r%r. -V -'V -^-. ,.-v,4_ k .- i '• L i.* * J VAGB SIXTEEN jSlanrW atfr lEttfttins H erald TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1064 Averafe Dailj Net Prenn Rmi For the Weak Bndad Linne Lodge, Knights of Fbbmaiy 8, 1864 Al)Oilt Town Pythias, will meet tomorrow at Beth Shalom 8 p.m. In Orange Hall. Plans VWr toaiglii^ Mar will be discussed for a S7th an­ 13,892 < M nrt T . 1)niotay of Hartford niversary celebration of the Thnmdey chaaee. et Open House M«mb«r ct the Audit «Mi upoate tom orrow a t noon a t lodge, and the 100th anniversary Bureau ot dm ilatlon late hi day. High la tOk •T mooting of ttw Mandieoter of the Knights of Pythias. IUanehm$t*ir-~^A City o f VUtogo Charm Bonn! of Roattom at tlw Man^ cheat or Oountiy diib. He ia Set Sunday aariotant chief of licensee and VOL. LXXXra, NO. 113 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGBS-^TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRURY 12, 1964 (Claeelfled Advertiaiiig oa Page 88) ctataiB in tiio inaumnce oom- Unit Meetings Open house will be held Sun­ PRICE SEVEN eiN T S mieaiomr’a office, Hartford. He day, from 2 to 6 p.m., at new wW diaouaa new state laws Set by League Tenuple Beth Sholom on E. Mid­ governing real estate traasac- dle Hpke., just east of Parker Some Want Money The Manchester League of St. Women Voters has announced The outstanding and unusual Demand Rated Soft-Pedaled PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) Q aeaa of Peace Mothers its four monthly unit meetings. structure, with its three oup<^ —Pi'esident Johnson’s new < S i^ wttl meet tomorrow at The topic of discussion will be expressing the basic tenets of idea man Is getting about Judaism, has won numerous Reapportionment Pnt 8:S0 pjn. at the home of Mrs. the North End Urban Renewal 600 letters a day In response Ajothony Balboni, 152 Green project. The three main points architectural awards, and .is to his request for Ideas, considered one of the outstand­ On Return of Red Defector Manor Rd. to be covered will deal with (1) Prof. Eric Frederick Gold­ “Urban Renewal and What Does ing religious structures in the man of Princeton University Jajme Newirth, a member of It Hope To Achieve,” (2) "How New Ei^land region. was appointed by Johnson Are Plans For a Particular Invitations have gone out to GENEVA (AP)—Soviatt Stats Department press officer^ One Western delegate said last w e^ to keep hew ideas ttw oast of "Hie Barretts of this Indicated the Soviet Union Wimpole Street,” will appear on Project Developed,” and (3) all area clergymen and congre­ Richard I. Phlllppis said Nos­ flowing into the White disarmament negotiator senko told U.S. officials he was does not want Nossenko’s defec- the Pat Turner show tomor­ What Is Involved In Our North gations as well as to local dig­ House. In an Interview Tues­ Back Into Court Hands Semyon K. Tsarapkin a KGB btaff officer sent to Uon to poison the atmosphere at row at 1:15 pjn. on radio sta­ End Project and the Proposed nitaries, to attend the open day, Goldman said about Gets CSEA Post Geneva on temporary duty from the disarmament talks. tion WINF'. Hie show will be Plans For The Area.” house. charged today that “pro­ 20 per cent offer impractical Mrs. Paul Hillery of 138 Pit­ vocative activity” by West­ security headquarters in Mos­ A Western official said Tsar­ suggestions; 25 per cent are presented Thursday, Friday and cow. apkin played down the whole af­ Saturday at Bowers S ch ool kin St. will hold the first of John W. Thompson of ll8 Au­ serious suggestions by ex­ tumn St. has been named chief ern Intelligence agencies led Asked about Tsarapkin’s de­ fair 1 norder to belittle Nossenko Auditorium by Hie LdttJe Thea­ these meetings tonight at 8. Doctors to Hear perts in various fields; 50 staff representative of the Con­ to the defection of Yuri I. mand that the Swiss take steps in the eyes of U.S. e;cpet'U v;ho GOP ^ k i n g ter of Manchester. Curtain time Tomorrow at 9:30 a.m., Mrs. per cent are good propoals necticut State Employes Asso­ Nossenko, an expert on his to return Nossenko to Geneva a may be trying to evaluate what­ la 8:30 p.m. FVed Geyer of 330 Spring St. Surgeon Friday fro' i educated citizo-s '7ho will be hostess. ciation. The announcement was delegation. He demanded high-ranking Swiss official in ever information ’the defector are not expert in the field Bern said privately: "Delegates took with him. D ecisio n by There will be two meetings made by Hugo F. Benignl, pres­ Dr. Thomas J. Donovan will about which they wri’.c. aid Chapman Joy Circle of North ident of CSEA. that the Swiss return him. at the disarmament conference Western