Canadian Monarchist News Les Nouvelles Monarchiques du Canada Special Issue – Autumn-Winter 2019 — No. 47 An occasional Newsletter for members and friends of The Monarchist League of Canada The Monarchist League of Canada – La Ligue Monarchiste du Canada, PO Box 1057, Lakeshore West PO, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K 0B2 905-855-7262 (800) 465-6925 www.monarchist.ca THE MONARCHIST LEAGUE OF CANADA – 49th ANNIVERSARY 1970-2019 7th Edition – 7e édition – 2017-2018 per Canadian Commissioned by the Monarchist League of Canada: par Canadien Complete revision of a Survey issued triennially since 1999 $1.68 Étude commandée par la Ligue monarchiste du Canada Révision complète d’une étude publiée tous les trois ans depuis 1999 The Cost of Canada’s Constitutional Monarchy SURVEY HIGHLIGHTS ● This edition of the Cost Of Canada’s ● The total annual cost of the service of House of Commons ($13.23), the Constitutional Monarchy estimates that the Lieutenant Governors, and their Senate ($2.85) and the Canadian the general cost of the Canadian Crown Offices, to The Queen and the nation Broadcasting Corporation ($32.97). in 2017-2018 was $62,438,557 or was $0.28 cents per capita. ● The Monarchy cost residents of the $1.68 per Canadian. In constant dollar ● The Queen’s vice- regal representatives United Kingdom a total of £76.1 million terms, this represents an approximate in Canada collectively undertook pounds ($128.5M), or $1.93 per UK increase of a little over 4.5 per cent. approximately 4,378 engagements resident in 2017-2018. However, the ● As The Queen of Canada’s in 2017-2018. Queen returned to the Treasury representative, The Governor General, ● By way of comparison the Canadian £228.3 million ($381.5 million) to the and her office served this country’s Monarchy cost Canadians far less than, Treasury or $5.74 per UK resident, population of 37,058,856¹ at an annual for example, other national institutions from the revenue surplus of the cost of $0.63 per person. such as the per capita costs of the Crown Estate. Le coût de la monarchie constitutionnelle au Canada La présente étude a pour but de dresser un portrait clair, unique et global des dépenses ordinaires liées à la couronne canadienne et de souligner l’utilité de cette institution pour ce pays. Le texte en français ci-dessous reprend les points forts de l’étude intégrale. FAITS SAILLANTS DE L’ÉTUDE ● En 2017-2018, le coût global de la En général, la plus grande proportion qu’a passées Sa Majesté sur le Trône. couronne canadienne a été de des coûts liés à la couronne au Canada Même si le Canada serait une répu - 62,438,557$, soit 1.68$ par Canadien. sont encourus par les bureaux du blique, que l’on nommerait toujours des gou ver neur général et des lieutenants chefs d’État non exécutifs lesquels ● La gouverneure générale, en tant que gouverneurs dans l’exercice quotidien de vivraient dans les résidences historiques représentante de la Reine, a servi la leurs pouvoirs et de leurs responsabilités qu’occupent actuellement les représen - population canadienne au coût global au nom de la Reine: coûts comme sécu- tantes de la Couronne. Si des arguments annuel de 0.63$ par personne en rité, transports, bureaus et d’entre tien pour une république existent, on ne accueillante plus de 335 000 visiteurs des résidences, les régimes de distinc- saurait les fonder sur des questions et invités aux résidences officielles tions honorifiques, De dehors, souvent on de coût. Également Les Canadiens sont (Rideau Hall et la Citadelle de Québec). ne peut saisir pleinement les demandes souvent surpris d’apprendre que les ● Les 10 lieutenants gouverneurs quotidiennes aux quelles répondent notre opérations quotidiennes du palais de ont servi au coût global annuel famille royale et les représentants de la Buckingham ne leur coûtent rien. Ces de 0.28$ par personne. Reine: des horaires chargés, des jour- dépenses sont assumées par le gouver - nées très structurées, l’obligation de de- ne ment et le Parlement du Royaume-Uni. ● En 2017-2018, les 11 représentants mander la permission de quitter le pays En conséquence, les Canadiens béné - de la Reine regroupés ont entrepris ou la province et un engagement qui les ficient d’une situation exceptionnelle qui 4,378 d’activités communautaires, lie sept jours par semaine, 365 jours par leur permet de vivre dans un royaume cérémoniales et constitutionnelles an – engagement qui reflète le notion de qui ne contribue en rien aux dépenses en visitant les quatre coins du pays. service qui est au coeur des décennies ordinaires de son monarque. INTRODUCTION This report is the seventh undertaken by intention of this Survey has remained constant: the Monarchist League of Canada since the to bring together in one place authoritative project was started some twenty years ago. information to underline the very modest cost The Royal Family and Her Majesty’s associated with the Canadian Crown in order representatives in Canada carry out to help silence those who, not understanding thousands