THE LONDON GAZETTE, 3 JANUARY, 1911. 17 Ist Gounly of London (Middlesex) D'uke of 5th and §t,h Battalions, The Royal Warwick- Cambridge's Hussars) Yeomanry; Feray shire Regiment; Quartermaster and Hono- Vulliamy Devonshire to be Second Lieu- rary Captain Blott Yorke is granted the tenant. (To be supernumerary.) Dated honorary rank of Major. Dated 29th 13th December, 1910. November, 1910.' Lothians and Border Horse Yeomanry; Cap- 7th Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regi- tain Walter Waring to be Major. Dated ment; Captain Ewan. Rotherham resigns his 6th July, 1910. commission. Dated 4th January, 1911. Lieutenant William A. Baird to be Cap- 7th Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regi- tain. Dated 6th July, 1910. ment); the undermentioned officers to be The undermentioned officers to be Lieu- Lieutenants. Dated 1st December, 1910:—: tenants : — Second Lieutenant Henry A. Walker. Second Lieutenant Thomas A. Nelson. Second Lieutenant Josiah S. Dean. Dated 6th July, 1910. Second Lieutenant Cyril D. Meyer. Second Lieutenant Henry J. Stevenson. Second Lieutenant James G. Thompson. Dated 9th July, 1910. 5th Battalion, The Prince Albert's (Somerset- Lovat's Scouts Yeomanry; Second Lieutenant shire Light Infantry); Joseph Duke to be John S. L. Millar is appointed Brigade Sig- Second Lieutenant. Dated 1st December, nalling Officer of the Highland Territorial 1910. Mounted Brigade. Dated 22nd November, 5th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment; 1910. Reginald Trevor Jones to be Second Lieu- Captain Aymer Edward Maxwell, Re- tenant. Dated 1st December, 1910. serve of Officers (late Grenadier Guards), to 5th Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales's be Captain. Dated 14th November, 1910. Own- (Yorkshire Regiment); Lieutenant- Nottinghamshire (Sherwood Rangers) Yeo- Colonel and Honorary Colonel John. A. manry; William Arthur Henry, Marquis of Staveley resigns his commission, and is Titchfield to be Second Lieutenant. Dated granted permission to retain his rank and to 22nd November, 1910. wear the prescribed uniform. Dated 4th Nottinghamshire, (South Nottinghamshire January, 1911. Hussars) Yeomanry; Lieutenant Pascoe S. 5th Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers; Geof- Thornton, is seconded, under the conditions frey Clarkson Kay to be Second Lieutenant. of paragraph 114 of the Regulations for the Dated 24th November, 1910. Territorial Force. Dated 1st January, 1911. John Kelly Bridge to be Second Lieu- Sussex Yeomanry; Captain Douglas F. Robin- tenant. Dated 1st December, 1910. son resigns his commission, and is granted 7ih Battalion, The Lfmen shire Fusiliers; Lieu- permission to retain his rank and to wear the tenant John Bradstock, The South Wales prescribed uniform. Dated 4th January, Borderers, to be Adjutant. Dated 15th 1911. December, 1910. Lieutenant John Bradstock, The South ROYAL HOBSE ARTILLERY. Wales Borderers, is granted the temporary Somerset Royal Horse Artillery; Second Lieu- rank of Captain in the Territorial Force tenant Wyndham P. Knatchbull to be whilst holding the appointment of Adjutant. Lieutenant. Dated 1st December, 1910. Dated 15th December, 1910. 5th (Flintshire) Battalion, The Royal Welsh ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY. Fusiliers; Arthur Kingsbury to be Second 2nd London Brigade, Royal Field Artillery; Lieutenant. Dated 26th November, 1910. Second Lieutenant Edward J. Fox to be Qth Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Lieutenant. Dated 18th November, 1910. Rifles); Lieutenant James C. McLean to be 3rd South Midland Brigade, Royal Field Captain. Dated 31st July, 1910. Artillery; Lieutenant James M. Sutherland The undermentioned officers to be Lieu- to be Captain. Dated 15th October, 1910. tenants. Dated 31st July, 1910 : — 4th Wessex Brigade, Royal Field Artillery; Second Lieutenant James Lusk. Charles Reginald Rickeard to be Second Second Lieutenant Patrick .H. Keith. Lieutenant. Dated 30th November, 1910. 5th Battalion, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry; Captain Henry L. Cowlard resigns ROYAL. ENGINEERS. his commission.. Dated 4th January, 1911. 2nd London Divisional Telegraph Company, 5th Battalion, The Welsh Regiment; Super- 2nd London Divisional Engineers, Royal numerary . Captain and Honorary Major Engineers; Private William Fox Bruce, from William J. Jones resigns his commission, the City of London (Rough Riders) Yeo- and is granted permission to retain his rank manry, to be Second Lieutenant. (To be and to wear the prescribed uniform. Dated supernumerary.) D ated 4th January, 1911. 4th January, 1911. 5th (Angus and Dundee) Battalion, The Black INFANTRY. Watch (Royal Highlanders); the under- 5/7t Battalion, The Queen's (Royal. West mentioned officers to be Lieutenants. Dated Surrey Regiment); Private Roger Watson 25th November, 1910: — Loring, from The Honourable Artillery Second Lieutenant David Wilkie. Company, to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Second Lieutenant Frederick N. E. 4th January, 1911. Kitson. 4.th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers; 4th Battalion, The Queen's Own (Royal West Seymer Hankin (late Lieutenant; 3rd Bat- Kent. Regiment); Lieutenant-Colonel and talion, The Norfolk Regiment) to be Cap- Honorary Colonel Alfred T. F. .Simpson, on tain. Dated 29th September, 1910. completion of his period of service in com-.
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