6,250 subscribers www.TML1.org Volume 61, Number 17 November 8, 2010 Economy showing signs Haslam wins in landslide victory of slow improvement Republicans make major gains in state, national elections BY CAROLE GRAVES plained Murray. “State revenue TML Communications Director collections reached their pre-re- BY CAROLE GRAVES cession peak in the 2007 / 2008 Reporting that the “worst is fiscal year. Since that time, sales In a landslide victory, Knox- over” and the economy is showing tax collections have eroded ville Mayor Bill Haslam was elected some signs of improvement, one sharply, though the rate of decline the 49th governor of Tennessee, of UT’s top economists is predict- is showing signs of easing.” winning more than 65 percent of the ing that it will take well over two For the year as a whole, he votes over Democratic challenger years before the state of Tennes- predicted that taxable sales should Mike McWherter. see fully rebounds from the reces- advance 2.1 percent in 2010, sub- In his victory speech, Haslam sion. stantial improvement over the 7.6 said he will focus on job creation “After an 18-month recession percent loss last year. On a fiscal and improving education as some of that officially ended in June 2009, year basis, taxable sales are ex- his top priorities. Short-term, he ac- the recovery has begun, but it is pected to fall 2.5 percent in the knowledged he will face a $1.5 bud- moving forward slowly," wrote current fiscal year before record- get deficit that will require some Matt Murray, associate director of ing a 3.3 percent gain in the 2010 tough decisions. the UT Center for Business and / 2011 fiscal year. "This is an incredible honor and Economic Research, in a new re- On the job front, Murray said an incredible responsibility," said port titled "The Tennessee Busi- that short-term, the labor market is Haslam. "I've never been more opti- ness and Economic Outlook: Fall expected to see a slow recovery. mistic and positive about what we 2010." State unemployment rate will can do in Tennessee." The report is produced annu- likely average 10.4 percent for With Haslam’s election to the Photo by Mark Humphrey/AP ally for the governor and is up- 2010 and remain stuck above 10 governor’s office, it is the first time dated on a quarterly basis. percent through 2011. in modern history Tennessee will Governor-elect Bill Haslam celebrates his sweeping victory, winning 65 “The state economy should “This will translate into more have a Republican governor and percent of the votes over Democratic challenger Mike McWherter. begin seeing improvement in the than 300,000 unemployed people majorities in both state houses. trict between Democratic incumbent Democratic challenger Brett Carter. economic conditions as 2010 un- in Tennessee in 2010 and 2011 And just as Republicans swept Rep. Lincoln Davis and Republican The seat has been held since 1985 by folds,” said Murray. “However, a and put sustained pressure on the across the nation to victory in the challenger Scott DesJarlais. Lincoln Democrat Bart Gordon, who chose strong and vigorous rebound is state’s unemployment insurance 2010 mid-term elections, the GOP lost the battle by a significant mar- not to run. not expected. Even if rapid trust fund,” said Murray. made significant gains in the Ten- gin, 38 percent to DesJarlais’ 57 In the 8th District, another long- growth does emerge – it would be Prior to the recession, the state nessee state House, state Senate, percent. term Democrat Rep. John Tanner at least two years before economic unemployment rate stood at 5.3 and with Tennessee’s congressional In the 6th District, the GOP elected not to run. Republican Steve conditions return to their pre-re- percent in the fourth quarter of delegation. picked up another seat from Demo- Fincher took the seat with a victory cession levels.” 2007. U.S. Congress crats with the election of Republi- over Democrat Roy Herron, win- Murray said that revenues are “The number of unemployed One of the most heated con- can Diane Black. Black was elected ning with 59 to 39 percent of the not expected to surpass their pre- people has nearly doubled since gressional races was in the 4th Dis- with 67 percent of the vote over See ELECTION on Page 8 recession peak until the 2012 / the start of the recession,” said 2013 fiscal year. Murray. “The recession that has run Murray explained that most amok on the economy has had a recessions are relatively short in Joe DiPietro named 24th president of UT similarly devastating impact on duration and have modest effects and the state. sales tax collections, as well as on long-term patterns of economic Joe DiPietro has been elected the 24th president of the University As chancellor of the UT Insti- overall revenue collections,” ex- See ECONOMY on Page 5 of Tennessee. tute of Agriculture, DiPietro over- The Board of