Speakers and bands spark voter registration rally by CJrcg Lowell, Jackie Huard. and said. The gist of Davis’ talk was that Sen­ John Henning ator Muskie follows the same platform Congressman P. McCloskey' About 1111 potential UNH student voters as other Democratic candidates, but he jegistered yesterday to vote in State and At 12:30 p.m., the crowd in the gym is better equipped to win the support National elections during the student swelled to approximately 1000 in antici­ of the American people on the issues. government-sponsored UNH voter regis­ pation of the appearance of GOP presi­ ‘ 'Muskie stands for the same things as tration drive. dential candidate. Congressman Paul McGovern or McCloskey but he is best A steady stream of students filtered "Pete” McCloskey (Cal.). at building a campaign committed to new day-long into the University Field House McCloskey said his primary reason for politics,” said Davis, gym during the unique voter registration. appearing was to ask the new voters for He added, "Muskie is the best way to It was the first mass absentia registra­ their help and to urge students to take ad­ get rid of Nixon and he also can reach tion even in the state of New Hampshire. vantage of their voting privilege by reg- a lot of people in the country that no one The registration featured political istering. else can.*’ speakers and nearly continuous live enter­ "Whatever else you do, register to vote, Senator H. Jackson tainment beginning at 10 a.m. and cul­ and get other people to register,” minating at 10 p.m. McCloskey said. Next to speak was Ben Wattenberg, po­ At 11 a.m., Richard Chaput of Nashua "You don’ t have a right to complain litical analyst and writer, who is cam­ spoke on behalf of President Richard M. about things, unless you’ re willing to try paigning for Senator Henry Jackson, CD- Nixon. Chaput, a parapelegic polio victim and stop it,” he said. Wash.). He expounded on the purpose since the age of nine, spoke to the aud- McCloskey said that the young people of voting and cited his reasons for back­ dience from a hospital bed. of America are the ones who have the ing Senator Jackson. Chaput urged the students to participate ‘ "m ost at stake in the future” and should "The vote is the greatest instrument in the American system of democracy. have a say in determining that future. of self-interest in human society and it He compared his role in voter registra­ "What is important is that young peo­ is the art of expressing and exercising tion to his life, which he called a fight ple participate,” he said. this self-interest,” he said. against apathy and indifference. McCloskey urged prospective voters to, Wattenberg then noted examples in which "Some people are paralyzed from the “ listen to all the candidates and be reg­ the vote has effected beneficial changes. neck down and others from the neck up,” istered, so that on March 7, you can make "The vote has changed the entire sit­ said Chaput in reference to the meager a choice.” uation in the South for the Blacks,” he turnout of young voters in New Hamp­ McCloskey attacked the Nixon Admin­ said, "and in the 1968 presidential e- shire so far this year. istration when he said that there has not lections the respectiye issues of unila­ Chaput urged the UNH crowd to use been one criminal case by the Adminis­ teral withdrawal from Vietnam and Idw this "new tool” they have been given to tration against discriminatory voter reg­ and order of Senator Eugene McCarthy show the American people what students istration procedures, although it is ap­ and Governor George Wallace were pick­ Congressman Paul N. McCloskey addresses students at Voter Registration rally yesterday. Photo by Wallner can do. parent that there are many violations oc- ed up by other candidates although the An ardent supporter of Nixon, Chaput curing. Senator and Governor did not win,” cent, for the young person and teenager Wattenberg cited the Senator’ s view­ tenberg the senator called for a cease­ urged the students to consider Nixon for McCloskey reminded the audience of the Wattenberg then went on to explain it is 14 per cent and 17 per cent, and point on several current issues. He said, fire in Vietnam, voted for the Cooper- re-election. importance of the March7, New Hampshire what the self-interest of young Americans for the college graduate it has increas­ "The Senator has voted for the SST be­ Church Amendment and denounced the re­ " I ’ ll challenge and debate anyone who Primary. is today. "The big issue as far as self- ed two and a half tim es.” cause it would mean more jobs. He does cent elections in South Vietnam. says Nixon hasn’t kept his