i. Tkt WMth« EIGHTEEN HanflTwbr Sttfnths Hfualt ; •« O. «. Wrnm . aain tMtfcitt aa ter at., who gave a moat interest. Cyrus A. MUler, 103 Adelaide .eroto 0* heavy at mg. and informative talk. Rd„ and .Milton E .Doebcner, 374 Gels Two Prizes loeroM taM-HflsIlea psa lMae Co- A bout Tow n Simimit St., have been named to .Member ef Ike Audit ■Ight mmI nM 5 asUsa pm >«aF aa« the dean's list for marks received For Weight Iayss, Lsr US r e l i n e B ureM H CIrealatlou goaty by eoriy 8etar«oy oisrahiy. Pvt. .Dominic A. Vsrizsl, son of luring the spring semester at the lUanchester—^A jCity o f Village Charni P. J. Verirsi. 33(^ Main St., is ivcrslty of Maine, Orono, Maine. LET US FILL YOUR scheduled to be sent tp,Europe Mrs. Imcile B Vincek, 28 Bunce from'Fort Riley, kan,. next month Ouekl speaker for the services Dr . of M an ch e^r Wates was top YOUR B R A K E S VOL. LXXIV, NO. 24« (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, AUGlJSt 12, 1955 (CfhMNlfled Advarttoing an Paga IS) PRICE PIYE CENTS as parl^ of operation gyroscope, Siindayhji the Assemblies of God the Army's new unit rotation plan. weight lo,ser.,Wil‘ July and not Only Chapel, 2T4 Spruce St., at the recelved^-lfie sward for that He entered tjie Army last January. 10:1,6 a m. ahd 7 p.m., se.rvices will.111 1 ............ ; VAN'S SERVICE STATION be Edward xeuhaus of Hartfordrd. I mopHi: but the JIO prize for the / Helen Davidson Ixidge 98, Pa.slor KennethNjiisLaf.son aiid hu,his ^g;feateslcatest weight loss. Mrs. Ruth 11 Airmen Daughters of Scotia, will meet to­ wife will spend them vacation While of Broad Brook, was a < lo«e , CALLED FOR AND TEXACO G.\S, OIL. (;KK.\SE. AUTO ACCESSORI^IS Korean Shot Dead morrow night at 7.4.S at the Ma- the home of his p a in ts in J>dfes- j second. Both women reduced t,heirj d e l i v e r e d p r o m p t l y GENKRAL Al TO RKP.MRINO . sotiic Temple. All members are town. N. Y. Wilson .Milea^will be weight by 8\ pounds each in June,] AT NO EXTRA CHARGE urged to be present. in charge during his ab^^ce. I and were tied for first prize. WE SPECIALIZE IN ^ Reds Freed! I Several have endeavored through PONDED BRAKE LINING As Riots Continue Army Sgt. Rudolph E. I ’apello Mrs. Maigarttf WiNon. Mrs. ' the vacation seit.son to reduce by fine Pharmacy 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Katheerine___ Kbfian and .Mrs. Ai^Hiiii ; swimming, although the organiza-; 664 CENTER ST. - vs . e-ix... I • A <4«, a 4 — AVAt-a>iaA • Gives You T.'i'^/lMore Wear— Ha.s Rivet* To B ^ k Home Capello, 183 Hilliard St., recently Burns,s, sti sisters of F’rank GOr- tion does not advocate exercise, TEL. MI »-»8U qualified as expert in firing the mam-iYf Dillon, Mont . have left but rei ommends strict adherence f Score Y.oiir Brake DfOm Over Truce Reds M-l rifle in Ja.pan. Sgt. Capello. a [Chester to spend a month with to low < alone diets presn ibed by j Pine Lenox Pharmacy Travis Air Fkirce Base, physicians. squad'leader in Co. K of the Ip "their brother. .Mr. (Jornian ha.s 299 EAST CENTER ST. SHONE Ml 4-8044 — 427 HARTfOSD *OA® Calif., A uk. 12 (/P>-rEleven cavalry Division's 8th Regimeiu. lived there for 40 years and only The gue.st speaker at the meeting TEL. MI 9-0896 Seoul, Aug. 12 (/P) — ■ A'shot wounds. The spokesman this Vcfek in Tinker Hall waa American airmen, ^piinR ,entered the Army In 19.V2 snd ar­ returned to town once, the occa- South Korean was shot ffs atiti rived oversea.s in .lime 1963. aion-being the cleath of his father. .lames D..“ Pici*irt, DDS, of 4.6.6 Cen- found In a boat that drifted inJjO home from 32 long, lonely killed today and riots con­ the U.S. Army anchorage-at In- months in Red China prisoils, Maka’Pinehurs* Your ONE STOP SHOPPING CEN­ tinu ed in risin g ten sion o v e r , chon had been hoapltalised. flew in from Hawaii today— TER for "G O O D THINGS TO EAT" and You Will President S.\ ngman Rhee's I one day closer to the. long demand that pro-Communist men were found at 4 am., *hio„.„i(p,r reunions with their Bo Sure of GOODNESS AT ITS PEAK! ’ hom after the ship guard tired. He I ryunion^ w iu i iricii truce inspectors get out of - ---------- . - ■ .......... i inv-oH Storm Aims Area Coast Charlie McCarthy, our meat manager, used part of hia vacation i_ i, 1 j • i • Li •'"'•d Inveatigatton rnntlniied. , lo\ ecl ones. for a “DOStman-8 holiday," when he. stopped off in Waterloo. K orea by S a tu rd a y m id n igh t. Pimtnimjom MaJ. Oen six of the ati-fhen landed In Gen. — .t-tA. A - —ai.