0156900008 Le i 27 N- L~ ^^^ Islamic Republic of Iran Emblem Thé Présidents Office Thelranian Cultural Héritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organhation In thé Name of God In Compliance with Article 12 to thé International Convention on thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage, and referring to thé Rule of thé Islamic Republic of Iran's Joining thé mentioned Convention approved in 2005, at thé Iranian Islamic Consultative Assembly, as well as thé Rules of Procédures thereof, and Article 3 of thé Articles of Association of thé Iranian Cultural Héritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organizatîon approved in 1988, at thé Iranian Islamic Consultative Assembly, intangible Cultural Héritage Elément titled UThe Art ofCrafting and Playing Oud" in Iran with thé following particulars: Domain of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage Elément: National Wide Is, hereby, inscribed on this date of 20 Feb. 2019 as No. 1763, on thé Iranian National List ofthé Intangible Cultural Héritage. Mohammad Hassan Talebian AU Asghar Mounesan Vice Président & Cultural Héritage Deputy Head of Thé Iranian Cultural Héritage, (Signed) Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (Signed) (CÎJ) ^fw^t^ ^/fe^'^pgîî-^9"r\ï1^ (J^^ ^V.^iJ^^!j^^iu'^^^Ar'^i/}if^^^^^^ « »a* t»- - -. '. '^ . ~ »! N w * ^f^^^U^v^i(^^^C^'Tfi(/^^^^^fJi * v ^ ^ »1« ^^^^. t^^^^^^^^^ip^ *1 *. * »* * » ^^^^<» â^^^^ ^J^(j'/C(/^^j^{J'^^^ nv/ff/^ ^ùw^f ^f, c/^7^ .0^^^ ^U/(^u>4f<^r'>$^^ ,/^^^^ . H/ 7^. ...... çy^S...... -^ -< J Extract ICH National Inventory of thé IR of Iran Title: Crafting and Playing thé Oud Thé Iranian Cultural Héritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) had this élément inscribed on thé National ICH Inventory of thé Islamic Republic ofIran on 20 Feb. 2019, under thé registration number 1764. l. Name of thé Elément Crafting and Playing thé Oud 2. Categorization of thé Elément Yes- Oral traditions and expressions Yes- Performing Arts Yes- Social practices, rituals and festive events Yes- Traditional Craftsmanship 3. GeographicalScopeof thé Elément Thé main centers of playing thé Oud in Iran are Khuzestan-Bushehr, Hormozgan, Tehran, Kurdistan provinces, and some of thé major cities such as Shiraz, Isfahan, Tabriz and Mashhad, where thé instmment is most popular. In Tehran and some large cities, there are several Oud crafting workshops; some of thèse workshops are affiliated with govemmental organizations, such as thé Iranian Cultural Héritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (CHHTO), and thé Music Muséum (managed by skillfùl craftsmen such as Bayaz Amir Ataie) and some ofthèse belong to individuals (such as Mohammadi Brothers Workshop), in Isfahan. Training in and playing thé Oud in private classes, académie and cultural centers are common in Iranian major citites, including Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Rasht and Sanandaj. 4. Name of thé Concerning Communities, groups and Individuals Players, crafters, instructors of this instmment, are thé carriers of this cultural héritage. Abdolvahhab Shahidi andMansur Nariman hâve been among thé most prestigious master performers and instructors of thé Oud over thé last eight décades. Some instructors and pédagogues of various styles of performance of thé Oud such as Hossein Behrouzinia, Mohammad Firouzi and Shahram Gholami hâve been teaching in académie institutions. In récent years, thé number of female Oud-players has increased, among whom one may refer to Negar Bouban and Noushin Pasdar. Some master craftsmen, who acquired their skill and knowledge through practice in workshops, transmit their knowledge to their pupils and students in varions levels and usually privately. Thé highly prestigious craftsman, Ebrahim Qanbarimehr, has been one of thé most influential masters over thé last five décades. 