Lands Reg Malta.Pdf

Lands Reg Malta.Pdf

Is-6 ta’ Novembru, 2018 10,683 Nru. 1297 No. 1297 ATT DWAR IR-REĠISTRAZZJONI LAND REGISTRATION ACT TA’ ARTIJIET (KAP. 296) (CAP. 296) Avviż li hemm il-Ħsieb li Titoli ta’ Art Jiġu Notice of Intention to Register Titles to Land Rreġistrati B’DAN qed navża li jien irċevejt l-applikazzjonijiet li NOTICE is hereby given that I have received the ġejjin għar-reġistrazzjoni ta’ titoli ta’ art deskritti hawn taħt following applications to register titles to land described minn: below from: Lokalità Proprjetà Applikant Identifikazzjoni LR-A Locality Property Applicant Identification LR-A Birkirkara Porzjon diviż tal-art ‘Ta’ Gaizem’, tal-kejl ta’ 782 Define Limited C 46819 LRA3242/18 m.k., L-Imrieħel, limiti ta’ Birkirkara; Birkirkara A divided portion of land ‘Ta’ Gaizem’ covering an area of 782 s.m., Mrieħel, limits of Birkirkara; Birkirkara ½ indiviż tal-fond bl-isem ‘Ave Maria’, inkluż Anthony Falzon 330120M LRA3331/18 il-garaxx, Triq Olaf Gollcher; Birkirkara ½ undivided share of the tenement named ‘Ave Maria’, garage included, Triq Olaf Gollcher; Birkirkara ½ indiviż tal-fond bl-isem ‘Ave Maria’, inkluż Joseph Falzon et 389952M LRA3332/18 il-garaxx, Triq Olaf Gollcher; Birkirkara ½ undivided share of the tenement named ‘Ave Maria’, garage included, Triq Olaf Gollcher; Birżebbuġa Id-dirett dominju temporanju fuq l-appartament Il-Gvern ta’ Malta LRA3049/18 Nru. 1 bl-isem ‘Melita Flats’, Triq Alessandru; Birżebbuġa The temporary direct dominium on the apartment The Government of No. 1 named ‘Melita Flats’, Triq Alessandru; Malta Birżebbuġa Id-dirett dominju temporanju ta’ porzjoni ta’ art, Il-Gvern ta’ Malta LRA3079/18 Binja tal-Gvern, tal-kejl ta’ 20 m.k., Birżebbuġa The temporary direct dominium of a portion of The Government of land, Housing Estate covering an area of 20 s.m., Malta Birżebbuġa Korrezzjoni ta’ LRA1065/2013. Il-Gvern ta’ Malta LRA3081/18 B’dan qed navża li rċevejt mingħand l-Uffiċċju Konġunt applikazzjoni LRA3081/2018, korrezzjoni tal-pjanta rilevanti; Birżebbuġa Correction of LRA1065/2013. The Government of I am hereby giving notice that I have received Malta from the Joint Office application LRA3081/2018, a correction of the relevant site plan; Birżebbuġa Korrezzjoni ta’ LRA1589/2016. Il-Gvern ta’ Malta LRA3097/18 B’dan qed navża li rċevejt mingħand l-Awtorità tal-Artijiet applikazzjoni LRA3097/2018, korrezzjoni tal-pjanta rilevanti; Birżebbuġa Correction of LRA1589/2016. The Government of I am hereby giving notice that I have received from Malta the Lands Authority application LRA3097/2018, a correction of the relevant site plan; 10,684 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,083 Lokalità Proprjetà Applikant Identifikazzjoni LR-A Locality Property Applicant Identification LR-A Il-Furjana L-appartament Nru. 3, formanti parti mill-blokk Adrian Busuttil 235863M LRA3399/18 bin-Nru. 16, Triq Vincenzo Dimech; Margaret Busuttil 497165M Floriana The apartment No. 3, forming part of the block No. 16, Triq Vincenzo Dimech; Il-Gudja Korrezzjoni ta’ LRA2986/2010. Sezzjoni Feminili LRA3342/18 B’dan qed navża li rċevejt mingħand l-Uffiċċju tas-Socjeta’ tal- Konġunt applikazzjoni