Myles Brand NCAA PRESIDENT 1942 - 2009 A LEGACY OF LEADERSHIP 1 2 MYLES BRAND Remembered Myles Brand NCAA PRESIDENT 1942 - 2009 A LEGACY OF LEADERSHIP 1 2 MYLES BRAND HAROLD LEE MILLER / FOR NCAA A Legacy of Leadership CAA President Myles Brand, the first university president to serve as the As- Nsociation’s chief executive, died Sep- tember 16 from pancreatic cancer. He was 67. “Myles Brand was a dear friend and a great academic leader. He was a tireless advocate for the student-athlete,” said Michael Adams, presi- dent of the University of Georgia and chair of the NCAA Executive Committee. “Indeed, he worked to ensure that the student was first in the student- athlete model. He will be greatly missed.” By The NCAA News and New Media Staffs HAROLD LEE MILLER / FOR NCAA A LEGACY OF LEADERSHIP 3 IN MeMorIaM • Myles BraNd Legacy continued from page 3 Brand, who began his tenure in Janu- ary 2003 after having served as president at Indiana and Oregon, died at his Indianapolis home. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in December 2008 and announced his condition to the NCAA Executive Committee, the national office staff and the leadership at NCAA member schools in January, saying the long-term prognosis for his condition was “not good.” Brand remained committed to leading the Association even through his illness, guiding the national office staff and communicating with presidential leadership up until the final days. He attended the Men’s Final Four in Detroit, was at the table for the Association’s STEPHEN NOWLAND / NCAA PHOTOS spring governance meetings and worked at Myles Brand sits on a panel during the keynote luncheon at the 2008 NCAA Convention in Nashville. his office into September. Brand built his presidency on academic reform and advocacy of intercollegiate Vice President Bernard Franklin. “This was primarily responsible for governance of the athletics, accomplishing both. Under Brand’s a man who understood the importance of Association and oversight of college sports. He leadership, Division I adopted an academic higher education, as well as the benefit of set very high standards for maintaining what’s reform structure anchored by the Academic athletics participation as part of the educa- unique about the college sports experience in Progress Rate, a team-based, term-by-term tional experience. He did not waver from an era of growing commercialism.” measure of academic success that encour- that as a tenet of NCAA operations, and as a That “growing commercialism” was a con- ages improved academic performance. result, the Association will continue to ben- cern of Brand’s, especially recently. He focused Divisions II and III also made significant efit from his influence for years to come.” the bulk of his final State of the Association advances under Brand’s watch – Division II University of Hartford President Walter address at the 2009 NCAA Convention on by implementing an identity campaign and a Harrison, who chaired the NCAA Execu- the topic, calling for a “shared responsibility” strategic-positioning platform tied to specific tive Committee during Brand’s push for among the NCAA national office staff and divisional attributes, and Division III by reform, said Brand “leaves a clear and member schools to monitor commercial trends fortifying its philosophy to manage unprec- strong legacy that captures all the best and establish both legislation and “good judg- edented membership growth. things about college sports.” ment” about policy that at its core does not put Brand also spearheaded a landmark Harrison praised Brand for his presi- student-athletes at risk in commercial activities. Presidential Task Force that in 2006 called dential leadership and “setting appropriate “There is no question that commercial ac- for institutions to moderate athletics spend- standards and the appropriate tone on our tivity is necessary for mounting intercollegiate ing and to better integrate athletics into the college campuses.” athletics programs, certainly in Division I, but mission of higher education. “Likewise, his tenure as president of the also in Divisions II and III,” Brand wrote in “Myles Brand will be remembered not NCAA marked an era of significant positive the speech that NCAA Vice President Wallace only for his unyielding demand that intercol- change,” Harrison said. “He led the Associa- Renfro delivered at the January Convention. legiate athletics reflect the values of higher tion as it became much more responsive to its “But that commercial activity must be under- education, but also for his advocacy of the members’ needs. He furthered the movement taken within the context of higher education. student-athlete,” said NCAA Executive to make university presidents and chancellors It must be done the right way. The answer is “He led the Association as it became much more responsive to its members’ needs. He furthered the movement to make university presidents and chancellors primarily responsible for governance of the Association and oversight of college sports. He set very high standards for maintaining what’s unique about