U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EARTHQUAKE SUMMARY MAP XXX U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M7.2 Colombia Earthquake of 15 November 2004 Epicentral Area Tectonic Setting of Colombia and Vicinity 79° 78° 77° 76° 75° 74° Seismicity of Colombia and Vicinity 80° 75° 70° 8° 8° 80° 75° 70° N E T H E R L A N D S Darien EXPLANATION N E T H E R L A N D S RELATIVE PLATE MOTIONS PANAMA C A R I B B E A N S E A A N T I L L E S Main Shock C A R I B B E A N S E A A N T I L L E S 1974 WEST COASCT OoFr dCOoLbOaMBIA CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN The relative motion of adjacent tectonic El Bagre CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN La Lucia Bolivar 15 November 2004 PLATE PLATE plates is depicted on the map by short 1976 15 November 2004 09:06:56.45 UTC PLATE PLATE vectors located at selected points on the 4.691° N., 77.510° W. 1976 1996 1977 Aftershocks Caracas plate boundary. In this presentation, one Depth 15 km Caracas 10° 10° plate (the reference plate) is assumed to Mw = 7.2 (USGS) Los Chorros 15 - 24 November 2004 10° 10° be fixed. The vector therefore rep- 1975 2000 1992 resents the direction of the moving plate Two people seriously injured, several others slightly injured, aRte mleedaiosst Depth Classes Panama City 7° 1991 7° Panama City relative to the reference plate. The rate P A N A M A 317 buildings destroyed and 112 damaged at Pizarro. Four people 0 - 69 km P A N A M A of relative motion is labelled next to the El Tigre injur1e9d9 a2t Pereira. Three people injured and at least 39 houses 70 - 299 PANAMA V E N E Z U E L A vector. destroyed or damaged at Buenaventura. Some buildings damaged Bocas del Carare PANAMA V E N E Z U E L A Magnitude Classes PLATE at Cerrito, El Cairo, JamunAdni atnido Rqeustireapo. Some damage and power PLATE The components of the vector perpen- and telephone service interrupted at Cali. Power interrupted at Bogota. 4.0 - 4.4 dicular and parallel to the plate margin NORTH Felt at Armenia, Quibdo and in much of western and centSranl- JCoseo dloel mNubs iaPu.e to Berrio 4.5 - 4.9 A1 NORTH P A C I F I C ANDES approximate convergent/divergent and ANDES A1' 5.0 - 5.4 P A C I F I C O C E A N PLATE l transverse direction of motion between Santander PLATE a 5.5 - 5.9 O C E A N t the plates, respectively. As viewed from 1970 San Carlos 70 mm/yr l 70 mm/yr n the fixed plate, an inward directed com- a 6.0 - 6.4 t e i ponent suggests convergence at and EXPLANATION n r 6° 6° 5° 5° 5° 5° e near the plate boundary that may be ex- A2' l 6.5 - 6.9 A2 O Main Shock d NAZCA a pressed as crustal folding, uplift, thrust Choco i Bogotá NAZCA Bogotá r a PLATE c t r faulting, or plate subduction. Similarly, Boyaca 7.0 - 7.4 PLATE c n e á an outward directed component sug- 15 November 2004 e l Otanche O l i C C O L O M B I A gests plate divergence such as would San Cayetano Plate Boundary C O L O M B I A a d r Depth Classes a r be expected at a zone of crustal spread- e LA DORADA Yacopi l r o Continental Convergent l e C ing. Transcurrent or transform faulting i l Caldas Paime 0 - 69 km d l would be expected when the predom- Victoria Topaipi Continental RL Transform r i PACIFIC o d Risaralda MARIQUITA 70 - 299 r inant vector component is parallel to the HONDA Oceanic LL Transform C o plate margin. 