LRA3342/2018, M.U.S.E.U.M. korrezzjoni tal-pjanta rilevanti; Gudja Correction of LRA2986/2010. Female Section of I am hereby giving notice that I have received the M.U.S.E.U.M. from the Joint Office application LRA3342/2018, Society a correction of the relevant site plan; Ħ’Attard ½ indiviż tal-fond bin-Nru. 24 bl-isem Leone Micallef et 678853M LRA3123/18 ‘Lucciola’, Triq il-Qiegħa; Ħ’Attard ½ undivided share of the tenement No. 24 named ‘Lucciola’, Triq il-Qiegħa; Ħ’Attard ½ indiviż tal-fond Nru. 332 bl-isem ‘Felicite’, Jacqueline Frendo 595961M LRA3157/18 Triq il-Linja; Helen Giordano 593834M Ħ’Attard ½ undivided share of the tenement No. 332 named ‘Felicite’, Triq il-Linja; Ħ’Attard Il-fond, inkluż ġnien fuq wara u l-garaxx anness, Bugeja & Desira C 68640 LRA3221/18 bl-isem ‘Carina’, Nru. 63, Triq il-Mosta; Limited Ħ’Attard The tenement, including back garden and interconnecting garage, named ‘Carina’, No. 63, Triq il-Mosta; Ħal Qormi Korrezzjoni ta’ LRA1625/2000. Il-Gvern ta’ Malta LRA3040/18 B’dan qed navża li rċevejt mingħand l-Uffiċċju Konġunt applikazzjoni LRA3040/2018, korrezzjoni tal-pjanta rilevanti; Ħal Qormi Correction of LRA1625/2000. The Government of I am hereby giving notice that I have received Malta from the Joint Office application LRA3040/2018, a correction of the relevant site plan; Ħal Qormi Korrezzjoni ta’ LRA1627/2000. Il-Gvern ta’ Malta LRA3041/18 B’dan qed navża li rċevejt mingħand l-Uffiċċju Konġunt applikazzjoni LRA3041/2018, korrezzjoni tal-pjanta rilevanti; Ħal Qormi Correction of LRA1627/2000. The Government of I am hereby giving notice that I have received Malta from the Joint Office application LRA3041/2018, a correction of the relevant site plan; Ħal Qormi Id-dirett dominju tal-fond Nru. 14 bl-isem Mario Attard 396989M LRA3092/18 ‘Notremaison’, inkluż il-front garden , Loredana Attard 131290M Triq il-Ħarifa; Ħal Qormi The direct dominium on tenement No. 14 named ‘Notremaison’, including front garden, Triq il-Ħarifa; Ħal Qormi Il-fond Nru. 176, Triq San Katerina; Margaret Cassar et LRA3167/18 Ħal Qormi The tenement No. 176, Triq Santa Katerina; Is-6 ta’ Novembru, 2018 10,685 Lokalità Proprjetà Applikant Identifikazzjoni LR-A Locality Property Applicant Identification LR-A Ħal Qormi 1/9 ta’ 1/45 parti indiviża mill-għalqa, Karmenu Ellul 448663M LRA3177/18 Tal-Ħandaq, tal-kejl ta’ 2390 m.k., limiti ta’ Ħal Qormi Ħal Qormi 1/9 of 1/45 undivided share of the field, Tal-Ħandaq, covering an area of 2390 s.m., limits of Ħal Qormi; Ħal Qormi 1/9 ta’ 1/45 parti indiviża mill-għalqa, Philip Ellul 448663M LRA3180/18 Tal-Ħandaq, tal-kejl ta’ 2390 m.k., limiti Annie Mangion ta’ Ħal Qormi Ħal Qormi 1/9 of 1/45 undivided share of the field, Tal-Ħandaq, covering an area of 2390 s.m., limits of Ħal Qormi; Ħal Qormi 1/165 indiviż tal-għalqa, tal-kejl ta’ 2390 m.k., Easysell Properties C 2720 LRA3203/18 Tal-Ħandaq, limiti ta’ Ħal Qormi; Limited Ħal Qormi !