted 109 sp cies of the recent shells from Hokkaido, of which the following species are found in the Sisinai fauna : A?'ca boucct?'di JO USSEAME, Glycy­ rne?'is yessoensis (SOWERBY), l11ytilus gmyantts DUNKER, 1I1ytil11s edulis Lnn,fE, Ghlarnys swiftii (BEHNARDI), Ghlamys akazcwa KURODA, Pecten yessoensis JAY, OstTea gigas THUNBERG, Gcwdiurn califo?'ni­ ensc DESHAYES, Gallista b?'evisiphonata (CAI{PENTER), Saxidorn11s pU?"pttmtv,s (SOWERBY), Vene?'upis va?'iegata (SO WERBY), l11acfm voyi (GABB), Sang7.tinolcwia olevacea (JAY), l11acoma incong?"7.ta (v. MARTENS), Tellina salrnonea (CARPENTER), Hiatella o?'i entalis (YOKOY AMA), Panopejaponica A. ADAMS, l11ya j apo ~1iw JAY, Patel­ loida pallida (GOULD), Hornalopoma arnttssitala (GoULD), Natica janthostorna DESH AYES, '1'?'i to nalia adunca (SOWERBY), JIIlif?' ella bm'chct?'di (DUNKER), Nepttmea a?,tMitiw (BERNARDI), Sea?'lesia fttscolabiata (SlIH1.'H), Nassa?'ius domimdtts (TAPPARONE-CANEFRr). Dr. SASAKI~) listed 87 living species of Pelecypoc1a fOimd in Hokkaido and Saghalin, and among them the following. pelecypods are also kl;l.Own in the shell bed of Sisinai: Nttculct in s igni~ GOULD, Pseudog?'arnatodon obliquata (YOKOYAMA ), A?'w bottca?'di J OUSSEAME, A nadam injlctta (REEVE), Glycyme?'is yessoensis (Sow­ ERBY), 111ytil1ts gmyanus DUNKER, Ghlam.ys swiftii (BERNARDI), Diplodontct 'l.wta (GOULD), L1tcina acutilineata (CONRAD), Go dakia pisidi'l.trn (DUNKER), Ga?'diurn rn'l.ttiC1trn REEVE, V en e?'1tpis vao'l'iegatd (SOWERBY), 1I1act?'Ct voyi.
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