of community, ceremonial, and the value of the Monarchy to our nation’s constitutional engagements annually. This polity, critique the institution for what they work is carried out by the vice-regal sometimes call costly and unnecessary establishments, as well as many federal spending by the Canadian and provincial and provincial government departments governments. In fact, the great majority of and volunteers. these outlays, such as operating historic Since the League first commissioned this residences and honouring outstanding triennial report, compiling the financial Canadians would be incurred even if information associated has become easier Canada were a republic. as a result of the introduction of open One sentence sums up this Survey: in its government initiatives and of many vice-regal symbolism, constitutional significance and offices’ publishing their own annual reports. service, the Maple Crown provides good Moreover, the eleven vice-regal offices are value to Canada and Canadians. given the opportunity to review a draft of Government accounts for the 2017-2018 this Survey in order that they may suggest fiscal year provide the most comprehensive corrections and clarifications. The final and recent information available. Thus, responsibility for the accuracy of the Survey these figures, together with Statistics Canada remains with the League. population figures as of July 1st 2018, Since its inception in 1999, the underlying are used as the basis of this survey. 1: THE CANADIAN CROWN Her Majesty the Queen is the personal As a rule, the only expenses associated embodiment of the Canadian State and the with the Crown in Canada are to enable Crown in Canada. All authority in Canada the Governor General and Lieutenant ultimately comes from the Crown; it forms the Governors to undertake their daily duties, underlying structure of the country’s eleven both constitu tional and ceremonial. These sovereign governments based in Ottawa and necessitate support for items such as the ten provincial capitals. security, travel, residences, offices, However, Her Majesty is also Monarch of entertainment and honours. 15 other realms. Obviously, she cannot be Financial support is also provided by the present in each at the same time. Thus in federal and provincial governments for The the Realms other than the United Kingdom, Queen and senior members of the Royal a Governor General is appointed by The Family when they come home to Canada “on Queen to represent her and carry out many advice” – that is at the request of the Govern - constitutional and ceremonial duties on ment of Canada, in order to undertake duties her behalf. in the country or when representing Canada In Canada, the Governor General is overseas. This category, for example, applies appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister. to the 2017 Sesquicentennial of Confederation The Prime Minister also nominates the tour of Nunavut and Ontario by the Prince of Lieutenant Governors for each province, Wales and Duchess of Cornwall. Most Royal whose formal appointment is by the Governor Homecomings however are “working visits,” General in Council. Together they exercise the where apart from security assistance, powers of the Crown on a day-to-day basis. expenses are covered by organiza tions, The daily support of the Royal Family, typically charities and regiments, who have including living expenses, offices, travel and invited the Royal Family member concerned. residences, costs Canadians nothing. These This report mainly focuses on the costs expenditures are covered by The Queen associated with the routine maintenance of the personally, and/or by the British Parliament households, offices and staff of the Governor and historic estates, with the result that General, and Lieutenant Governors. In sum: Canada, in common with the other realms, they are an institution at the centre the covers none of the day to day costs of the Canadian system of government which costs work of the Royal Family. little, yet brings great value to the nation. 2 – The Cost of Canada’s Constitutional Monarchy – Autumn-Winter 2019 2: REGAL AND VICE-REGAL SERVICE The number of engagements that Royal Family or a vice-regal are under taken by members of the representative in which they may Royal Family and the vice-regal be the host or a guest, during representatives of The Queen which they may perform varied during a typical year is significant duties ranging from giving a short and impres sive. However, due to speech to presiding over a the varying ways of each household lengthy ceremony. defines what an “engagement” is, So while the engagement totals the figures should be regarded as are approximations based on the an approximation. best available information, they For the purposes of this Report, nonetheless help to illustrate the an “engage ment” is viewed as an sheer volume of service provided event attended by a member of the by the Royal Family and vice-regals.
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