/165 undivided share of the field, Tal-Ħandaq, covering an area of 2390 s.m., limits of Ħal Qormi; Ħal Qormi 1/108 parti indiviża tal-għalqa, Tal-Ħandaq, Easysell Properties C 2720 LRA3208/18 tal-kejl ta’ 2390 m.k.; Limited Ħal Qormi 1/108 undivided share of the field, Tal-Ħandaq, covering an area of 2390 s.m.; Ħal Qormi 1/165 parti indiviża tal-għalqa, Tal-Ħandaq, Easysell Properties C 2720 LRA3210/18 tal-kejl ta’ 2390 m.k.; Limited Ħal Qormi 1/165 undivided share of the field, Tal-Ħandaq, covering an area of 2390 s.m.; Ħal Qormi 1/162 parti indiviża tal-għalqa, Tal-Ħandaq, Easysell Properties C 2720 LRA3211/18 tal-kejl ta’ 2390 m.k.; Limited Ħal Qormi 1/162 undivided share of the field, Tal-Ħandaq, covering an area of 2390 s.m.; Ħal Qormi Il-fond bl-isem ‘Saint Helen’ u l-garaxx, inkluża James Spiteri 38180M LRA3247/18 l-arja u s-sottoswol, Triq San Ġwakkin, Christine Spiteri 232979M Ħal Qormi The tenement named ‘Saint Helen’ and the garage, including airspace and subterrain, Triq San Ġwakkin; Ħal Qormi ½ indiviż tal-ħanut bl-isem ‘Sanctuary Chance’, Maria Galdes et 586138M LRA3249/18 il-garaxx, 7 garaxxijiet, u l-fond bl-isem ‘Paul Mar’, Triq San Dwardu; Ħal Qormi ½ undivided share of the shop named ‘Sanctuary Chance, the garage, 7 garages and the tenement named ‘Paul Mar’, Triq San Dwardu; Ħal Qormi Il-fond bin-Nru. 147 u Nru. 145, Triq il-Vitorja; Stephen Pace 28875M LRA3310/18 inklużi l-arja u s-sottoswol; Ħal Qormi The tenement No. 147 u No. 145, Triq il-Vitorja; airspace and subterrain included; Ħal Qormi Is-subdirett dominju perpetwu fuq il-garaxx/store Philip Magri 379161M LRA3347/18 u l-parapett, ġja bl-isem ‘Flowerland’, Misraħ Georgina Magri 676062M il-Kittieba; 10,686 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,083 Lokalità Proprjetà Applikant Identifikazzjoni LR-A Locality Property Applicant Identification LR-A Ħal Qormi The perpetual subdirect dominium on the garage/ store and front terrace, previously named ‘Flowerland’, Misraħ il-Kittieba; Ħaż-Żabbar Id-dirett dominju temporanju fuq il-fond Il-Gvern ta’ Malta LRA3268/18 Nru. 133, arja inkluża, Triq Santa Duminka; Ħaż-Żabbar The temporary direct dominium on the tenement The Government of No. 133, airspace included, Triq Santa Duminka; Malta Ħaż-Żebbuġ Korrezzjoni ta’ LRA603/2015. Il-Gvern ta’ Malta LRA3063/18 B’dan qed navża li rċevejt mingħand l-Uffiċċju Konġunt applikazzjoni LRA3063/2018, korrezzjoni tal-pjanta rilevanti; Ħaż-Żebbuġ Correction of LRA603/2015. The Government of I am hereby giving notice that I have received Malta from the Joint Office application LRA3063/2018, a correction of the relevant site plan; Ħaż-Żebbuġ 5/56 parti indiviża tal-għalqa ‘Tas-Srina’, Joseph Mifsud 449355M LRA3073/18 tal-kejl ta’ 6744 m.k., Gaetana Mifsud 729351M Ħaż-Żebbuġ 5/56 undivided share of the field ‘Tas-Srina’, covering an area of 6744 s.m., Ħaż-Żebbuġ Porzjon diviż tal-fond Nru. 6, Triq San Ġużepp; Joseph Camilleri 200547M LRA3145/18 Ħaż-Żebbuġ A divided portion of the tenement No. 6, Triq San Ġużepp; Ħaż-Żebbuġ ½ indiviż tal-garaxx Nru. 1, Triq il-Qolla, Philip Mifsud 762943M LRA3147/18 eskluża l-arja; Ħaż-Żebbuġ ½ undivided share of the garage No. 1, Triq il-Qolla, excluding airspace; Ħaż-Żebbuġ Porzjoni mill-art ‘Srina’, tal-kejl ta’ 8302 m.k., Il-Gvern ta’ Malta LRA3226/18 Ħaż-Żebbuġ A portion from the land ‘Srina’, covering an area The Government of of 8302 s.m., Malta Ħaż-Żebbuġ Il-fond Nru.

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