1 ^o X %^.^f Digitized by the internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Corporation of the Presiding Bishop, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints http://www.archive.org/detaiis/westernmissionsm01smet ^c y^.^ t y^y ..^' . w :i:i{N i I I \'!v;\fo\ \«i>ir^- NEW YORK !. J. K^.NEOY, axcBLSioR cATHo: re p'TL.'-^ii/. J Hoasn, ' ,• c p.i ' S , i: ; r. WESTERN MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES; A SEKIES OF LETTERS, REV. P. J. 1)K SMKT, or THE aocimr or jwn, ArniOR or "Indian SKtrcHia," -'Urkuos Missiuns," Eto. m NEW YORK: P. J. KENEDY, BXCBLSIOR CATHOLIC PUBLISHING HOUSB^ 5 Barclay Street. EntereJ acconlinia: to Act of Congresp. in the vear "'M®. By JAMES B. KIKKEI;. la the Clerk's Office of the District C0...1 <>J Llie United dt*,te3 tor the Souther. District of No-k York. CONTENTS. DKSCRIPTIVB LBTTERS. L«mR rioi I. Voyage from Belgium lo Lima in 1844 13 II. Journey to tlie Gnat Dedort in 1849—The I'rairies 2« III. Journey to the Great Desert in 1349—Tlie Mauvaises Tcrrcs 32 IV. Journey to the Great Desert in 1849—The Ponkahs 88 V. Journey lo the Great Desert in 1849—Tlie Ogulhilla Cliief.. 40 VI. Journey to the Great Desert in 1849—Proapccta of the Indians 61 I. Appeal' to Belgium 68 II. Journey to the Great Desert in 1851— Death of Father Hoeken 61 III. Travels in the Great De-sert in IS.M 69 IV. Travels in the Great Desert in 18M "9 V. Travels in the Great Desert in 1851 90 VI. Travels in the Great Desert in 1851 —The Great Peace Council 101 VII. Travels in the Great Desert in 1851—Homeward Journey . 112 VIII. Voyage and Wreck on the Humboldt in 1853 121 IX. The Letter of the Crazy Bear, Asslniboin Chief 180 X. Kcligious Opinions of the Assiniboins 134 XI. Indian Hunts 146 XII. Indian Warfare 156 XIII. Tchatka, the Poisoner, an AssiniboinX^hief 168 XIV. The Indian Question 206 XV. Waloniika and the Dclawares 218 XVI, Kistalna and Maria, parents of Watomika 281 XVII. Fire-worship 240 XVIII. Four Tribes of the Black-Feet—Gros-Ventres, Pegans, Blood-Tribe, and Hlack-Feet Proper 258 . t CONl'KNIS. Letter fagb XIX. The Sioux— Fiitlier C. Hoeken'a Letters 262 XX. Tributes to the Flat-Heads—Pater and Ave in Osage . 275 XXI. Oregon Missions 280 XXII. Indians of tlie Rocky Mountains 292 XXIII. The Flat-Heads 295 XXIV. The Flat-Heads—Father A. Hoeken's Letters 806 XXV. The Potawatomies 819 XXVI. The Potawatomies—Father Duerinok's Letter 830 XXVII. Excursion among the Potawatomies 341 XXVIII. The Osages—Father Bax's First Letter 350 XXIX. The Osages— Father Bax's Second Letter 3«1 XXX. The Osages—Father Bax's Third Letter 371 XXXI. Conversion of Kandolpli Benton, son of Hon. T. H. Benton 373 XXXn. Religious Situation of St. Louis and St. Ferdinand^ Death of Father Bax—The Osages 37S XXXIII. The Mormons 890 XXXIV. Missions of Kentucky 898 XXXV. The UrsuUnes of America 406 XXXVL Voyage of the Leopold I. from Antwerp to New York. 417 BIOGRAPHICAL LETTERS. XXXVn. Eev. Charles Nerinckx 424 KXXVIII. I'ather Charles Felix Van Quickenborne, 8. J 464 XXXIX. Father Theodore de Theux, S.J 474 XL. Father John Anthony Elet, S. J 486 XLL Father John Baptist Smedts, S. J 492 XLII. Father Fr.anois Xavier d'Hoop, S. J 495 XLIII. Death of the Right Rev. James 0. Van de Velde 499 XLIV. Father John Nobili, S. J 508 XLV. Father Anthony Eysvogels, S. J 520 XLVL Father John B. Dueriuck, S. J 521 PREFACE TO THE BELGIAN EDITION. BY FATFIKK KDWAKD TKKWECOItEN, B. J. Charles NerInckx, formerly parish priest of Ever- berg-Meerbeek, near Louvain, in Belgium, and early missionary of Kentucky, made two voyages to Eu- rope to obtain pecuniary aid and fellow-soldiere tor the conquest of souls in tlie New World. In July, 1821, on leaving Belgium, which he was never aj^ain to see, he was accompanied by several Belgians—namely, Felix Verreydt, of Diest ; Josse Van Assche, of St. Amand ; Peter Joseph Verhae- gcn, of Haecht; John Baptist Smedts, of Rotselaer; John Anthony Elet, of St. Amand ; and Peter John De Smet, of Termoude. The last named, who had just attained his twenty- first year, began by this first voyage his long and perilous courses by seas and torrents, deserts and forests, amid whites and Indians— in a word, the 8 PKKFACK. thdusand dangers and privations which surround an apostolic man in his fiir-distant and solitary expedi- tions. Tlie bold and evangelical peregrinations of our fellow-countryman and brother in Christ have been crowned with the most consoling results for the Church, and by a necessary consequence iur true civilization, which is effected by Catholicism. The apostolate of Father De Smet is pursued until this day with zeal and perseverance. Already, in 1853j