A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and THE TIMES of Scotch Plains – Fanwood Thursday, April 6, 2000 Page 3 KEAN DEFEATED ON SECOND BALLOT, 211-180 Weingarten Scores Victory to Gain Union County Organizational Line By PAUL J. PEYTON importance. Together with the re- clared voters district wide. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Tiems ceipt of the line in Essex County, “It’s when you go out and meet SUMMIT — Assemblyman Joel having Essex and Union County to- lots of voters and go door to door and Weingarten of Millburn (R-21st) cap- gether will give us a great deal of we will,” he said. “We have the right tured a second ballot 211-180 vic- momentum as we go into the June message, we have the right vision (to tory over Tom Kean Jr. Saturday and primary. And we are very confident win in June).” won the Union County Republican that we will be able to successfully Mr. Kean said he not only plans to line for Congress in the Seventh Dis- fight for the will of the people in stay in the race, but vowed to post a trict in the June 6 Primary. Union County and throughout the primary victory. By virtue of his victory, he will run district,” he said. “We are going to get out there and on a primary ticket headed by Presi- He cited his record of fiscal con- we are going to win this thing in dential candidate George W. Bush, servatism and legislative accomplish- June,” he told reporters. Governor of Texas, and Congress- ment in Trenton. The three-term As- In Union County government elec- man and U.S. Senate contender Bob semblyman has served at the munici- tions, county leaders nominated law Franks. Mr. Franks of Berkeley pal level, as a member of the Millburn student and former Seventh District Heights picked up 407 and the 455 Township Committee, and as budget Congressional contender Eric Urbano Union County delegates for a first director under Essex County Execu- of Scotch Plains for Union County round ballot win in the Union County tive James Treffinger. Clerk and former Cranford Mayor convention, which was held at the Mr. Kean said now that the county Wally Shackell, former Summit City Summit Middle School. The victory Cheri Rogowsky for The Westfield Leader and The Times conventions have concluded, “this is Councilman Al Dill, both Freeholder FORBES ENDORSES BUSH...Texas Governor and Republican Presidential nominee George W. Bush was the guest follows recent party line wins in when the real campaign begins,” candidates in 1999, and 1998 Union speaker at last week’s Somerset County Republican Organization convention. Joining him, from left, are former Middlesex, Somerset, Salem and noting that now contenders must County Sheriff candidate, sheriff’s Presidential contender, Steve Forbes; Garabed “Chuck” Haytaian, Chairman of the New Jersey State Republican Cumberland Counties. Essex County reach out to Republican and unde- officer Esther Guzman-Malcolm. Committee, and Governor Christine Todd Whitman. Mr. Forbes endorsed Mr. Bush at the gathering. Executive Jim Treffinger scored 35 delegates, Atlantic Assemblyman William Gormley garnered six tal- lies with Murray Sabrin rounding Florio and Connelly Sign Pledge to Protect and Strengthen out the vote with seven votes. Mr. Weingarten missed by one vote of capturing the necessary 50 percent of the vote plus one to capture a first Federal Social Security and Medicare Entitlements ballot victory of the 428 Seventh Dis- By PAUL J. PEYTON nounced their opposition to privatiz- for future generations. serve” the Medicare program for se- Mrs. Connelly, a former Fanwood trict Union County delegates, win- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ing Social Security; their support for “This is not right. We all pay into nior citizens. Mayor and long-time councilwoman, ning the round by a tally of 214-186 FANWOOD — Seventh Congres- efforts to lower poverty rates among Social Security and we should all be Mrs. Connelly also favors opening was her party’s nominee against Re- over Mr. Kean, son of former two- sional District candidate Maryanne S. elderly women by increasing and im- guaranteed that it will be there for us up the use of prescription drugs to publican Congressman Bob Franks in term Governor Thomas H. Kean Sr. Connelly of Fanwood and U.S. Sen- proving their Social Security benefits when we retire,” Mrs. Connelly said seniors, drugs that are currently only 1998. She captured 45 percent of the Mike Ferguson of Warren captured 21 ate hopeful Jim Florio, both Demo- and opposition to efforts to privatize during a press conference at The available to HMOs and the govern- vote that year, the best performance delegates followed by former House crats, signed a pledge Monday to pro- the Medicare program. Chelsea at Fanwood, an assisted liv- ment. by a Democrat in the Seventh District Commerce Committee Counsel tect and strengthen Social Security. In terms of privatizing Social Secu- ing facility. The candidate said she favors a Pa- in 27 years. Patrick Morrisey of Westfield with Through the pledge, both candi- rity, the candidate said about Con- In order to shore up Social Security, tient Bill of Rights whereby patients Her opposition in the primary in- five votes and Green Brook Mayor dates also announced their opposition gress, “We cannot put the solvency of the candidate supports utilizing the would be allowed to see a specialist cludes Union County Manager Patricia Walsh with two tallies. to a proposal by U.S. Senate candi- Social Security at risk in the Stock federal budget surplus to strengthen when they deem it is necessary, would Michael J. Lapolla of Westfield, War- Former Woodbridge City Council date Jon Corzine, also a Democrat, to Market. Social Security is a guaran- Social Security and extend its life. have the right to hold HMOs account- ren Township Committeeman Jeff President and fire chief Ken Gardner privatize the Social Security Trust tee, not a gamble.” The candidate also said the surplus able for their decisions and the right to Golkin and Civil Rights attorney Joel announced he would not compete for Fund. Mr. Florio, a former Congressman must be used to “strengthen and pre- choose their own doctor. Farley of Westfield. the Union County line. Mr. Gardner, Both candidates also endorsed each and Governor, said “President however, said he was not dropping other in the June 6 Primary. They will (Franklin D.) Roosevelt warned us out of the Congressional contest. run on the same ballot line in Union, against being seduced by fantastic fi- The victory gives Mr. Weingarten Middlesex, Somerset and Essex Coun- nancial schemes that somehow will the line in 15 towns and part of two ties where the Seventh District undermine the integrity of Social Se- other communities in Union County straddles. curity.” He said privatizing Social Se- and two Essex County communities “I think we will be a very dynamic curity will help traders on Wall Street with a combined total of 38,667 reg- duo (in Congress,” Mr. Florio stated. in terms of their commissions “but it’s istered Republicans. Mr. Ferguson “I’m prepared to play Robin to her not going toward the well-being of the won the lines in Middlesex and Batman,” he joked. Social Security system.” Somerset Counties this past week, Mrs. Connelly and Mr. Florio signed “Social Security is not about profit counties with a total of 18,215 regis- the “Campaign for America’s Future maximization. It is securing maxi- tered Republicans. Social Security and Medicare Pledge.” mized security. It is about making Following his victory, Mr. Mr. Florio noted that Washington has sure the system will always be there,” projected that the Social Security fund Mr. Florio stated. Weingarten noted that Union County will run dry by the year 2037 with is the largest county in terms of vot- Noting the solvency of Social Se- Medicare expected to be bankrupt by curity is expected to run out in 30 ers in the district. 2023. “This victory today is of enormous years, Mrs. Connelly stated at the cur- By signing the pledge they an- rent rate the fund will now be around Museum Show April 15 - May 15 Select a unique piece to add to your collection HICKORY CHAIR Bed. SALE $2898. 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