*_ _LIm •t(«ra>Aeif« io w ^ for a \Wt to Rath’s modem piacklng plant. He sugRCsts Two other Koreans were Harlan C. Parks lold a storm y -'^'wAilhui s former plane, lowa. I r .................................. -jldduts. Rath's Sliced Bacon I that you try Rath’s Vac-packed C ole ------- — ........ — - WOUndefl Military Armistice Commission!**’ * <^4 iTanaport "Bataan. The Eye Winds Faces High dr a cut of the Rath’s ham we are featuring at 69c lb At this An informed so.irre said, mean- »*»-'lon that ’•illegal ’ arllvityes by , low 69c price; you may select a whole or half, ham . it's ready while. That Rhee advi.sed the Tf.S Polish and Czech NN.SC '"''"h e ra | ■***A’^‘o " *l***,r "hUi. to eat, with shank and’ waste fat removed. Government he roiild not control had provoked South Korea's-pV ' . , Northward Winds, Tide fdemonatratlons. joiTimey along the* roa^ of freedom Armour's. Skinless T/PS less t S Troops giisf.tTng truce More than 1.000 South/K o- that began in Hong- Kong late last Wilmington. N. C., Aug. 12 Hartford, Aug. 12 (i(P) — ''to n A WONDiaWL team personnel put sway their reana again tried to atorm, Wolmi month. But the best, waa yet to weapons. , Hfier the shooting in d e n t, but ( ome. UP)— Hurricane Connie roared Connecticut was back on hur­ FRANKS Kn 8ih sriiiy spoke.sman said in- before Its details weper^nown. Later today the airmen will de.structively up the North ricane alert today. After a yestigalioii disclo.sed a t'.S. sol- The Koreans looped ropes around leave Travia in Air Force planes on Carolina coa.st todav, aiming 9 A m m diar gijard aboard a ship liad fired steel gate poala o f the NNSCrom- one day respite, with blue You'll sav* Him and labor his raibine at three Koreans in s pound and lri*d to pull them 'and Jamuv. ' l'e'‘ "10-mile center winds .skie.8 and sunshine, the Hart­ Lb. 49c AIMS! boat trying to steal canned milk down Abdiiivan .soldiers used A crowd of about i.fKio men and north toward the re-alei’tcd w ith.ioft driniit in Mns. BUSHELS 0 ford Weather Bureau this from a barge in Inchon haibtrr. tear gajykrsnadeagas. „ in breaking up women of the "Ir force was on upper Eastern Seahoai’d. morning reported that the The Korean National Polii e tn- the K,ofea'n mob's drive • hand to greet lhe_ returnees. Tlieie big storm pa.^pa.ssed aisled. however, that the three The .National Defense Youth ' was no ma.ss reunion here, with storm battering the North alightlv east of , Morehead City. Carolina coast could be ex­ Rib Roast Pork Korean fishermen were hit by fire pOrps. a .semi-official organlaalion, ' their familiesr The men said they .N’. C., about 9 a.m. II was bn a from s U.S. Army patrol boat said 100.000 high school and Col- preferred it that way. noilheilv coui.se. about 60 miles pected to move rapidly north, 7 Rib Cut guarding Wolmi island, NNaC lege students would stage .mass Dr Robert D Arnold. Sunnvdale, • west of isolated Cape Hatleras. at and reimposed the alert. team headquarters, / demonstrations tomorrow. Calif,, was the only relative on 11 a.m. She seemed heade.tl erratic- A trough of low-pressure sir The 8th Army, w hich'earlier President Rhee s government hand. He was here to meet his allvacross .North Carolina’s outer stretching from I-ong Island Sound had said no " A m eric^ weapons charges that the .NNSC’s Poli.sh Lb. 39c bidther, Co) John Knox Arnold lianks snd the thinly-populated to Maine could conceivably lead had been fired at ^Wolmi, " con- ------- r They left Hickam Air Force ai’eas 'on the mainland west of the hflrricane on a path close to \ Spice up lukid beini with 2 ibtpi. firmed that a Korean died of gun- ; (('ontiniied on Page F'oiir) Mth sriied onion ind moliiMe. , Ba.se, Hawaii, yesterda.^ to the lol- Albemarle • and F’atnlico Sounds. New England. Vi tip. iich dry inuitifd iitd Sin* At HALE’S SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPARTMENT I licking air of "California, Heie 1 IsMies'Intensity ■•r. tnd >. lb. cubtd cbMW. Biki Come ' Chen V Point. .N' C.. just north ’tU bubblini.
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