VOLUME 1, NUMBER 45 DELMAR, NEW YORK OCTOBER 4, 1956 The Spotlight has only three accredited FASHION SHOW AND CARD PARTY representatives: Mrs. Charles E. Walsh, Jr., Publisher; LeVere L. Fuller, Adver­ The Bethlehem Young Adults Asso­ tising Manager; AI Emery, Business Mana­ ciation is having a Fashion Show and CLASSIFIED ger. We hove no out•of-town representa­ Card Party Saturday, October 6, at MERCHANDISE FOR SALE tives. 1:30 p.m. at the Elsmere Elementary School. There will be men's, women's WALNUT SPINET DESK, $8. 9-2664. ROLLAWAY BED, $12; Dormeyer Elec. and children's clothes modeled with Mixer, $15; 2 washable throw rugs, $5., BETTER Ruth McDowell as commentator. There 9-4591. will be a donation of $1 admission with 4 PA.i~5 MA~QUISETTE ruffled curtains, 82" wide, all for $5; Webcor Radio phone tells it a II! the public cordially invited. for playroom, $15; 1 white pointed table, $10. 9-3877- Sat. call 9-3277. COUNTRY FAIR LUXURIOUS NATURAL Ranch Mink coat, size 16 to 18, cost $2500. Moving south, The St. Agnes School Country Fair will sell for $600. 9-2638. will be held on Saturday, October 6, MAN'S Brunswick Bowling ball & carrying from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the school. bag, $10. 9-2040. WOMAN'S winter coat, 16, black, 100% Luncheon from 11:30 to 1:30 with the Forstmonn wool, bl. Per. collar, $29.50. Snack Bar open all day. All kinds of 9-3385. booths, Pony Rides, Fire Engine Rides, ANTI:;)UE Pine Cradle and Walnut Corner standing Whot·Not, $20 ea. 2-7804. Movies, Puppet Show. And an Auction WEDDING GOWN, never worn, 9, lace & that starts at 1:30. Fun galore' satin, cost $100 - sell $60. 9-3370. COMBINATION storm door, wood, 36x80, TRIPLES $6. 9-1443. ADULT BOOKS AT CLARKSVILLE MAPLE crib, $6; Birch hi-choir, $4; both Stamps Because you requested it, adult gd. cond. 9-1210. books have been added to the Clarks­ STUDIO COUCH with slip cover, $30, gd. EVERY CAR ville School Library again this year. 9-3409. (Same Stamps you receive at the BURPEE Pressure Canner, 7 qt., used Library open 3 to 3:30 Wednesdays and once, $12. 5-4230. GRAND UNION) Fridays or send a note with your child. 4 Female Beagle Hounds, full blooded, 6 SPECIAL THIS WEEKI mos., broken for hunting, $10 eo. Also (Double Stomps on these cars!) SPOTLIGHT CLASSIFIEOS sell more items part hound, port Dalmatian male, 6 mos. 1953 NASH RAMBLER Station than oil other local medi o combined. Coli $5. 9-2077. Wagon, Radio & Heater $945. us first ••• and you'll get quick results. WHIRLAWAY fish bowl, $6; Man's ski 1956 BUICK SUPER Convertible boots, 8Y2, $5; Dru Casserole, $6; other R&H, Power Steering, Brakes & household items. Come to rear door at Windows, 5,000 mi. $3145, BETHLEHEM ELECTRONICS 64 E Is mere Avenue. EASY Spin Washer, Ex.cond., $60. 9-3870. offers you guaranteed service and LINED DRAW DRAPERIES, neutral bock· DeRUSSO-RICHARDS, Inc sales of T.V. sets, radio, phonographs ground, multi-colored flowers, 1 pair 45" ond other items in the electronic field. 107 CQLVIN wide (closed). 9-2954. CALL 8-4464 9-647 o• 62-4358 CERAMIC KILN, 6 cu. in, firing oven, $25. 9-3607. The bitterness of poor quality is long remembered after the sweetness of cheap price is forgotten, Certified Circulotlon, this issue: 5,244 i L Volume 1, Number 45 OCTOBER 4, 1956 CHURCH TO HOLD BAR-8-Q DElMAR THEATER The McKownville Methodist Church SPOTLBGHT Fri. & Sat., Oct. 5-6 is published wee ... ,y on Thursday at Delmar, will hold a Chicken Bar-B·Q at the New York, by Spotlight, Inc:. church on Saturday, October 6. Serv~ FRANCIS in the HAUNTED HOUSE DIAL PO 8-2143 •• 9-798; If no ings will be at 12 noon, 1:30, 4:15, Mickey Rooney on swer, coli 9-3410. 5:30 and 6:15 p.m. Included with the The GUN That Won The WEST ADVERTISING PROCEDURE Bar-B-Q will be a Field Day, Booths, Dennis Morgan Paulo Raymond MERCHANDISE FOR SALE Pony Rides and Games. Every week the SPOTLIGHT publishes The Methodist Church is the church Sun. Mon. Tues., Oct 7-8-9 Merchandise ·For Sale ads FREE of any Rodgers & Hammerstein's charge unless the advertiser gets results. with the red door located near the The KING And I These are called PERCENTAGE ADS and Thruway on Route 20. here's how it works: Call us and tell us Deborah Kerr Yul Brynner what you want to sell or advertise. Our ad writers will make up your ad. You don't Wed. Thurs., Oct. 10-11 pay anything then and you don't get a bill. Walt Disney's And, in all fairness to us, you won't ad· vertise this same article or articles any• DAVY CROCKETT And The where else. The ad costs you nothing un· CLASSIFIED RIVER PIRATES less you get results. All established busi· ~ -CO-HIT- ., nes"r.