INVITING APPLICATIONS FROM HANDLOOM WEAVERS OF OUTSIDE BLOCK LEVEL CLUSTERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF HANDLOOMS / HANDLOOM ACCESSORIES / SKILL UP-GRADATION TRAINING / WORKSHEDS / LIGHTING UNITS Government of India is providing Handlooms, Handloom accessories, Skill upgradation training, construction of worksheds to accommodate loom, lighting units to the handloom weavers to enhance production capacity thereby increasing wages to the weavers of Handloom Block Level Clusters sanctioned under NHDP / CHCDS. Now, the Government of India proposed to extend this facility to the weavers outside the block level clusters also as given below: 1. Providing Handloom, Handloom accessories, under Technology Up-gradation component and Lighting unit. The weavers has to pay 10% contribution towards beneficiary share and 90% of the amount will be paid by the Govt. of India. 2. Skill Up-gradation training Duration of training a. Weaving: 45 days b. Designing: 30 days c. Dyeing: 15 days The weavers will be paid a stipend of Rs.210/- per day. The weaver shall attend the training continuously. 3. Workshed Funding pattern : 1,20,000/- per unit for construction of 25 sq.mts of workshed building. For BPL/SC/ST/Women-100% by the Government of India and for Others 75% by the Government of India and 25% by the beneficiary. Additional cost, if any will be borne by the beneficiaries. The weavers must have the following for availing the scheme. (a) Vacant land should be owned by the weaver. (b) Land should be free from encumbrance and dispute. Camps are organized under the jurisdiction of Weavers Service Centres of Chennai, Salem, Kancheepuram, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Bengaluru and Kannur to receive applications from the weavers. The interested weavers are requested to attend the camps and submit the applications. Filled-in applications should be submitted in the prescribed form separately for each intervention along with self attested copies of Aadhar card, and Weavers Identity Card. The application forms are enclosed at Annexure-I to Annexure – III. Annexure-I : Application for supply of Technology Up-graded items and Lighting units under Hathkhargha Samvardhan Sahayata (HSS) to Handloom Weavers Annexure-II : Application for Skill Up-gradation training to Handloom weavers. Annexure-III : Application for Workshed to Handloom weavers The date of the camps, venue, etc., for each camp are as follows: STATEMENT SHOWING PLACE WITH COMPLETE ADDRESS, DATE OF CAMP , DETAILS OF ITEMS FOR WHICH APPLICATIONS TO BE RECEIVED FOR EACH CAMP Time of Camps: From 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM S. Nam Date of N State e of Place of Camp Items camp o WSC Office of Assistant Director of Handlooms & Textiles, 8-A-1, Salakarai, Road, 1) Reed & Heald set - 100 Nos 1 Sellankuppam, 12.06.2018 2) Frame loom up to 60"-50 Nos Cuddalore-O.T., Cuddalore-607 002. Cuddalore Dt Nallampalayam Handloom Weavers Co-operative Society, 1) Reed & Heald set - 100 Nos 2 14.06.2018 Nallampalayam Village 2) Workshed - 30 Nos Sendurai Tk, Ariyalur Dt. Palliyadi Handloom Weavers 1) Reed & Heald set - 100 Nos Co-operative Society, Daniel 2) Frame looms upto 60" - 50 Nos 3 Building, Weavers Street, 19.06.2018 Chennai 