.. 1\,owledge is Liberty" VOL. 77, NO. 40 J A M E s 0 N B R MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28,2000 'OJ t n\ tJ, t\fu\ ' ~,..~ ~ 'l.~v SURVIVING TilE STORM·-~~~-'2. --. ALEX VESSELSiphuto tdiwr INA MONTEFUSCO prison, earning his "Ph.D. in prison bru­ Gnews editor tality," he said Thursday night in Wilson ~~--------------- HaU. ubin "Hurricane" Carter has a Wilson reached its 1,300-person capac­ rather small stature and a beam­ ity quickly. Live transmissions in Ring smile. It's difficult to imagine Grafton-Stovall Theatre, Taylor 202 and him as a prizefighter. It's downright Warren HaU's airport lounge drew 1,000 impossible to imagine him as a murderer additional viewers. The speech, spon­ -a sentiment an all-white New Jersey sored by the Center for Multicultural jury didn't agree with when they wrong­ and International Student Services, was ly convicted Carter in 1967 of killing broadcast over the JMU cable network. KATIE WI LSON!phuto tditor three people in a bar the year before. The line to see Rubin " Hurricane" Carter, top, Carter survived nearly 20 years in see HURRICANE page 21 stretched from Wilson Hall to S. Main Street. TABLE OF CONTENTS Monda~ Feb. 28, 2000 . DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR NEWS Mainstreet Bar & Grill facing alcohol suspension 3 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 • KeySk1lls II, 7 to 9 p.m .• Taylor 306, "The Energy Game. You Oec1de the Future" JMU internships globally 3 • Circle K meelil'lQ. 6~ 15 p.m .• Taylor 306. call Jenny Faculty senate meeting 5 at x4727 or Lauren at x5722 • Swtng Club, 7 to 9 p.m., UREC MAC room. $2 Tri-Delta's dance event 5 • ProgreSSNe Coalition meeting, 9 p.m .• Taylor • Transfer Student Organization meebng. 8 to 9 p.m • Roop 404. call Stephante at 438·8314 G26, call Bnan at 433·6692 OPINION • Yoga Club, 6 p.m • Taylor 309. e-mail Kai at safranka TUESDAY, House Editorial: Millionaire madness • FEBRUARY 29 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 needs a break 10 Spotlight: Who was your favorite • Breakdancing Club, 6:30 to 8 • Antmal Rights Coalition, 8 p.m .• Taylor 309, call Stephanie Sesame Street character? 10 p.m., Godwin raquetball courts at 438·8314 Politics by Courtney Crowley 11 • Campus Assault Response, • Explore I, 7 to 9 p.m., Taylor 404, "Your Actions Speak So 6:15to 7:15p.m .• Maury 204, Loudly I Cannot Hear What You Say ...• Darts and Pats 11 call Carolyn at 438-3088 • Explore II, 7 to 9 p.m.• Taylor 306, "Genesis II: Leadership John McCain by Lindsey Hodges 12 • KeySk.ills I, 7 to 9 p.m.• Taylor From Wrthtn" 404, "D1ffereot Strokes for Different Folks! The Value of Diversity" • Habitat for Humanity, 5 to 6 p.m., Ta~1or 306. call x6000 STYLE • Unity cook-off 15 Etiquette banquet 15 POLICE LOG WEATHER Soul Conclave 17 Style Weekly 17 lf ELISSA FORREST delinquency of a minor on Feb. 22 at Today ltJ poltce reporter 10:03 p.m. in Galber Hall. Sunny FOCUS High 54, Low 31 A group of four or fwe unidentified Petty Larceny Humcane htstory and career 20· 21 college age white males reportedly • UntdentJfled indiViduals reportedly assaulted a JMU student on Feb. 24 stole a. JAC card with three dollars High Low Americans love to create legends 23 at 2:20 a.m. at the intersection of wrapped around II from a table in the Tuesday Sunny 61 39 Bluestone and Carrier dnves. UREC vending area on Feb. 24. The The victim had minor injuries. time of the Incident wasn't reported. Wednesday Partly cloudy 69 43 SPORTS • Unidentified indiVIduals reportedly In other matters. campus police stole a wallet from the women's Thursday Partly sunny 66 43 Men's basketball 27 report the following: restroom on the second floor of Zane Showker Hall on Feb. 24 at 9:24 a.m. Friday Showers 64 37 Women's basketball 27 Possession of Marijuana The wallet contained $55 and Fencing 29 • Laurence M. Molter, 19, of Port personal documents. Jefferson, NY, was arrested and Sports beat 33 charged with possessston of Are Alarm MARKET WATCH marijuana on February 22 The ttme • The Harnsonburg Police Friday. Feb. 25,2000 JMU's Top 50 Athletes 33 and location of the arrest were not Department responded to a call given. reporttng smoke In Maury Hall on OOWJONES f AMEX LIFESTYLES Feb. 22 at 5:22 p.m. The smoke was 230.51 7.92 Warrant Service For Outside caused by a fan motor that had shut 1 close' 9.862 12 close: 943.54 Horoscopes 37 Agency down. 9 • Nevtlle M. Allison, 19, of Crossword puzzle 37 Borboursvtlle, was arrested and Number of drunk in pubhc charges NASDAQ ~ S&P 500 .. transported to the county jail for since Aug 28: 58 27.15 ' 20.07 ' allegedly contrtbut~ng to the close: 4,590 50 close: 1 ,333.36 lA MaS