~? 7( - .. SPREAD OF WHITE PINE BLISTER RUST SCOUTING IN MONTANA, WYOMING, IDAHO, AND COLORADO, 1952 13y J.C. Gynn and C. M. Chapman Infection centers of white pine blister rust {Cronartium ribicola) found in 1952 indicate the disease has now spread to the eastern boarder of Montana and to the southern boundary of Wyoming. 13lister ro.st on white pine was found for the first time in Carbon County, Montana, east of Yellowstone National Park. The disease on ribes was found for the first time in McCone, Prairie, and Carbon Counties, Montana, and Albany County, Wyoming. From previously known limits of the disease, this represents an eastward spread of nearly 200 miles in Montana. and a south- easterly advancement of over 225 miles in Wyoming. WHITE PINE INFECTION LOCATION Carbon County, Montana, adjacent to Custer National Forest, Rock Creek drain- age, 3 miles southwest of Red.lodge, Montana, T. 8 s., R. 20 E., sec. 3. The host Pinus flexilis was infected with pycnia stage canker in 1945 wood, probably of i94g origin. RIBES INFECTION LOCATIONS 1. McCone County, Montana, north of Custer National Forest, Big Dry Creek drainage, 11 miles west of Brockway, T. 18 N.~ R. 45 w.~ sec. 14. The in- fected host was Ribea cereum. 2. Prairie County, Montana~ north of Custer National Forest, Redwater River drainage, 17 miles south of Erock:way, T. 15 N., Ro 47 E., sec. 12. The infected host was !· americanum and .!!,. setosum. J. Carbon County, Montana, adjacent to Custer National Forest, Rock Creek drainage, 3 miles southwest of Red.lodge, T. 8 S., R. 20 E., seo. 3. The infected host was !· setosum. 4. Albany County, Wyoming, Medicine Bow National Forest, Pole Mountain District, 12 miles east of Larsn:ie, T. 15 N., R. 72 w., sec. 35. The infected host was !· setosum. All other infection found in 1952 wa.s in the vicinity of previously reported d.nf ection. Uo white pine blister rust has been found in Colorado up to December 1952. Piicy"On ru.st was found in the following counties in 1952: McCone County, Montana; Carbon, Teton, a.nd Lincoln Counties, Wyoming; Bear Lake, and Lincoln Counties, Idaho; and Moffat County, Colorado. ~ibes species infected with pinyon rust were!· aureum and!• setosum. -13- soomm StJKMm, 1952 JIOl!W., ltOMIIG, ID&.BO, OOLOlWX> Drainagea B.1bea Pine Bev Inf'ection Centers J'oree\ Unit Sampled Jtraminecl Jbarun1ne4 B.ibee Pine Lewi• and Clark 11. 1., Mont. 1 41 6o •Ouater 11. 1., Mont. 3 97 52 3 1 TellOV11tone 1r. P., 1f7oming 2 58 324 Shoshone I'. "I., Yyom1ng 1 158 5 Yaabald. I'. 1., Wyoming 4 298 354 !eton Jl. 1. , "7omi.Jl& 4 562 191 Medicine Bow 1r. 1. , "1'oming 3 354 302 l Brid&ar :N. 1. , Wyoming 3 72 48 Grand !reton Jl. P. , Wyoming 4 371 375 h.rghee I'. 1., Y,yoming 1 10 29 !arghee Jl. 1., Idaho 2 218 14 Os.ribou ?l. 1., Idaho 4 109 16 Obal.111 Jl. 1. , Idaho l 30 Sawtooth 11. 1., Idaho 1 10 Pfq'ette 11. 1., Idaho 3 6g Weber I'. 1., Iaaho 1 60 B.ooaevelt ?I. 1., Colorado 1 50 50 Pilce ll. 1., Colorado 4 110 326 J.:rapho I'. 1. , Colorado l 4o Routt 1'. 1., Ooloraclo 4 185 !.ocq Xt. Jr. P., Colorado 7 386 264 !otal. 55 3,2!7 2,410 4 1 ~ll•ter rust lnteotion outside f'oreet boun.dar7 SPREAD OF BLISTER RUST IN THE WEST LEGEND BOUNOAlllY 0, INfECTION ON ltlHI ECTION AND YEA" OF ORIGINO /l/////111 I WHITE PINE 9 • (19to) PINE INF .f10N ANO YEA" FOUN -- STATE LI NE • (lft&) RIBES IN FEC fECTION ON PINE - --90\JtCOAftY OF IN BLISTER RUST ANNUAL REPORT TRACED FROM DECEMBER 19S2 1952 CONTROL MAPS IYNN JOHN C. GYNN BLISTER RUST CONTROL, MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK, 1952 By J. C. Gynn, Area Leader C. M. Chapman, District Leader The 1952 white pine blister rust control program in Mount Rainier National Park was completed as scheduled. The work consisted of eliminating ribes concentra- tions on cliffs and precipitous slopes between Sunrise Park and the White River campground. The removal of these ribes will alleviate damage to the whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Sunrise Park area. above and to the western white pine ( E• monticola) in the White River campground area below. A plan formulated with Park Service officials permitted a.11 crews to work in high priority areas throughout the summer and still be readily available for fire duty. The accom- plishments of the new camp superintendent and checker were commendable. The cr,,eW was well organized and ribes eradication methods were used to best advan- tage. IO.bes eradication. Acres worked, 610; man-days, 670; ribes removed per acre, 62. A superintendent, a checker, and 16 laborers were employed. Ribes eradication started June 17 and terminated September 3. The crews were trained with the aid of illustrated charts and practical application of