Fordham Law School FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History The Advocate Student Publications 10-24-1969 The Advocate The Advocate, Fordham Law School Follow this and additional works at: http://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/student_the_advocate Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation The Advocate, Fordham Law School, "The Advocate" (1969). The Advocate. Book 22. http://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/student_the_advocate/22 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at FLASH: The orF dham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Advocate by an authorized administrator of FLASH: The orF dham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. For more information, please contact [email protected]. vocate The Student Newspaper 01 Fordham University School of Law Vol. II • No.2 LINCQLN SQUAlt~, N. Y. Friday, Octo~ 24, 1969 Student Bar Meeting A bsente·e Rate Soa·rs In. Sparks Controversy, M ... Day Peace Protests by N~il Frank By Jim O'Hare The Board of Governors of the Student Bar Association held its regular bi-monthly meeting at 5:00 P.M. on-Thurs­ On a day of nationwide moratorium over the Vietnam War, Fordham Law students day, September 25th in the Moot Court room. The agenda registered their protest by cutting classes, participating in moratorium activities at the covered a varied and controversial range of issues. Lowenstein Center, and taking part in rallies and marches. ~hroughout the city all day and Arrangements for the upcoming into the early hours of the next morning. E 'stimate~ ill the day division of the law school annual Barrister's Ball were made public by Dan Murray, chairman THE ADVOCATE without an of­ indicate attendance was off at least 60%, with the first year students having the highest of the Barrister's Ball Committee. ficial charter from the S.B.A. He rate of attendance. Dean William Hughes Mulligan of the Law School would make no com­ The committee had contracted with also took issue with the com­ ment on the moratorium or law' students' participation in it. the Waldorf-Astoria for a dinner­ petence of the present editorial The October 15th moratorium board. dance at a rate of $25.00 per cou­ was a dramatic kick-off for a ple. The cost impressed the mem­ Marc Grossman, ADVOCATE's series of monthly protests that " bers of the Board of Governors as Editor-in-Chief, replied from his prohibitive in view of the addi-' seat in the jury box. Mr. Gross­ national organizers are consider­ tional expense to students of rent­ man denied the authority of the ing conducting . "until the end of ing. the formal wear required for S.B.A. to take up the issue, claim­ the war." ing complete independence of THE the occasion. Mr. Murray was in- ' IAn informal nead count con­ ADVOCATE from that organiza­ structed to make other arrange­ ducted by THE ADVOCATE staff ments. Subsequent to the meeting tion. The Board of Governors he renegotiated for optional ad­ thereupon assumed jurisdiction by showed that of the 446 day stu­ mission without dinner at $10.'00. pluarlity vote. After further de­ dents, 189 or 42% attended bate, a resolution was offered by Law Forum Chairman Kerry classes. 109 of 210 first year stu:. Donald Robinson. Robinson moved Trainor reported on the attempts dents, or 52% were in attendance. that the Board of Governors estab­ of .his committee to attract well­ lish a nine man committee to draw Only 28% or 37 of 131 second - known speakers for their pro­ up a constitution for the news­ year students . attended while grams. Trainor explain~d the last paper. His motion provided that 48 % of the third year class, 43 minute cancellation of Jimmy five of the members of the com­ of 90, attended. There are no Breslin's appearance at a beer mittee be named by the Editor-in­ night division classes scheduled party in his honor, forcing the Chief of THE ADVOCATE, and The Vietnam moratorium day cut deeply into attend'ance at the law forum to serve the beer in Bres­ four by the President of the S.B.A. school. This picture, taken through the window in the door, shows on Wednesday evening!>. lin's absence. Trainor also ex­ The motion carried. a second year class. Among students attending class pressed disappointment at the as usual there appeared to be lit­ skimpy turnout of students for an / appearance by Sanford .J. Gare­ tle a'ntipathy towards those who Uk, former New York City Chief The Moratorium stayed away. Although several Inspector of Police and now the students admitted to being angered Republican-Liberal candidate for at seei~g students of law partic­ President of the City Council. ipating in a program that one Miss Elizabeth Clancy proposed \ A Student's Perso,.al View considered to be for "kids," the a constitutional amendment grant­ general attitude among non-par­ ing to the Editor-in-Chief of the by Jonathan Blank Fordham Law Review the right ticipants was that, although stu­ to designate a proxy to represent On the morning of the Moratorium I got up and dents had a right to demonstrate, him at S.B.A. Board of Governors put on my best three piece suit and a regimental the moratorium was not partic­ meetings. The designated proxy striped tie. Now I know that a regimental striped \llarly wise or realistic. Citing would exercise the vote granted tie represents the British military and I suppose their fear of a communist take­ to the Law Review chief by the you really ought not to wear a regimental striped S.B.A. Constitution. Marc Gross­ over of South Vietnam and their man, Editor-in-Chief of THE AD­ tie to a peace rally, but I think three piece suits fear of new atrocities should VOCATE, proposed an amendment and regimental striped ties are cool. Needless to United States forces unilaterially to give similar authority to his of­ say, I am not a peace rally type. But I figured that withdraw, they felt that al­ fice. Both proposals were approved it would · be good to have some conservative busi-, though weary of the war, the de­ by the Board of Governors. A text ness types in the crowd and I had a job interview mands of the moratorium were of the proposed amendment will anyhow that afternoon, so I three-pieced it. not in the best interests of the be posted for the information of My first inclination as to how successful the mora­ United States or its Asian allies. the student body, in · accord with torium was going to be was as I was walking to­ Also there were some students the requirements of the S.B.A. ward the bus and I saw a fiftyish-year old man ,who didn't want· to miss class for Constitution. The amendment will in a very expensive looking camel's hair coat wear­ academic reasons but who other­ be taken up at a future meeting ing a blue moratorium button and a black arm band. The scene at Bryant Park on M-day. wise supported the moratorium. of the Board of Governors. I thought the arm band was cool. I decided I'd . - The Lowenstein Center of Ford­ The imminent discussion of the definitely have to get me one of them. The black ham University was the scene of agenda's most' explosive issue, the arm band pretty much symbolizes my position on misgivings. I am not much fo·r taking to the streets. an all day program of panel dis­ organization of THE ADVOCATE, the war. I spent a good deal of time in graduate I see myself more as a behind-th'e-scenes- organizer cussions, lectures, an outdoor was highlighted by unprecedented school studying about Southeast Asia and I, and type but I feel exceptionally strongly about the folk-Mass' for peace, and an after­ outside press coverage of the most of the scholars I've read, am convinced that war and behind the scenes organizing isn't going noon of singing and tarRs by critic Board of Governors meeting. Three it is in America's best interest for the Vietnamese to do one damn bit of good this year. I had never Paul Goodman and others. The reporters from the Curved Horn, people as a whole (not South and North) to govern been in a peace demonstration before. I was a spec­ Lowenstein program was fairly organ of Fordham's Intown Un­ their country. And by "Vietnamese people" I mean tator in one a couple of years ago (when there was well attended b}lt it appeared that dergraduate Student Body, accom­ those who fought for independence from French some point at being a behind-the-scenes type) when the law school representation panied by an active news photog­ colonialism, not those who fought to keep it under my wife and I were taking a walk and decided to amounted to no more th~m twenty rapher, were observed in the au­ French rule. I believe that this is going to happen go over to the park and see how one was going. students. Leaders of the Lowen­ dience. Their presence appeared to whether we fight for ten more years or we get out From a spectator's point of view it looked boring. stein moratorium program, skepti­ some onlookers to take by' sur­ now. So I mourn for all those Am~rican boys who From a participant's point of view it is boring.
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