Or] I. 1 3 2 1Offpt"tfrom JJV <01 "WV ~ul'ope The Freshwater_ Fishes of a<;. Kal Vol. 2 rou Clupeidae Anguillid_ae rwv IiJE Edited by Henri Hoestlandt ''1<;, r'1<; T'1<; /Kal 711). () ~ '7 TO rna<; r<ffl; EpE<; "­ r, J ea KYA lew<; rpwv aI T'1 u~'1<; T'1<; '[flJ.JV 'E TI<; AULA-VerlagWiesbaden 1991 ) TOU ~TWV TWV WKO; E.Il.ll. a. KOYTPAKHL 810AOrOI EVWV Alosa caspia vistonica Economidis and Sillis, 1986 List of symbols and abbreviations E = Thracian shad, F = Alose de Thrace, G = -, R = -, Gr= Thritsa p, S, ECONO',1IDIS and A, L SINrs als alispheno'id A anal fin Synonyms A--C distance between base of anal tin and base of caudal fin Ab branched [soft] rays of anal fin Alosa (Caspia/osa) macedonico Economidis, 1973 (partim):552 (Collection: Au unbranched rays [spinous rays, spines] of anal fin Vistoni:;): Econornidis, 1974 (partim): 12 (Characters. distribution: Vis­ hoc basioccipital tonis), Economidis & Sinis, 1982 (partim):295 (in lit.) bs basisphenoid Alosa caspia I!istotlica Econornidis & Sinis, 1986 (description as new sub­ BR branchioslegal rays species, comparisons with other forms. distribution: Vistonis), C caudal flO C \' Cl. C:. upper lobe, median pan and lower lobe of caudal fin. respectively Ch branched rays of caudal fin Holotype Cl cephalization index Cu unbranched rays of caudal tin The description of this subspecies by Economidis & Sinis (1986) is based on D (D I. Dz) dorsal fin [first D, second D1; the holotype (ZMUT* No.D-35I) and 45 paratypes (39 of ZMUT Nos. Z-30, ba~e D ad distance between end of D and beginning of adipose fin base D-20, E-15, C-346, VA-75 and VA-76; 3 of BMNH* No 1987.3,30.1-3; 3 of Db branched rays of dorsal fill MNHN* No, 1987-708). Additional specimens were also examined. The meas­ DJ predorsat distance index urements and the meristic characters of these specimens are ~hown in Table 23, D.ph. pharyngeal teeth Du unbranched rays [spinous rays. spines] of dorsal fin epo epiotiC ('x exoccipital Etymology erh.l. lateral ethmoId f frontal The name ~'iston;ca is derived from the name of the Vistonis Lake in Western FI fork length jSmiU's length]; Thrace, Greece. where this fOIlTI originates, /<'11 fulcrae h minimum body depth (least depth of caudal peduncle1: hA depth of ana) fin Description liD (hDI' hDz) depth of dorsal fin [depth of Dl' depth of D21; hDf depth of posterior pan of dorsal fin he head depth [at nape}; D:Ill-IV 13-16, A:Il-IV 15-20, P:14-16, V;I 8, C:19, Squ. 47-50, Sp.br. 78-97, heo head depth [at centre of eye1: Vert. 47-50, keeled scales 29-34, pyloric caeca 36-58, teeth in palatine and hm\: depth of upper jaw vomer present. The maximum length observed was 253 mm, hpe depth of caudal peduncle [maximum depth of caudal peduncle}: H body <fepth [maximum body depth]; * ZMUT: Zoological Museum of the University of Thessaloniki. io interorbital distance lskull width]: BMNH: British