•... The Newspaper of Montrose Issue #75, Published Weekly Friday April 2 1982 Good Evening Montrose weather tonight: Partly cloudy and warm with a chance of .....,._-.-. thundershowers and a lowof 72°. Saturday: Sunrise 6:09AM. Continued partly cloudy with a v o I c E high of 79°. Sunset 6:42PM. ,~., .- APRl I !It: • ••• f( ~ 4(•• J'' •••••••• ~l!II'. "J;j'j"'l.' J~. ;,.' :i'f)"" : ' 'II '1 .' ~I 1", 11::i['I' :;:1::,II Ir 1I,',',',::\';:1:: ~:l:'\;I,',' ::\::jl::jl::j'It tit " ::!::IIUI:I::':lH::II:::::::ll!!;~:jlll!::::}::It'" If' " I U'. ~',II'( 1'1 .·.'l.·.·II,.,.!1::;:\I*\:I!::\'1:1I:\, "CI: '1·'" t, '. 2 .• •.'I•-~'• j'"• C""II!'"1" a"~ff'JI"J'J'I'I'• I I ••••, 'l'.',' ; 1" ••• ' • I ~!,e"lt"\t:jl:;ill:l{~;'', •• ', .•' :., .'f ',1,' 'd" 't ',1 "!,, .'•. ' . '1' lie' 11"t,1 ,',', I', ~'.' .-,',1 ,', 1-' ",,;. ~ It • • :. = II : • ~ .: 'f! •.:. 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" " , ' ~ , . ~~!~., .• \ ~ Ul -A. 'J:l:':' . , : ~':~~~:r',; .':"', .. ' ..... ·c , ", ~{ > ,..1' ~~ = ..~: t •. j cc~ . ..;- ~ :'''f ..••. ;~, z&a " 5te( ~-t en=aC..,.••• we( e~...I Z UJ~t";k"N(r!~)fi'';; "'''",$''('' ~- COMING· APRIL 18 o MELBA MOORE u ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE CALL NUMBERS·2 FOR INFORMATION - 300 WESTHEIMER 526-6551 Montrose News APRIL 2, 1982 / MONTROSE VOICE 3 Montrose .,..::. Mouth division of the NAGAA, with Bull Mul- Two youths doon of Minneapolis-St. Paul chosen commissioner. sentenced to - Ten teams of the MSA will compete this Montrose Voice year in Houston, with the championship the newspaper of Montrose Let's hear it for the prison for team journeying to San Francisco to repre- 3317 Montrose Boulevard sent the city in the World Series. Third Floor Post Office Montrose rape The season is to open April 17 with If the employees inside the Fair- Houston City Councilperson Christin Houston, TX 77006 Two Houston teenage males, who had view Post Office. would wear Hartung throwing out the first ball. Phone (713) 529-8490 name tags, then it would be possible tried and convicted as adults, have been Contents copyright @1982 sentenced to prison for abducting and rap- to hold a contest to determine the Office hours: 10am-6pm -- ing a woman as she was walking her dog slowest and most inefficient counter in Montrose at sunrise last Aug. 9. persons. As reported by the Houston Chronicle, Henry McClurg Not all are incredibly slow-just State District Judge Thomas Routt March I'm -ok, but I publisher/editor most of them. 31 sentenced Warren J. "Rocky" Wayne Buell Flannery, 18, to 30 years and Charles can't make graphics Lichenstein, 17, to 15 years plus a day. Ed Martinez The Mustangs --are five years old They had been convicted Feb. 5. change for a 20- reporter-at-Iarge this weekend-and they are cele- The prosecutor presented evidence that Billie Duncan brating it in style with a private get- The next time you hear a cab driver say the two used a bayonet to force the woman entertainment editor away party Saturday night. into a car, drove to a cabin northeast of he's looking for his space, don't assume he's just trying to park his taxi. Before the party, though, on Fri- Houston, raped the woman, then returned William Marberry day, the group and their out-of-town her to Montrose, where she flagged down a More than 60 suburban Washington, advertising director guests will be making a Houston bar police car. D.C., cabbies are attending "sensitivity Randy Brown A third youth who was with the two was sessions" offered by a Maryland non- advertising tour. So if you wonder who the hot profit organization designed to make men are that dashed in and dashed not convicted. David Petluck -j~."" Two unrelated aggravated robbery them "more sensitive to the needs oftheir advertising out of your favorite club Friday cases are pending against Flannery. passengers," reports the Baltimore Sun. night-that's who. Member The Mustangs, by the way, call Gay Press' Association the Barn their home. MSA officers Texas Gay News Association attend planning News Services -- One Year Ago International Gay News Agency Families and Friends of Gays, a session in Calif. Pacific News Service group of people who are not gay but Syndicated Feature Services
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