the college sports experience in an era of growing commercialism.” –Walter Harrison, University of Hartford president 4 MYLES BRAND to use regulation where clear prohibitions are REMEMBRANCE evident – exploitation of student-athletes, for example – and apply values-driven judgment Indiana Response positive change. He led the Association where flexibility is required.” as it became much more responsive to “To the old phrase, a scholar and a its members’ needs. He furthered the Brand called for the appointment of an gentleman, I’d add: a gentleman and a movement to make university presidents oversight committee of membership peers gentle man. Myles was full of good will and chancellors primarily responsible for that would “review the landscape of com- and gentleness; we’re so fortunate that governance of the Association and over- IU made him a Hoosier and the NCAA mercial activity in intercollegiate athletics, sight of college sports. He set very high kept him here with us.’’ make binding determinations of instances standards for maintaining what’s unique in which there is student-athlete exploita- – Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels about the college sports experience in an tion even if NCAA amateurism rules are not era of growing commercialism. violated, and evaluate trends in commercial NCAA Response “In my role as a Board member, activity to ensure that the values of higher as chair of the Executive Committee, “Myles has been a visionary. He has as chair of the Presidential Advisory education and the best interests of the col- been extremely courageous and creative Group and as chair of the Committee legiate model of athletics are not abridged.” throughout his tenure at the NCAA. on Academic Performance, I had the The Division I Board of Directors ap- Myles is highly intelligent, skilled at special privilege of watching his leader- proved the establishment of that group at the appointing task forces for specific issues ship in the academic reform movement, its April 2009 meeting. and selecting individuals with expertise in the establishment of the Academic in given topics. Brand also was a force for diversity and Performance Program and in present- “Myles has been committed to aca- inclusion, establishing an entire department at ing a very clear message to all member demic reform and provided the NCAA institutions and the public at large that the NCAA national office devoted to increas- with the leadership to begin achieving the NCAA is committed to the academ- ing representation from all backgrounds at positive results. In the beginning, many ic success of the student-athlete. member schools and within the NCAA gover- were doubtful, resistant and even pessimis- “At the heart of all that was Myles’ nance structure. He was an outspoken cham- tic that the NCAA could make meaningful commitment to education and to a posi- pion of diversifying football’s head coaching progress in this critical area. Myles has tive experience for every student-athlete. shown everyone that academics is the first ranks in particular, supporting several NCAA For that, we will always be in his debt.” focus for student-athletes, the membership programs and coaching academies devoted – Walter Harrison, President of the University of Hartford and the organization. and former Chair of the NCAA Executive Committee and the to increasing the pool of qualified minority “When I think back about the time Division I Committee on Academic Performance candidates and providing them with network- I have spent with Myles, a distinct ing opportunities for advancement. memory comes to mind. Early in Several recent hires in football participated Myles’ tenure, we had a working dinner in those professional-development programs. with two prominent college basketball coaches. The coaches were somewhat “Diversity and inclusion were always top skeptical about his level of interest in of mind with Myles Brand,” said Charlotte athletics and perhaps surprised that he Westerhaus, NCAA vice president for diver- had been selected to serve the NCAA as sity and inclusion. “He understood the value its president. By the conclusion of the of inclusion from his dealings in higher educa- evening, though, the two coaches were tion, and that translated to intercollegiate effusive in their comments about Myles. athletics as well. He championed not only They were highly impressed with his genuine interest, his concern about the diversifying the head-coaching ranks in foot- issues in their sport and his instant abil- ball, but also leadership positions in athletics ity to converse and relate to them.” administration for both men and women.” AP PHOTO / CHRIS CARLSON – Tom Jernstedt, Executive Vice President Brand was named president-elect of the Association in October 2002 after a nation- “Myles Brand leaves a clear and “Myles Brand will be remembered al search to replace Cedric W. Dempsey, strong legacy that captures all the best not only for his unyielding demand who had announced he was retiring at the things about college sports.
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