llcrt and vigorous newspaper to the activities and Inter- Before you shop, it will be wise to the residents of Woodbridge study carefully the values and ser- ship- Read it regularly each vices offered by our advertisers. Each to he fully informed of every edition carries merchandise news of worthy event in your home town! utmost importance to the thrifty Snbepenbent - leaber buyer. You can trust our advertisers! CU—NO." 46" i.:i;mn Mmii-r 1'nnt W00DB1R1DGE, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS 5 is Deadline ... Sljnu ftljatt (Eall lin Name Srmuf; fnr Be Sfyill Saw Hia 9rn|ilr frrnn Slieir §ma." filins; B. of E. 'Santa Special' ion Petitions I |li.iVP Andrews ami Off Tomorrow an- Kxperted to lie (,aii(li(iat«M : ! I he deadline fnr fllltiR j To Aid Needy |or l.lir hoard of Educa- j on. Mrs. Roy K, Ander- ; cirrk, announced at i l sion nf l,li" Board, j Oops! Colonia }$\'i is Collected n will be held Feb- j nri all Hie polling places B Pa for F<MM1 eneral election will b^ Debate Fizzles > F ; 2 P. M.. to 9 P. M. achlncs. usrd fnr the No (,osto Deducted ! in Bon I'd elections last; Harbour Announcement (again be used. In Error. Foes Allege; WOOUBFUDOE - Tomorrow ns of Maurice P. Duni- ; morning at 8 o'clock, "The Santa ( Joseph McAn- Positions Stated Claus Express," loaded with bas- kets of food, cartons of clothing |oni:i mid Adolph Quadt, COLONU "On-again-off- and hundreds of toys, will leaye birr in February. It is' itRHln - on - again - Finnegan" o f The Independent-Leader office. Hint, nil three will be ; fable fame, had nothing on some for reelection, of the individuals residing In Col- The packages, made possible as been no announce- onia Fire District No. 12. through the generosity of Inde- yd :i:; to whether any pendnnl-Lcader reRdcn, are ad- For the burning question — or will file in opposition dressed to 50 needy Township rather questions—right now are; | during the past few families and 7 Township patients What constitutes a debate?", have been some ru- in Roosevelt Hospital. 'What constitutes a forum?" and ntliers will file peti- To date, the fund stands at Ts there going to be a debate at lias been considerable i I he Colonia Civic Improvement *1.OI3.63. and exceeds the original the past year. ! Clubhouse on January 18?" goal set at the beginning of the iidiiK clubwomen, for drive. No contributions were di- |oii I lie board and there 1 Bnck in June, an open letter was rectly solicited, and were purely sonic liilk that this srnt to Hie Colonia Taxpayers' As- voluntary. As a result all needy en':, ,'Moups may con- sociation, by the majority mem- families, recommended by welfare bers of Ihr Board of Fire Commis- , one woman candidate, agencies and doubis-cliecked by sioners. The Taxpayers' group ob- on Pii{!c 5' this newspaper, will have it turkey jected .strenuously to statements dinner complete with all the trim- nmde by tlie Commissioners and mlngs. Each child In those families ertv is Sold *timc time later. Armand J. Van- will have several toys, and each der Linden, president of the asso- child und many of the adults will rintion offered to debate witih receive warm clothing. Even the lilt ton Hollow William Barhour, president of tlie Infants arc remembered and ba- Commls.sii.ners any mid all re- j bics exmM to bc born within marks made BKainst his ussocia-; lhc ncxl lwo monlhs wlll flnd ph. Buildings arc lion- iclothing awaiting them. Mr Hurbour accepted the dial-; ... ., • ,. , D(IIlors U)Vs WCBk W€re ab fo in^t- Hands lnm« and sometime later wrote to I '- this pnper demanding that n date | Co. Gills. hr> Kr>l. Rpni'PKniil.»l.ivpv nf Hip T«x- j •Hurry Alpern, nayers Association met with Mr. I _ ; '. ,7. ,. .. „. .. , I he Alpern Barrel and Barbour and they claim they told' Friend' Woodbrlctee; Woodbrldne i Company of Fords has j Fire Company No, l, him they would report back to from the Mutton Hol- I $21.00-No. 11 School, Weotl- their Board of Directors. I b 11 'C on Muiton Hollow I./w^M^o^called! 'ConUnued on Page oved wilh several brick The Independent-Leader (and now unoccupied. Above is the creche construct- and iilacrd on the lawn nf the Avenue. I.iqhted at niulit, the infant Jesus in'the stable a.I The crctlir look over «nr later verified his statements by month to rolittnirt »mt the DK- Mr. Alprrn him not ' ed li.v members uf MMdlesc* CnlitmliiMii Chili at llif intcrser- lie lives reiircsentiiiK Mary, .!