prom ises,” He compared its emotional effect to that interest is not the Vietnam War because Wattenberg explained that Senator Jack­ not see any negotiable peace in Vietnam he said. "He is the only man in 11 years of the 1968 Primary where Eugene Mc­ there is little disagreement on withdrawal. son’s platform differs from that of other and following complete withdrawal would Scoialist L. Jenness to say that war is a waste.” Carthy (D-Minn.) made such a showing. Nixon will be THE peace candidate in the Presidential candidates because he places advocate a position of military strength Following Wattenberg was Socialist Frank Mankiewicz, senior political ad­ He called the Primary, "The people’s 1972 elections,” he said. first priority on a stable economy. in view of potential threats from the Workers Party Representative Joe Miles visor to Senator George McGovern (D-SD), opportunity to repudiate Nixon and his "The major issue of self-interest for "What is needed for a healthy economy Soviet Union.” of Cambridge, Mass. The party is sup­ was present at the registration all day. policies.” young people today is employment,” said is a man with the confidence of labor Wattenberg added, "Senator Jackson be­ porting Linda Jenness for President and The form er, news secretary to Robert F. McCloskey confessed to the enthusias­ Wattenberg. and businesi^ and government activism. lieves complete disarmament is asking for Andrew Pulley for Vice-president in the Kennedy offered a few brief remarks, tic audience, "I have no chance of suc­ "Unemployment for the country is 6 per Senator Jackson is this man,” he said. a global conflict.” According to Wat­ stressing the importance of voter regis­ cess unless it is with the help of you 72 elections. Continued on Page 2 tration. young voters.” Mankiewicz ' attacked the obstacles He closed his address with a question- placed in the path of the student voter. and-answer period. He compared student registration pro­ blems with the more hazardous problems Senator E. Muskie of Negro registration in the South in the Lannie Davis, National Youth Co-Ordin­ early sixties. ator for the Muskie Organization spoke He said that McGovern and his staff are after McCloskey to a rapidly-dwindling t e n e w currently engaged in legal efforts to faci­ crowd. N h A M p s h lR E litate student registration. Davis, speaking on behalf of Maine Dem­ Mankiewicz placed the burden of making ocratic Candidate Senator Edmund S* VoL 62, No. 17 Published bi-weekly by the students of the University of New Hampshire in Durham, N.H. Tuesdav.Tuesday, November November 1 fi IQ16, 1971 changes within the government on the in­ Muskie, said, "Ed Muskie is the best and dividual voter. most effective way of getting rid of Nixon "If we really want change, and join and turning this country around.” McGovern in turning this country around, Davis urged the newly-enfranchised then you’ ll have to register, vote, and voters to register saying, "We’ll beat participate in the political process,” he Nixon if you do.” Court finds Gibbs four innocent of drug charges Changes frequency Three UNH students and a Laconia res­ ident arrested during a drug raid at Gibbs Each defendent pleaded not guilty, hop­ said if he found arrest procedures il­ Hall October 22, were found innocent in ing for technical mistakes in the arrest legal, the case would be dismissed. WUNH adds 740 watts Durham District Court last Friday of being procedure. Lt. McGowen described the raided room knowingly present where marijuana was The State’ s first witness, Lt. Ronald as being poorly lit, in general disarray, being illegally kept. McGowen, Durham police, said under oath with mattresses on the floor, loud music concentration more in outer communi­ Marijuana found in open view served as that four plainclothed officers and two in and an apple crate in the middle of the by Bob Taft ties.” Both Miller and general manager the basis of the State’ s case, but test­ uniform went with a search warrant to floor. On the crate was an ashtray with With a little luck, on Wednesday Decem­ Moe Quirin see nothing but benefits from imony for the State failed to prove "b e ­ room 219 of Gibbs Hall at 11:55 p.m., roaches in it, an open clear plastic bag ber 1 all who tune in to WUNH FM’ s the extended range. Programming director yond reasonable doubt” that the four youths October 22. He testified that Col. of marijuana and two packets of ciga­ present call number will hear just a Chuck Tately predicts no changes in for­ in the Gibbs Hall apartment actually knew Maurice Gagnon, State Police undercover rette papers.
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