.____ _ _ ___ J, _ _ ;_ PORTLAND DAILY ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.—YOL. 10. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 1879. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. — THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. The Hartford Courant is not complimen- The Democratic Published Tomfoolery. every day (Sundays excepted) by the _MISCELLANEOUS._ THE PRESS. to the Maine Nasby. tary Greenbaekers. It says [Washington Dispatch to New York Herald.] PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., their Convention would “discredit the in- There CITY OF PORTLAND. FRIDAY JFRE «. is, as everybody sees who does not At 100 MORSINR, mates of The Citizens of “Confedrit” Cross Roads Exchange St., Portland. any well-regijjated insane asylum, happen to be a Democratic statesman, jnst one to Build. Hold Terms : Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- FINE Drains and Sewers both as to the resolutions and the a to Give to The World for the Democrats to ont of the mire ! ^ Meeting way CLOTHING e do not read letters and communi- adopted get ers Seven Dollars a if in advance. anonymous Year, paid the Com- of Their Views as to The General Condi- into which have and that is to Proposals will l»o received by cations. The name and address of the writer are in general conduct the convention. The they walked, mittee on Drains and Hewers till MONDAY, THE PRESS SEALED all cases not for members intoxicated with their accidental tion of Things—Rev. Petroleum V. Nas- pass the army and legislative MAINE~STATE the 9th inst.. at 12 o’clock noon, for Hew- indispensable, necessarily publica- appropriation building tion We are now ers in West Commer- but as a of faith. hills pttre and and If do is published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a prepared to show the handsomest line of Fine Clothing Elm, Congress, Cumberland, guaranty good partial victory of last year, seemed to by’s Report of The Meeting. simple adjourn. they cial to and imag- year, if paid in advance at $2.00 a year. and North Streets, according plaus speci- We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- this at once and without further ever ns. tlicatious at Civil office. The com- ine that hold a the en- any tomfoolery exhibited by Having obtained our material directly from the City Engineer’s munications they mortgage upon mittee tno to or all bids that that are not used. they even claim before the that, Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, the reserve right reject any tire United and all. In all might country for the interest of the States, specie The citizens uv the Corners hev bin length of column, constitutes a “square.” manufacturers, or their agents, at first prices, and recognizing the may not bo deemed city. pro- they had established an issue for the next elec- $1.50 first 75 cents JAMES CUNNINGHAM, history there has never been known moved the sitooashen in per square, daily week; per Every regular attach^ of the Press is furnished probably foundly by uv things tion. But instead of this and Chairman. straight- % week after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- general tendency to economize and the demand for lower we je3dlw such a case of simple prices, with a Card certificate T. ‘big-head’ as that under which Washington, and felt called upon to make sum ing every other day after first week, 50 cents. countersigned by Stanley forward course tiiey arc preparing an elaborate Half square, three insertions or less, 75 this season made it our PROPOSALS. Pullen, Editor. All steamboat and hotel the so-called is expression uv their tho that cents; have earnest endeavor to place our goods at the railway, greenback party staggering.’. feelingsjon topiks to sneak out of their the main one week, $1.00: 50 cents per week after. plan difficulty, managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding are now agitaten the Special Notices, one-third additional. lowest figures consistent with keutry. demerits of which are, that in the first place i Under head of ‘‘Amusements” and “Auction for furnishing materials for and put- credentials of every person to represent our The Corners felt called claiming The Bangor Commercial says: “The upon to express in will not $2.00 three inser- PPOroSALSting on roof of new Trinity Church, Lewiston, journal. succeed, and in the next, if it did, it Sales,” per square per week; a manner tions or to and to be found at at Portland of a number of public that it the result less, $1.50. according plans specifications meeting large recognizes would only make them more contemptible than in the the office of Mr. John B. will con- Advertisements inserted “Maine State Htraw, Lewiston, uv the late war, and desires nuthin so much ez tinue to he received at said office prominent Democrats, are. Press” (which has a large circulation in every part Honest Material and until June 25tli. representing nearly they already of for Workmanship. The committee reserve the to and peace and quiet; that it fully recognizes the the State), $1.00 per square for first insertion, right reject any every section of the State, developed the “He’ll have to sign that,” a Democratio and 50 cents for all bids. Per order Committee. A State Convention per square each subsequent inser- Building Republican fact that the nigger is free, and is entitled to statesman said with an air of to tion. Lewiston. 