«- Bethlehem at trad motorists and tetter i and stated that the date of Funeral Yesterday Cuuncil, Knights of Culumbus, lion of M;iln street and Amhny seith and the others around Die iires are life-like. the debate would be January 18 (it Is believed it at the Colonia Civic 'Improvement For Mrs. Jordan, 80 in connection with his j Clubhouse; that Howard Puller- ton, High School teacher, would, L- I UJ U M ker m the sale was' Passenger Hurtled Christmas Carols Ring Out in Church and Home Armed Pair Sought serve as moderator; that each de-, S>olcillll High MUHH Itrowei of Wondbridge. baler would would speak 15 min- In St. Janus' Church f repi-esentliiK the seller In Car Mishap, Dies As Community Prepares Homage to Son of GorfjIn Local Hold-Ups utes after which a 30 minute aser lespectively were quesetlon period would be held By M»gr. McCorribtin C uvin and Senator 1)uo and concluding with five minute Thrown to Ground After .Special Music, Worship 'Silent Night, Holy tyghC B«'««vcd Sam summations by each side. Mr. Bar- WOODBRIDGE — Funeral ser- •ansfrrs this week, the Sought in Sayreville (Continued on Page 5> Iccs for Mrs. Jacob Jordan, 313 Mishap; Driver Held Services on Saturday Closing Of Islands Vavonle Music, Wai i.sitiK Corporation has rs Shooting Amboy Avenue, who died suddenly, title to five more On Technical <!har»e Night and Sunday Sunday night, were held yesterday leach of four and one- Onto. 25 Ordered! WOODBRIDOE — For the sec- morning'from St. James' Church, WOODBRIDGE — Twenty-fotir- pal Church, has prepared the fol- Garbage Collection unrt each located Oh WOODBRIDGE—'Silent Night, ond time in recent weeks, Police where solemn high mass of lowing program: imately 50 x 100 feet, ye;»r old Francis Lnkacli. 55 Grant Holy NiRht." Chief George E, Keating lws is- equicm was sung. Mrs. Jordan Step Taken for 'Safely Prelude. "The Bells of St. Anne," were Mr. and Mrs. Avenm. Carleret. was killed Sun- For 131 years the world's Chris- sued ah appeal to merchants and was 80 years old. "Rosa Mystica," "Cantique dc Cost in '50 $65,669 rhau. Mr, and Mrs. tian voices have been singing this Measure," Says Miller; other businessmen not to keep day as tlie result of an early moro- Noel," "Jesu Bambino," "Adore. TU. Rev, Mser, Charles Q. Mc- lasso, Mr. and Mrs. most beloved of all Christmas large sums of money on their ins: accident on Route 35, near and Be Still," soloists, George Corristin was the celebrant of the Martin, Mr. and Mrs. carols which strikes as close to Heavy Traffic died Boost of Nearly $5,000 Leyonmark and Earl O. Rumpf; mass; Rev. Stanley Lavandoski imes and Mr, and Mrs.j Flood Street. the source of divine Inspiration WOODBRIDOE — Spencer. Mil- processional hymn. "Adeste Fl- BULLETIN O^ver Present Year is was .deacon and Rev. James Rus- Rellly, I The driver of the car, Stanley J. In mankind as any music can. ler, Jr., State Highway Commis- deles"; Kyrie, Noble; gradual, sell was sub-deacon. Rev. John G. Irs, Anthony J. Urban jTomczuk, 32, 131 Emerson Street, And once again the carol, which WASHINGTON, N. J— Due to Wider vScrvice sioner, informed the township "The Birthday of a King." tenor J Grimes was in the sanctuary. from the Roy Bujld- Carteret, told Captain John Esan was first sum; on Christmas morn- police here today annodneed Committee Tuesday that within solo. Mr. Leyonmark; Gloria Tibi; Burial was in St. James' Ceme- a four-room dwell- and Patrolmen Prank Szallar and ing In 1818, from the pen of Franz the arrest of two men who h*»e WOODBHIDQE — By the slim the next 30 days it will close the La us Tibi; sermon hymn, "O tery with Msgr. McCorristln of- LJenscn Avenue, corner Albert Nahass. that he had been Gruber, schoolmaster, and Father admitted a series of holdups in margin of $231 the Jolm Almasl islands on Route 25 between Little Town of Bethlehem"; offer- ficiating. [Avenue. Fords, on a lot cut off by another car. As a result Josef Mohr, assistant priest of the that vicinity and the two hold- Trucking Company emerged as Woodbridge Cloverleaf and Route tory anthem, "There's a Song in Honorary pall bearers were : feet. The buyers have he fated to make tlie curve at that Bavarian village of Obcrndorf, ups of' Woodbridge gas stations the successful bidder for the 1950 35 to vehicular traffic as "a safety the Air"; response, "All Things members of the Rosary Society. fssion. point and lost control of the car. will' be heard in Township yesterday. Township garbage collection con 1 measure^" Come of Thee, O Lord"; Sersum Active* pall bearers were B. J. Th- vehicle evidently struck a churches Saturday night and The men are David Crossman, tract.
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