-5f,>ja«7?*<?.«^'K^«. v/fi^ Assessors To Sit ert}-, other than motor vehi­ TKur. Sept. 15, 1955. Btanford RcviewEael Haven Ncw»10| East Haven School cles, which is subject to local Next Month tAxallon. Those who do not de­ Conn, 5_4 Faculty Invited To clare such propcrt.v will he A l«Ka1 notice appearing Polio Vaccine Distributed Meet School Supt. subject to an assignment of an elsewhere In this Issue w- additional 10^ In value. Suporlnlendcnt of Schools, R. nounces that Branfond's Board An Independent Our Telephone Numbers Vernon Hays and Mrs. Hays will The board ^vH^ bo In session of Asaessors «1il be In session Four Ways In Connecticut entertain the faculty ot the East from 0 a. ni., until R p. m., Havon schools at a series of teas from Oct. 1 to Nov. I for the dally. Slondaj- through Friday M, Salk viiecliici Coi' ihu pro- at their home Tuesday, Wednes­ purpose of receiving lists ot and «1ll be closed.Oct. 12 b«- Weekly Newspaper Editorial: HObart 7.5811 tcuUoii iiiiiilDHl till! immlyLIc lyiiu may wjsh lo continue this proce­ day and Thursday, Sept. 13th persons owning personal prop- causc of Columbus Day. ot pollomyullllH Ima bucii uvall- dure rather than go lo clinics. through 15th, from 3;30 lo 5 ®l|p last Baufn '^mB aiilc 10 ccL'Uiln ot iliu cliUdicn »( Vncclne Still l.hnlUrd to o'clock. the slide tlii'oUKli Hie fi'ui' [iio- fi-9 Veurs Oroup Teachers from the several Publlihid Wiilly br Fni Ptiis PuliMoUoi* Im. Vol. X — No. 28. Yewly Subicflplion 5330 EAST HAVEN. CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1955. COPY SCENTS Si'umK.flltonHornd by the NuUonul I Al present the, use ot pulloniye- schools win have an opportunity FRANK W. SMITH Foumlnllun (oi- Inluhtllc I'aialy- Ittls vaccine U limited to child­ to meet each other and new HOME FURNISHINGS klb In l!)!i4 and It)J5. In Hid li'lal I ren from 5 to 9 years of age. It teachers will be Introduced. Proposed Parochial Junior High School pl'UKi'nm at 11)31 vncchic Wan ol- li this group which has In the The teachers from Highland, Madison Center Grady Challenges Barker Accepts foi'od to nil sccoiul K''adc child­ past hud the higest Incidence of Union, Deer Run, Foxon and NOW SHOWING — One ot the finest collections ot Slipcover ren u[ Uni'lfot'd, FnlrlleUl and pollomycllUs. It Is estimated Momnguuln are Invited on Tues­ and Drapery Fabrics nt the lowest prices possible tor quality Barker To Public Grady'sChallcngc Barker Challenges Ltlchllcld cuunlU-.i, In 1DJ5 ull of day. Those from Tuttle, Over- tl'Oro are about 89,000 children and designs. Also; Curtains, Bedspreads, Window Shades, 6 •11? -V",?^ the children In the th-ni iuui' of these' ages In the siute who brook, Gerrlsh, Glllis, South and Bamboo' and N^enetlan Blinds, Shower Sheets. , gi'iidcii ot tliesc uaunllcu und In did not receive polioniyelltis vac­ Laurel for Wednesday. The High Closed All Day Wednesday — Store Hours: B;30 to 5:30 Debate On Issues Includes Ferrara the Ill-si two «indes ot llie lOilL cine under the program of the School on Thursday. Telephone: Madison (Circle) 5-9629 Tho Democi-allc candidate for Tho East Haven •Hopubllcan ot llio »lnt« weio offerod the VBC- National Fotindatlon for Infantile Those who have been asked lo Second Selectman issued a chal­ candidate for first selectmon, Ferrara's Version Of ctnc In fi'UQ Hchuol cllnlcH. About faralysls and are now eligible to pour are Miss Elizabeth Ritchie, lenge ihrougli the NEWS today, accepted a challenge to a pub­ "I8,U0U chllrtion locclvod the vnc- receive It. Miss Elsie Palmer, Mrs. Marga­ in which he staled he would lic debate hurled by the Dem­ clne In 1004 und nhnut UB.IHIU ret Mack, Mrs. Dorothy Moore, moet the Republican candidate ocratic candidate for second se­ Courne Ot Vaccination Miss Harriet Gesler, Miss Mary rauvinuiinuiiiiuimmiiiiiiuiiji nioie got It In 10M, multhiR a \n "a public debate on Town lectman. In accepting, the GOP Poliomyelitis vncclno contains Cunningham, Miss Katherlne loinl ot 110,000 chlldron In the Issues rather than this hide and standard bearer also Included Road Superviser Post protective substances against all McKcc, Miss Loretta Hanley, his opposition member in the early Bi'ttdoi at ACIIOUI who have seek game you . are playing three known strains of polio Miss Eleanore Leary, Miss Zlla .•Q? challenge, received vncclno. The Nutlonnl with the voter.s. Vitus. Immunlminn with Ihls Matthews, Miss Dorothy Keefo, foundation for Inlantllo I'nrnly- Frank A. Barker, third select­ hmlcrlal should consist of a VACUUM norrLB, lubo and needle snlntllule glvlnir ft pint of blood fts well. Blood by the mil­ and Mrs. Wllhllcn-nna Strand- Jerry Gfady, the Democratic man of East Haven, called Ahe ai8 will continue to nMvpin vac­ lions of pints would be needed to fight clTccts of coui'se ot Ihroo ln.