ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL LITERACY TEST RESULTS: SCHOOLS IN THE TORONTO DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD First-time Eligible Students 2018-2019 The attached list presents the results for each school in the T oronto District School Board for the Ontario Secondary School L iteracy Test (OSSLT) administered in 2018-19. Students who took the test wer e in Grade 10 (first-time eligible students) or in Grade 11/12 (previously eligible students). “First-time eligible students are working t oward an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). These students are expected to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) for the first time in the spring of their second year of secondary school; this also applies to students who entered Grade 10 from out of province” (EQAO School Board Report , Explanation of Terms, 2018-19, p.27)*. The results presented here are for first-time eligible students. The overall results for the TDSB and for the province are inclu ded. Results are provided for two reporting methods. All eligib le students are “all students in the cohort who are working toward an OSSD. The only students excluded are those who are not working toward an OSSD (exempt students)” (EQAO School Board Report , Explanation of Terms, 2018-19, p.27)*. Fully participating students includes “students for whom there is work for both sessions of the administration of the OSSLT an d who were assigned an achievement result (successful, not successful). Students who are not working toward an OSSD, those who were absent and those who were deferred are excluded” (EQAO School Board Report , Explanation of Terms, 2018-19, p.27)*. The following statistics are provided: Number Eligible to Write the number of students eligible to write the test in that school Number Participating the number of students fully participating in the OSSLT (if they were present for both sessions of the administration) Successful the percentage of students who fully participated in the OSSLT, with results that met or exceeded the requirements Not Successful the percentage of students who fully participated in the OSSLT, with results that did not meet the requirements Absent the percentage of eligible students who were absent Deferred the percentage of eligible students who were deferred To protect against the disclosure of personal information assoc iated with individual student results, a series of suppression rules are implemented for the public release of OSSLT results. Statistics have been suppressed where the number of respondents is so low that individual results could be determined from the aggregate value. 1 N/R: “Not reported” indicates that the number of participating students in a school is so small that identification of indiv idual student results might be possible; therefore, results are not reported. 2 N/D: “No data available” is used to indicate that there were no students for the year specified. *For further details please visit http://www.eqao.com 1/5 Pages ALL ELIGIBLE STUDENTSFULLY PARTICIPATING Number First- Number Not Not School Name Successful AbsentDeferredSuccessful time Eligible Participating Successful Successful Province 134168 124251 74% 18% 2% 6% 80% 20% TDSB 15506 14074 75% 16% 2% 8% 82% 18% A Y Jackson Secondary School 238 231 85% 12% 1% 2% 87% 13% Agincourt Collegiate Institute 307 301 94% 4% 0% 2% 96% 4% Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute 247 221 74% 16% 2% 8% 82% 18% ALPHAALPHA IIII AlternativeAlternativ Schoole Scho ol N/R1 N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Alternative Scarborough Education 1 N/D2 N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D Avondale Secondary Alternative School 12 10 67% 17% 0% 17% 80% 20% Bendale Business and Technical Institute (Consolidated with David & Mary Thomson CI from September 2019) 67 39 6% 52% 42% 0% 10% 90% Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute 189 182 70% 26% 1% 3% 73% 27% Bloor Collegiate Institute 201 197 87% 11% 1% <1% 89% 11% Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D C W Jefferys Collegiate Institute 193 183 59% 36% 1% 4% 62% 38% Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute 260 239 70% 22% 1% 7% 76% 24% Central Etobicoke High School N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D Central Technical School 227 120 25% 28% 3% 44% 48% 52% Central Toronto Academy 91 84 74% 19% 0% 8% 80% 20% City School 20 18 65% 25% 0% 10% 72% 28% Contact Alternative School N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute 264 244 71% 22% 6% 2% 77% 23% David and Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute 234 206 56% 32% 3% 9% 63% 37% Delphi Secondary Alternative School 23 19 74% 9% 0% 17% 89% 11% Don Mills Collegiate Institute 190 182 81% 15% 2% 3% 85% 15% Downsview Secondary School 128 84 40% 26% 1% 34% 61% 39% Dr Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute 239 216 79% 11% 1% 9% 88% 12% Drewry Secondary School N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D 2/5 Pages ALL ELIGIBLE STUDENTSFULLY PARTICIPATING Number First- Number Not Not School Name Successful AbsentDeferredSuccessful time Eligible Participating Successful Successful Earl Haig Secondary School 394 366 88% 5% 2% 5% 95% 5% East York Alternative Secondary School N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R East York Collegiate Institute 239 222 65% 28% 4% 3% 70% 30% Eastdale Collegiate Institute N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Emery Collegiate Institute 109 67 38% 24% 3% 36% 61% 39% Emery EdVance Secondary School N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Etobicoke Collegiate Institute 