The New Citizen July/August 2006 Page THE NEW For More Information: CONTACT US 1-800-636-432 PO Box 376 Coburg VIc 3058 Web:www.cecaust.com.au Email:[email protected] Vol 5 No 9 July/August 2006 $2.00 (inc GST) Print Post: 30601/00002 LaRouche Leads Global Fight vs. Synarchist Bankers by Kelly-ann Paull nation states worldwide. The inside the Democratic Party, to unions and lowering the living Synarchists have destroyed that kick out the Synarchists such as standards of most of the popula- July 4—This issue of the New Bretton Woods system, and now Lazard investment banker Felix tion; ripping up and/or selling Citizen is devoted to exposing intend to eliminate nation states Rohatyn, who own a part of the off vital infrastructure in water, the international cabal of finan- themselves, through “privatisa- party because of their financial rail, energy, health and educa- ciers and corporate cartels now tion” (the theft of national infra- power, and return it to the party tion; and attempting to establish pushing for world fascist rule structure) and globalisation. of FDR. a police state. under the rubric of “globalisa- U.S. statesman and physi- On June 9, LaRouche gave an The pillars of the Synar- tion”. Known to U.S. and other cal economist Lyndon H. La- international webcast in which chy, such firms as Rio Tinto, national intelligence agencies Rouche, Jr. is leading a global he outlined a strategy to defeat Royal Dutch Shell, and Felix as the “Synarchy”, this crowd fight to defeat the Synarchy by the Synarchy, the opening por- Rohatyn’s Lazard, have sys- installed the fascist régimes in establishing a “New Bretton tion of which you will see on tematically looted Australia, Europe during the 1920s and Woods” monetary system. The page 2. (The full webcast on as well as the U.S. Our April 1930s, and would have secured American Revolution of 1776- DVD may be obtained from 2004 New Citizen “named the world fascist rule during the 1789 established the United the CEC for free.) As you will names” of the entire Synarchist 1940s, had not President Frank- States as the first perfectly see from the accompanying ar- apparatus in Australia, from American statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. gave an extraordinary lin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) sovereign, national-banking ticles, the parallels between the its early 1930s sponsorship webcast on June 9. mobilised the United States as centred nation state in history, Synarchy’s attacks on the U.S., of mass fascist armies in Syd- the Synarchy tried to install that the infrastructure-looting the “arsenal of democracy” to one whose Constitution was de- and their attacks on Australia ney and Melbourne through Menzies as prime minister Macquarie Bank, whose ac- win World War II. voted to the “General Welfare” are remarkable, though lawful, its establishment of the Lib- of Britain during World War tivities are also exposed in that At the end of the war, Roos- of all of its citizens, and which given that “old Labor” was in- eral Party, into the activities of II, to replace the Roosevelt- earlier New Citizen, is partners evelt established the Bretton was the “Beacon of Hope” and spired for its fight for national those firms and families today. allied Churchill in order to with Lazard, the Synarchy’s Woods international monetary Temple of Liberty for the rest of banking and for the Common You will see, for instance, that make a deal with Hitler. And flagship. system, which was designed mankind. For those historical/ Good by what the Americans the pro-Hitler Robert Menzies from that 2004 New Citizen, Powerful though it is, the to end colonialism, and also, cultural reasons, no other nation had done. In the U.S., as in represented Shell in Australia as well as this one, you will Synarchy can be beaten. If through tariffs, fixed exchange besides a mobilised U.S. has the Australia, the Synarchy is de- in the mid-1930s, whose boss see that the family of Prime you want a future for yourself, rates and national banking, potential strength to defeat the stroying the auto industry, and Sir Henri Deterding, was a Minister John Howard have or for your children, then you to establish a system of col- Synarchy. Toward that end, La- particularly its vital machine key funder of Hitler and a key always been toadies for the must join the LaRouche-led laborating, perfectly sovereign Rouche is leading a titanic fight tool sector; smashing the trade figure in the Synarchy. In fact, Synarchy. Nor is it surprising global battle to defeat them. The Howard Family: Stooges for the Synarchy by Gabrielle Peut Unions). His nephew Lyall How- case provoked secret, official ard is today Rio Tinto’s