3)Workshed-25 Nos Palliyadi, Pin-629169, 4) Weaving training-40 Weavers Nagercoil, Kanyakumari Dt Kallidaikurichi Handloom Weavers Co-operative Society, 1) Reed & Heald set -100 Nos 4 20.06.2018 No.875, Agasthiar koil street, 2) Motorised pirn cum dubba winding Kallidaikurichi. machine-50 Nos 3) Workshed-20 Nos M. Reddiapatti Industrial Handloom Weavers Co- 4) Lighting unit-70Nos operative Society, R.H.86, M. 5) Weaving training-40 Weavers 5 22.06.2018 Reddiapatti, 6) Dyeing training-20 Weavers Tamilnadu Tiruchuli TK, 7) Designing Training-40 Weavers Virudhunagar Dt 1) Frame Loom - 20 Nos 2) Healds & Reeds - 40 Nos 3) Jacquard - 25 Nos M/s Vadambachery Cluster 4) Motorised pirn cum Dubba winding CFC Building, M/c - 25 Nos 6 13.06.2018 4/340,Vadambachery, Sulur 5) Motorised Lifting M/c - 50 Nos Taluk, Coimbatore District. 6) Lighting Unit - 20 Nos 7) Weaving Training - 60 Weavers 8) Designing Training - 20 Weavers 9) Dyeing/Printing Training - 20 Weavers Salem 1) Frame Loom - 20 Nos 2) Heald & Reeds - 20 Nos DG Pudur Handloom Cluster 3) Jacquard - 25 Nos Consortium 4) Motorised Lifting M/c - 50 Nos 7 Near Kamatchi Amman Temple 19.06.2018 5) Motorised Pirn Winding M/c - 10 Nos Samy Nagar, D G Pudur 6) Warp & Fabric Beam - 05 Nos Erode – 638508 7) Lighting Unit - 10 Nos 8) Weaving Training - 40 Weavers 9) Designing Training - 20 Weavers M/s. Mariamman Saliyar Weavers Coop Society, 1) Workshed - 30 Nos 8 Kodiyampalayam, 22.06.2018 2) Healds & Reeds - 100 Nos Manamedu Post, Thottiyam Taluk Trichy District. 1) Frame Loom - 20 Nos 2) Heald & Reeds - 40 Nos 3) Jacquard - 50 Nos 4) Dobby - 10 Nos 5) Motorised Lifting M/c - 400 Nos Weavers Service Centre, 6) Motorised pirn cum Dubba winding 9 IIHT Campus, Thillai Nagar, 27.06.2018 M/c - 25 Nos Salem - 636001 7) Warp & Fabric Beam - 05 Nos 8) Lighting Unit - 20 Nos 9) Workshed - 10 Nos 10) Designing Training - 20 Weavers 11) Dyeing/Printing Training - 20 Weavers 1) Motorised Jacquard lifting device- 10 Nos 2) Jacquard with complete set including Gudiyattam Shanmugar cotton- installation-20Nos cum- Silk Handloom Weavers 3) Healds,reeds,bobbins shuttle etc-75 Nos Co-op Production & Sales 10 12.06.2018 4) Frame loom up to 60”-10 Nos Society Ltd, Congress house 5) Warp beam and Fabric beam-10 Nos Road,pudupet, 6) Motorised pirn-cum-dubba winding m/c Gudiyattam-632 3012 -75 Nos 7) Weaving training-20 Weavers 8) Design training-20 Weavers 1) Motorised Jacquard lifting device-40 Nos Kancheepuram 2) Jacquard with complete set including installation-80 Nos Weavers Service Centre, 3) Healds,reeds,bobbins shuttle etc-25 Nos 11 No.24. Nagareeswarar Koil 13.06.2018 4) Frame loom up to 60”-40 Nos Street, Kancheepuram 5) Warp beam and Fabric beam-40 Nos 6) Motorised pirn-cum-dubba winding m/c-25 Nos 7) Weaving training-20 Weavers 8) Design training-40 Weavers Gram Panchayathi Bhavan, 1) Frame looms up to 60"- 30 Nos Vallabhi village, 12 11.06.2018 2) Individual worksheds- 6 Nos Mudigonda village 3) Weaving training - 40 Weavers Khammam district M/s Sai Handloom Weavers' MAC Society Limited, 1) Frame looms above 60" - 20 Nos 13 12.06.2018 Kothawada, Warangal 2) Individual worksheds- 2 Nos Urban Dt. Gram Panchayathi Bhavan, 1) Frame looms up to 60"- 20 Nos 14 Benchkalpet village, 13.06.2018 