PUBLISHED MONTHLY. THE MOST INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PRINTED CHISTMAS 1901·2. POLI'TICAL, P1£RSONAL. AND PUNGENT. =------- -· REGISTERED F.Olt] THROUG-H THE POST] VoL. I.-No. 2 . [ TRANSTt'CJSSlON PRICE THREEPENCE. [ AS A NEWSPAPER. DEC. 190!. ONE GUINEA per Column Paid for Original Contributions to this Paper. Volitical and Versonal. Tmc VINDlCA'l'OE has been charged, rightly long afterwards the gentlemanly Bates found In the country, after reading JTHE VINDI­ or wrongly, wir,h all the trouble arisinQ" out of himself recalled; the man of the brotherhood, CATOR refutation, a ponderous M.L.C. became the rumoured blackmailing in Pe1·th. This is and fnture Treasurer of t.he State, bad cut the prostrated actually with the revival of the rle?idedly complimentary. The mission of ground from beneath the feet of the local things which wer;:e brought to his mind by it.. t~1s: paper was clear·ly explained, and if its head of his religions order by writing to the He is wrong to imagine that. the imprecationE; ch::tgnosis of thingA resulted i.n t.nrning the Baptist Association in London offering to do directed to eternity for his what time confidant searchlight of public opinion on to a festering the work himself better than Bates, and free. form an adequate excuse for his own partici­ 8 ?re oC villainy anfl corruption in the city the Bates, as a minister·, could not be induced to pation in the business. t1.tle of the pl'oprietor to public suppol't for put his thoughts into wor·ds, but his descrip­ h1A on.teqwiso is establiRhed. N cxt please ! tion of the man who basely supplanted him Says the Sydney Bullet·in :-"It cannot bf! * * * was that of an octopus with tentacles in action, too often reiterated that the existence of an dra,wing all to the main body. And that is Upper House Seven years solitary should be the award 1 in the Parliament of a Federated fo r- the shocking instances of indency, of the ] r·edeeick lllingor-t.h, M.L.A., ex-Rtate T1·ea­ State is contrary to the weight ol Imperial emotional kind, sprung upon the stage before surm·. precedent, and a gross outrage on British open-ai.r audiences. Respectable married men * Imperial tra.ditions. The only ot,her Federa­ bolt at the sight of the hlackguardism. Robson's chickens, what time he was M.L. .A.. tion i.n the Bt-itish Empire is Canada, and six for Geraldton, are "coming home to roost. out of the eight divisions of Canada get along Resenting the insinuat.ion at the time it was with one House of Legislature apiece. Apropos of electric light. Nr1gg·et Alex. made against him of impecuniocity in the A House which excites public contempt when McKenzie was fir·st to start the businosA in Assembly, 0. Y . Hubblo, M.L.A. (Gascoyne), it does nothi1rg aurl public indignation whell Perth. He it was who erected the present dr·n.mat.ioally exhibiting a P.N. and speaking it cloes somct.hing· is a ridiculons anomaly." poles in the principal streets. At the time from the Government side, said:-" There is a Alex:. was not burdened with superfiuotlR cash, piece of paper for £500 of the leader of the * * * Finding and, not being· able to meet a bill for £50, W. Opposition (Leake), but I cannot get the leading articles unsuccessful in bringing conviction to the minds of its readers, .T . George (M.L.A. for the lVIutTay now), then money. If I could collect what is owing to the somnolent. Morning H cmlcl now employs cledc to Neil McNeil, who endor;,ed the P .N. me I could pay all my creditors." In the clerks in set to crush him in the interests of Clapit.al, Bankruptcy Court, on Oct 29last, Mr. Hubble, the office without work to write and duly succeeded. Later the two met at under examination, said:-" George Leake letters over assumed names, couched in the the house of a mutual friend. George showed owes me £505 lOs., but I have been told this language of appreciation of its own articles, which, to the sut·prise, and lVIc. seeiug in it an upportm.ne will be paid shortly. Fred :Monger owes n1e uninitiated, make the leadinl! contents sometime!" ntoment said to the host., "Do y0n see that over £900, but he would pay if he had the re11.rl as "good ir·on.'' man there"? (pointing to George); "when I money." This and tl1e Midland Railway grab am gone he will warn you against me." And decided the fate d the Leake Government, When Joe. Oha1·les's occupation as a sweep­ the host, who has been absent from the State * * * promoter· was suspended, he employed hit>: for a time relates with great gusto how the When dt·iving on the