5282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE May 21 feasible; to the Committee on Banking and 277. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Freder­ coming International Labor Organiza­ Currency. ick W. Phoenix and others, St. Petersburg, tion Conference at Geneva, Switzerland, Also, memorial of the Legislature of the Fla., requesting passage of H. R. 2446 and I ask the consent of the Senate to be State of Washington, memorializing the :I. R. 2447 social security legislation known President and the Congress of the United as the Townsend plan; to the Committee on ·excused from attendance at sessions of States to make provision in any treaty, pact, Ways and Means. the Senate commencing at 3 p. m. on or agreement with Japan for the preserva­ 278. Also, petition of A. E .. Riddell and Friday, May 22, 1953, and continuing tion and the safeguarding of the fiShing others, Tampa, Fla., requesting passage of until my return to Washington some- interests of this State and Nation in the H. R. 2446 and H. R. 2447, social security time in early July 1953. · aean waters off the Territory of Alaska, legislation known as the Townsend plan; to The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ Pacific coast, and of the State of Washing­ the Committee on Ways and Means. jection, it is so ordered. ton; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs: Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of Washington, memorializing the President and the Congress of the United ORDER FOR CALL OF THE States to amend the Atomic Energy Act, SENATE CALENDAR etc.; to the Joint Committee on Atomic THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1953 Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, I Energy. ask unanimous consent that following The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown the usual proceedings of the morning PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Harris, D. D., offered the following hour, the Senate proceed to the consid­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private prayer: eration of measures on the calendar to which there is no objection, beginning bills and resolutions were introduced 0 Lord our God, who hast cast our lot and severally referred as follows: at the end of the last call of the calendar. in pleasant places, we praise Thee for The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ By Mr. BENDER: our goodly heritage in this land of the jection, it is so ordered. H. R. 5315. A bill for the relief of Dr. Jalal free and the home of the brave. In this Elahi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. forum of the people's will we remember By Mr. BUCKLEY: ' with gratitude those gifts of heart and EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIO~S. ETC. H. R. 5316. A bill for the relief of Cornelius mind and spirit that have fashioned this Koll; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the H. R. 5317. A bill for the relief of Ciro Republic, the wisdom of the fathers who Senate the following letters, which were Amore; to the Committee on the Judiciary. founded a society conceived in liberty referred as indicated: H. R. 5318. A bill for the relief of Szlama . and dedicated to the proposition that Blimbaum; to the Committee on the Judi­ all men are created equal, the consecra­ LAws ENACTEn BY MuNICIPAL CouNciLs ol!' ciary. tion of good men and women who es­ ST. CROIX, AND ST. THOMAS AND ST. JoHN, H. R. 5319. A bill for the relief of Henry tablished this Nation upon the endur­ AND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, VmGIN ISLANDS (also known as Heinrich) Schor, Sally (also ing foundation o~ religion. By Thy A .letter from the Assistant Secretary of known as Sali) Schor, and Gita (also known the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, as Gitta Aviva) Schor; to the Committee on grace Thou hast led us from perilous copies of laws enacted by the Municipal the Judiciary. beginnings to this day of testing and Councils of St. Croix, St. Thomas . and St. By Mr. D'EWART: destiny. John, and the Legislative Assembly of the H. R . 5320. A bill for the relief of the Give wisdom, we pray Thee, to those Virgin Islands (with accompanying papers); Kennedy Deaconess Hospital; to the Com­ who plan the Nation's program, clarity to the Committee on the Interior and Insular mittee on the Judiciary. of thought to those who fashion the Affairs. By Mr. FOGARTY: ideals of the people, and strength of pur­ PRESENTMENT OF ADDITIONAL GRAND JURY, 5321. H. R. A bill for the relief of Giuseppe N. Chiodo; to the Committee on the Judiciary. pose to those who seek to lift the spir­ HUDSON COUNTY, J. By Mr. KEOGH: itual levels of the Republic. Divinely A letter from the deputy attorney gen­ H . R. 5322. A bill for the relief of Maria guide our President and all those .into eral, Department of Law and Public Safety, Crocitto; to the Committee on the Judiciary. whose hands have been entrusted the State of New Jersey, transmitting, pursu· By Mr. LANE: affairs of state. And facing a world ant to the order of the assignment judge of H . R. 5323. A bill for the relief of Anakaleto in commotion, where so many are grop­ the Superior Court of Hudson County, N. J., Maria de Oliveira or Joseph Oliveira or Ana­ ing in the darkness of tyranny, may our a copy of the presentment of the additional cleto Oliver; to the Committee on the Judi· grand jury of that county (with an ac­ ciary. America united in spirit do justly, love companying paper); to the Committee on By Mr. ROONEY: mercy, and walk humbly before Thee. the Judiciary. H. R . 