5. Description of thé Elément Thé musical instmment under discussion is called thé "Oud", that is a plucked chordophone instrument with a historical background over 1500 years in thé music of thé referred région. This instmment, like many other related chordophones, is placed on thé player's leg, and thé performer stops thé frets with thé fingers of one hand and plucks with thé other hand. Thé soundbox of this instmment is pear-shaped and relatively big with a relatively short fmgerboard, so that thé strings are rather stretched over thé soundbox. Thé instmment slightly varies in size in différent régions. Thé Oud sometimes has up to 10 or more strings that are set in twin courses. Thé compass of this instmment is in bass and baritone ranges. It is possible to produce both mélodie and harmonie tones on thé Oud. Thé instrument is performed solo as well as in ensembles. 6. Viability of thé élément Satisfactory 7. Need for Urgent Safeguarding measures None 8. Name(s) of concerning states Organisations, Institutes and etc. - Ministry of Culture & Islamic Guidance; - Iranian Cultural Héritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO); - Faculties of Music in universities of Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Ahvaz and Bushehr; - Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting(IRIB); - Audio Archive of thé National Library and Archives of Iran. ("_ *^> ^ . [. n ,:,? ^ . s l. r -^ £ r s- 5- ï- ^ 1^i, k F ^ \ 0 s r.u 0 ';. s; Ce- Ï Y ti l ^ c^ e- ^^' c\ e;. <» L. il ^ ^ s " ^ s: . e- & ^ y r r E '^ i- ?. (\ ^_ <- e- <_ <. L- <- l ^- r ^ 1^ ^ <-. Sv ^r t ^ r s.. ; ï- ^ ^ ? ? . ï Sx ^ ^ ^ c- 1^ ^ <-. -( <^. l/ v <>-. r Ci e- ï <e: r ^ k ^? ^ ^ ^ t^ ^ ^ .& ^. ^ ^ >; ^ ^ <B ^ ^ l e- f <. ^. ^ ^ ~^f &\ ^ ^ ^ l Si ^ ( ^_ Il <» ^ .;_ '-' T ri ^ 5 ^ ^\ r ^ ^ ^ 't k ^ (n <^ e- ç ^. 6~ l- ^ L- !t ? r ^ <^_ ^B d f ^ ^ <» ? ^ ^'. -~ £ r l ^ ^ ^ î e- \». "s- e- . <-. 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L$J1^0-?^'j ^y^ j->j *--1 ^t^ j-tf*^ fj\J^ ùt^a- V ^ <-sy- lj^» t_A~»^o i_a^>^> (^4>- t$j^5 <J AJIjl^ib oLal^Ul 4; jtj - A ^ ^AS- cJj^ Juj (^à ^la^t^ ^- \ ^L^y e^LiJl^ '(j^^^ ^ ^. ^ çA^, i^Jt, ^ t^-'l^~° ùL'jL-t^»>ïL-l ^Lâ^lj i^iA^i '-.jljj LSJ"-^ ^"â-'1 'ÙI^J ty'^1 L?JJ^^- I^L>-J ^ .^'^ ^ jl^Al 'jl^ <ùLgi^>t (ÙI^J ^lA ol^ol^ . ùl^l JL. <uL^kS' Le ^"^3 N-. .,.... ^^§>...... ® ij"^-^^ ^^- . y-. ^, }, ^, y^^»/y/.^ ^.iy"^^ Thé Iranian Cultural Héritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization Deputyship for Cultural Héritage NATIONAL INVENTORY LlST 0F Thé Islamic Republic of Iran INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE (REPRESANTATIVEANDINNEED0F URGENT SAFEGUARDING) Office for Inscriptions and Préservation and Reyitalization of Intangible andNatural Héritage r. fi (^) j-^^^t^ National Inventory List y/- . ./. ^>, M^, ^^^i^^i. Intangible Cultural Héritage ./.. ^^l^^ll^ Abbas-Ali Soup and its Ritualistic Kermanshah ^VVA ^. Jan. ^-tl Function in Kermanshah Province Kermanshah IVT^ Girih f-Jan. f^t Province Kermanshah ivr. Traditional skills of CookingShalam Àsh f-Jan. ^^t Province Kermanshah \vr> Chalangarî (traditional Forging) ^. Jan. ^l'' Province Kermanshah ivrv Anarôneh Ceremony (He Narônej ^. Jan. ^lt Province Kermanshah ^vrr Ritual of Chele Hâwîn \. jan. v.^ Province ivrs Kharsak Weaving in Aftar Village ^Jan. ^^t Semnan Province Traditional Skills of Making Breads of IVVo Del-e Dokard, Arûsheh Dokard and ^. Jan. ^-lt Semnan Province Dokard Cheese in Aftar Village Traditional Skills of Making Chapàfîn wri ^. Jan. ^lt Semnan Province Bread in Town of Sorkheh Traditional Skills of Making Tanbùlak ^vrv f-Jan. f-^ Semnan Province Nûn(Bread) Traditional Skills of Making Gûlâch Nùn ivrA ^. Jan. Y-ll Semnan Province (Bread) Traditional Skills of Making Tfreh LàyT ivri ^Jan. ^ll Semnan Province Nùn (Bread) Traditional Skills of Making Fatîr Nùn ^Vi. ^. Jan. ^ll Semnan Province (Bread) Traditional Skills of Making Shat FatTr ^Vil ^Jan. ^11 Semnan Province Nûn (Bread) Traditional Skills of Making PîyàzT Nùn W£\ f-Jan. f-^ Semnan Province (Bread) Traditional Skills of Making Cha'eb PatTn ivir ^. Jan. f-ll Semnan Province Nùn(Bread) Traditional Skills of Making Panjeh-kesh ^Vii ^Jan. f-^ Semnan Province Nùn(Bread) Traditional Skills of Making Kal IVio \. jan. V.^ Semnan Province Khoshkeh Nûn (Bread) Traditional Skills of Making Yùz Nùn ^vn ^.
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