300 - 700 C 1995 Bravo, Cerro Subduction OCEAN Guaduas Magnitude Class 5° Bajo Baudo San Lerenzo CHINCHINA ARMERO 5° Volcano In western South America, the Nazca Cajica 1973 LA VIRGINIA Alban 4.0 - 4.9 plate is moving generally eastward rela- El Cajon Tolima Siviru PEREIRA Ruiz Tolima EPICENTRAL AREA tive to the fixed South America plate. The 1979 CARTAGO 5.0 - 5.9 EPICENTRAL AREA 0° 0° Santa IsabeCl undinamarca Usaquen 0° 0° Noanama VENADILLO Peru-Chile Trench and the Andes are the 2004 Quimbaya 1990 Puli BOGOTA 6.0 - 6.9 Quito Tolima La Mesa Urbanized Area Quito SOUTH AMERICA PLATE result of subduction of the Nazca Plate. 1973 Alvarado SOUTH AMERICA PLATE 1991 LA VICTORIA Bogotá 7.0 - 7.9 E C U A D O R In western Colombia, the motion of the La Vibora 1980 Machin, Cerro Populated Place E C U A D O R ROLDANILLO 1999 IBAGUE 8.0 - 8.9 B R A Z I L Nazca plate relative to the South Ameri- Quindio B R A Z I L PayandeGIRARDOT Cerrito Plate Boundary S can plate is about 70 mm/yr. SEVILLA Distrito Especial Bugalagrande Chicoral Pandi E EL ESPINAL Continental Convergent Ceibito Tulua Highways and Roads Barragan San Juan 1995 GUAMO D 4° San Pedro Cabrera 4° Continental Rift BUENAVENTURA 1997 San AntonioORTEGA Villarica Saldana Castillo Railroad Continental LL Transform N Valle del Cauca 1997 Olaya Herrera Loboguerero GUACARI Continental RL Transform CHAPARRAL P E R U EL CERRITO Airport P E R U A Dagua NATAGAIMA Oceanic Convergent Yumbo Rionegro Active Civil and Military PALMIRA Oceanic LL Transform 5° 5° CALI 5° 5° 80° 75° 70° EXPLANATION Pradera Active Civil 80° 75° 70° SCALE 1:10,000,000 at the Equator Alpujara Subduction SCALE 1:10,000,000 at the Equator Mercator Projection Florida Mercator Projection Main Shock Jamundi Kilometers Active Military Kilometers 1980 Villa Rica AipeVillavieja Uribe Volcano 0 50 100 200 300 400 Corinto 0 50 100 200 300 400 15 November 2004 Other Micay Buenos Aires Tello Suarez Santander Huila 3° Santa Maria 3° Generalized Seismic Hazard of Colombia and Vicinity Depth Classes NEIVA 80° 75° 70° Mondomo 1994 Palermo Jambalo 1967 Toez Meta 0 - 69 km Timbiqui Caldono Rivera Morales Teruel LARGEST EARTHQUAKES 1964 - 2002 Depth Profile A1- A1' Betania N E T H E R L A N D S 0 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 400 km 500 km 600 km 700 km 70 - 299 Piendamo CAMPOALEGRE EPICENTRAL AREA 0 km 0 km Silvia C A R I B B E A N S E A A N T I L L E S Guapi 300 - 700 INza Juntas Huila YR MO DY LAT LON DEPTH MAG Mosquera Totoro CARIBBEAN El Tambo Magnitude Class Natanjo POPAYAN CARIBBEAN LA PLATA Gigante PLATE Cauca Timbio Purace 1967 2 9 2.888 -74.803 40.7 6.4 PLATE 4.0 - 4.9 1970 9 26 6.237 -77.528 11.8 6.0 Majagual Purace Pital 1973 4 3 4.604 -75.668 151.2 6.1 La Argentina GARZON 5.0 - 5.9 Playa Grande Argelia La Sierra Ullacos 1973 4 24 4.907 -78.113 25.2 6.4 El Bordo Tarqui San Vicente del Caguan Caracas Sotara 1974 7 13 7.736 -77.632 4.9 6.4 100 km 100 km 10° 10° 