Torfaen County Borough Council Local Development Plan (to 2021) Annual Monitoring Report 2015 October 2015 Contents Page Executive Summary 3 1. Introduction 8 2. Monitoring Framework - Overview 11 3. Contextual Change 14 4. Local Development Plan Strategy & Policy Monitoring 41 5. Sustainability Appraisal Monitoring 55 6. Conclusions and Recommendations 59 Appendices Appendix A - Detailed LDP Monitoring Tables 63 Appendix B - Detailed SA Monitoring Tables 90 Appendix C - Changes to LDP & SA Monitoring Framework 108 Appendix D - Status of Site Allocations 111 Torfaen LDP: Annual Monitoring Report - October 2015 Page 2 Executive Summary Background - The Torfaen Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted by Torfaen County Borough Council on 13th December 2013. The LDP sets out the Council’s objectives and priorities for the development and use of land within Torfaen and its policies and proposals for implementing them up to 2021. Following adoption of the LDP the Council has a statutory duty to produce an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) for submission to the Welsh Government by the 31st October each year. This is the first AMR, and is based on the preceding year from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015. The AMR has two key roles, firstly to consider whether the LDP Strategy and Policies are being implemented successfully and secondly to consider all the information gathered from the various monitoring indicators to determine whether a full or partial review of the Plan is required. The Council is required to undertake a full review of the Plan 4 years after its adoption (December 2017) unless the AMR indicates otherwise. The AMR monitors the effectiveness of delivery of the Plan, its sustainability credentials and any contextual issues that will influence its implementation. Contextual Changes - In assessing the performance of the LDP and hence determining whether a full or partial review of the LDP is required it is necessary to consider any national, regional and local contextual changes that have occurred in the preceding year that may have affected the delivery of the LDP or even necessitate the need for its review. National Context - includes considering the effects of the recession of 2008/9 and subsequent and continuing recovery, as well as associated factors, such as the Government’s ‘Austerity Measures’ and the 'bedroom tax'. Similarly, a raft of Welsh Legislation (Housing (Wales) Act 2014; The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and the Planning (Wales) Act 2015), several Bills (Environment (Wales) Bill; The Historic Environment (Wales) Bill; and the Local Government (Wales) Bill); revised Regulations (The Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 and associated LDP Manual Edition 2); and several Policy documents (revisions to Planning Policy Wales (PPW); Technical Advice Note 23 (TAN23): Planning for Economic Development; Technical Advice Note 21 (TAN21): Waste; Technical Advice Note 12 (TAN12): Design; and Technical Advice Note 1 (TAN1): Joint Housing Land Availability Studies) has also had to be assessed. Similarly, in 2014, WG published the 2011 Based Household Projections for Wales; as well as Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2014 (WIMD) (revised August 2015), which have also been considered. Regional Context - the South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party (SWRAWP) Regional Technical Statement (RTS) on Aggregates 1st Review was published in 2014; which makes a ‘zero aggregate apportionment’ (allocation) for Torfaen. Also, the South East Wales Valleys Local Transport Plan (LTP) (January 2015) continues to promote transport schemes identified in the LDP. Proposals are emerging for a ‘Cardiff City Deal’, which could provide £1 billion of transport and economic development funds into the region over the next 10-15 years. Similarly, it is likely that Torfaen will be part of the future Cardiff Strategic Development Plan (SDP) area. Of note, the whole of former ‘Gwent’ is now covered by adopted LDPs and Caerphilly has started their first LDP revision; which is considered consistent with the Torfaen LDP. Local Context - Within Torfaen progress is being made in delivering the LDP housing target and housing market areas sub-targets; and new house prices continue to rise and the housing market prospects are favourable. The commercial market (industrial, retail and leisure sectors) has also improved within Torfaen and future prospects are also favourable. The LDP affordable housing target is being delivered and should be achieved by the end of the Plan period. The latest Joint Housing Land Availability Study 2015 shows that Torfaen Torfaen LDP: Annual Monitoring Report - October 2015 Page 3 has a 4.8 years housing land supply; which is marginally below the