his united journeys represented an extent of land and water surpassing live times the circumfer- ence of the globe ! Since then he has crossed the ocean three times, and traversed immense conn- tries. We offer ardent prayers that God may long preserve this untiring laborer in the vineyard of the Lord. Following the example of his predecessors in the labors of foreign missions, Father De Smet has taken numerous notes concerning the countries he has visited. These notes, the result of profound study of men and things, have a bearing on several branches of science and the arts: Geography, Natural History, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Manners, Customs, Creeds— all are here. To be convinced of the extent and variety of these notes, as well as of the pictu- resque and curious adventures of the traveller, it PltKKACK. 9 suflBces to look at tho contents, or glance tlirongb tlie volume. Similar subjects liave been treated in tbe preced- ing works of the missionary, of which we deem it useful tf) give the bibliograpiiy. 1. Letters ami Sketchcn, with a Narrative of a Year's Resi- dence among the Indian Tribes of the Rocky-Mountains. Pliilu- delpljia, iMiblislRMl l>_v M. Fitliiiui, 1843. 12°, pp. ix.-252. Voyages aux Montaffues-Roeheuses, et une annie de sejour chez Us Trihus Indiennes du vaste Territoire de V Oregon depen- dant des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, ]mr le R. P. Pierre De Siiiet, missionnaire de la Coinpagnie de Jesus. Malines, P. J. Iluuicq, 1844. In-12, pp. vi.-304. Reis naar het Rotsiiehergte {Rocky Mountains), door Eerw. rader De Sinet, Belgiseh zendeling in de Vereenigde Staten. 1840-1841. Deveiiter, bij J. W. Kobijiis en coiup. An edition in Italian, issued by Louis Prevete. Palermo, 1847. 2. Oregon Missions and Travels over the Rocky Mountains in 1845—46. New York, published by Edward Dunigan, 1847. 120, pp. xii.-408. 3. Missions de V Oregon et voyages aux Montagnes- Rochetises et aux Sources de la Colombie, de I' Athabasca et du Sascatsha- win en 1845—40, par le P6re P. J De Smet, de la Societe de J6siis. Gand, Van der SobeUlen. In-12, pp. ix. -389. (L'appro- bation est de 1848.) Translated by Fallier De Smet. Missien van den Oregon en Reizen naer de Rotsbergen en de Bronnen der Colombia, der Athabasca en Sascatshaxein in 1845-46. Door Pater P. J. De Smet. Geiid, \V' Van der Schel- den. In-12. Missions de l' Oregon et Voyages dans les Montagnes- Rocheuset en 1845-46, par le P6re P. J. De Smet, de la Societe de Jesus. 10 PUKF^CE. Ouvrage tradiiit de rmigliiis par M. Bonrlez. Paris, librairie de PoussielgiiL-Rusand. A Lyon, chez J. B. Pelagand et Cie. 1848. In-12, pp. 408. (Paris, impriinerie de Poussielgue.) A different translation from that issued in Belgium. 4. Voyage au O-rand Desert en 1851, par le R. P. Pierre De Sinet, ijiissiunnaire de la Compagnie de Je.-iiis. Bruxelles, im- pi-iiiierie de J. Vandereydt, 1853. In-18, i)p. 4b6, tire a part des Precis Historlques dii P. Terwecoren. 5. The Indian Missions in the United States o/ America, under the care of the Missouri Province of the Society ofJesus. Phila- delphia, King & Baird, 1841. 12°, pp. 34. Contains: 7b i^c most Sev. ArcKbishop and Right Rev. Bishops in Provincial Council assembled. Dated St. Louis, May 3d, 1830, signed P. J. Verliaegen. Extract from a Letter of Father De Smet, mis- sionary among the Pottawatomie Indians, 1838, jjp. 9-22. A letter from the same, dated St. Louis University, February 4th, 1841, pp. 22-34. 6. Cinquante Nouvelles Lettres du R. P. De Smet, de la Com- pagnie de Jesus et missionnaire en Amerique, pnbliees par Ed. Terwecoren, de la mfeme compagnie. Paris et Tournai, IL Casterman, 1858. In-12, pp. ix.-504. Such are tlie principal publications on tlie thirty- seven years' journeys of the missionary of the Rocky Mountains. We hope soon to be able to complete and publish in the Precis Histcxriques a succimit table of all theae expeditions, or an Itinerary of the Voyages and Missions of Father De Smet. Tliis table, drawn up in chronological order, will contain the names of the places visited or seen successively since 1821, and some brief remarks, as well as the number of miles travelled. PKEFAOK. 11 We adopted as tlie motto of the work which we " edit these words of Father De Smet : Never have I reiiiarked tlie least sign to alarm modesty." They siiow that the works of Father De Siiiet may be read l)y all without distinction. And altliough this cor- respondence relates to the gross and nomadic tribes, there is never a word which need alarm the most chaste, or excite a blush on even a virginal brow.
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