co.iference sources Methodist Church will meet to­ Thursday. Mrs. Chester KaV' speak to the medical staff at The U.S. State Department the remaining 6 per cent linsky of 40 Earl St. will have Thompson, a native of Staten are free to come and. go as they said it was highly unlikely that CO 'in personal appeals for morrow at 2 p.m. at the church. Manchester Memorial Hospital announced Monday that Nossen­ the security-minded Soviet gov­ Top Tribunal the first one at her' home at Island, joined the State Em­ please. We are not their money. Mrs. Herbert Alley, Mrs. Ruth at noon Friday. ko, Identified u an officer of the ernment would send important 9:30 ajn., and at 8 p.m. Mrs. ployes staff as its first field nurses.” Holmes and Mrs. Nancy McKen- Dr. Donovan’s talk, entitled top Soviet security agency KGB, documents concerning its nu­ Douglas Smith of 407 Wood- representatlw in 1959. There Tsarapkin’s statement con- HARTFORD (AP)—'Th# drick will be hostesses. After Current Surgical Concepts In had requested political asylum tabjed no direct criticism of clear striking force or military bridge St. will conduct the final are now four representatives. the meeting v there will be a Thompson was a social work­ Common Cardiac Conditions,” In the United States. The 33- Nossenko or of the United plans to Geneva with the dis­ task of making the Con­ white elephw t sale. session of the series. is being sponsored by the Man­ yecu'-old agent vanished eight armament delegation. necticut General Assembly Mrs. Mltchel Haxige, commit­ er for the Connecticut State States. Events Welfare Department and, for a chester Area Heart Association d; s ago. Western officials noted that ’They said Nossenko could more representative of the Andrew T. Suhie, son of Mr. tee chairman, is in charge of ar­ in conjunction with National year, an English and mathe­ . Since he presumably had ac Tsarapkin did not accuse the have taken documents concern­ population will be left in and Mrs. Andrew Suhie, 86 Holl rangements for monthly unit Heart Month, and is part of the sees to secret Soviet disarma­ U.S. Central Intelligence Agen­ ing Soviet tactics in the dl.sarm- m e^ngs. She is assisted by matics teacher at Bacon Acad­ 8t., recently returned on the emy In Colchester. as.sociation’s teaching program ment and defense information, cy of having spirited Nossenko ament talks. Such documents In State the hands of a federal Mrs. H. Maidment, Mra. Mar­ ocesin-going tug USS Ute from He served with the U.S. Ma­ for the profession. Nossenko Is a great prize for away, but merely spoke of "for­ could be of immense value to court. a tour of duty with the Seventh tin Duke, Mrs. Vincent Ramizi, rines In Korea In 1951-62 and, Dr. Donovan is a thoracic and Western intelligence agencies. eign intelligence agencies.” the West. That was apparent yester­ Fleet in the Western Pacific. Mm. Wendell Lose, Mm. Wil­ after his discharge, attended cardiovascular surgeon on the In a prepared statement read day after Republican leaden The Ute serves as towing ves­ liam ‘Whitney and Mm. Leon­ St. Michael’s College in Ver­ staff of Hartford Hospital and to newsmen, Tsarapkin accused Highway Probe announced they will app^ sel for gunnery "practice, and ard Shankman. mont. a consultant at Manchester Me­ the Swiss authorities of tolerat­ Monday’s ruling by a three- provides diving services for The public is welcome to at­ Thompson will continue as a morial Hospital. He resides at ing this activity on the sidelines Nearly Complete judge federal panel that the various vessels in the fleet. tend any of these meetings. representative for CSEA, Cha,)- 100 Westland St. Hoffa Claims Agents of the 17-nation disarmament makeup of the General Aseem- ter 400, composed of more than conference. He made it clear he LaBelle Reports bly ia unconstitutional. GOLDEN DELICIOUS 1,400 retired state employes. considered Switzerland responsi­ The court had expressed hope Thompson is married. The ble for Nossenko’s disappear­ the General Assembly would BARRiCiNI ance. couple have five children. exclusively »t HAR'TFORD (A P )— An agree to reapportion itself end­ 6 to 7 Lb. Spying During Trial He called on the Swiss to investigation of the State ing a system which the court Avg. Bag "take all necessary measures to said gave imequal weight to Liggett Drug return Nossenko to his place of Highway Department’s ap­ votes oast, in electing state sen­ APPLES CASH FUEL PARKADE CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP)—Edward Grady Par- work and to his family.” praisal division will be com­ ators and representatives.
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