Museum of Natural History. juv juveni1 \1NHN: Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris, K Fulton's coefficient of condition lab width of snout at base of barbels • Subfamily Alosinae 200 Alosa caspia vistonica - Thracian shad 201 I l,f')l,f')oo-.:tooao"1"lrl_lCl\O The body is shad-like, or "alosoid" (Fig. 52). Its height varies from 24.59 to NO~ '" _OIoooo'OV;OOIOr--OV') :2~~8~ '<:to'l00r-­ 00 M"':"""; 00 -_'<:tOO ~ I ­ 30.50 % of Fl (Table 23). Head flattened, its height is 15.92 to 22.73 % of F!. o !'­ '" ~~~~~or:i~~~~o\ NNlrlr--_ ~ Dorsal fin margin more or less straight, its length is 12.25 to 15.08 % of Fl. The N -­ anal fin margin is concave. and its length is 15.28 to 17.95 % ofF!. The pecto­ ZON .. ­ C'lMM'OM-.:tV'l("'")O'-lll0'1 'Ooo"::toooo ooo.nC'lOOV'l'Ol"""lO'l-.:tO'l _\0 r--\O 10 It'") 0\ I""­ V'l ral fin is 14.45 to 17.26 % of Fl. The pelvic fin is inserted nearly directly below N~ I '" '" 00 '"\0 M.,f-.o~l.CiaO.,fMv-iv-io.: oOl""io\MoO -- '<:t 00 , I ~ -..--­ N":!'""::t\ON N_ ...... _ NN-.:tr-­ ..... the first branched ray of the dorsal fin; its length is 8.72 to 10.61 % of Fl. The =: ~ coloration is typical of a shad: silvery on the sides and belly, and bluish-green \OM-.:tt"'"-O\'OIOOV'lV"lt"'"­ ('<")-.:t-O{'l1 \O'OOONl.(')MV'l"::tO'lNN "::to\_V'l_ on the dorsum. The line which separates these two colours runs from the upper v ~ _ '" '<:tooOOM ;::: I 00 ci. '1--' '" l"'iorivio.rioOoO.,f.,ft-=-oo ci~o~o -- '<:t 0\ ~ N_- '" N":t"1"ION M---­ MMlt'")I""-M angle of the operculum to the base of the upper lobe of the caudal fin. Ordinar­ o~ ~_ ily, there is a small black spot of the body, laterally just behind the operculum, I which very often is followed by a row of 2 to 8 similar spots. :~ ~~ ~ ~ 8~0io~~~f;;~~~ ~~~~~ I 1n0\00r-­ ~ ;.. a 0/ g: 8 t""i.,fr-.:oot'oOo.ri-ilJ:iv-io\ o\l"'iN«iai --'<:to\ I on E '0 <:5 N N N-.:t":!'"I.ON N--­ MNlt'")r--­ Distribution ~ ;z: Z .~ ~lt'")Nlt'")1.O § "1 00 ~o~~~~8~~~;o Or--_~M ~ This is a subspecies endemic to the Vistonis Lake in Greek Thrace (Fig. 53). ._ '"~ ("'")-.0on N ...oldooo\oo'\Ci""";r...:r-.:ci "":"",;",,,;-.oci \0 00 r--oo:t 000\ >­ o.oNN N":!'"-.:t\OM M---­ M ("l It'") 00 M .... NonO\lt'")Mlt'") This lake is a normal one with fresh water, in its inland part. But in its [ower " " , I ,',' V iii ' O'I-ooOOO\O'IOll"lOOl(')N Mlrlr--OOr--O\ID___ '<:tt-'<:tMM part, it is a true lagoon with brackish water. The fish prefers fresh water to the ~ ~ oq ~ t-O":l'" .... lf')-OONN"::tt' ~g;r;~;i1 ..J g: 8 MM.,f""";.,foxi"";r-..iv'i.,foci -.ol"'iO'io'...o brackish habitat. In the seaward part of the lagoon near the outlet. there are fre­ N"::t":l'"\OC'l ('.1-_ ...... ("l M '<:t 10 - 5 -­ quently many AlosafalIax nilotica that entered from the sea. However, no com­ Ji ":!'"M--C'l{'l1O'\OO\t-O\ '0 V'l '0 00 M It'")'ONOonI''"-OO'<:t mon schools of these two subspecies havt:: been observed in this water body. Jf .