Talent in Action (Continued from page 24) ble histories before performing them. Besides his reprise of such hits as "If You Don't Know I Ain't Gonna Tell You," "Abilene," "Break My Mind," and "Early Morning Rain," Hamilton showcased new material from his MCA /Dot album, including "Can't Remember, Can't Forget," a chilling look at old age, and the wist- JOHNNY fully devotional "You're The Best Thing." Carlton, David, and Trent Moody carried their part of the show with ingratiating ease. Their repertoire of classic country and bluegrass songs was astounding for a group so young; and they made their two guitars and a bass the furniture of a complete musical world. Boy's Back. Boy George performs All well, of the Moodys sang but "Move Away," the first single from David's jazzy, meter -stretching Culture Club's "From Luxury To readings of certain limp country lyr- Heartache" album, during a recent ics stood out. taping of "American Bandstand." The In short, the evening's entertain- group is scheduled to play U.S. ment was testimony to the beauty concerts in August to support its latest and vigor of the human voice and Virgin /Epic album, which was co- other instruments. produced ty Arif Mardin and Lew EDWARD MORRIS Hahn. SheRock Will Be Rocking China; ist U.S. Pop Act Visit LOS ANGELES SheRock, a new only, according to the group's all -girl pop quintet, has snared a ca- spokesperson. reer coup by being invited to tour SheRock's China concerts will be the People's Republic of China, televised, with a potential Chinese making it the first U.S. pop group to viewing audience of up to 100 mil- receive that offer. Official confir- lion. Also in negotiation is a satellite mation of the invitation came from feed to the U.S. band representative Tiffany Chu Li- Credited with opening the way ang following a visit to Shanghai. for the tour, sanctioned by the For- S The July 26 to Sept. 1 trip includes eign Affairs Division of the Shang- 13 concerts, with shows set to be hai Bureau of Culture, is conductor held in the cities of Shanghai, Chen Xieyang, director of the Hongzhu, and Canton (Gangzhou). Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, SheRock's Chinese itinerary also who dis'2overed the group via a calls for recording plans; an agree- demo tape. All five members of the ment has reportedly been reached band are classically trained, and between the Shanghai Sound and several have reportedly performed Vision Bureau and Quest For Gold with youth symphony orchestras. Inc., a production company set up Stateside interest in the act is be- by the group's business manager, ing courted here with a scheduled Bill Lichtenstein. industry showcase at the Roxy The- The album, to be produced by Bill atre on May 14. SAM SUTHERLAND Stewart, will be released in China Iglesias Concert To Open Bay Venue Graham Readies Shoreline 8,500 -capacity Concord, which lies BY JACK McDONOUGH 30 miles east of San Francisco. Such SAN FRANCISCO A Julio Iglesias rock acs as Dire Straits and Eric performance will mark the premiere Clapton made their Pavilion debuts of the Shoreline Amphitheatre, a last year; an April 23 Willie Nelson - major venue set to open in the met- Emmylou Harris concert was this ropolitan Bay Area on June 19. Lo- year's season opener. cated in Mountain View, 35 miles The new Shoreline Amphitheatre south of San Francisco, the $18 mil- will have 7,200 reserved seats and lion, 15,000- capacity venue was built will accommodate 8,000 more on a and is operated by Bill Graham lawn area. Corresponding figures at Presents. the Concord are 3,500 and 4,500. Graham says his financial com- John Denver, Jimmy Buffett, the mitment to the theater represents Moody Blues, Culture Club, Merle RETAILING ACROSS "the largest role I've ever taken" in Haggard, the Oak Ridge Boys, Jef- any project during his 20 -year ca- frey Osborne, Manhattan Transfer, AMERICA WITH SALES reer in the entertainment industry. and Mr. Mister have all been booked AND REORDERS THAT A key strategy in booking the for consecutive -night appearances venue will be back -to -back schedul- at the two outdoor venues. KNOW NO BOUNDARIES. ing of acts for one night at Shore- Greg Perloff, a booker with the line and one night at the Concord Graham operation, says he doesn't Pavilion. Graham's organization think the Shoreline will hurt busi- has just entered the second year of ness at the Concord Pavilion. a six -year booking contract with the BILLBOARD MAY 10, 1986 25 www.americanradiohistory.com.
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