King's highway, Sir sm·plus clerks for a time somewhat similarly. lhau of iron jaw duly fell into t.he soup. George Sheuton, President of t.he Legislative Unexpectedly from this dubious source sprung a string of lottel'S upon the Irish Home Rule * Council, thoughtfully makes coacl:iy move to . "The great brotherhood of man" sentiment either side so as to interfere as little as may question, which were published in the Herald. ts porpetuA,ted in the hypocricies of the aflvo­ be with t,he possible pleasure of an approach­ Joseph was on the eve of departLue, according eates of it. ThnR lVIr. Bates, when Baptist ing- cyclist. This kinduess the man on the to this eotTespondence, for the old country with Home Rulo iu hiR poeket ~inister at Pet·tlt, \V.A., found the Sunday wheel appreciates at itR true value when, lat~r ready for the ?tps ofl penit,ent ones interrupted by the on in t.he riCle, as sometimes happens, he lS signature of anothot· "Joe," well known in rnt.rusion of 1\Ir. Fr·e<lk. Illingwn: th, land f01·ced on to hard meh1l by others, in the ignor­ connection with seeew business. Naturally, agent, ftoom SrncllbonnH', Victoria, who at. ant observance (in snch caseR) of thr rule of both pseudo a.rticlos and lettol'tl met t.he same fate, fm· tlH' pnhlic, after· rPacling, '>nee evinced gt•en.t, interP~t i.n the wo!'k. Not the ron.d. hnrrw tn 2 THE VINDICATOR AND MATRIMONIAL WORLD. forget them, and succeed in this desire before in certain circumstonces, and by this wise be to line the pockets of a class of foreign any harm is done. The Heml(l can now set. resolution they averted danger to themselves agents and importers, but he will not suit the a.bout finding another prop to lean against. and reduced Piesse to peace. aspirations of men wo have principles to defend." * • * • Of the trinity-Joe Charles, W. Brookman, The re-election of Fred. Crowder to the * M.L.C., and Miclutel O'Gmdy, campanologist, Legislative Council, however popular, will Sir George Sydenham Clarke, the new the first-named has not achieved picture-illus­ nullify the voting power of his erstwhile suc­ Governor of Victoria, responding to the toast, tration distinction, but the campanologist i,; cessful political opponent, ~ esley Malev, "The Governor," among other things said :­ satisncd with hi.s ma.tes. M.L.C. Even if this was not so, the result to "Great Britain ought to exhibit the same con­ the country would be exactly the same, vis., structive statesmanship as that of which £200 a year each of the taxpayers' money Australia had given so conspicuous an ex­ The Vera Ha.yes·, are the human spiders wasted. But this waste applifls to every mem­ ample." All the same, England's hidebound, tha.t delight in tormenting whatever gets into ber of the Upper House, and it will continue obstinate ignorance will continue to exclude lthQir fascinating nets, but the Bursills are until electors are maddened by overburdens of from the Imperial comprehension the progress the zanies that pP-t'petuate the species. taxation, when they will rise and demand the and advancement of democratic countries far * * * abolition of this useless, and, thet'efore, un­ away. City municipal elGctions are conducted by necessary and wasteful institution. * * * ballot, but the congregation of touts at the N anson'a crossing to the Left of the Speaker entrance to the Town Hall on polling dayR is * * * Perth enVIronments constitute the Suburban will be a flaw in the armour of the Leake not only a, br·each of the Act but an intolerable Electoral Province, which is never heard of in Government whenever the constituencies get nnii'iancc. 'l'he language at times used by this the political world. Millionaire Brookman was a chance. paid gang of beer-swillers is highly offensive elected to look after the interests of the new · to respectable rar.epape!'s. 'l'he paid tout and Province in the Legislative Council. He was caava.sser and hired vehicle are all contrary to Opposition Leader Piesse's notice of want of previously beer-pumped into the civic chair the J'l'OVisions of the Act, and the councillol' confidence gave Premier Leake delight. Ironi­ of Perth ; the hilarious section of the rate­ who will affect thcit· a bolition will deserve cal qelight yields no pleasure, but it is a good payers then brought disgrace on the city, and plan to laugh at fate and keep one's pecker up, publie appl'Obation fot· his courage and confer the abrupt termination of His Worship's term a benefit upon the community.
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