ri '.* VI-’**' ■ :i XHB WEATHER ■'"’rr PorMMt br V. *. uHm iMv Bveaa, !NBT PRESS RUT® 9«W liMVUI AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIOTl for Uie Month of May, 1020 CO Fair tonight and Sunday; cooler 5,330 tonight. Members of the Andlt Bureau of Circulations FOURTEEN ^AGES PRICE THREE CENT$ (Glasslfled Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.,’ SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1929. VOL. XLIIL, NO. 194. KING GEORGE IS REPORTED “mOVING” Sti^ey Baldwin, Consenra- Progress of Infection Has Cool Breezes Break tive Leader Hay Succeed Been Arrested in Time; In Forming Next Cabinet Only One Doctor in Wind­ Hot spell In East In Spite of Numerical Vic­ sor Castle New York, June !.■ -CooUngathe, hot weather death toll during i.Tthe day, five were victims of heat brM.es brought reUel tble m orfr,I • ^rowued. tory of Labor Party Wbidb ing • from the beat wave that has Several eastern cities reported Windsor, England, June 1.— held New York in'its grip for the higher temperatures, Springfield, view of the important political de­ last three days, taking a toll of 27 Mass., recorded a temperature of Has 20 Seats Less Than velopments impending within the deaths, directly and indirectly. | 94 degrees; Was)jlngton, 92, and next few weeks due to the election • Yesterday was the hottest May 31 Boston, 90. New“ Haven, Conn., Majority N eedei of a new Tarliament, every effort in 34 years, the mercury climbing had an official mark of 94 at 4 p. The AmeHcan public will have full opportunity to present Its views on the problem of crime and law enforcement. Public hehearings are to the 90-degree mark in the after- m.. yesterday, the highest mark for is being made to nurse King George to beB held in many of the larger cities___ So decided thetne special commission appointedappomieu byoy Presid^tx-reBiuoui Hooverauvy<=i Justjuot before thisw.il» photo photo was^taken, noon, a new high mark for the May' since establishment of the London, June 1.— Charges of ■back to health as speedily as possi­ of the first meeUng in Washington. Left to right are Roscoe Pound, Dean of Harvard Law School; Fywk L Loesch, vIce-president^Chl(»go year. Of the nine persons added to Weather Bureau at that city. ble. Crime Commission; William I. Grubb, Federal judge; Ada Comstock, president of Radcliffe College; George W. Wickersham, chairman and former political bargaining "to deprive La­ Lord Dawson, of Penn, chief sur­ President of the American Law Institute; Newton D. Baker, Cleveland 8‘ tomey and former Secretary of l?^ar; Henry W. Anderson, lawyer; xVIonte bor of its heritage” threw a new geon to the King, and Sir Stanley H. Lehmann, president Louisiana Bar Association; Kenneth R. Macintosh, former Chief Justice Washington Supreme Court; Paul J. McCormick, issue into the political situation In Hewett, physician-ln-ordinary, re­ Federal judge; William S. Kenyon, Judge U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals. ‘ ^ England toaay, as growing possibil­ turned to Windsor Castle from Lon­ LOCAL BOY SEEKS TO CONTINUE DRIVE ity arose that Stanley Baldwin, don this morning to investigate the leader of the Conservative Party, progress made in draining an ab­ might succeed in forming the next scess which formed under the site TO BE NEW EDISON INTO NEXT WEEK Cabinet in spite of the overwhelm­ of an old scar on the right side of ing numerical victory scored by J. the chest. MANANDWIFE Given Year To Live Ramsay MacDonald and the Labor Keassnring Bulletins. Party at the polls. In spite of the reassuring bulle­ With conferences between princi­ tins issued thus far, the King’s ill­ JAHEDFAILY EDiott Kmght, H. S. Semor, This Week’ s Heal Prevented pal members of the three parties ness is looked upon as a recurrence Women Fool Science scheduled for this week-end, it be­ of the serious infection which so came almost certain that Baldwla nearly cost him his life a few Selected to Try for Wiz­ Complete Canvass of would reform the Conservative months ago. It is believed, how­ BEFO^ NIGHT 0F4JESCDED Orange, N. J., .Tune l.-^The five*a watch factory, appear to be in im- Cabinet and force the new Parlia­ ever, that the progress of the infec­ ment to make a confidence vote tion had been arrested in time, and women radium victims of New. “ ediate^dangerof^ death. ard’s Scholarship. Some Districts. that as soon as the purulent fluid One, Miss Grace Fryer of this when it assembles the first week in Jersey, who were awarded settle-^ city, goes to buMness every day. July. has been completely drained from P. Morgan Sbirts for The campaign for $36,000 for the King’s system, there will be no Police Find the Town’s ments of $10,000 and a provision'' The others all remain close to Elliott Knight. 