required 5 years land supply under WG policy. However, rather than triggering a review of the LDP, the AMR sets out a number of actions intended to improve the land supply situation, on an ‘allocated’ site by site basis as well as encouraging appropriate ‘windfall’ housing sites. A new Torfaen Local Housing Market Assessment (LHMA) was published in June 2015 which has identified a continuing need for affordable housing and a slight increase in the need for socially rented properties. This has fed into the annual affordable housing (Policy H4) viability review which has indicated that changes need considering through revision of SPG (see ‘LDP Policy Effectiveness Monitoring’ section below). The Council has made progress in delivering its 21st Century Schools Programme, including three Primary Schools being built shortly; commenced preparation of its Torfaen Active Travel Plan; and been successful in obtaining WG ‘Vibrant and Viable Places’ funding which could assist with the delivery LDP housing sites and speed up delivery of affordable housing units. Finally, the large regional ‘Gwent’ Specialist & Critical Care Centre (SCCC) Hospital, which is allocated as part of the Llanfrechfa Grange Strategic Action Area’, now looks likely to be opened by August 2019 as the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board have submitted their final business case with consideration by WG expected in January 2016. Local Development Plan Policy Monitoring - An overview of the LDP Monitoring Data for the 2015 AMR provides an interesting insight into the implementation of the LDP over the monitoring period. Of particular note is the following:- . The housing land supply figure increased slightly from 4.7 in 2014 to 4.8 years in 2015; . To date 1,671 units (35.5% of the total housing requirement) has been delivered; . Major planning approvals have been given to Strategic Action Areas 1, 3 and 4 (Cwmbran Eastern Strip, Llantarnam and South Sebastopol); . The SCCC Hospital component of SAA7 at Llanfrechfa Grange has been approved; . Land required by the Regional Waste Plan has been achieved; . A Welsh medium Primary School has been approved at Panteg (under Policy CF2); . A Gypsy & Traveller facility has been approved at The Race (under Policy H7/2); and . 3ha of allocated employment land has been developed with further redevelopments on existing sites equivalent to 4.65ha. LDP Strategy Monitoring - A summary of the strategy monitoring actions relating to the adopted LDP objectives, which uses a ‘traffic lights scoring system’ is outlined below:- Revised Monitoring Actions Continue Monitoring. Officer Training Required; Production of Supplementary Planning Guidance / Development Briefs; and Policy Research. Policy Review; and Plan/Strategy Review. Table 4.1 below summarises the results of the monitoring of the 18 LDP Objectives. Table 4.1: LDP Strategy Monitoring - Summary Objectives Result 1 To ensure the provision of an appropriate quality & range of employment sites and retail opportunities to support high and stable levels of employment in Torfaen and deliver a competitive, modern and sustainable economic and thriving town centres 2 To promote health and well-being through the provision of development including community facilities, leisure and outdoor recreational Torfaen LDP: Annual Monitoring Report - October 2015 Page 4 opportunities, accessible to all 3 To ensure that the location of development does not result in unacceptable risk from flooding, subsidence or health hazards 4 To ensure the highest quality of design in all developments and delivering safe, healthy and attractive environments 5 To provide opportunities for the establishment of a network of quality educational facilities which serve local communities and are accessible for all sections of the current and future population 6 To protect, manage and enhance sustainable tourist attractions and facilities in Torfaen for the benefit of tourists and the community 7 To conserve and enhance the distinctive cultural and historic resources of the County Borough 8 To ensure that all new development reflects best practise in sustainable & design and location, construction and operation AND To minimise climate 11 change impacts through reduced emissions of greenhouse gases in both new and existing development, and to adapt to climate change through considerations of its effects in the design and location of new development 9 To allocate mineral sites if required and safeguard appropriate mineral resources from sterilization 10 To protect, manage and enhance biodiversity and ecological networks across Torfaen 12 To protect and enhance the valued landscape character of Torfaen, including important open space and sense of rurality between settlements 13 To protect Greenfield land
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