1879. fact that there was a triumph your We are in and May 2G, my28td general feeling among can confident that quality of material, trimmings work, WILL BE HELD IN rites; and that the Comers is to correspondent to-day, “and then nobody Address all communications to the in of a trooly loyal Democrats favor new candidate say we backed down, and we shall have carried our Fine cannot be Customers will the Government of the Yoonited States. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. manship Clothing surpassed. please of Portland. an Democratic the day after all.” City NOROMBEGA HALL, upon unequivocal platform, I BANGOR, called the meetln at the meetin-house, the “But suppose he vetoes it, what then?” your bear this in mind, and also the fact that we are selling all our goods indorsing, among other things, the course of asked. May 17, 1879. Thursday, Juue 26,1879, at 11 o’cl’k A. M. scene uv so many demonstrations, and a com- correspondent virtue of an order passed the City Council May the Democratic in upon “Then,” replied this remarkable statesman, ENTERTAINMENTS. on a for majority Congress mittee uv ladies headed Mrs. Bascom BY 10,1879, such purpose, the Joint Stand- for the of a by pre- “then he will have no purpose nominating candidte for Gov- the election silver courts, no money for ing Committee on Finance of the Portland will bills and upon the bills, it for the solium okkasion. It wuz City ernor, and for whatever business pared grand or petit jurors, or for the maintenance “He doth bestride the world like a Colossus.”— receive proposals transacting may for the relief of the This is un- with the the of federal so Julius Cwsar. properly come before it. people.” draped flags uv different confed- prisoners, *id on.” VERY SMALL MARGIN OF PROFIT. Until 12 o’clock M. of June 16th, 1879, And this The kind to Governor Garcelon. rit regiments wich wuz raised in this seckshun, is the great plan of the Democratic For the basis of representation will be one delegate Purchase of the City’s Interest in and that the proper excitement mite be pro- wiseacres—to sprinkle salt on the President’s for each town and and an addition the Stocks, Bonds and mortgages of the city, plantation, doosed, all the reliks uv the war wuz brot tail. To say that it is childish is to To this assortment we invite your earliest al The Springfield Union certainly does not speak inju- inspection. delegate for every seventy-five votes cast for the out and displayed. Deekin Pograin’s dawtor riously of the sense of real children. But the fawn on the Maine Greenbaekers. It Portland and Rochester Railroad Republican candidate for Governor in 187G. A says Mirandy hod on each side uv the pulpit desk truth is the Democrats are at their wits’ ends. Company, majority fraction will bo entitled to a attlie State Convention “to be the skulls uv two Federal hireiins wich her An influential western Democrat said to your exclusive of the Accumulated said delegate. they appeared Sinking Fund, fhc State will lover brot from Bull Run, illuminated with correspondent a few road being 52% miles from Port- Committee be in session the evening in that state of mind in which a man sees days ago:— IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT long, extending candles, wich wuz flanked tho bones “We must Hayes to if it land, Maine, to Rochester, N. H. preceding and at 9 o’clock the of the Con- by thigh get sign something, morning snakes and thinks he owns the entire coun- uv is not The Councel reserve several other hireiins wich Mc- much better than a blank sheet of paper. City the right to reject any or vention, to receive the credentials of delegates. Captain all bids not believed to be for the Interest and ‘idvan- The was Pelter brot from Andersonville. The drum We dare not go home until he signs something In the try. Convention one of the largest tage of the Cty. selecting Delegates the Republicans are wich IsRaker Gavitt beet at Fort Pillow wuz for ns.” And that seems to be the opinion of a ever held in the and of Information in regard to the condition of the in- urged to assemble in full numbers and to invoke the State was made up draped with a battle flag Simon Pettus kerried good many of these demoralized statesmen, terest of the City in said Bonds GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER stocks, and mort- aid and co-operation of all voters who are willing to the disgruntled of all classes, wlio arc enti- at the aarno victory, and other mementoes uv who forced the extra session as the grandest be obtained of the gages may Mayor, Chairman of the great tor tho uv tlio South piece of strategy of modern times.
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