17-year-old son Thus, Instead of resigning Im­ for medical attention last June,' their homes, but are living com­ the Manchester Memorial hospital mediately, Baldwin might take this cause for alarm. of Mr. ,and Mrs. Burt L. Knight of step in an effort to make the vic­ "Doctor Not Worried. have defied science and lived out a fortably. Home; All Bnt One Phase will be continued until Wednesday Worst Case of Neglect at The chief argument of counsel 145 Pine street, has been selected tory but an empty honor. It now It was regarded as a significant of the coming week. It was an­ year, a survey made today revealed.' for the victims in applying for dam­ as the best qualified Senior student appears that he will confront the sign that Sir Stanley Hewett, who nounced today by Emil L. G. Hoh- has been with the King constantly Home of Adelbert Weir, None of the five, who suffered ages was that they would not live of Problem Has Been at Manchester High School to try House as its prime minister, and re­ radium poisoning while working In, a year. enthal, Jr., chairman of the drive sign only if the House votes lack since he was stricken last Sunday, for the nationally-sought Thomas committee. The terrific heat of did not find it necessary to remain of confidence in him. Near Highland Park. Agreed Upon. A. Edison, scholarship. several days this week hindered the Holds Whip Hand. at Windsor last night, but motored The Prize team workers considerably and to London with Lord Dawson, leav­ Such a vote would necessitate Four year’s tuition In a technical made It next to impossible for them either Liberal abstention, or a par­ ing Henry L, Martyn, surgeon- Paris, June 1— J. P. Morgan, one school will be the prLe awarded to apothecary at Windsor Castle, * in STAMP WASHERS TO ASK CONGRESS to complete their canvasses. Sick­ tial Liberal coalition with Labor, Follov/ing an investigation by the of the two chiefs of the .\merlcan the boy who Is chosen after answer­ ness, too, has robbed several teams as David Lloyd George, leader of sole charge of the patient. ing one of Edison’s questionnaires, Another bulletin regarding the police which developed In a Man­ delegation to the reparation con­ of active workers and substitutions the Liberal forces, holds balance of chester home the most aggravated which will be taken by 48 students, have had to be made. power in the House owing to La­ King’s condition is expected to be MADE MILLIONS TO AID AVIATION ference, departed for home today. one from each state in the union issued today. The hope was ex­ case of human ineptitude and neg­ Treasurer W. W. Harris was un­ bor's lack of a clear majority. He left for Cherbourg to sail on and the District of Columbia. Con­ able to complete his totals today The Daily Herald, official organ pressed in court circles that His lect of the responsibilities of parent­ the liner Mauretania. necticut’s examinations are being Majesty may be sufficiently improv­ before press time but It Is esti­ of the Labor Partsl, uttered a hood that has ever come to the at­ [ The conference, which began on held in the State Capitol In Hart­ mated that the sum so far collected strong protest agalfist this course ed next week to take over ' the : E ek.'llr Is In its final phase and it duties in connection with the crea­ tention of the authorities here, Laundered $1; $2 and |5 Bill to Request 40 Millions ford today. , towards the needed $36,000 Is just of action today. Charging political Adelbert Weir, 46, and his wife. was confidently expected that a set- Knight went to Hartford this under the $17,000 mark. There tion of a new prime minister and tlenjent upon all but the German- bargaining between Baldwin and Ida, 31; were today committed to morning ready to begin the tests are several large contributors to be Lloyd George, the paper demands? cabinet, but it has now been ascer­ .Relglao- raark-8 issue -would "" be at 9:30. Also‘ co™P®Gng are boys tained that if necessary this func­ the Haitford County jhll each for a Stamps and Sold Them to to Encourage E bw ky heard fro'nir yet and Chairman Hoh- “ If there is to be accommodation period of three months by Judge reached lief ore night. from many other high and prep tion would be performed by the In addition to the reparations enthal is confident that with the between the capitalist parties, let R. A. Johnson after a disclose in schools about the state who have extra time allowed th3 quota will Council of State which came into American Amateurs.
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