CORN 77-13 CERN LIBRARIES, GENEVA ORGANISATION EUROPÉENNE POU'R LA RECHERCHE NUCLÉAIRE CERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUC LEAR RESEARC H THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF BEAMS IN ACCELERATORS AND STORAGE RINGS •Proceedingsofthe First Course of the Internaiicraiï School of Particle Accelerators of the 'Etf;or eMajorant' Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice ll?-ll November W76 « Director of the 'Ettorc Majorana' Centre for Scientific Culture: AntoniiwZhfa'chi Director of the International School of Particle Accelerators: KjeUJohns&t Editor ,of the Proceedings: M.H. B/ewtt GI 3N0& 1977 (g) Copyright CERN, Genève, 1977 Propriété littéraire et scientifique réservée pour Literary and scientific copyrights reserved in tous les pays du monde. Ce document ne peut aill countries of the world. 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CERN 77-13 19July 1977 ORGANISATION EUROPÉENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLÉAIRE CERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF BEAMS IN ACCELERATORS AND STORAGE RINGS Proceedings of the First Course of the International School of Particle Accelerators of the 'Ettore Majorana' Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice 10-22 November 1976 Director of the 'Ettore Majorana' Centre for Scientific Culture: Antonino Zichichi Director of the International School of Particle Accelerators: KjellJohnsen Editor of the Proceedings: M.H, Btewett GENEVA 1977 CERN - Service d'Information scientifique - RD/257 - 2800 - juillet 1977 - Ill - ABSTRACT These Proceedings present a comprehensive review of the present state of knowledge of the behaviour of beams in accelerators and storage rings. The main emphasis is on the theoretical side, covering work that has been developed from past experience, theoretical work now in progress, and problems requiring further study. The major topics covered are: single-particle dynamics, single- beam collective phenomena, statistical phenomena, and beam-beam interactions. In illustration of the theoretical aspects, some of the most recent observations on particle behaviour are quoted, particularly on beam instabilities, methods for observing them and ways for overcoming them. An introductory paper outlines some of the historical developments in the accelerator field and the concluding lecture offers a glimpse of possibilities for the future. In addition, some special seminars are presented on selected subjects outside the main theme of the Course. - v - PREFACE The first Course of the International School of Particle Accelerators took place at the "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily during the period 10 - 22 November, 1976. The aims for this School are to help young accelerator specialists acquire the most up-to-date knowledge of accelerator design and to stimulate closer cooperation in the solution of accelerator design problems among all those active in the field. The subject of the first Course was "Theoretical Aspects of the Behaviour of Beams in Accelerators and Storage Rings", and the Course was attended by 72 participants from 21 institutes in 11 countries. The aim for this first Course was, chiefly, to present a comprehensive review of the present state of knowledge of the behaviour of beams in accelerators and storage rings. The main emphasis was on the theoretical side, covering work that has been developed from past experience, theoretical work now in progress, and problems requiring further study. In illustration of the theoretical aspects, some of the most recent observations on particle behaviour were quoted, par­ ticularly on beam instabilities, methods for observing them and ways for over­ coming them. The lecturers were kind enough to edit their notes so that we are now able to present the Proceedings of the Course. We are also pleased to be able to include most of the special seminars that were given on selected topics outside the main subject of the Course. I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all the lecturers for the painstaking effort they put into both the preparation for the oral pre­ sentations and the written version of these lectures. The Centre for Scientific Culture was a very efficient and pleasant host for this Course, and our sincere thanks go to its director. Professor A. Zichichi and to his staff. Dr. A. Gabriele and Miss P. Savali. - vi - Mrs. A.M. Bugge has served as a very competent and hard-working secretary for the Course and has, in particular, had a heavy burden in preparing the manuscripts for printing. I am very appreciative of all her help. CERN has generously offered to print these Proceedings within its normal report system in view of the high value of this working material for accelerator physicists and engineers at CERN and elsewhere. I would like to take this opportunity to thank CERN, particularly the Scientific Information Services, for the assistance given in this respect. Finally, I should like to stress the help that Mrs. M.H. Blewett has provided for the preparations for this Course. She has assisted greatly in all general problems and taken care of most of the detailed arrangements. I am very grateful for the important rôle she played in making the Course a success. K. Johnsen - vii - CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE, K. Johns en 1 SINGLE-PARTICLE DYNAMICS: Linear Theory of Perfect Machines, E. Keil 11 Linear Machine Lattices, E. Keil 22 Hamiltonian Formulation, B.W. Montague 37 Linear Machine Imperfections, E. Keil 52 RF Acceleration, B.W. Montague 63 Problems in Single-Particle Dynamics Specific to Electrons, A. Renieri 82 The Importance of Non-Linearities in Modern Proton Synchrotrons, E.J.N. Wilson 111 SINGLE-BEAM COLLECTIVE PHENOMENA: Longitudinal, A. Hofmann 139 Transverse: 175 Part I - Coasting Beams, B. Zotter 176 Part II - Bunched Beams, F. Saoherer 198 Landau Damping, E.G. Hereward 219 Diagnosis and Cures for Protons, W. Schnell 231 Diagnosis and Cures for Electrons, G.-A. Voss 265 STATISTICAL PHENOMENA: Theory, H.G. Eereward 281 Experimental Results, W. Schnell 290 BEAM-BEAM INTERACTIONS: in p-p Storage Rings, E. Keil 314 in e-p Storage Rings, G.R. Rees 341 in e~e Storage Rings, J. le Duff 377 CLOSING LECTURE: What do Physicists Expect from Higher Energies? L. Van Hove 411 Page SPECIAL SEMINARS: The "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture: Its Purpose and Development, A. Ziohiohi * Progress on the CERH Super Proton Synchrotron, J.B. Adams 423 Synchrotron Radiation Facilities; Their Purpose and Design, S.P. Kapitza 446 Superconducting Magnets for Accelerators and Storage Rings, D.B. Thomas * The e+-e~ Storage Ring PETRA: Design and Present Status, G.-A. Voss 456 The Physics with Electron-Proton Colliding Beams, B.H. WHk 465 Accelerators in the Sky, G. Setti 475 *) Manuscript not available. INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE K. Johnsen CERN Geneva, Switzerland 1. Introduction The aim for this first course of the School of Particle Accelerators is to present a fairly comprehensive review of the theory of the behaviour of beams in accelerators and storage rings. Because ten days is a short time for such coverage, it has been necessary to impose some limitations on both the selection of topics and their scope. In planning the course, it was decided that the emphasis should be mainly on those theoretical aspects that are particularly pertinent for high-energy accelerators, with practically no mention of such specific low-energy accelerators as electro­ static machines, cyclotrons, etc. Also omitted will be the problems that were peculiar to the early accelerators. For example, there will be little mention of weak-focusing systems and their associated problems as the lectures immediately following will be treating alternating-gradient systems. Because this may leave some undesirable holes in your knowledge, particularly for those of you who have not before been closely associated with accelerators, I intend to devote this introductory lecture to a short review of the history of accelerators, especially of those that were pro­ posed or in operation before the development of alternating-gradient machines. In doing so, I shall be referring considerably to two books by Livingston *-'2' where those who are interested can find more details about the development of the art of building accelerators. 2. First Linear Accelerators It is rather arbitrary where we begin but, personally, I feel that 1924 is a rather appropriate starting date, as it was in this year that Ising in.Sweden proposed the first system that would give particles more energy than that provided by the maximum voltage in the system. He proposed, - 2 - in fact, the first electron linear accelerator with drift tubes •*) 5ut this was never built.
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