|eRllon». 'I'ho for pen nnd Ink as I.ols Schlccl, of l,os Angeles, berg. nuniinee for the second spot on NEWS to state he had been in­ cine until nil Ihc children Who nmkcB her iloposit In the blood bank. Lcnillnff ft burns, bleodlnir, shock ftnd rsdlatlon If the United Yale Baseball Coach To Speak RcbutsNewspapcr first Injection may bo given nt his party's ticket, criticized formed that Jerry Grndy, uo..i- were In the 11151 program have hclplnr band to Ihose In distress snymore means StfttcB were hit by enemy bombs and missiles. any time except lo people In epi­ (Photo courteiy Loi Anselci Tlmea-Mlrrorl The governor holds ottlce for Frank A. Barker, the GOP nom­ ocratlc candidate for second spot lecclved booster doscfi and ull In At lllast Shore Babe Ruth Lg. Dinner demic areos or In households tour years and receives an an­ inee for First Selectman, tor a oh the ticket, had challenged Story Democrats the 11)3.'! program have received recent letter written by the lat­ him to a public debate. where a case has Just occurred. nual salary of 515,000 per an­ •econd Injectlonii. ter attacking Grady's handling of "In answer to Mr. Grady," Speaker The second Injectlnrt.ls etfocllve scablosa. Fifth: cattails, sassafras, num, and the governor's resi­ Opposed Position U, Polioniyolltls vncclno' Is the Children's Home In Newlng- a petition brought before the Barker stated, "challenging m« iMiWS To Run Pics anywhere from two weeks lo six funkia In a small vase. Sixth: available In the slule thioui;h two lon will be distributed. dence. Planning and Zoning Conunlsslon to a debate on Town Issues, it months' nfIer llic first. The third large light green vase, red spid­ Herald Version Says other chunnulii, xtiite nupply and I Garden Notes ji The club will participate In the by Strong Street residents re­ is my opinion that I should not Of Polilical Injection Boems to work best It er spray with large while flowers. connnotolnl supply. 'I'he Connec- planting of laurel and o t hi e r cently. accept such a challenge to de­ It Is held off for nt least peven H By Sirs. M. U. Slaidoy Mrs. Mueller urged all garden­ of the Man-ln-the-Moon variety, bate such issues with the chair­ Clancy Created Job > ticut General ASKCntbly In IDSS shrubs at the Opilol In Hartford. Grady also denied that James Catnliihilcs month;) after liio second one, or ers lo plan gardens to grow what which bear pale yellow blossoms, man- of the Planning and Zon­ voted $100,000 tor the purchase The Guilford club has Invited the F. Gartland, chairman of the lu n«M weelt'ii Isitne of ihti before the beginning of the next were grown in a trial section of ing Board."' •Wilhoiil Parly O.K. oL vaccina tor tree une among members to enter In some of the will be attractively arranged> Re­ Bumocrallc Town CommUtee, NKW'S the plelurrs of nil ctnuU- poliomyelitis season, roopio who Hnuill Tulo of Summer the Walter Burpee Floradale "It is my further opinion," The version of who is t» I ho people of I ho stale on whom arrangements classes to be shown freshments were served by Mrs. had a^iy control over the Com­ dateit, of both (mrtlt^K, runnInK have had poliomyelitis In the Farms near Lompoc, Calif. It the Third Selectman continued, blnniD lor the creation of the It,would be II flnnnclul hardship The blue IHIIIS' ohhning has been at the Fair, Sept. 16-17. Mrs. C. Frank BIgelow, Mrs. David Dag­ mission, and that he, Grady had for nfflee, thiii lU'O subinllt'Td past should receive the vaccine was hoped that even a sudden "that such debates ended with highway suporinlendcnt past In to pui'chaiie it, A pari of this iieard, E. Smith win take rcsetvallons. gett, Mrs. John KIrby, Mrs. A. E. before Wednesday, loKelher wllh in spite ot this; .They have had change In climate would cause been "opposed for the Zoning the 1860*5, On the other hand East Hnvcn In 1953 had « now kupply has been rocelved by Ihc Tho bcos Inivc ferried nil tholr Mrs. Roland Bruneau and Mrs. Hammer, Mrs. A. W. Bowman » Khort hloRrtiphleitl Mtet'Oh will experience with only one strain the bo^lc bloodline change. Had and Planning Commission in the if it Is my opponent's wish to look this wook when the He- •tale depavlment ot health and gold Andrew Kmetzo placed flower ar­ and Mrs. W. B. Smith. Democratic ^Town Committee by bo printed.
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