~ exclurlPrl 0 The minute you ho'le hod results from AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE The MAVERICK QUI!I!N .... Barbara Barry Sullivan r your ad, call us promptly, then send a check immediately so we won't hove any STUDLER'S SALES AND SERVICE 243 Delaware Avenue, Delmar :t unnecessary bookkeeping and billing. Corner of ".... The amount of your check is based on Mention the SPOTLIGHT if you see a cor the following schedule: Up to $101 on each you wont! liNCOlN & .... article or transaction, you send us I 0% of 1956 NASH RAMBLER 4d•. Supe•, R&H, :t the advertised price; from $102 to $501, Hydro., like new. $600. DELAWARE AVES. m you send us 5% of the advertised price; 1953 PONTIAC, 8 eyl., 2 dr., sedan, low over $502, you send us 2% of the odver• mileage, R&H, hydro, FULLER'S PET SHOP '" tised price. " TRUCKS Telephone 9-3309 "m CLOSING 1950 GMC lY.:t ton cob and chassis, 2- ~ PERCENTAGE ADS must be in on Wed­ speed axle. .... nesday preceding the week of publication. r CLASSIFIED ADS STUDLER'S SALES & SERVICE Cf>icture ~our ........ 50¢ per line with o $1.00 minimum . r DISPLAY ADS m $2.00 per column inch per insertion; ~ire place ... $3.00 per column inch Front or Back UNBELIEVABLE!!! c Covers. But it's easy to change old '"r CLOSING DATE FOR CLASSIFIED AND n DISPLAY ADS WOOD SURFACES ,.. Friday before the following Thursday .... publication. to modern 0 z (All rates subject to revision) BLONDE GRAIN z SEND ALL CHECKS TQ, SpotHght, 87 .... Rowe land Avenue, Delmar, New York. and , .. no need to remove old finish :t m IT'S EASY IT'S QUICK m IT'S INEXPENSIVE z DEXTER Drop in and see for yourself ••• Give ::! those old dark surfaces the m SCREEN DOOR $ J ,.."' CLOSER •89 NEW MODERN LOOK! Powerful, 1mooth aefion. Stopa m"' slamming; prevents dantage. 1!: Adjuaklble-templote l~en~wa. ... with~0/L.d-~---· Ask lo• FREE BARTLEY'S .• and Fireplace Accessories pamphlet on Paint• lng Concrete Floors.~ TILE AND PAINT SHOP HILCHIE'S 120 Adams Street 9-968 DELMAR LUMBER 9-968 Delmar, New York Phone 9-3190 TERMINAL HARDWARE ELSMERE AT THE LIGHT 9-3941 In Slingerlands THE HITCHING POST For The Treasured Gift DflffiHR FRANCIS ClEANERS Country Crofts and Imports TOLL GATE CENTER LIQUOR STOR£ • Four Corners Delmar Pete&: K,aye ]anee Courteous- efficient- economical Gladys Smith Service TEL. EAST BERNE z•J2 CALL 9-1725 BERNE. NEW YORK AI & Ma•y Bleau Call 9-3751 Open 'til 9 Every Evening We Deliver Page 2 THE SPOTLIGHT Octobe• 4, 1956 Help Wanted: Female: MATURE SECRETARY, Bethlehem Central Schools. Call 9-965 for appointment. BAKE SALE Know Your Kappa Delta Phi Sorority will hold a CLASSIFIED Bake Sale on Saturday, October 6, beginning Merchant at 8:30 in the morning and continuing thru PATRICK J. FORD, JR.: MERCHANDISE FOR SALE the day at the Empire Market. UPSTATE LOAN CO., INC. FIREPLACE SCREEN, andirons, occes· series, $25. 9-1935. ELECTRIC Mixer, all attachments, per• feet, $18; fur lined man's coat, size 40, like new, $30. 9-1935. WOOD TURNING LATHE, 48" between centers, complete with chisels & rests, Hke new; DELTA BENCH DRILL PRESS with mortise attachments, like new; ELECTRIC MOTOR, 2 hp. single phose. WILLARD ALMY, Middleburg, New York H. B. SMITH HOT WATER BOILER w;th •25 to •500 oil burner and controls, $200; wood and At this office you can gel: coal stove, round sheet iron with pipe, 1..--- ---1.. :... _...... $10; Brown baked enamel kerosene stove ----=--···-~ .. - .. ·-_.. .,._~ .. _...._ ---- ·-- ... with 55 gal, drum, $35; White enamel Furniture :.: Uphotsterr sink & laundry tub; 2,000 flower pots, Used C• $35. RO 5-2911 alte• 5 p.m. ".J •r angl/UIIfl to make 11~1111 mo,.. eo~ ... hml, mon! pletuanl, DWnr comforlflbl& 0 a. MONEY to boy soeh items uz Tools Refric«.tor Baby c-riap "' Hoist Walling Machi• Vaculllll a.­ :.: Electric or Ga lbnp <( or angthlnD to MOb pour wor.. Ill M-. "' in the ahop, on U.. fwm. -'-'• u EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY TELEPHONE • Willi• or VISIT 0 Use one of our FREE strollers while "'... P. J. FORD shopping at the Plaza u "P. J." Ford in another successful UPSTATE ... Phone 9-4445 15 Delaware Plaza LOAN CO., INC. ... yowtg business man who believes the Tri­ OPEN EVENINGS <( 2 Delewere Pllill, ot N-Sia.,C•• C~111.r Village Area is the perfect community to TripleS Stamps with every Purchase Deleware eut Plrntltlldl An.,.
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