Trustees elected sees UT Extension, AgResearch, the DiPietro (dee-pee-AY'-troh) during College of Agricultural Sciences Update on city recorder their fall meeting Oct. 22. He will and Natural Resources, and the Col- replace Jan Simek, who has served lege of Veterinary Medicine. as interim president since 2009. DiPietro also served as dean of the certification process The president of the University College of Veterinary Medicine at of Tennessee leads a system consist- the University of Florida from 1997 to 2006. went into effect must become certi- ing of campuses in Knoxville, Chat- BY MARGARET NORRIS He rose to tenured professor of fied within four years. tanooga and Martin; the Health Sci- MTAS Management Consultant veterinary clinical medicine and vet- Are there any exceptions? ence Center based in Memphis; the erinary pathobiology at the Univer- The exceptions are: statewide Institutes of Agriculture In 1994, Public Chapter No. sity of Illinois, Urbana, and held • Any clerk or recorder in a mu- and Public Service, and the Space 648 added a law that required mu- administrative positions there in- nicipality of less than 1,500 popu- Institute in Tullahoma, which is nicipal clerks and recorders to be- cluding assistant director of the Ag- lation; managed by UT Knoxville. come certified by completing 100 riculture Experiment Station and as- • Any municipal clerk or recorder DiPietro currently is chancellor hours of education. sociate dean for research of the Col- Joe DiPietro who is licensed (and required to of the UT Institute of Agriculture, a The legislation also required lege of Veterinary Medicine. maintain the license) to practice position he has held since 2006. His president and then acting president that the certification be maintained DiPietro earned his bachelor's, law in the state of Tennessee; title was changed from vice presi- for a brief stint after Lamar by obtaining 18 hours of continuing doctor of veterinary medicine and Alexander left to be U.S. Secretary • Any clerk or recorder who is a dent to chancellor in July. education every three years. This master's degrees at the University of of Education. Eli Fly, who served as certified public accountant with With the help of the search firm law can be found in Tennessee Code Illinois, Urbana. a current certificate issued by Witt/Keiffer, the University devel- acting president from 2001 to 2002, Annotated (T.C.A.) §6-54-120, and DiPietro and his wife, Deb, have the state board of accountancy in oped several key qualifications and also previously served as executive the accompanying regulations can three children and six grandchil- Tennessee; and expectations of the next president. vice president. His title was retroac- be found in the Secretary of State’s dren. Deb DiPietro is a member of • Any appointed city manager or The president advocates for the Uni- tively changed to permanent presi- Rules and Regulations 1360-6-1. the Tennessee Museum Commis- dent after he left office. administrator who possesses a versity and is a spokesperson for all Who Must Comply? sion and is a volunteer for a variety The Presidential Search Com- Master of Arts degree in public higher education in the state; works Any municipality with a popu- of organizations in Tennessee. administration. with state and federal legislators and mittee nominated Brian Noland and lation of 1,500 or greater (according promotes the university to secure DiPietro is the first candidate DiPietro to the board for consider- to the 1990 or any subsequent fed- from within the university to be Also exempt from the initial re- appropriations and in decision- ation. The candidates were nar- eral census) that employs an officer elected president since Joe Johnson, quirement is any person who has making that affects the University; rowed from a list of 71 applicants. or employee responsible for the du- who was president from 1991 to It has not yet been determined served as both a city judge and city is the chief fundraiser for the Uni- ties of a municipal clerk or recorder 1999. Johnson was vice president when the new president will likely recorder for at least 25 years. Not- versity; and has a connection to or — taking and preserving minutes, prior knowledge of the University for development and executive vice take office. serving as custodian of records, withstanding these exceptions, any providing and certifying copies, city or town may, by ordinance, re- etc. — must have at least one certi- quire the clerk or recorder to obtain The Pool’s “New Breed” is here to serve fied person. Of course, a municipal- certification, even if it is exempted under the population requirements ity may have more than one certi- BY MICHAEL FANN the University of Tennessee with a experience as a firefighter and the (fewer than 1,500 residents).
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