Mit.OIIO,. INFORMATION BREEZE U N .. T y The 8f99Ze Is published Monday and Thursday momtngs LOCATION CLASSIFIEDS and distributed throughout James Madison Un1versity and the local Harrisonburg commumy Comments and com­ "To lire press alo11c, datVJuered as it is plaints should be addressed to Courtney Crowley, editor. The Breeze Is located In How to place a classified: Mailing address: the lower level of Come to The Breeze office week­ willa abuses, llrl! world is mdebtt.'ti for The Breeze Anthony-Seeger Hall days between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. G 1 Anthony..Seeger Hall MSC 6805 Cost: $2.50 for the first 10 James Madison University words, $2 for each addrtional 10 ap tire I ru~tuplas wlaicla laaw bet11 Harrisonburg, Virg1nta 22807 Phone: (540) 568-0127 Fax: (540) 568-6736 words; boxed classified, $10 per E-Mail address: the_ [email protected] column inch. gaiued by rt:tJSOu a11d Jmma11ity over Breue Net: httpilbreezejmu.edu Deadlines: noon Friday for Monday issue. noon Tuesday for ••rror mad oppres~tOII." Section phone numbers OptnJOn/Style: x3846 Bookk"per Thursday 1ssue. Ne-NS x6699 Susan Shlftlen, x8089 Classifieds must be paid in - James Mndiso11 Focus x6729 Receptionist advance 1n offtce. Spons x6709 Angle McWhotter The Breeze PholOIGraphtc:s x6749 • • • •• ••• •• If i ••••••••••• ." • t I • t • • • t I t .. '' I The Breen · NEWS ~onday, Fcb.l8,l000 3 The Jarnes Madison University Program Board and WBOP 106.3 present · fhe Coming Tuesday, March 28th at 8pm to Wilson Hall 4 Monday, Feb. 28,2000 NEWS • Local bar could face ~cohol suspension Mainstreet Bar and Grill appeals charges by Alcohol Beverage Control The Virginia Alcohol Be' er.1ge The bar wall continue to serve alco· Control Board has recommended sus­ hoi unbl the appeal ha~ been heard. pending Mainstreet Bar and Grill's alco· llorsley couldn't be reached for hoi liccnc;e for 25 days due to charges comment over the weekend. that the owners reportedly served .llco­ In addition to these charges, bar hol to an intoxicated individual in owners pleaded guilty an Rockingham November 1998 and allowed too many County Circu at Court on Thursday to people into the bar on April2, 1999. allowang more individuals into the bar The owners have appealed the deci­ than city regulation ~ allow on May 6, SIOn, but no appeals date has been set, 1999. About 100 more people were 17te Dmly Nt.:w:;-Record reported Friday. anside the bar than is permitted. The Mainstreet Bar and Grill is located in ABC has not investigated these charges, downtown Harrisonburg at 153 S. Main Horsley said. St. The facility consists of a restaurant, The owners entered Alford pleas, dance dub and concert hall. Bar owners which means they didn't admit guilt Jon Paul and Tom Hall couldn' t be but believed that prosecuting attorneys reached to comment on the charges had enough evidence to convict them. over the weekend. An Alford plea carries the same weight If the appeal is denied, the owners as a guilty plea. have the option of paying $1,500 in Both owners were fined $2,500, the exchange for the suspension being short­ maximum fine for the charges. ened to 15 days, ABC spokeswoman STEVE G l~s~nior phologrophu Suzanne Horsley said in the DN-R. _. Briatr Westley, asst. trews editor located downtown, Mainstreet Bar and Grll Is a popular destination for JMU students. ALL AROUND THE WORLD: JMU STUDENTS GAIN INTERNSHIPS GLOBAIJX J.{ERI SCHWAB which she attributes to the boom­ delivering it to over 100 different derful people, it was an amazing ~w_n_·l_tr____ _ ......__ ing American economy - stu­ BRANCHING OUT compa nies throughout the learning experience, and I was dents do not need to get intern­ United Kingdom," she said. "I living and working in such a rich In addition to studying ships abroad when there are believe my internsh ip to be environment ... Remember that WHAT: Unpaid 12-week inter­ abroad, JMU students have a plenty of jobs here. extremely beneficial. Not only you are going there to team and unique opportunity to spend a The program is open primari­ national internship did 1 learn about the music experience new things. Absorb summer or fall working as an ly to third · and fourth-year stu­ program industry in the United Kingdom, all of the knowledge that you can international intern in one of dents in Virginia, as well as WHERE: More than 50 coun­ I also experienced a gene ral from those you work with, try more than 50 countries in Eastern recent grad uates and graduate tries. including Western and office atmosphere. I feel this is everything, get out - go to and Western Europe and Latin students.
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