.J.. , -- Jr s. The Only Nw.pAprmth5Wcld working J Letcher County's Leading J for the Best Intmitt Newspaper of Letcher County. JUmttilufti J VOLUME NO. 31 WHITESBURG, LETCHER COUNTY, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1938 NUMBER 21 O. V. Caudill Appointed (Eapttal Big Sandy Credit Association Chairman For Drive To Whitesbur3 Post Office THIS WEEK Aid Crippled Children (Emnmatte Changes Location Tuesday IK Holds Meeting At Paintsville An appeal to the citizens of Let- cher county to respond to the slogan WASHINGTON 3UI of a statewide campaign and "Help a A. C. Day and Large Delegation Postmaster, W. G. Holbrook Cele- Grant Craft To Run Child to Walk" will be made begin- The battle is on. From Letcher County Attend brates Washington Birthday A Political Year ning Sunday, April 17, O. V. For Representative This is The Meeting. Easter By Moving Into New Office. It would be well to get the weak- Caudill, who will be chairman of Washington, Feb. 20 (Autocaster) lings to shelter. This fight, which this district in the statewide cam- Grant Craft, age 62, prominent The whole outlook is clouded, so has begun, just is going to be the With 174 members and 139 guests paign for $50,000 under the auspices Taking advantage of the holiday Democrat of Letcher County, plans far as legislation by Congress and political scrap in the present at its annual stockholders' of the Kentucky Society for Crippled when the General Delivery window to announce. for the Democratic definition of policies by the Admin- history so fact . of Kentucky. Ana just in meeting in Paintsville on Jeb. 15, Children, said on his return here was closed and work not rushing Nomination for U. S. Representative istration are concerned, by the any event you up on as regular day, W. G. year. Poli- are not well today attending the state con-leren- a Postmaster the near future. Mr. Craft is a that this is a political your the Big Sandy Production Credit from in KentucKy Political Hisiory, Association lead all the 43 similar of campaign leaders in Lex- Holbrok and his assistants moved seasoned politician of the old school, tical reasons must be sought behind many in- there have been naru anu organizations of the Fourth Farm ington Friday Night. into the new Federal Building which having gone through several cam every official act and utterance, in teresting battles in the past 3G0 nas just been finished here. paigns in Kentucky, and view of the approaching Senatorial Credit District with a per cent Mr. Caudill said that he believes Eastern The new Building has all the fac- will things interesting in the contests in 32 states and the Con- oveinor Chandler, at a gather- inciease in total attendance over last Letcher county will respond well to make ilities to handle the mail with the primary. He has a host of gressional elections in all 48 of them. ing oi the good loik of uampoen year. All the 12 counties served by this appeal as it has to previous august County, Wednesday, did as he was the association were represented. least amount of trouble. Providing ielatives and friends in all parts of Much Senatorial action is being campaigns of the Kentucky Society pitnty of space for the needs of the tempered by the desire for Presiden- expected to do. He Magouin - Kentucky. He is qualified to fill this announced that letcner and counties i.oi- vuupleu Children. Tne bociety, city for many years to come. position, and will always be found tial backing in the primaries, except he wouiu seek the nomination lor tied for first place, each with oo v.nose piesidtnt, Harry V. AlcChes- - ihis new builumg is a Dig lmprov-ii.in- t ..orking Interest of com in the case of Democratic Senators the United States Senate seat now mcmoers piesent. This excellent tne needs of tne cam- for the the j toiu oi to the business section ot the man. who have already gone on record as occupied by Alben W. Barkley. It has snowing is creaited larger to uie paign at the .Lexington conierence, iiion a more a v. town and all who helped to obtain opposed to the President. The test been known fact for than work of A. C. Day anu asaisi-e- oy tiie btate Parent-eauie- r month that Chandler would run, nut association repiesina t should have the thanks of all there in their attitude on the Su Association, the American uie citizens of Whitesburg. 