6.0 - 6.9 Pizarro Los Balboa Altamira Guadalupe 1975 1 25 7.154 -77.766 35.2 6.0 2° Timana 2° 7.0 - 7.9 Isnos La Cabana 1976 7 11 7.489 -78.246 5.6 6.8 San Agustin Puerto Rico 1976 7 11 7.372 -78.071 17.9 7.3 Panama City 8.0 - 8.9 San Antonio Bolivar Santo Domingo Pitalito TUMACO Acevedo Bocas Argelia 1977 8 31 7.352 -76.159 20.8 6.6 P A N A M A Payan Mercaderes Sucre Plate Boundary Barbacoas Puerto Manrique 1979 11 23 4.793 -76.190 108.4 7.2 El Coco Narino 1980 6 25 4.471 -75.756 165.3 6.4 V E N E Z U E L A Cacao Policarpa La Union FLORENCIA PANAMA Continental Convergent Petacas 1980 9 3 3.235 -78.127 30.7 6.1 1987 3 6 0.115 -77.868 5.8 6.0 200 km 200 km PLATE San Lorenzo 0 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 400 km 500 km 600 km 700 km Espriella El Pexol Dona Juana Belen de Los Andaquies Morelia Travesia El Tablon Candilejas 1987 3 6 0.083 -77.786 16.7 7.2 Continental Rift El Diviso La Montanita Chachaguf San Jose 1987 3 6 0.041 -77.666 12.3 6.4 NORTH Junin Samaniego El Guio Continental LL Transform La Tolda 1990 11 23 4.706 -75.560 142.9 6.0 San Lorenzo Ancuya Galeras Condagua P A C I F I C ANDES Ricaurte Consaca PASTO 1991 4 4 7.052 -78.120 33.0 6.2 Continental RL Transform Sibunday Valparaiso O C E A N PLATE l Santiago MOCOA Caqueta 1991 11 19 4.549 -77.361 21.0 7.2 La Palma Yacuanquer a Tuquerres Panama Maldonado 1992 10 17 6.869 -76.726 14.0 6.8 t Oceanic Convergent Azufral, Volcan Curillo Depth Profile A2- A2' 70 mm/yr l 1992 10 18 7.093 -76.764 3.3 7.3 1° 1° 0 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 400 km 500 km 600 km 700 km n Timbre Cumbal Iles 0 km 0 km a Oceanic LL Transform 1994 6 6 2.912 -75.971 12.0 6.8 t e i Maldonado Carlosama Pena de Barro 1994 9 13 7.100 -76.659 14.0 6.1 n r TULCAN La Florida 5° 5° Subduction Esmeraldas Carolina Las Animas 1995 2 8 4.052 -76.589 74.0 6.4 e l Bellavista O Orito El Billar d 1995 8 19 5.106 -75.589 120.0 6.6 NAZCA a Solano i Bogotá Julio r a Volcano Carchi Putumayo La Esperanza 1996 11 4 7.364 -77.379 14.0 6.3 PLATE c t r La ConcepcionSan Gabriel Buenos Aires Cubita 1997 9 2 3.823 -75.703 206.0 6.8 c n ECUADOR e á Soche Puerto Asis Corozal Cuba Varadero e l Salinas 1997 12 11 3.907 -75.769 178.0 6.4 O l La Bonita Mecaya i Seismic Hazard C C O L O M B I A 1999 1 25 4.445 -75.657 17.0 6.2 a d Matapalo 100 km 100 km r r Santa Rosa de Sucumbios 2000 11 8 7.091 -77.811 17.0 6.5 a 0.2 - 0.4 m/sec² Imbabura Tina e r o Farfan l Play Boy Bolivia El Guamo l e C Garcia Moreno Pena Blanca Guitora i l 0.4 - 0.8 Olmedo Tudos l Puerto Putumayo d i r Malchingui 1987 Sucumbios Concepcion o d 0.8 - 1.6 Pichincha La Mana r Cayambe C o 1.6 - 3.2 0° 1987 Hacha 0° C 79° Pululagu a 78° 77° 76° 75° 74° 3.2 - 6.4 200 km 200 km 6.4 - 9.8 0 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 400 km 500 km 600 km 700 km EPICENTRAL AREA 0° 0° Quito DATA SOURCES SOUTH AMERICA PLATE DISCUSSION E C U A D O R EARTHQUAKES AND SEISMIC HAZARD USGS, National Earthquake Information Center The earthquake occurred near the boundary of the Nazca and B R A Z I L South American plates.
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