BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID HARTFORD, CT PERMIT NO. 2159 Crtmtp Vol. XCIV No. 8 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COU.IXC SIXCF 1904 Dobelle And Faculty Respond From Israel Israeli Prime Minister Assasinated BY DANA PROYECT & Dobelle, who attended the con- coordinator of Middle Eastern MATTHEW PRINCE ference, spoke of the Studies, who was also at the con- Opinion Editor & Publisher assasination, "I see the people ference in Israel said, "This is of Israel and many foreign lead- Israel's first true crisis as a na- "They say: Whether our lives ers mourn for the loss of the tion, for Israel has discovered its and our deaths were for peace and a Prime Minister. This act, this real enemy is not some external newhope, orfor•nothing,wecannot moment in history that pit Is- dark force but is seething from say; it is you who must say this ... raeli against Israeli, seems vir- within. In a perverse sort of They say: We leave you our deaths, tually impossible to compre- way, Israel entered the ranks of give them their meaning," — hend. There is little I can say, so 20th-century democracies Sat- Prime Minister Rabin, United I have been listening out of re- urday night. Political assassi- States Congress in Washington, spect and expressing my deep nation has stained the history of D.C. on July 26,1994. empathy for what I see. How many democracies—the United sad a commentary on the world States. .comes most immedi- Trinity College was today that leaders must fear not ately to mind. Israel has now shocked by the news of Israeli only the wrath and hatred of joined the club." Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's enemies but of their own people Back at Trinity, students assasination this last weekend. as well." and faculty held a candle light Rabin was shot by an Israeli ex- Ironically, the conference vigil and memorial ceremony in tremist on Saturday, November was dealing with the issues of the Rose Garden, Monday, No- 4th at a peace rally in Tel Aviv. fundamentalism and democ- vember 6th, in Rabin's honor. Rabin was the first Prime Minis- racy in the Middle East. Dobelle Appromixately 90 people at- ter of Israel to be born in Israel. related a story, "While we were tended to pay their respects. The He was a great general leading in the Jewish Quarter, an eld- ceremony was lead by Jonathan the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) erly man approached me and Epstein '97, a member of through the Six Day War. Rabin asked if I was an American. I TriPAC, Trinity 's organization MORGAN RISSEL was not only an apt military answered that I was, and he of ATP AC (American Israeli Pub- Members of the Trinity community hold a candlelight vigil leader, he was able to make the asked why I was here. I told him lic Affairs Committee). He spoke in memory of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. transition from leading the Is- some colleagues and I were here briefly, giving listeners informa- raeli people through war to for a seminar on religion and tion about Rabin and his Arrests At Wesleyan peace. politics, to which the man re- achievements. Several members of the sponded, 'Welcome to Jerusa- Visiting Professor of Politi- •p • ., . m i<E!ianoH»ciirfron Datieywas UMS1 raei attending a conterence at coufseiorauijuyears. ^ ' JAMES E.C. GRIFFITH quarters where they werehand- iclir Professor Ron Kiener, As- next to speak, sharing his per- Hebrew University at the time News Writer cuffed to a rail in the booking sociate Professor of Religion and please turn to page 9 of the tragedy. President room until their identities were On Tuesday, October 31, confirmed in a campus direc- three Middletown police offic- tory. Once the shift supervisor, SGA President Sadik-Khan ers handcuffed and took four Capt. Robert Clayton, deter- Wesleyan University students mined there was no reason to to headquarters after the stu- detain them, the students were Threatened With Impeachment dents did not show identifica- released. tion. According to the police When asked whether there BY K. MICHAEL DERBY & cause I wanted change," Sadik- log, the only named officer, was probable cause for arrest, MATTHEW PRINCE Khan defended himself. "I'm David Godwin, was patrolling Clayton responded, "There Nezvs Writer and Publisher not afraid ofbeing judged." In Mount Vernon Street when he wasn't any." Within an hour Tesponse to the initial accusa- saw the four students in the after the mistake was realized, The Student Government tion that he did not care, Sadik- middleof the street around 1:15 senior police officials went to meeting on Monday, Novem- Khan said, "Inreality the prob- a.m. On the grounds that they thestudents rooms and formally ber 6, initially appeared to be lem is