§ >­ ~ r;, _l(')O'I{'1100_Nl,f')O\O\t­ -It'")'OO\o 00 "::too N '<:t 01""" 00 r::: on o.r) M"':"';""';.,f";.,f.,frriM.,f ~~N.,fv-i ~"O....;v-i-:N~v-i the Thracian shad had migratory habits, it might also be encountered in the -!'­ .8 - ....... nearby Nestos and Evros (Mariza) Rivers, but this has not been observed. .~ > l,f') 000\ 00_10 '<tC'l l(')("'")t'"'"­ -It'")_I''"-~ This subspecies originated from ancestors that came from the Ponto-Caspian .~ 00 r-r--lrl-on 0\ on '" '" t-'OOOOO("'"){"10IO'>O'O":!'" O\oo"tl""-O\ I.C;--:OC!""1t;O'l~t; ~ 00 ci 0"":0"":0000 oo....:~o O-Oo:tOOlt'")N Basin and became adapted to the Vistonis Lake system during a period of the '"2 I~ ~ Quarternary characterized by low salinity. The Thracian shad was isolated then ] in the lacustrine part of Vistonis, being incapable of passing through the barrier ,00­ ~;::::!:!fJ8~Ss:=8 "tM("'lo\lt'")__ N It'")­ -O\r--OOMlt'")I""-C "" I 1>< - ............. \O-_M<;"'1 "0 '" -~M'" oocidcicidciodci dciddo oooodo"";o ~ N N O\OOO"::t{"1 ...... Nl(')OON M-r--O\O 8~8:ggj8~~ j r-­ l,f') \0 r-­ ...... IX N r-­ 0:""'. 0\ r-­ OC!qt;""1t; ~ Il< ~OOOOr-.:OONN(""\ I I '"M-i '" t""i-i-eir-.:r-.:oo-it""i-o<rio' oo"tNlt'")ooN("llt'")I""­ _ __ '<:tOOo:tM'<:t .,g !:::~ N-::t"::tION ('.1--­ .~ ~ 001--000-_0 __ ~ 00\0010 .... O\r--lrlln-Ot­ -a - ":t t""'", "1" ":l'" "::t ("'") ":l'" "i" "1" ":l'" "1" "tM'<:tM'<:t o:t(""",Mo:tM'<:tNY: " ... t' ~ ''-­ ~ E ~ci <:> ~ ---­ >., ----Q) ~ ~_= s·§ &?~~ Qii~Q5&~ i§~ ,g ..c..-~,.r:..c ::l~>- I '" ....... -:::,£9... ..... Q ----c, ~~.Do. u1S"E uU-o o e­ o~~~Q)fr 0 000 €~~~~~..c..c ~.uo I _________ ~~~@-o~ ~..c~~ @E~ §§.D ~ e,.r:gu E I:: Lr.. 0.0 ~ ~ ~ -8 >, ~ ~ ~ ~ -2 0.'::: 8.. "g £ Q) e § . :B >.. § r:J sg~o5&aaB~~~~~~~o-S~~.5~ee ~ rna~ ::i __ C .D ---­ 0 ~--~ ~ -­ 0 :i'i 'h L;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:;' ~ Q :s ~ ~ ~ t. ~ g,..g 9 '5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b5 ~ ~ ~ Fig. 53: Geographical dis[ribution of Alosa caspia vislonica. F! I I ~ 11IIIIIIII'1 202 Subfamily Alosinae Literature: Alma caspia 203 - of high salinity of the North Aegean Sea for migratory purposes. It is well c­ O known that Ponto-Caspian species are adapted to migrate in waters of low sa­ g linity (less than 19 o/eo), This is the first suhspecies of Alosa caspia found in the ~·o · a. drainage area of the Mediterranean Sea. The relationship between the ich­ ~' Literature: A/osa caspia ·I thyofauna of the fresh and brackish water in the northern Aegean Sea and that of the Ponto-Caspian Basin is also demonstrated by the presence of other ·, w> 'I ABAEV, Y.I., 1966: (The Chernoerkovsk-Sladkovski Firth and its economic importance.) ­ -'0 species. including Proterorhinus marmoralus, Knipowitschia cGLicasica, Stizos­ len., Tr.
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