5324. A bill for the relief of Mena· We ask it in the Redeemer's name. chem Hersz Kalisz; to the Committee on the i\men. .Judiciary. GASOLiNE TAXATION-JOINT RES­ By Mr. TABER: THE JOURNAL OLUTION OF DELAWARE GEN­ H. R. 5325. A bill for the relief of Robert Brown and Morna Doris Brown; to the Com­ On request of Mr. KNOWLAND, and by ERAL ASSEMBLY mittee on the Judiciary. unanimous consent, the reading of the Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. President, I By Mr. WAINWRIGHT: ·Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ present House Joint Resolution No. 5, H. R. 5326. A bill for the relief of Peter day, May 20, 1953, was dispensed with. Zywko; to the Committee on the Judiciary. adopted by the General Assembly of the By Mr. WICKERSHAM: State of· Delaware, memorializing the H. R. 5327. A bill to authorize the Secre­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Cong"ress of the United States to enact tary of the Interior to issue a patent in fee legislation providing for the withdrawal to Almira Gilbreath Ramser; to the Com­ Messages in writing from the Presi­ of the Federal Government from the field mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. dent of the United States were commu­ of gasoline taxation. nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one I ask that the joint resolution be re­ of his secretaries. ferred to the Committee on Finance for PETITIONS, ETC. consideration. ' Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE There being no objection, the joint and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk A message from the House of Repre­ resolution was referred to the Commit­ and referred as follows: sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its tee on Finance, and, under the rule, or­ dered to be printed in the RECORD. 273. By Mr. BEAMER: Petition of 12 names reading clerks, announced that the supporting agricultural conservation pro­ House had passed a bill <H. R. 5227) <See joint resolution printed in full gram payments; to the Committee on Agri· making appropriations for the Depart­ when. laid before the Senate by the Pres­ culture. • ment of Agriculture for the fiscal year ident pro tempore on May 20, 1953, p. 274. Also, petition of 26 names supporting 5182, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.) agricultural conservation program payments; ending June 30, 1954, and for other pur­ to the committee on Agriculture. poses, in which it requested the con­ 275. Also, petition of 12 names in support · currence of the Senate. , EMERGENCY IMMIGRATION VISAS­ of agricultural conservation program pay· LETTER AND RESOLUTION ments; to the Committee on Agriculture. LEAVE OF ABSENCE !:76. Also, resolution of Fraternal Order of Mr. WILEY. Mr. President, I 'have Eagles, Portland, Ind.; to the Committee on Mr. IVES. Mr. President, having received this morning from Father Al­ Post Office and Civil Service. been appointed a delegate to the forth- oysius J. ·Wycislo, assistant executive 1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 5283 director for war relief services of the member nations of NATO, individually and S. 1527. An act to amend section 40b of National Catholic Welfare Conference, collectively, to prevent further aggression by the National Defense Act, as amended (41 the forces of Red tyranny; and Stat. 759, 777), to remove the limitation a very gracious letter with regard to the "Whereas President Eisenhower, in his role. upon the detail of officers on the active list introduction of S. 1917, to carry out as leader of the forces of freedom and peace f_or recruiting service and for duty with, President Eisenhower's program for has recommended to ·the Congress that ROTC units; emergency immigration visas. emergency legislation be enacted which will S. 1528. An act to continue in effect cer­ The letter transmitted a resolution permit our Nation to play a vigorous and tain appointments as officers and as warrant signed by representatives of various or­ vital role in reducing these grave human officers of the Army and of the Air Force; ganizations deeply interested in that problems to manageable proportions: There­ S. 1530.
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