251 241 73% 24% 4% <1% 76% 24% Etobicoke School of the Arts 234 232 95% 4% <1%<1% 96% 4% Etobicoke Year Round Alternative Centre N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Forest Hill Collegiate Institute 173 160 74% 18% 0% 8% 80% 20% Frank Oke Secondary School N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D George Harvey Collegiate Institute 79 61 44% 33% 1% 22% 57% 43% George S Henry Academy 81 48 51% 9% 0% 41% 85% 15% Georges Vanier Secondary School 178 154 69% 18% 1% 13% 79% 21% Greenwood Secondary School N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D HarbordHarbor d CollegiateCollegiat Institutee Instit ute 249 244 92% 6% 2% <1% 94% 6% Heydon Park Secondary School 17 14 12% 71% 12% 6% 14% 86% Humberside Collegiate Institute 287 276 88% 8% 0% 4% 92% 8% Inglenook Community School N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Jarvis Collegiate Institute 134 121 69% 21% 0% 10% 77% 23% John Polanyi Collegiate Institute 195 176 62% 28% 0% 10% 69% 31% Kapapamahchakwew ‐ Wandering Spirit School N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Kipling Collegiate Institute 96 70 33% 40% 0% 27% 46% 54% Lakeshore Collegiate Institute 150 127 61% 23% 1% 14% 72% 28% L'Amoreaux Collegiate Institute 110 97 67% 21% 5% 7% 76% 24% Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute 268 264 94% 5% 1% 1% 95% 5% Leaside High School 279 277 96% 3% 0% 1% 97% 3% Lester B Pearson Collegiate Institute 287 267 77% 16% 1% 6% 83% 17% Malvern Collegiate Institute 281 274 93% 5% 2% 0% 95% 5% 3/5 Pages ALL ELIGIBLE STUDENTSFULLY PARTICIPATING Number First- Number Not Not School Name Successful AbsentDeferredSuccessful time Eligible Participating Successful Successful Maplewood High School N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute 428 355 68% 15% <1% 17% 82% 18% Martingrove Collegiate Institute 290 281 83% 13% <1%3% 86% 14% Monarch Park Collegiate Institute 187 177 83% 12% 5% 0% 88% 12% Native Learning Centre N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Native Learning Centre East N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Newtonbrook Secondary School 148 116 50% 28% 1% 20% 64% 36% North Albion Collegiate Institute 156 129 67% 16% 1% 16% 81% 19% North East Year Round Alternative Centre N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R North Toronto Collegiate Institute 285 277 91% 7% 0% 3% 93% 7% North West Year Round Alternative Centre N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R Northern Secondary School 433 418 85% 12% 2% 2% 88% 12% Northview Heights Secondary School 336 304 79% 12% 1% 8% 87% 13% Oakwood Collegiate Institute 82 72 52% 35% 0% 12% 60% 40% Oasis Alternative Secondary School 23 13 30% 26% 26% 17% 54% 46% Parkdale Collegiate Institute 133 113 71% 14% 2% 13% 84% 16% Parkview Alternative School N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R R H King Academy 328 320 88% 9% 0% 2% 90% 10% Richview Collegiate Institute 248 240 87% 10% 1% 2% 90% 10% Riverdale Collegiate Institute 289 284 89% 9% 0% 2% 91% 9% Rosedale Heights School of the Arts 273 267 93% 5% 1% 1% 95% 5% Runnymede Collegiate Institute 108 100 65% 28% 1% 6% 70% 30% SATEC @ WA Porter Collegiate Institute 280 274 88% 10% 1% 1% 90% 10% Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D School of Experiential Education N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R School of Life Experience N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R SEED Alternative School N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D Silverthorn Collegiate Institute 212 201 76% 19% 1% 4% 80% 20% Sir John A Macdonald Collegiate Institute 212 203 79% 17% <1%4% 82% 18% 4/5 Pages ALL ELIGIBLE STUDENTSFULLY PARTICIPATING Number First- Number Not Not School Name Successful AbsentDeferredSuccessful time Eligible Participating Successful Successful Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute 249 240 78% 19% 3% 1% 80% 20% Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate Institute 344 323 75% 19% 2% 4% 80% 20% Sir William Osler High School N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R South East Year Round Alternative Centre N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute 134 98 62% 11% 1% 25% 85% 15% Subway Academy I 19 13 42% 26% 26% 5% 62% 38% Subway Academy II N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D THESTUDENTSCHOOL N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D Thistletown Collegiate Institute 98 73 66% 8% 1% 24% 89% 11% Ursula Franklin Academy 117 116 99% 0% 1% 0% 100% 0% Victoria Park Collegiate Institute 268 246 69% 23% 2% 6% 75% 25% West End Alternative School N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R West Hill Collegiate Institute 155 112 50% 22% 3% 25% 70% 30% West Humber Collegiate Institute 238 207 75% 12% 3% 10% 86% 14% Western Technical‐Commercial School 284 259 70% 21% 2% 7% 76% 24% Weston Collegiate Institute 252 225 58% 31% 2% 8% 65% 35% Westview Centennial Secondary School 196 166 39% 45% 4% 11% 46% 54% Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts 289 276 78% 17% <1%4% 82% 18% William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute 335 287 81% 5% 0% 14% 94% 6% Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute 122 104 48% 37% 1% 14% 57% 43% Woburn Collegiate Institute 212 207 80% 18% 1% 1% 82% 18% York Humber High School N/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/RN/R York Memorial Collegiate Institute 181 172 81% 14% 0% 5% 85% 15% York Mills Collegiate Institute 246 236 89% 7% 1% 3% 93% 7% Yorkdale Secondary School N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D 5/5 Pages.
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