2) Individual worksheds- 2 Nos Warangal Urban Dt. 3) Weaving training - 40 Weavers 1) Loom up to 60" -15 Nos Telangana Hyderabad Hyderabad Adarsha Youth Association, 2) Asu Machines -05 Nos (Motorised) 15 Near Sivalayam, 14.06.2018 3) Weaving training -20 Weavers Koyyalagudem 4) Individual worksheds -2 Nos 1) Frame looms up to 60"- 20 Nos O/o Assistant Director of 2) Asu Machines -10 Nos, Handliooms & Textiles, 3) Jacquards-10 Nos 16 Handlom Weavers' 15.06.2018 4) Individual worksheds- 4 Nos Co-operative Society, 5) Weaving training - 40 Weavers Siddipeta distt. 6) Designing training- 20 Weavers 1) Frame looms upto 60" - 15 Nos Sri Rama Temple, 2) Asu Machines -5 Nos (Motorised) 17 Gaurayapalli, 16.06.2018 3) Individual worksheds- 4 Nos Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district 4) Weaving training-20 Weavers 18 Sri Agasteswara HWCS Ltd, 13.06.2018 1) Healds, Reeds, Bobbins, Shuttles Ampolu Village, Etc (set) -11 nos. Gara Mandal 2) Motorised warping machine -13 nos. Srikakulam District-532404 3) Street sizing kit (Brush Stick Spray Andhra Pradesh gun etc.) -4 nos. 4) Workshed 4 nos. 5) Weaving Training - 20 Weavers 19 Gandhi Mandapam, 13.06.2018 1) Motorised jacquard on the existing Padmavathi Street, handloom- 2 nos. Narayanavanam , 2) Frame lom b) above 60"- 45 nos. Chittoor District--517581 3) Workshed - 5 nos. Andhra Pradesh 4) Designing Training - 20 persons 20 Aruna Sri HWCS Ltd, 13.06.2018 1) Motorised jacquard on the existing handloom - Kappaladoddi 1 no. GUDUR Mandal 2) Multiple buti weaving sley - 2 nos. Krishna Disrict - 521366. 3) Jacquard with complete set including Andhra Pradesh installation - 7 nos. 4) Dobby - 19 nos. 5) Healds, Reeds, Bobbins, Shuttles etc(set) - 6 nos. 6) Frame loom a) upto 60" - 7 nos. 7) Asu Machine (Manual) - 1 no. 8) Asu Machine (Motorised)-8 nos. 9) Warp beam & fabric beam- 21 nos. 10) Normal warping machine-50 nos. 11) Motorised warping machine - 3 nos. Vijayawada Andhrapradesh Andhrapradesh 12) Street sizing kit (Brush Stick Spray gun etc.) - 19 nos. 13) Workshed - 5 nos. 14) Weaving Training - 20 Weavers. 21 Community Hall, 14.06.2018 1) Frame loom a) upto 60" -1 no. Kumili Village, 2) Frame lom b) above 60" - 3 nos. Near Nookalamma Temple, 3) Asu Machine (Motorised)- 4 nos. Poosapati Rega Mandal, 4) Warp beam & fabric beam - 2 nos. Vizianagaram District- 5) Motorised warping machine- 3 nos. 535204. 6) Motorised pirn cum bobbin/Dubba Andhra Pradesh Winding machine- 1nos. 7) Workshed 3nos. 22 Pragada kotaiah community 14.06.2018 1) Jacquard with complete set inclusing Hall, Pragada kottaiah installation- 5 nos. Nagar, Tenali , 2) Dobby - 13 nos. Guntur District- 522201, 3) Healds, Reeds, Bobbins, Shuttles etc(set)- Andhra Pradesh 10 nos. 4) Frame loom a) upto 60"- 7 nos. 5) Workshed - 20 nos. 6) Weaving Training - 20 Weavers 7) Dyeing Training - 20 Weavers 23 The Federation of 14.06.2018 1) Pneumatic jacquard system for a set of 4 Sericulturists and Silk handloom - 30 nos. Weavers Coop., Societies 2) Motorised jacquard on the existing handloom Ltd.(SEIFED), – 25 nos. CSB Complex 3) Multiple buti weaving sley-43 nos. 4) Twin cloth weaving mechanism Regatipati Road , (including fitting charges - 50 nos.
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