methods in the field. The dragline system was used almost exclusively because the precipitous topography, windfalls, and dense brush made the use of chemical methods impractical. Checking and control status. Areas worked were checked and control status classification made accordingly. A large portion of the 1952 work was classified in the rework category because of the large number of ribes removed and probable future germination of ribes seed. Table 4 shows control status classifications for both the White River and Silver Forest areas. Blister rust infection. A disease survey was run on the Longmire-Silver Forest :area in the vicinity of Ricksaker Point and Canyon Rim. Western white pine (f. monticola) reproduction less than 5 feet in height was examined with the following results: Number of tree$ examined, 228; number of trees infected, 32; llumber of trees with trunk cankers, 9. The yougest canker found was in 1948 wood, probably of 1950 origin. The last ribes eradication on the area was done in late 1950. ! disease survey was run on the White River control unit in the north portion of &nrise Park. Whitebark pine (f. albicaulis) of reproduction size was examined 'li.th the follQwing results: Number of trees examined, 295; number of trees in- ~ected, 154; rtumber of trees with trunk cankers, 7. The youngest infection noted fas in 194$ wood, probably.. ,of., ~95-0 origin. The la~t ribes eradication influenc- ing the area sampled was done in 1951 and 1952. Sixty man-days were spent on ~nker elimination in this area during inclement weather. Canker elimination le performed in 1952 in conjunction with malnten:rnce work should reduce future losses. -54- RECOMMENDATIONS Longmire-Silver Forest. Maintenance work previously scheduled for 1952 but delayed by more urgent control work necessary in the White River area should be done in 1953. An inspection made in 1952 showe·d additional broadcast spraying of Ribes aceri- f olium seedlings must be done ill the power line clearings. It was also nO'te'Cl considerable Hi-Fog gun work in conjunction with the one-man dragline system will be required to eliminate g_. bracteosum seedlings occurring in the vicinity of Narada Falls. The 'following recommendations are made to accomplish the work: A superintendent (GS-6), a checker (GS-5), and 15 crewmen for a 3-month period beginning· approxt- mately June 15. The above estimate is sufficient to take ·care of ti.me lost from rain, fire, crew reduction, and other unforeseen circumstances. The estimate is made on the basis of a 6-day work week. RESULTS The following tables show expenditures, results of the 1952 field work, and accumu.lB.tive results of work performed to date: TABIE 1 CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURES, CAIENDAR YEAR 1952 MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK National Park Item Service Personal Services Travel & Trans • Communication Service Rentals e ui ment Contractual Services Total -55- TABLB 2 SUJOlARY OF RIBES IRADICATial KOOJIT BAIBIIR HATICJIAL PAHi:, 1952 Ribes S'Oecies Per Acre llan- Ribes Ribea Total JI.an- AH& Worlc:lng Acres D&J'S lacustre T.iscosiasimum Ribes D&J'S Ribea lbite Rber other 610 670 35,000 3,000 38,000 1.10 62 Bot included aboves 60 man-daJB - canker el:l.m1nation TABU!: .3 SUMllARY OF RIBES ERADICATION JlCXJNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK, 1930-1952 (Net Control Area) Per Acre Spra7 Kan- Area Gallcns Days Ribes Chemical work included above: llan- Spray Working Acres Da)"S Gallons Second 60 60 180 Other 610 690 .3,640 Total 670 750 3,820 TAB12 4 STATUS OF BUSTER RUST CCB!'ROL, 1952 KOONT RAINIER BATICllAL PARK Work ed Control· Unit Kaintenance Initial Rework Post Check Ar• Total Acres Acree Acres Acres Acres lwr Forest -56- :BLISTER RUST CONTROL, GLACIER NATIONAL PA.BK, 1952 :By J. 0. Gynn, Area Leader c. M. Chapman, District Leader 1Ubes eradication work for the control of white pine blister rust in Glacier Sational Park was performed on the Park Headquarters, Lake McDonald, and Oldman liake control units. A good training program was prepared and given all workers on their arrival June 16 by park officials followed by additional training from su,reau of Entomology and Plant Qu.arantine representatives. The 1952 objectives were to perform scheduled maintenance work in the Park Headquarters and Lake McDonald units and to do urgently needed second working in the Oldman Lake control unit. All objectives were accomplished except a.t Oldma.n Lake, :Because 9t men leaving early, the Oldman Lake camp wa.s closed August 22 rather than September 5. Only 710 effective man-days were obtained from a possible 1,334 )l8d.
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