E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MAY 7, 2018 No. 73 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was the campaign: Darrel Martin and Linda Black man since reconstruction per- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Moore. A few years later, we worked haps ever. After one term, he ran for pore (Mr. THORNBERRY). very different parts of Virginia in mayor and lost handily. I still marvel f Jerry Baliles’ winning race for Gov- at the courage and the hope he must ernor. But my life changed completely have had to stand for office in Prince DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO when I visited Carl at his home in Edward County, alone among all the TEMPORE Farmville in the summer of 1988, at the counties in the United States to close The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- beginning of my first-ever candidacy its public schools rather than integrate fore the House the following commu- for office. them. One can only imagine the hos- nication from the Speaker: Carl agreed to join my small team, tility Carl faced in the local population as he dared to lead them. Twice more, WASHINGTON, DC, and from that day forward, he was my May 7, 2018. constant companion. We traveled ev- over the decades, Carl ran for mayor, I hereby appoint the Honorable MAC erywhere across the Commonwealth to- getting closer each time, and earning THORNBERRY to act as Speaker pro tempore gether. He introduced me to the most the support and respect of much of on this day. important players in Democratic poli- Farmville’s White community. PAUL D. RYAN, tics and virtually every important Af- So with respect for his many achieve- Speaker of the House of Representatives. rican-American leader in the State. I ments, including the long years f discovered that Carl was universally chairing the Prince Edward Demo- cratic Committee, the Fifth Congres- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE respected and liked and that his en- dorsement helped immensely. In the sional District Democratic Committee, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- coming years, we worked many cam- my greatest appreciation for Carl ant to the order of the House of Janu- paigns together—some winning, some Eggleston is founded on his strong and ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- losing—always as trusted friends and generous character. He is the friend I treasure most. nize Members from lists submitted by allies. I have never heard him utter an un- the majority and minority leaders for But the real Carl Eggleston story is kind word about another person. He is morning-hour debate. so much more interesting than his long unfailingly loyal, trustworthy, and pa- The Chair will alternate recognition history in Democratic Party leader- tient. He works every moment. He is between the parties. All time shall be ship. He was born in poverty to two the quiet civil rights leader and polit- equally allocated between the parties, loving parents in the Jim Crow South. ical force who has been responsible for and in no event shall debate continue The closing of the Prince Edward Coun- beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other so much of the forward progress in Vir- ty schools, when Carl was 9 years old, ginia over the last generation. than the majority and minority leaders is the tragic stuff of massive resistance and the minority whip, shall be limited On the occasion now of the pub- legend. lishing of his autobiography, I am to 5 minutes. He stayed home for 3 years, schooled proud to call Carl Eggleston my friend, f only by his mother, then spent a fourth and I know that you will enjoy and ap- year in a neighboring county trying to HONORING CARL EGGLESTON preciate his story. Carl’s life is proof catch up. After high school, Carl ap- that there is always hope. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The prenticed in a funeral home and caught Chair recognizes the gentleman from the entrepreneurial bug. Bravely, in a f Virginia (Mr. BEYER) for 5 minutes. business where families loyally cling to LYME DISEASE AWARENESS Mr. BEYER. Mr. Speaker: ‘‘This is the funeral director who has buried MONTH Carl Eggleston. There’s always hope.’’ their elders, Carl created his own fu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The So ends every voice-filled greeting on neral home: one client in year one, two Chair recognizes the gentleman from Carl’s phone in the 36 years I have or three the following year. He per- New York (Mr. FASO) for 5 minutes. known him. No better few words de- sisted against the greatest odds and Mr. FASO. Mr. Speaker, as May scribe the resilient, optimistic, and in- competition, and Eggleston Funeral marks Lyme Disease Awareness defatigable man I love. Homes are now 30 years old and thriv- Month, I rise today to recognize the I first met Carl Eggleston briefly dur- ing. countless individuals currently living ing the congressional campaign of Ira The child of a racially and bitterly with Lyme and to honor the medical Lechner in 1982. Carl was friends and divided South, Carl ran for Farmville experts and advocates combating this political allies with the brain trust of city council and was the first elected epidemic throughout the Nation. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3751 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:10 May 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07MY7.000 H07MYPT1 H3752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 7, 2018 In upstate New York, where I reside, Alliance in Conway, Arkansas, and the We give You thanks, O God, for giv- we are aware of the real and continuing local first responders for their dedica- ing us another day. threat that Lyme and related tick- tion to serving and protecting the chil- As the Members return to Wash- borne diseases pose. With an estimated dren of central Arkansas. Children’s ington, may they be encouraged and 300,000 new cases each year, the Lyme Advocacy Alliance was founded in 2000 empowered by their constituents to be crisis is spreading. It is found in about as court-appointed special advocates their best selves in serving in the peo- half of all U.S. counties and in nearly for the 20th Judicial District of Arkan- ple’s House. 80 countries worldwide. Transmitted by sas. Currently it serves Faulkner, May the disagreements that seem to tick bites, Lyme disease has no known Conway, and Van Buren Counties in my perdure give way to good faith efforts cure, is difficult to diagnose, and can district. to find solutions to the issues facing attack the nervous system, even some- Earlier this month, local law enforce- our Nation in a manner consistent with times leading to death if left un- ment and other first responders came the great traditions of our republican treated. out to support the annual Heroes for form of government. There is no silver bullet to combat Hope race held by Children’s Advocacy May all that is done within the peo- this devastating disease, but better Alliance in Conway. In its seventh ple’s House this day be for Your great- public education and more Federal re- year, the race incorporates a central er honor and glory. Amen. search can lead to significant advance- theme of being a superhero for each ments. The medical and public health child in need. Every child needs a hero, f communities urge you to check your- but the abused child needs a superhero. THE JOURNAL self and your loved ones, especially This year, 160 participants ran in sup- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The children, each day for ticks and to seek port of the race. Thank you to all the Chair has examined the Journal of the out the best information on best prac- dedicated workers at the Children’s Ad- last day’s proceedings and announces tices for preventing tick bites and vocacy Alliance and to the dedicated to the House his approval thereof. Lyme disease. law enforcement people for being those Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- I look forward to continuing to work superheroes for kids in need. nal stands approved. with members of the upstate New York WELCOMING HEAD COACH DARRELL WALKER TO f community, Lyme disease advocates UA LITTLE ROCK throughout America, and my col- Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE leagues here in Congress on both sides to recognize the University of Arkan- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the of the aisle to increase awareness and sas at Little Rock’s new men’s basket- gentleman from Indiana (Mr. BANKS) to find a cure, finally, for this dev- ball coach, Darrell Walker. A former come forward and lead the House in the astating disease. Razorback, Mr. Walker was drafted by Pledge of Allegiance. f the New York Knicks in 1983 and Mr. BANKS of Indiana led the Pledge played professional basketball for 10 of Allegiance as follows: CONGRATULATING THE CATHOLIC I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the JROTC PROGRAM years before assuming an assistant coaching role for the Toronto Raptors. United States of America, and to the Repub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Over the past two decades, Mr.
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