138 Agricultural Work preme Court bill last Summer, over he withheld the official announc-ir.en- t C. J. BRADLEY tives in those respective counties, stolon, notary, mwanis and other New-por- e ac- the whole first floor is taken up Are Made By The which the party's first and widest until his appearance at ietcher County members were luncheon clubs, the Federation of Plans He could have announced two corded special recognition because oy the post office. There are plenty Co. Planning split occurred. Those nine, Adams forecast disaster at its passage, how- Women's Clubs, and similar groups. now for those who Committee weeks ago and was urged to make trie long dist- of boxes want of Colorado, Clark of Missouri, ever, Governor Chandler held the ui are opened a key, Iowa, the announcement then and prob- ances traveled Tne state has been divined into them and all with By Clay A. Colson, County Agent George of Georgia, Gillette of disposal in the palm of his hand. twenty-seve- n I districts. Lieutenant no more bothering with combina- Lonergan of Connecticut, McCarran Si ably would have but for one thing E, unuer heavy han Assistant Attorney General A. uovernor Keen jonnson will act as tions that won't work to open your The County Planning Committee of Nevada, Smith of South Caro- In nvo previous successful political spoke in defense of meas- dicaps of mud Wednesday, February 23rd, with bro-ugi- rtink the PeaK, box. let Van campaigns, the first of which u ay roads and bad oidie cnaiiman with isart Lex lina, Tydings of Maryland, and ure. He wrote it. He declared that ington, former district governor of The Postoffice receipts lacked a Mr. Bruce Poundstone, Specialist in Nuys of Indiana were in effect read him to the seat of lieutenant the measure would not permit voters weather condi Farm Management from the Uni Governor in 1931 and the second tions, some trav notary, as assistant campaign chair few hundred dollars of reaching the out of the Democratic party by Na- to change party affiliations between required a .versity of Kentucky, and the Count ther-lor- e wnicn placed him in the Executive eieu 100 miles to man. me campaign has the endorse- amount for second class tional Chairman Farley, and general elections and take part in a office hoped will Agent, Clay A. Colson and madi Mansion m 1935, Chandler made pub reach the meet ment of Ben Williamson, Ashland, and it is that it the political interest in their primary election of a party not their receipts year. plans for the Agriculture iXiension lie ins intentions to seek these offices ing. Many walk' onairman of the Crippled Children reach the required this fate at the respective primaries is iwn. He said that it was not true that and is necessitated in 'lhe mail room is fully equipped Work in Letcher County for the from the boards of a Newport plat- - "X. eu or rode horse-- intense. a cnallenged voter had no appeal necessary sorting coming year, 1938. The Committee was Newport a-- yart by the infantile paralysis epi with all tables Case of Barkley vs. Chandler loun. it his belief that ruling of the puragation uaCK to points consisted of O. V. Caudill, French to irom the Larry D. Jones uemic of last summer. , and filing cabinets, vaults and all was his lucky town, that led him onicers and cited a section of the iung tne nigh Hawk, N. R. Day, Floyd Ison, J. B Many Senators who have most, official announcement Air. CauJin announced that he the other things required for the witnhold his Kentucky Statutes which has not uy wneie dUtumoOiics were wait jversole, J. I. Sturgill, Lewis Mc consistently stood by. the President Yv you who sur- - to appoint immediately chair-- handling of the niail. auiii euntsday Now ocen repealed and is not included ing to carry groups or members to nans Daniel, Linsey Webb, J. S. Holbrook, will likewise face bitterly contested 1 On the left as you go in the fron, ' vxyethe finish, campaign.bg: -' - of.this UierlhiC-'""-- ineneetingtrc - &tyh&&W&h Herman Hale; Bennett Adams,Dpck primary' fightsrATriongThoseso" re men, whom to call an early conference oi uXr is" the postmaster's' private tvwen these two both ui xji. oioyu u. Aieaue oi fuinisviue and D. Frazier. W. L. Cooper, J. Don garded are Senators McAdoo of UDie leaders to discuss ana outline on'ice. Directly in front are the win ax e puweiiui in politics, will be was a director lor a mice these Collins, Floyd Jesse W. Cau- California, Bukley of Ohio, Diet- race waxes . ).1 111 i money Banks, While the Senate hot, ... - .1 o.ii.M i, IllC 1114. uiays for stamps, orders and to point back and say that you have ..di term, noiu-ove- r unectuia aici- wi m .uco.. Pepper the Legislature is taking a back - delivery. Then come the dill, Martin Bentley, Lawrence Kin rich of Illinois and Claude witntssecl the best ana most inter uTed P.
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