Manager investigations at the highest hortly after he became prime for Government and Regulatory levels in Canberra, but they and Sminister in 1996, Prime Min- Affairs, from which post he can their powerful backer got away ister John Howard proclaimed, presumably contact his uncle on with the scam.” “I was brought up to believe that behalf of the company. John How- When Australia took over about the best thing you could ard’s father Lyall was employed New Guinea, PM Billy Hughes do in your life was to start up a in the 1930s by Colonial Sugar promised “New Guinea for the business with nothing, work your Refining (CSR), the chief sponsor returned servicemen.” The dig- insides out, hope you earned a bit of both of Sydney’s fascist armies gers were to be given first crack of money, and pass a bit of it on in the early 1930s, the New Guard at the lucrative, formerly Ger- to your kids.” and the Old Guard. Lyall himself man-run copra plantations, with We have all heard the tearful was a member of the New Guard. highly favourable financing. The saga of how the “hard work and But the story actually begins with colony was nominally run by sacrifice” of John’s father, Lyall, Howard’s grandfather. the Expropriation Board set up slaving away in his little garage A June 10, 2006 article in The by the Australian government in Sydney, launched the family Age demonstrated that Grandpa to ensure a smooth transfer of fortunes, enabling his son to rise Howard and his son Lyall (How- the plantations to the diggers. John Howard’s father Lyall (l.) was a well-paid front man for Synarchist corporate cartels in the 920s and 930s, and a member to become prime minister. This ard’s father) were both frontmen However, as documented in of their fascist New Guard. John Howard’s nephew Lyall, a Rio Tinto executive, continues the family’s Synarchist tradition. is all a lie. Going back to at least in the 1920s for W.R Carpenter, a June 1997 article by Peter Howard’s grandfather, the family one of the two firms which basi- Cahill in the Journal of Pacific old German plantations. Both and his son Lyall made out like According to records in the has been nothing but stooges for cally ran New Guinea after the History entitled “A prodigy of were using dummies: ex-dig- bandits on the scam. On paper, National Archives, in June 1927 the Synarchy, which is where the Versailles Treaty (which ended wastefulness, corruption, ig- gers who bought in their own at least, they were “planters on a Carpenters paid dummy Lyall Howard family money actually World War I) took the country norance and indolence: the names but signed management great scale with estates scattered Howard a handsome fee for his comes from. from Germany and handed it to Expropriation Board in New of the businesses over to their all around the Bismarck Sea.” In role in the scam, enough, say, to John Howard himself was first Australia. Author David Marr Guinea 1920-1927”, the real rul- backers.” This allowed Burns reality, neither ever set foot on open a service station. The fol- elected prime minister thanks to wrote that Lyall Howard “had ers of New Guinea were the two Philp and Carpenters to acquire “their” plantations. For their sav- lowing month, Grandpa and Dad a crucial boost from Rio Tinto, cashed in his status as a returned Australian trading companies the plantations for a fraction of age looting of New Guinea and took over the Wardell Garage one of the pillars of the world digger to ‘dummy’ for the trading which dominated the lucrative what they would otherwise have its people, W.R. Carpenters was and Service Station in Dulwich minerals cartel (see the CEC’s house W.R. Carpenter and Com- copra trade, Burns Philp and had to pay, and they paid their known as “Would Rob Christ”, Hill, and the Howard family was 1998 pamphlet, Stop the British pany Ltd. His own father Walter Carpenters. Wrote Marr, “Both “dummies” handsomely for use while Burns Philp was called off and running. Ah, the virtues Crown Plot to Crush Australia’s was doing it too. The Howard were desperate to mop up the of their names. Grandpa Howard “Bloody Pirates”. of hard work! WATCH LaRouche on DVD Call 1-800-636-432 for a FREE DVD Page 2 The New Citizen July/August 2006 LaRouche’s June 9 Webcast: “We’re on the edge of Hell, Globally” The following are La- Rouche’s opening remarks. The DVD of this powerful webcast is available from the CEC. e are now in times, as Wyou shall soon discover, throughout the United States, throughout the hemisphere, and throughout Europe in particular, we’re living in times of the type that most of you living today have never dreamed could happen, let alone experience.
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