I care too much. I care looked suspicious, Godwin apologized at 2:30 in the morn- following a normal routine. In- aboutgetting things done." He asked the students for identifi- ing. "We made a mistake and stead, after a lengthy debate on mentioned that he suffered cation an unclear amount of we are intent on rectifying it," a bill by Vice President of of from stress and gave up editing times. said Clayton. Finance Jim Moodie '96, the The Other Voice—"the one thing When they refused and the The four students, sopho- meeting turned to'a debate on I really cared about at Trinity" campus security guard couldnot mores Bishara Wilson, Tarik whether ornot to impeach SGA — and could no t focus as much identify them as students, he Holder, Markell Parker and President Karim Sadik-Khan as he would have liked on his called for assistance and two freshman Umi NiiLanpti, are '96. When the night was over, HATTHEW PRINCE thesis. other officers came to the scene. trying to find a lawyer to repre- the senate passed an over- Sadik-Khan, pictured here, What he did not care about, The students were then sent them and are expected to whelming vote of "no confi- lost the SGA confidence vote. Sadik-Khan said, was for the handcuffed and taken to head- please turn to page 6 dence" on the president. Sadik- the student government. But he "continual crap," personal at- Khan received only 18% sup- found Sadik-Khan's leadership tacks, and debates over proce- port in the 3-14 vote. to be "undermining [their] repu- dure which he thinks dominate Inside The Tripod In response, Sadik-Khan tation as senators" and the in- SG Ameetings. "I think I'vekept responded, "I don't have much tegrity of the SGA. my promises. I've been an faith in this Vote of Confidence It became quickly apparent adult. My fate's in your hands. .. If I respected these people that the senate was unwilling to Do as you will." and cared about wha t they said vole to impeach Sadik-Khan that Sadik-Khan then followed Arts: then I might be upset." evening, specifically citing an traditional procedure and left Musical Review Veteran SGA member section of the SGA constitution the room. Nardelli began the Collective Soul Micheal Nardelli '97 led the which said that all matters of arguments by asking the Sen- charge for voting to open an impeachmentmustgobefore the ate, "Are you going to let that impeachmenthearing of Sadik- Steering Board before coming fool you?" He insisted that Sports: Khan by attacking the presi- to the general assembly. Sadik-Khan's defense was dent for stating that he did not Undaunted, Nardelli then "bullshit." "He plays the game Football pounds Amherst care about running the student insisted on a "Vole of No-Confi- better than anyone of us. It's a Spotlight: Ryan Hankard government and "if you don't dence" — a nonbinding poll in- charade." Attacking Sadik- like it you can impeach me." dicating how the Senate feels Khan's points in order, Naradelli insisted thai, "I will the executive is performing in Naradelli insisted that, "It's Features; not follow the leadership of office. After some debate, the when you say things on the spur of the moment that they someone who 'doesn't care'." motion was supported and ar- The ESL Program are true," implying that when Nardelli also stressed that gument on the Vole of Confi- Franco's Sadik-Khan stated he did not many members of the SGA do dence took place, continued on page 5 care about thestudent body and "I ran [for president] be- $lij&!8^s^^ 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD • Nobember 7, 1995 r r - •*- RINITY COLLEGE has changed dramatically over the last four KERRY A. MCKEVITT search for a relationship. Depending on Opinon Writer the room, the conversations can get quite, years. The college has seen a changing of the presidential well, steamy. Rather than going out and guard, a search for a Dean of Faculty, the implementation Due to the school's commitment to meeting others, people are relying on of the Strategic Plan, mandatory coeducation of the Greeks and a educating students with technology, computers to fulfill their fantasies. major reevaluation of the alcohol policy. Many have complained computers are abundant throughout the A person possesses more freedom that some of these changes have not been for the better. campus. Nota single day passes without and control with this interaction because Complaints of a 'social crackdown' have rumbled across cam- a student using a computer for informa- there is no true physical contact and in- tion, assignments, or diversion. With terested parties are not turned away by pus. There have been questions raised as to the actuality of 'student this easy access to such a powerful "tool," appearance.
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